- List of mountains of the United States
This list of mountains of the United States includes significant mountain peaks and high points located in the
United States of America arranged alphabetically by state, district, or territory.ignificant mountain peaks and high points
Brindley Mountain
*Capshaw Mountain
*Cheaha Mountain , highest summit of theState of Alabama
*Colvin Mountain
*Gunters Mountain
*Keel Mountain
*Lookout Mountain
*Monte Sano
*Red Mountain (Birmingham, Alabama)
*Sand Mountain (Alabama) Alaska
Afognak Mountain , summit ofAfognak Island
*Anvil Peak , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofSemisopochnoi Island
*Atna Peaks
*Atuk Mountain , summit ofSt. Lawrence Island
*Baranof Island High Point , summit ofBaranof Island
*Bashful Peak
*Black Mountain (Alaska) , highest summit of theDe Long Mountains
*Buldir Volcano ,stratovolcano that forms the summit ofBuldir Island
*Carlisle Island High Point , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofCarlisle Island
*Chichagof Island High Point , summit ofChichagof Island
*Cloud Peak (North Slope, Alaska) , highest summit of thePhilip Smith Mountains
*Cold Bay Volcano
*Denali , seeMount McKinley
*Eagle Peak (Alaska) , summit ofAdmiralty Island
*Flat Top Mountain (Sitka City and Borough, Alaska)
*Flattop Mountain (Anchorage, Alaska)
*Frosty Peak ,stratovolcano
*Granite Range High Point
*Great Sitkin Volcano , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofGreat Sitkin Island
*Hanagita Peak
*Hinchinbrook Island High Point , summit ofHinchinbrook Island
*Iliamna Volcano , activestratovolcano
*Isanotski Peaks ,stratovolcano
*Isthmus Peak
*Kichatna Spire
*Knight Island High Point , summit ofKnight Island
*Koniag Peak , summit ofKodiak Island
*Korovin Volcano , activestratovolcano forms the summit ofAtka Island
*Makushin Volcano , activestratovolcano
*Mentasta Mountains High Point
*Montague Island High Point , summit ofMontague Island
*Mount Adagdak ,stratovolcano
*Mount Akutan , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofAkutan Island
*Mount Amak , activestratovolcano
*Mount Amukta , activestratovolcano
*Mount Angayukaqsraq , highest summit of theBaird Mountains
*Mount Aniakchak , activestratovolcano
*Mount Augustine , activelava dome that forms the summit ofAugustine Island
*Mount Bassie
*Mount Bear
*Mount Blackburn , highest summit of theWrangell Mountains
*Mount Bona
*Mount Carlisle , activestratovolcano
*Mount Chamberlin (Alaska) , highest summit of theBrooks Range and theArctic United States
*Mount Chiginagak , activestratovolcano
*Mount Cleveland (Alaska) , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofChuginadak Island
*Mount Crillon
*Mount Deborah
*Mount Douglas (Alaska) , activestratovolcano
*Mount Drum ,stratovolcano
*Mount Dutton , activestratovolcano
*Mount Edgecumbe (Alaska) ,stratovolcano that forms the summit ofKruzof Island
*Mount Etolin , summit ofEtolin Island
*Mount Fairweather
*Mount Foraker
*Mount Foresta
*Mount Gareloi , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofGareloi Island
*Mount Gilbert (Alaska) ,volcano that forms the summit ofAkun Island
*Mount Griggs , activestratovolcano
*Mount Harper
*Mount Hayes ,stratovolcano remnant
*Mount Hesperus
*Mount Hunter (Alaska)
*Mount Huntington (Alaska)
*Mount Igikpak , highest summit of theSchwatka Mountains
*Mount Iliamna , activestratovolcano
*Mount Juneau
*Mount Kagamil , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofKagamil Island
*Mount Kaguyak ,stratovolcano
*Mount Kanaga , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofKanaga Island
*Mount Katmai , activestratovolcano
*Mount Kimball (Alaska)
*Mount Kiska , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofKiska Island
*Mount Mageik , activevolcano
*Mount Makushin , activestratovolcano
*Mount Marcus Baker
*Mount Martin (Alaska) , activestratovolcano
*Mount McKinley ,The summit ofMount McKinley (Denali ) at 6194 meters (20,320 ft) is the highest summit of theAlaska Range , theState of Alaska , the United States of America, andNorth America .] highest summit of theState of Alaska , theUnited States , andNorth America
*Mount Michelson (Brooks Range)
*Mount Michelson (Chugach Mountains)
*Mount Miller
*Mount Moffett ,stratovolcano that forms the summit ofAdak Island
*Mount Natazhat
*Mount Neacola
*Mount Okmok , activeshield volcano
*Mount Palmer (Alaska)
*Mount Pavlof , activestratovolcano
*Mount POW/MIA
*Mount Quincy Adams (Fairweather Range)
*Mount Recheshnoi , activestratovolcano
*Mount Redoubt (Alaska) , activestratovolcano that forms the highest summit of theChigmit Mountains
*Mount Reid , summit ofRevillagigedo Island
*Mount Ripinski
*Mount Roberts (Alaska)
*Mount Russell (Alaska)
*Mount Saint Elias , highest summit ofWrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve and the second highest summit of both theUnited States andCanada
*Mount Sanford (Alaska) ,volcano
*Mount Seguam , activestratovolcano
*Mount Shishaldin , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofUnimak Island
*Mount Spurr , activestratovolcano
*Mount Steller (Chugach Mountains) ,stratovolcano
*Mount Susitna
*Mount Tom White
*Mount Torbert
*Mount Trident , activestratovolcano
*Mount Vancouver
*Mount Veniaminof , activestratovolcano
*Mount Vsevidof , activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofUmnak Island
*Mount Westdahl , activevolcano
*Mount Wrangell , activeshield volcano
*Novarupta , activelava dome
*Pavlof Sister ,stratovolcano
*Peak 5390
*Peak 6200
*Peak 6915
*Peak 8010
*Peak 8084
*Peak 8336
*Peak 8488
*Pioneer Peak (Alaska)
*Pogromni Volcano
*Polar Bear Peak
*Prince of Wales High Point , summit of Prince of Wales Island
*Pyre Peak , summit ofSeguam Island
*Regal Mountain
*Sanak Peak , summit ofSanak Island
*Segula Peak ,stratovolcano that forms the summit ofSegula Island
*Snow Tower
*Sovereign Mountain
*Tanaga Volcano, activestratovolcano that forms the summit ofTanaga Island
*Thibodeaux Mountain , highest summit of theEndicott Mountains
*Truuli Peak
*Tukgahgo Mountain
*Ugashik-Peulik , activestratovolcano
*University Peak (Alaska)
*Wiki Peak
*Yantarni Volcano Arizona
A Mountain
*Agassiz Peak
*Ajo Peak
*Baboquivari Peak
*Black Mesa (western Arizona)
*Camelback Mountain
*Chiricahua Peak
*Coyote Buttes
*Doyle Peak
*El Capitan (Arizona)
*Escudilla Mountain
*Four Peaks
*Fremont Peak (Arizona)
*Granite Mountain (Arizona)
*Gu Achi Peak
*Hualapai Peak
*Humphreys Peak , highest summit of theState of Arizona
*Kaibab Plateau High Point
*Kendrick Peak
*Kitt Peak
*Miller Peak
*Mingus Mountain
*Mount Baldy (Arizona)
*Mount Elden
*Mount Graham
*Mount Hopkins (Arizona)
*Mount Lemmon
*Mount Tipton
*Mount Union (Arizona)
*Mount Wrightson
*Navajo Mountain
*Picketpost Mountain
*Piestewa Peak
*Pusch Ridge
*Red Butte
*Roof Butte
*San Francisco Peaks , four highest summits of Arizona
*Sentinel Peak (Arizona)
*SP Crater
*Sunnyslope Mountain
*Sunset Crater
*Superstition Mountain
*Tempe Butte
*Thimble Peak
*Thompson Peak Arkansas
Mount Magazine , highest summit of theState of Arkansas
*Petit Jean California
Adams Peak (California)
*Alamo Mountain
*Anderson Peak (San Bernardino Mountains)
*Ash Creek Butte
*Avawatz Peak
*Babbitt Peak
*Bald Eagle Mountain (California)
*Bear Mountain (Sierra Nevada)
*Big Maria Mountains High Point
*Big Pine Mountain
*Birch Mountain (Sierra Nevada)
*Black Butte (Chocolate Mountains)
*Black Butte (Northern California Coast Range)
*Black Kaweah
*Black Mountain (Siskiyou County, California)
*Boulder Peak
*Breckenridge Mountain
*Brown Peak (Kern County, California)
*Bully Choop Mountain
*Burney Mountain
*Burnt Peak
*Butt Mountain
*Cady Peak
*Cahto Peak
*Castle Peak (California)
*Cathedral Peak (California)
*Chanchelulla Peak
*Chews Ridge
*Cinder Cone
*Clark Mountain
*Cobb Mountain
*Cone Peak
*Copernicus Peak
*Coso Peak
*Cottonwood Peak
*Coyote Mountain
*Crater Peak (California)
*Cuyamaca Peak
*Devils Peak , summit ofSanta Cruz Island and highest summit of theChannel Islands of California
*Dixie Mountain
*Double Mountain
*Dry Mountain
*Eagle Crags
*Eagle Mountain (California)
*Eagle Peak (California)
*Edgar Peak
*El Capitan
*Frazier Mountain
*Fredonyer Peak
*Freel Peak
*Fremont Peak (California)
*Fresno Dome
*Funeral Peak
*Glass Mountain (California)
*Glass Mountain (Mono County, California)
*Granite Mountain (Riverside County, California)
*Granite Mountain (San Bernardino County, California)
*Half Dome
*Hawkins Peak
*Hayfork Bally
*Highland Peak
*Hines Peak
*Hot Springs Mountain
*Hot Springs Peak
*Hull Mountain
*Indian Creek Baldy
*Iron Peak
*Jobs Peak
*Junipero Serra Peak
*Keddie Peak
*Kern Peak
*Kettle Benchmark
*Keynot Peak
*King Peak (California)
*Kingston Peak
*Kuna Peak
*Lassen Peak , activelava dome
*Lassic Mountain
*Last Chance Mountain
*Leavitt Peak
*Lembert Dome
*Liberty Cap (California)
*Loma Prieta
*Maggies Peak
*Mammoth Mountain
*Manly Peak
*Matterhorn Peak
*Maturango Peak
*Medicine Lake Volcano ,shield volcano
*Middle Palisade
*Minarets (California)
*Mission Peak
*Montgomery Peak
*Mount Baden-Powell (California)
*Mount Baxter (California)
*Mount Conness
*Mount Dana
*Mount Darwin (California)
*Mount Davis (California)
*Mount Diablo
*Mount Disappointment (California)
*Mount Dubois
*Mount Eddy , highest summit of theKlamath Mountains
*Mount Gabb
*Mount Gibbs
*Mount Hamilton (California)
*Mount Hoffman
*Mount Hoffmann
*Mount Hood (California)
*Mount Hopkins (California)
*Mount Humphreys
*Mount Ingalls
*Mount Kaweah
*Mount Keith
*Mount Langley
*Mount Lee
*Mount Lola
*Mount Lyell
*Mount Morgan (Inyo County, California)
*Mount Morgan (Mono County, California)
*Mount Morrison
*Mount Muir
*Mount Orizaba , summit ofSanta Catalina Island
*Mount Patterson
*Mount Pinchot (California)
*Mount Pinos
*Mount Ritter
*Mount Russell (California)
*Mount San Antonio
*Mount San Gorgonio
*Mount Shasta - activestratovolcano that is the highest summit of theCalifornia Cascade Range
*Mount Sill
*Mount Tamalpais
*Mount Tom (California)
*Mount Tyndall
*Mount Umunhum
*Mount Warren (California)
*Mount Whitney , highest summit of the Sierra Nevada, theState of California , and theContiguous United States
*Mount Williamson
*Mount Wilson (California)
*New York Mountains High Point
*Nopah Range High Point
*North Palisade
*North Yolla Bolly Mountain
*Observation Peak (California)
*Olancha Peak
*Old Woman Mountain
*Ord Mountain
*Owens Peak
*Palomar Mountain
*Piute Peak
*Potato Peak
*Preston Peak
*Pyramid Peak (California)
*Quail Mountain
*Rainbow Ridge
*Red Kaweah
*Red Mountain (California)
*Red Slate Mountain
*Resting Spring Range High Point
*Reyes Peak
*Round Top
*Russian Peak
*Saddleback Mountains
*Salmon Mountain
*San Benito Mountain
*San Gorgonio Mountain , highest summit of theTransverse Ranges
*San Jacinto Peak
*San Rafael Mountains
*Sandstone Peak
*Sanhedrin Mountain
*Santa Ynez Peak
*Santiago Peak
*Sheep Hole Mountains High Point
*Silver Peak (El Dorado County, California)
*Slate Mountain
*Smith Peak (Tuolumne County, California)
*Snow Mountain East Peak
*South Butte
*South Yolla Bolly Mountain , highest summit of theNorthern California Coast Range
*Spectre Peak
*Split Mountain (Sierra Nevada)
*Straw Peak
*Telescope Peak
*The Whaleback
*Thirst Benchmark , summit ofSan Clemente Island
*Thompson Peak (Trinity Alps, California)
*Thunderbolt Peak
*Tiefort Mountains High Point
*Tin Mountain
*Toro Peak
*Tower Peak
*Turtle Mountains High Point
*Twin Peaks (California)
*Waucoba Mountain
*Whale Peak
*Whipple Mountains High Point
*White Mountain (California)
*Willow Creek Mountain Colorado
Anthracite Peak
*Antora Peak
*Argentine Peak
*Aspen Mountain (Colorado)
*Bald Mountain (Colorado)
*Bard Peak
*Bennett Peak
*Berrian Mountain
*Bison Peak , highest summit of theTarryall Mountains
*Black Mountain (Moffat County, Colorado)
*Black Mountain (Park County, Colorado)
*Blair Mountain , highest summit of theWhite River Plateau
*Blanca Peak , ancientstratovolcano is the highest summit of theSangre de Cristo Mountains
*Bushnell Peak
*Capitol Peak (Colorado)
*Carbon Peak
*Carbonate Mountain
*Castle Peak (Colorado) , highest summit of theElk Mountains
*Castle Peak (Sawatch Range)
*Chair Mountain
*Chalk Benchmark
*Cheyenne Mountain
*Clark Peak (Medicine Bow Mountains) , highest summit of theMedicine Bow Mountains
*Cochetopa Dome
*Columbus Mountain
*Conejos Peak
*Cornwall Mountain
*Crater Peak (Colorado) , summit of theGrand Mesa
*Crested Butte
*Crestone Needle , highest summit of theCrestones
*Crestone Peak
*Crystal Peak (Tenmile Range)
*Culebra Peak , highest summit of theCulebra Range
*Devils Head , highest summit of theRampart Range
*Diamond Peak (Colorado) , highest summit of theDiamond Plateau
*Dolores Peak
*East Beckwith Mountain
*East Spanish Peak
*El Diente Peak
*Eldorado Mountain
*Elk Mountain (Colorado)
*Ellingwood Point
*Elliott Mountain
*Fishers Peak , highest summit ofRaton Mesa
*Flat Top Mountain (Colorado) , highest summit of the Flat Tops
*Gothic Mountain
*Graham Peak
*Grays Peak , highest summit of theFront Range and highest point on theContinental Divide
*Green Mountain (Kenosha Mountains)
*Greenhorn Mountain , highest summit of theWet Mountains
*Grizzly Peak (Colorado)
*Hagues Peak
*Half Peak , highest summit of the East CentralSan Juan Mountains
*Handies Peak
*Henry Mountain
*Hesperus Mountain (Colorado)
*Horse Mountain
*Horsefly Peak , highest summit of theUncompaghre Plateau
*Horsetooth Mountain
*Humboldt Peak (Colorado)
*Huntsman Mountain Northwest
*Huron Peak
*Iron Mountain (Colorado)
*Jacque Peak
*James Peak
*Kit Carson Peak
*La Plata Peak
*Laramie Mountains High Point , highest summit of theLaramie Mountains
*Lavender Peak , highest summit of theLa Plata Mountains
*Little Bear Peak
*Little Cone
*Lizard Head
*Lone Cone
*Long Branch Baldy , highest summit of theCochetopa Hills
*Longs Peak , highest summit of the SouthernFront Range
*Lookout Mountain (Colorado)
*Marcellina Mountain
*Maroon Peak
*Matchless Mountain
*Missouri Mountain
*Mount Adams (Colorado)
*Mount Antero , highest summit of the SouthernSawatch Range
*Mount Bailey (Colorado)
*Mount Belford
*Mount Bierstadt
*Mount Columbia (Colorado)
*Mount Democrat
*Mount Elbert , highest summit of theSawatch Range , theRocky Mountains , and theState of Colorado
*Mount Eolus , highest summit of theNeedle Mountains
*Mount Evans
*Mount Guero
*Mount Gunnison
*Mount Harvard , highest summit of theCollegiate Peaks
*Mount Herard
*Mount Jackson (Colorado)
*Mount Lamborn
*Mount Lincoln (Colorado) , highest summit of theMosquito Range
*Mount Lindsey
*Mount Massive
*Mount Meeker
*Mount Mestas
*Mount of the Holy Cross , highest summit of the NorthernSawatch Range
*Mount Oso
*Mount Ouray , highest summit of the Far SouthernSawatch Range
*Mount Owen , highest summit of theRuby Range
*Mount Oxford (Colorado)
*Mount Powell (Colorado) , highest summit of theGore Range
*Mount Princeton
*Mount Richthofen
*Mount Shavano
*Mount Sherman
*Mount Silverheels
*Mount Sneffels , highest summit of theSneffels Range
*Mount Sopris
*Mount Werner
*Mount Wilson (Colorado) , highest summit of theSan Miguel Mountains
*Mount Yale
*Mount Zirkel , highest summit of the Park Range
*Mount Zwischen
*Mummy Mountain (Colorado)
*Nokhu Crags
*North Arapaho Peak
*North Mamm Peak
*North Table Mountain
*Ouray Peak
*Park Cone
*Parkview Mountain , highest summit of theRabbit Ears Range
*Parry Peak
*Peak 10
*Peak 13,010
*Pigeon Peak
*Pikes Peak , highest summit of SouthernFront Range , easternmost 4000 meter peak of theUnited States , and the inspiration forAmerica the Beautiful
*Piñon Mesa High Point
*Ptarmigan Peak , highest summit ofSouth Williams Fork Mountains
*Puma Peak
*Pyramid Peak (Colorado)
*Quandary Peak , highest summit of theTenmile Range
*Red Mountain (Colorado)
*Red Table Mountain
*Redcloud Peak
*Rio Grande Pyramid
*San Luis Peak , highest summit of theLa Garita Mountains
*Sand Mountain North , highest summit of theElkhead Mountains
*Sawtooth Mountain
*Sheep Mountain
*Sleepy Cat Peak
*Snowmass Mountain
*South River Peak
*South Table Mountain (Colorado)
*Specimen Mountain
*Stewart Peak
*Storm King Mountain (Colorado)
*Sultan Mountain
*Summit Peak , highest summit of the SouthernSan Juan Mountains
*Sunlight Peak
*Sunshine Peak
*Tabeguache Peak
*Tanks Peak
*Thirtynine Mile Mountain
*Tomichi Dome
*Torreys Peak
*Tower Mountain
*Treasure Mountain (Colorado)
*Turret Peak (Colorado)
*Twilight Peak , highest summit of theWest Needle Mountains
*Twin Sisters Peaks
*Uncompahgre Peak , highest summit of theSan Juan Mountains
*Ute Peak , highest summit ofUte Mountain
*Vermilion Peak
*Vestal Peak , highest summit of theGrenadier Range
*Waugh Mountain , highest summit of theSouth Park Hills
*West Buffalo Peak
*West Elk Peak , highest summit of theWest Elk Mountains
*West Spanish Peak , highest summit of theSpanish Peaks
*Wetterhorn Peak
*Whetstone Mountain
*Williams Mountains High Point
*Williams Peak
*Wilson Peak
*Windom Peak
*Windy Peak , highest summit of theKenosha Mountains
*Zenobia Peak , highest summit of theEastern Uinta Range Connecticut
Bear Mountain (Connecticut)
*Mount Sanford (Connecticut)
*The southern flank ofMount Frissell is the highest point of theState of Connecticut The summit ofMount Frissell is located in theCommonwealth of Massachusetts , although the highest point of theState of Connecticut is located on the southern flank of the mountain.]Delaware
Ebright Azimuth , highest summit of theState of Delaware Florida
Arabia Mountain
*Big Bald Mountain
*Black Mountain (Georgia)
*Blood Mountain
*Brasstown Bald , highest summit of theState of Georgia
*Coosa Bald
*Cowrock Mountain
*Currahee Mountain
*Dick's Knob
*Double Spring Knob
*Flat Top
*Glade Mountain
*Grassy Ridge
*Hightower Bald
*Horsetrough Mountain
*Kennesaw Mountain
*Levelland Mountain
*Little Kennesaw Mountain
*Lookout Mountain
*Mount Oglethorpe
*Pine Mountain (Cobb County, Georgia)
*Rabun Bald
*Rich Knob
*Rich Mountain (Georgia)
*Rock Mountain (Georgia)
*Rocky Knob (Georgia)
*Rocky Mountain (Georgia)
*Screamer Mountain
*Slaughter Mountain
*Springer Mountain
*Stone Mountain
*Sweat Mountain
*Three Sisters (Georgia)
*Tray Mountain
*Unicoi Range
*Wildcat Mountain (Georgia)
*Wolfpen Ridge
*Yonah Mountain
*Young Lick Hawaiʻi
Haleakalā ,shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Maui
*Hualālai,shield volcano on theIsland of Hawaiʻi
*Kaʻala ,shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Oʻahu
*Kamakou ,shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Molokaʻi
*Kawaikini ,shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Kauaʻi
*Kīlauea, activeshield volcano on theIsland of Hawaiʻi
*Kohala,shield volcano on theIsland of Hawaiʻi
*Lānaʻihale ,shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Lānaʻi
*Mauna Kea ,The summit ofMauna Kea at 4205 meters (13,796 ft) is the highest summit of theIsland of Hawaiʻi , theState of Hawaiʻi , and the entireNorth Pacific Ocean . Mauna Kea is also the tallest mountain onEarth as measured from base to summit. Theshield volcano sits on the ocean floor at a depth of convert|5998|m|ft|0|sp=us for a total height of convert|10203|m|ft|0|sp=us.]shield volcano that is the summit of theIsland of Hawaiʻi , the highest summit of theState of Hawaiʻi , and the tallest mountain on Earth as measured from base to summit
*Mauna Loa ,Theshield volcano Mauna Loa is the most voluminous mountain onEarth with an estimated volume of 74,000 km³ (17,800 cubic miles), or enough material to fill theGrand Canyon more than 18 times.] , activeshield volcano that is the most voluminous mountain on Earth
*Puʻu Kukui ,shield volcano on theIsland of Maui
*Tantalus (Oahu) ,cinder cone on theIsland of Oʻahu Idaho
Big Baldy
*Black Pine Mountains High Point
*Bonneville Peak , highest summit of thePortneuf Range
*Borah Peak , highest summit of theLost River Range and theState of Idaho
*Buffalo Hump (Idaho)
*Caribou Mountain , highest summit of theCaribou Range
*Castle Peak (Idaho)
*Deep Creek Peak , highest summit of theDeep Creek Mountains
*Diamond Peak (Idaho)
*Elkhorn Peak
*He Devil
*Hyndman Peak
*Kings Peak (Idaho)
*Leatherman Peak
*Meade Peak , highest summit of thePeale Mountains
*Mica Peak (Idaho)
*Mount Jefferson (Idaho/Montana)
*Mount McGuire (Idaho)
*North Loon Mountain
*Oxford Peak , highest summit of theBannock Range
*Queen Mountain
*Ryan Peak
*Scotchman Peak
*Scott Peak
*Sedgwick Peak
*Smoky Dome
*South Lost River High Point
*Stripe Mountain
*Sturgill Peak
*USGS Peak
*White Mountain West Illinois
Charles Mound , highest summit of theState of Illinois Indiana
Hoosier Hill , highest summit of theState of Indiana Iowa
Hawkeye Point , highest summit of theState of Iowa Kansas
Mount Sunflower , highest summit of theState of Kansas Kentucky
*Black Mountain (Kentucky), highest summit of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky Louisiana
Driskill Mountain , highest summit of theState of Louisiana Maine
Cadillac Mountain , summit ofMount Desert Island
*Katahdin, highest summit of theState of Maine
*Mount Jefferson (Maine)
*Mount Bigelow (Maine) Maryland
Backbone Mountain
*Catoctin Mountain
*Dans Mountain
*Evitts Mountain
*Hoye-Crest , highest summit of theState of Maryland
*Negro Mountain
*Polish Mountain
*Sideling Hill
*South Mountain (Maryland and Pennsylvania)
*Sugarloaf Mountain (Maryland) Massachusetts
Mount Everett
*Mount Greylock , highest summit of theCommonwealth of Massachusetts
*Mount Jefferson (Massachusetts)
*Mount Tom (Massachusetts)
*Mount Wachusett Michigan
Mount Arvon , highest summit of theState of Michigan
*Mount Curwood
*Porcupine Mountains Minnesota
*Eagle Mountain (Minnesota), highest summit of the
State of Minnesota Mississippi
Woodall Mountain , highest summit of theState of Mississippi Missouri
*Bell Mountain
*Taum Sauk Mountain , highest summit of theState of Missouri
*Wildcat Mountain (Missouri) Montana
Baldy Mountain (Bearpaw Mountains)
*Baldy Mountain (Salish Mountains)
*Big Baldy Mountain (Montana)
*Big Pryor Mountain
*Black Butte (Montana)
*Blue Mountain (Montana)
*Castle Mountain (Montana)
*Chief Mountain
*Crazy Peak
*Crow Peak
*Electric Peak
*Gallatin Peak
*Garfield Mountain
*Going to the Sun Mountain
*Granite Peak (Montana), highest summit of theState of Montana
*Greathouse Peak
*Heavens Peak
*Highwood Baldy
*Hilgard Peak
*Holland Peak
*Hollowtop Mountain
*Homer Youngs Peak
*Kinnerly Peak
*Kintla Peak
*Long Knife Peak
*McDonald Peak
*McLeod Peak
*Mount Blackmore
*Mount Brown (Montana)
*Mount Cleveland (Montana)
*Mount Edith
*Mount Gould (Montana)
*Mount Headley
*Mount Jackson (Flathead County, Montana)
*Mount Jackson (Montana)
*Mount Jefferson (Idaho/Montana)
*Mount Jefferson (Montana)
*Mount Merritt
*Mount Powell (Montana)
*Mount Saint Nicholas
*Mount Siyeh
*Mount Stimson
*Mount Wilbur (Montana)
*Mount Wood (Montana)
*Northwest Peak
*O'Brien Mountain
*Rainbow Peak
*Red Mountain (Montana)
*Rising Wolf Mountain
*Robinson Mountain
*Rocky Mountain (Montana)
*Sacagawea Peak
*Saint Joseph Peak
*Snowshoe Peak
*South Sheep Mountain
*Squaw Peak (Montana)
*Sunset Peak (Montana)
*Table Mountain (Montana)
*Trapper Peak (Montana)
*Triple Divide Peak (Montana)
*Tumble Mountain
*Tweedy Mountain
*West Butte
*West Goat Peak Nebraska
Bighorn Mountain
*Panorama Point , highest summit of theState of Nebraska
*Scotts Bluff
*Wildcat Hills Nevada
Arc Dome
*Boundary Peak (Nevada), highest summit of theState of Nevada
*Bridge Mountain
*Hayford Peak
*Humboldt Peak (Nevada)
*King Peak (Nevada)
*Liberty Peak
*Matterhorn (Nevada)
*Mount Charleston
*Mount Fitzgerald (Nevada)
*Mount Grafton
*Mount Jefferson (Nevada)
*Mount Moriah (Nevada)
*Mount Wilson (Nevada)
*Mummy Mountain (Nevada)
*North Schell Peak
*Pilot Peak
*Ruby Dome
*Snow Lake Peak
*Star Peak
*Thomas Peak
*Tikaboo Peak
*Ward Mountain (Nevada)
*Wheeler Peak (Nevada) New Hampshire
Mount Adams (New Hampshire)
*Mount Clay
*Mount Chocorua
*Mount Eisenhower
*Mount Jefferson (New Hampshire)
*Mount Lafayette
*Mount Madison
*Mount Monadnock
*Mount Monroe
*Mount Moosilauke
*Mount Sunapee
*Mount Washington (New Hampshire), highest summit of the White Mountains, theState of New Hampshire , and northeasternNorth America New Jersey
*High Point (New Jersey), highest summit of the
Kittatinny Mountains and theState of New Jersey
*Mount Tammany New Mexico
Baldy Mountain (Colfax County, New Mexico) , highest summit of theCimarron Range
*Cerro Vista
*Mount Phillips
*Mount Taylor (New Mexico)
*Mount Walter (New Mexico)
*Sandia Crest
*Santa Fe Baldy
*Sierra Blanca Peak, highest summit of theSacramento Mountains
*Truchas Peak , highest summit of theSanta Fe Mountains
*Venado Peak
*Wheeler Peak (New Mexico), highest summit of theTaos Mountains and theState of New Mexico , and the southernmost 4000 meter peak of theRocky Mountains
*Whitewater Baldy , highest summit of theMogollon Mountains New York
Algonquin Peak
*Anthony's Nose (Westchester)
*Beacon Mountain
*Bear Mountain (New York)
*Breakneck Ridge
*Bull Hill
*Cascade Mountain (New York)
*Dix Mountain
*Hunter Mountain (New York)
*Kaaterskill High Peak
*Mount Adams (New York)
*Mount Colden
*Mount Colvin
*Mount Haystack
*Mount Jefferson (New York)
*Mount Marcy (New York), highest summit of theAdirondack Mountains and theState of New York
*Mount Skylight
*North Mountain (Catskills)
*Porter Mountain
*Schunemunk Mountain
*Slide Mountain (Ulster County, New York) , highest summit of theCatskill Mountains
*Storm King Mountain
*Todt Hill , summit ofStaten Island
*Whiteface Mountain
*Windham Mountain
*Wright Peak North Carolina
Beech Mountain
*Black Mountains (North Carolina)
*Blue Ridge Mountains
*Brushy Mountains (North Carolina)
*Clingmans Dome
*Crowders Mountain
*Grandfather Mountain
*Great Smoky Mountains
*Hanging Rock
*King's Pinnacle
*Morrow Mountain
*Mount Jefferson (North Carolina)
*Mount Mitchell , highest summit of theAppalachian Mountains , theState of North Carolina , and easternNorth America
*Occoneechee Mountain
*Pilot Mountain (North Carolina)
*Saura Mountains
*Stone Mountain
*Uwharrie Mountains
*Whiteside Mountain
*Woody's Knob North Dakota
White Butte , highest summit of theState of North Dakota Ohio
*Campbell Hill (Ohio), highest summit of the
State of Ohio
*Mount Jefferson (Ohio) Oklahoma
*Black Mesa (Oklahoma), highest summit of the
State of Oklahoma Oregon
Crane Mountain
*Grizzly Mountain (Crook County, Oregon)
*Marys Peak
*Mount Bachelor ,stratovolcano
*Mount Bailey (Oregon) ,shield volcano
*Mount Bolivar (Oregon) , highest summit of theOregon Coast Range
*Mount Hood , activestratovolcano that is the highest summit of theState of Oregon
*Mount Howard (Oregon)
*Mount Jefferson (Oregon) ,stratovolcano
*Mount Mazama
*Mount McLoughlin ,stratovolcano
*Mount Mitchell (Oregon)
*Mount Thielsen
*Mount Washington (Oregon) ,shield volcano
*Newberry Volcano ,shield volcano
*Sacajawea Peak , highest summit of theWallowa Mountains
*South Sister
*Steens Mountain
*Three Fingered Jack ,shield volcano
*Three Sisters (Oregon) Pennsylvania
Bald Eagle Mountain
*Big Mountain
*Blue Knob
*Brush Mountain
*Butler Knob
*Camelback Mountain (Big Pocono)
*Hawk Mountain
*Martin Hill
*Mount Davis (Pennsylvania), highest summit of theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania
*Nittany Mountain
*Pine Knob (Pennsylvania)
*Schaefer Head
*Sideling Hill
*South Mountain (Maryland and Pennsylvania)
*Tuscarora Mountain
*Tussey Mountain
*Wills Mountain Rhode Island
Jerimoth Hill , highest summit of theState of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations outh Carolina
Sassafras Mountain , highest summit of theState of South Carolina outh Dakota
Bear Mountain (South Dakota)
*Harney Peak , highest summit of theBlack Hills and theState of South Dakota and the easternmost 2200 meter peak of theUnited States Tennessee
Bays Mountain
*Big Frog Mountain
*Blue Ridge Mountains
*Chilhowee Mountain
*Clinch Mountain
*Clingmans Dome , highest summit of theGreat Smoky Mountains and theState of Tennessee
*Cumberland Plateau
*Frozen Head
*Gregory Bald
*Harris Mountain
*Highland Rim
*Holston Mountain
*Little Mountain (Tennessee)
*Mount Chapman
*Mount Collins
*Mount Guyot (Great Smoky Mountains)
*Mount Kephart
*Mount Le Conte (Tennessee)
*Mount Sequoyah
*Pilot Knob
*Roan High Knob
*Short Mountain
*Silers Bald
*Smokey Mountains
*Spence Field
*Tricorner Knob Texas
Baldy Peak (Texas)
*El Capitan (Texas)
*Emory Peak
*Guadalupe Peak , highest summit of theGuadalupe Mountains and theState of Texas Utah
Bald Mountain (Utah)
*Boulder Mountain (Utah)
*Box Elder Peak
*Delano Peak
*Deseret Peak
*Dunn Benchmark
*Flat Top Mountain (Utah)
*Ibapah Peak
*Kings Peak , highest summit of theUinta Mountains , theWestern Rocky Mountains , and theState of Utah
*Mount Ellen (Utah)
*Mount Nebo (Utah) , highest summit of theWasatch Mountains
*Mount Ogden
*Mount Olympus (Utah)
*Mount Peale , highest summit of theLa Sal Mountains
*Mount Timpanogos
*Naomi Peak , highest summit of theBear River Mountains
*Navajo Mountain
*Provo Peak
*Salt Benchmark , highest summit of theSan Pitch Mountains
*South Tent Mountain
*Strawberry Peak , highest summit of theRoan Cliffs
*Thousand Lake Mountain
*Twin Peaks (Utah)
*Willard Peak
*Wire Mountain Vermont
Camel's Hump (Vermont)
*Jay Peak (Vermont)
*Killington Peak
*Mount Ellen (Vermont)
*Mount Mansfield , highest summit of theGreen Mountains and theState of Vermont
*Stratton Mountain Virginia
Apple Orchard Mountain
*Bald Knob (Virginia)
*Balsam Beartown Mountain
*Bull Run Mountain
*Catoctin Mountain
*Clinch Mountain
*Elliott Knob
*Great North Mountain
*Hawksbill Mountain
*High Knob
*Massanutten Mountain
*Mount Jefferson (Virginia)
*Mount Rogers , highest summit of theCommonwealth of Virginia
*North Mountain (Virginia-West Virginia)
*Old Rag Mountain
*Peaks of Otter
*Powell Mountain (Virginia)
*Short Hill Mountain
*Whitetop Mountain Washington
Abercrombie Mountain
*American Border Peak
*Bear Mountain (Washington)
*Colonial Peak
*Denny Mountain
*Glacier Peak ,stratovolcano
*Little Tahoma
*Mount Adams (Washington) ,stratovolcano
*Mount Anderson (Washington)
*Mount Baker , activestratovolcano
*Mount Baring
*Mount Constance
*Mount Constitution , summit ofOrcas Island
*Mount Dana (Washington)
*Mount Erie (Washington) , summit ofFidalgo Island
*Mount Index
*Mount Mitchell (Washington)
*Mount Olympus (Washington) , highest summit ofOlympic Mountains
*Mount Pilchuck
*Mount Rainier , activestratovolcano that is the highest summit of theCascade Mountains and theState of Washington
*Mount Shuksan
*Mount Si
*Mount St. Helens , activestratovolcano that erupted violently on1980-05-18
*Mount Stuart
*Mount Terror (Washington)
*Mount Washington (Olympics)
*Oregon Butte
*Sahale Peak
*Snoqualmie Mountain
*Tolmie Peak
*Twin Sisters Mountain West Virginia
Baker Mountain (West Virginia)
*Bald Knob
*Cacapon Mountain
*Cheat Mountain
*Cooper Mountain
*Great North Mountain
*Knobly Mountain
*Little Cacapon Mountain
*Mill Creek Mountain
*Mount Porte Crayon
*Nathaniel Mountain
*North Mountain (Virginia-West Virginia)
*North River Mountain
*Patterson Creek Mountain
*Saddle Mountain (Mineral County, West Virginia)
*Sideling Hill
*Sleepy Creek Mountain
*South Branch Mountain
*Spring Gap Mountain
*Spruce Knob , highest summit of theAllegheny Mountains and theState of West Virginia
*Third Hill Mountain Wisconsin
Timms Hill , highest summit of theState of Wisconsin Wyoming
Atlantic Peak
*Bastion Peak
*Bivouac Peak
*Black Tooth Mountain
*Bomber Mountain
*Buck Mountain
*Carter Mountain
*Cloud Peak , highest summit of theBig Horn Mountains and the northernmost 4000 meter peak of theRocky Mountains
*Cloudveil Dome
*Disappointment Peak (Wyoming)
*Doane Peak
*Doublet Peak
*Doubletop Peak
*Eagle Peak (Wyoming) , highest summit ofYellowstone National Park
*Eagles Rest Peak
*Elk Mountain (Wyoming)
*Ferris Mountain
*Forellen Peak
*Fossil Mountain (Wyoming)
*Francs Peak
*Fremont Peak (Wyoming)
*Gannett Peak , highest summit of theWind River Range , theCentral Rocky Mountains , and theState of Wyoming
*Garfield Peak (Wyoming)
*Grand Teton , highest summit of theTeton Range and the westernmost 4000 meter peak of theRocky Mountains
*Gray Peak (Wyoming)
*Heart Mountain (Wyoming)
*Jackson Peak (Fremont County, Wyoming)
*Laramie Peak
*Lizard Head Peak (Wyoming)
*Medicine Bow Peak
*Middle Teton
*Mount Fitzpatrick , highest summit of theSalt River Range
*Mount Helen
*Mount Moran
*Mount Nystrom
*Mount Owen (Wyoming)
*Mount Sacagawea
*Mount Saint John
*Mount Warren
*Mount Washburn
*Mount Wister
*Mount Woodring
*Mount Woodrow Wilson
*Nez Perce
*Owl Peak
*Ranger Peak (Wyoming)
*Raynolds Peak
*Rendezvous Mountain
*Rockchuck Peak
*Rolling Thunder Mountain
*Signal Mountain (Wyoming)
*South Teton
*Static Peak
*Sublette Mountain , highest summit of theSouthern Wyoming Overthrust Belt
*Symmetry Spire
*Teepe Pillar
*Teewinot Mountain
*Thor Peak (Wyoming)
*Traverse Peak
*Trout Peak
*Wapiti Ridge
*Wind River Peak
*Wyoming Peak , highest summit of theWyoming Range
*Younts Peak District of Columbia
Tenleytown , highest summit of theDistrict of Columbia American Samoa
*Lata Mountain , summit of the Island of Ta‘ū and the highest summit of theTerritory of American Samoa
*Matafao Peak , summit of the Island of Tutuila
*Piumafua , summit of the Island of Olosega
*Rainmaker Mountain (North Pioa Mountain )
*Tumu , summit of the Island of OfuGuam
Northern Mariana Islands
Agrihan , summit of theIsland of Agrihan and the highest summit of theCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
*North Pagan , summit ofPagan Island Puerto Rico
Cerro de Punta , summit of theIsland of Puerto Rico and the highest summit of theCommonwealth of Puerto Rico
*El YunqueUnited States Virgin Islands
Bordeaux Mountain , summit of the Island of Saint John
*Crown Mountain (U.S. Virgin Islands), summit of the Island of Saint Thomas and the highest summit of theTerritory of the United States Virgin Islands
*Mount Eagle , summit of the Island of Saint Croixummit disambiguation
The following list includes links to and
set index articles fortopographic summit s of theUnited States with identical names. TheUnited States Board on Geographic Names is the official authority for all United States geographic names. TheUnited States Geological Survey [http://geonames.usgs.gov/pls/gnispublic/ Geographic Names Information System] provides Internet access to these geographic names.
*Bald Eagle Mountain – 7 summits in 6 states
*Bald Knob – 142 summits in 30 states
*Bald Mountain – 303 summits in 31 states
*Baldy Mountain – 56 summits in 17 states
*Baldy Peak – 19 summits in 12 states
*Black Butte – 113 summits in 14 states
*Black Mesa – 41 summits in 7 states
*Black Mountain – 266 summits in 29 states
*Boundary Peak – 8 summits in 7 states
*Camelback Mountain – 9 summits in 6 states
*Campbell Hill – 20 summits in 15 states
*Capitol Peak – 6 summits in 5 states
*Castle Peak – 24 summits in 10 states
*Cloud Peak – 4 summits inAlaska ,Michigan , andWyoming
*Crater Peak – 8 summits in 7 states
*Crown Mountain – 6 summits in 5 states and a summit in a territory
*Diamond Peak – 22 summits in 11 states
*Eagle Mountain – 41 summits in 20 states
*Eagle Peak – 44 summits in 15 states
*El Capitan – 6 summits in 5 states
*Elk Mountain – 60 summits in 14 states
*Flat Top Mountain – 41 summits in 18 states
*Fremont Peak – 7 summits in 5 states
*Glass Mountain – 3 summits inCalifornia and a summit inOregon
*Granite Mountain – 57 summits in 17 states
*Granite Peak – 42 summits in 12 states
*Grizzly Peak – 22 summits in 7 states
*High Point – 43 summits in 19 states
*Humboldt Peak – 3 summits inCalifornia ,Colorado , andNevada
*King Peak – 3 summits inArizona ,California , andNevada
*Kings Peak – 2 summits inIdaho andUtah
*Bear Mountain – 144 summits in 30 states
*Lookout Mountain – 113 summits in 28 states
*Matterhorn – 3 summits inArizona ,Nevada , andOregon
*Mount Adams – 7 summits in 6 states
*Mount Bailey – 2 summits inColorado andOregon
*Mount Baldy 22 summits in 13 states
*Mount Cleveland – 4 summits inAlaska ,Montana , andVermont
*Mount Dana – 3 summits inAlaska ,California , andWashington
*Mount Davis – 7 summits in 5 states
*Mount Douglas – 2 summits inAlaska and a summit inMontana
*Mount Ellen – 2 summits inCalifornia andVermont
*Mount Hood – 3 summits inCalifornia ,Massachusetts , andOregon
*Mount Hopkins – 2 summits inArizona andCalifornia
*Mount Jackson – 10 summits in 7 states
*Mount Jefferson – 10 summits in 10 states
*Mount Kimball – 3 summits inAlaska ,Arizona , andColorado
*Mount Lincoln – 8 summits in 7 states
*Mount Marcy – 4 summits in 4 states
*Mount Michelson – 2 summits inAlaska
*Mount Mitchell – 3 summits inNorth Carolina ,Oregon , andWashington
*Mount Morgan – 5 summits in 4 states
*Mount Nebo – 28 summits in 20 states
*Mount Owen – 5 summits in 4 states
*Mount Powell – 5 summits in 5 states
*Mount Russell – a summit inAlaska and 2 summits inCalifornia
*Mount Sanford – 2 summits inAlaska andConnecticut
*Mount Steller – 2 summits inAlaska
*Mount Taylor – 2 summits inNevada andNew Mexico
*Mount Tom – 44 summits in 18 states
*Mount Warren – 5 summits in 5 states
*Mount Washington – 14 summits in 10 states and a summit in a territory
*Mount Wilson – 11 summits in 8 states
*Mummy Mountain – 5 summits in 5 states
*North Mountain – 25 summits in 16 states
*Mount Olympus – 9 summits in 8 states
*Pyramid Peak – 45 summits in 11 states
*Red Mountain – 160 summits in 21 states
*Rocky Mountain – 46 summits in 22 states
*Slide Mountain – 26 summits in 13 states
*Split Mountain – 12 summits in 8 states
*Stone Mountain – 31 summits in 15 states
*Storm King Mountain – 5 summits inColorado ,New York , andWashington
*Thompson Peak – 16 summits in 7 states
*Three Sisters – 17 summits in 10 states
*Treasure Mountain – 10 summits in 6 states
*Turret Peak – 6 summits in 4 states
*Twin Peaks – 106 summits in 18 states
*University Peak – 2 summits inAlaska andCalifornia
*Wheeler Peak – 6 summits in 4 states
*White Mountain – 44 summits in 19 states
*Wildcat Mountain – 43 summits in 22 statesee also
4000 meter peaks of the United States
*Geography of the United States
*Geology of the United States of America
*Highest mountain peaks of the United States
*List of U.S. states by elevation
*Lists of mountains
*Most isolated mountain peaks of the United States
*Most prominent mountain peaks of the United States
*Mountain peaks of Alaska
*Mountain peaks of California
*Mountain peaks of Colorado
*Mountain peaks of North America
*Mountain peaks of the United States
*physical geography
*summit (topography)
*topographic elevation
*topographic isolation
*topographic prominence
*United States
External links
* [http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ National Geodetic Survey (NGS)]
** [http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_desig.prl NGS Datasheets]
** [http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/VERTCON/vert_con.prl NGVD 29 to NAVD 88 online elevation converter]
** [http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/CORS-Proxy/Glossary/xml/NGS_Glossary.xml Geodetic Glossary]
* [http://www.usgs.gov/ United States Geological Survey (USGS)]
** [http://geonames.usgs.gov/pls/gnispublic/ Geographic Names Information System]
* [http://www.peakbagger.com/ peakbagger.com]
* [http://www.peaklist.org/ peaklist.org]
* [http://www.summitpost.org/ summitpost.org]
* [http://www.peakware.com/ World Mountain Encyclopedia @ peakware.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.