Septimal kleisma — 16:15 diatonic semitone. 16:15 diatonic semit … Wikipedia
Septimal diatonic semitone — Major diatonic semitone Inverse major seventh Name Other names Septimal diatonic semitone Abbreviation Size Semitones … Wikipedia
Septimal interval — In, music theory, septimal interval may refer to:*Septimal whole tone *Septimal major third *Septimal minor third *Septimal quarter tone *Septimal sixth tone *Harmonic seventhor,*Septimal comma *Septimal diesis *Septimal meantone temperament … Wikipedia
Septimal major third — Infobox Interval| main interval name = Septimal major third inverse = Septimal minor sixth complement = Septimal minor sixth other names = Supermajor third | abbreviation = M3 semitones = 4 | interval class = 4 | just interval = 9:7| cents equal… … Wikipedia
Major sixth — Inverse minor third Name Other names septimal major sixth, supermajor sixth Abbreviation M6 Size Semitones … Wikipedia
Minor sixth — Inverse major third Name Other names Abbreviation m6 Size Semitones 8 … Wikipedia
Neutral sixth — Inverse neutral third Name Other names Abbreviation n6 Size Semitones 8½ … Wikipedia
Diminished sixth — Inverse augmented third Name Other names Abbreviation d6[1] Size … Wikipedia
Septimal minor third — Infobox Interval| main interval name = Septimal Minor Third inverse = Septimal major sixth complement = Septimal major sixth other names = | abbreviation = m3 semitones = 3 | interval class = 3 | just interval = 7:6 cents equal temperament = 300| … Wikipedia
Whole tone scale — Qualities Number of pitch classes 6 Maximal evenness Degenerate well formed collection In music, a whole tone scale is a scale in which each note is separated from its neighbors by the interval of a whole … Wikipedia