
Countries Poland, Belarus
Voivodeships / Voblasts Hrodna, Podlaskie, Mazovian
 - location north-eastern part of the Bialowieza Forest near Dzikie Bagno, Belarus
 - elevation 159 m (522 ft)
 - coordinates 52°5224.68N 24°138.87E / 52.8735222°N 24.2191306°E / 52.8735222; 24.2191306
 - location Modlin (Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki), Poland
 - elevation 70.7 m (232 ft)
 - coordinates 52°26N 20°41E / 52.433°N 20.683°E / 52.433; 20.683
Length 484 km (301 mi)
Basin 75,200 km2 (29,035 sq mi)
Discharge for Modlin (Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki)
 - average 328 m3/s (11,583 cu ft/s)
Discharge elsewhere (average)
 - entering Pułtusk 146 m3/s (5,156 cu ft/s)

The Narew River [ˈnarɛf] (Belarusian:Нараў, Lithuanian:Naura), in western Belarus and north-eastern Poland, is a left tributary of the Vistula river. The Narew is one of Europe's few braided rivers, the term relating to the twisted channels resembling braided hair.



The name of the river comes from a Proto-Indo-European root *nr primarily associated with water (compare Narva, Neretva, Neris, Ner and Nur).[1]

Alternate Names

The portion of the river between Zegrze Reservoir and the Vistula is sometimes called Narwio-Bug, Narwo-Bug, Bugonarew, Bugo-Narew, Narwiobug or Narwobug. At the confluence near Zegrze the Bug is longer than Narew, however, the Narew's discharge is much higher. Because of that the river was variously referred to as either Narew, Bug, Bugo-Narew, Bugonarew, Narwiobug or Narwobug.

Until after World War II rivers were commonly classified by their length. As at the confluence near Zegrze Bug is longer than Narew, the Bugonarew was often considered part of Bug river and Narew was thought of as its tributary. However, at the same time Narew's discharge is much higher at their meeting point.

On December 27, 1962 the Prime Minister of Poland's act abolished the name Bugonarew soon after the Zegrze Reservoir had been constructed.[2] Since then the river is considered to be part of Narew, while Bug is currently considered a left tributary. The name however is continued to be used, especially by the inhabitants of towns located along the banks of the stretch of river, such as Pułtusk.


The Narew flows through the geographical region of Europe known as the Wysoczyzny PodlaskoBialoruskie (English: Podlasie and Belarus Plateau) located within the Podlaskie Voivodeship and Masovian Voivodeship of Poland and the Hrodna Voblast of Belarus.

Country Length Basin Area
Belarus 36 kilometres (22 mi) 21,302 square kilometres (8,225 sq mi)
Poland 448 kilometres (278 mi) 53,873 square kilometres (20,800 sq mi)
Total 484 kilometres (301 mi) 53,873 square kilometres (20,800 sq mi)

The Narew is the fifth longest Polish river.

View from the road along Siemianówka reservoir near Bondary village, gmina Michałowo, podlaskie,Poland

Cities and towns

Confluence of the Narew and Vistula at Modlin
The valley of the river Narew taken from the high river bank at Paulinowo-Dzbądz (close to city Różan)
Marshes on the braided channels of the Narew's floodplains, near Pańki and Rzędzian
Siemianówka reservoir near Bondary village, gmina Michałowo, podlaskie,Poland
County Gmina Village Comments
Białoruś Czoło - osada
Podlaskie Voivodeship hajnowski Narewka Siemianówka
Białystok Michałowo Bondary
hajnowski Narew Narew
Białystok Zabłudów Kaniuki
Juchnowiec Kościelny Czerewki
Bielsk Wyszki Strabla
białostocki Suraż Suraż
Łapy Uhowo
Turośń Kościelna Topilec
wysokomazowiecki Kobylin-Borzymy Kurowo siedziba Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego
Sokoły Waniewo
Białystok Choroszcz Choroszcz
moniecki Krypno Góra
Białystok Tykocin Tykocin
moniecki Trzcianne Zajki
Białystok Zawady Góra Strękowa Captain Władysław Raginis w trakcie World War II 1939
Łomża Wizna Wizna
Piątnica Drozdowo Siedziba dyrekcji Łomżyńskiego Parku Krajobrazowego Doliny Narwi oraz Muzeum Przyrody w Drozdowie w dawnym dworze Lutosławskich.
Łomża Siemień Nadrzeczny
Piątnica Piątnica
Łomża Łomża
kolneński Mały Płock Chludnie
Łomża Nowogród Nowogród
Zbójna Gontarze
Miastkowo Nowosiedliny ostatnia miejscowość nad Narwią w woj. podlaskim
Masovian Voivodeship ostrołęcki Lelis Łęg Starościński
Rzekuń Laskowiec
Ostrołęka Ostrołęka
ostrołęcki Olszewo-Borki Ostrołęka
Rzekuń Dzbenin
makowski Różan Różan
wyszkowski Długosiodło Ostrykół Dworski
makowski Rzewnie Nowe Łachy
wyszkowski Rząśnik Nowy Lubiel
pułtuski Obryte Zambski Kościelne
Pułtusk Pułtusk
Pokrzywnica Łubienica
Zatory Stawinoga
legionowski Serock Serock
Nieporęt Nieporęt
Serock Dębe
Wieliszew Topolina
nowodworski (mazowiecki) Pomiechówek Stare Orzechowo
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Narew flows into Vistula


Left Bank Right Bank Municipality Characteristics Country
Czoło Bialowieza Forest Belarus
Bierieżanka Bialowieza Forest Siemianówka Marshland Poland
Siemianówka Siemianówka Marshland
Ruda Narew
Czarna Kaniuki
Orlanka Czerewki
Strabelka Strabla
Liza Suraż Narew National Park
Awissa Łapy
Niewodnica Topilec
Horodnianka Choroszcz
Supraśl Złotoria[disambiguation needed ]
Jaskranka Góra
Nareśl Tykocin
Ślina Targonie Wielkie
Góra Strękowa
Biebrza Biebrza National Park
Łojewek Bronowo Łomżyński Valley national Park
Narwica Łomża Piątnica
Lepacka Struga
Pisa Nowogród
Ruż Gontarze
Szkwa Nowosiedliny
Czeczotka Ostrołęka
Omulew Olszewo-Borki
Róż Chełsty
Orz Brzóze Duże
Wymakracz Ostrykół Dworski
Orzyc Zambski Kościelne
Pełta Pułtusk
Bug Serock Zegrze Reservoir
Wkra Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki mouth of the river at the Vistula
The Narew near Łomża. The river flows slowly, creating meanders


On August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union and Germany signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, agreeing to divide Poland along the Narew, Vistula (Wisła), and San rivers.

On September 6, 1939, Polish military forces attempted to use the Narew as a defense line against German attack during the German Invasion of Poland. This was abandoned the next day in favor of the Bug as German forces had already penetrated the defenses.

The Battle of Wizna was fought along the banks of the river between September 7 and September 10, 1939, between the forces of Poland and Germany during the initial stages of Invasion of Poland. Because it consisted of a small force holding a piece of fortified territory against a vastly larger invasion for three days at great cost before being annihilated with no known survivors, Wizna is sometimes referred to as a Polish Thermopylae in Polish culture.

On September 17, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland. By 28 September, the Soviet Army had reached the line of the rivers Narew, Bug River, Vistula and San - completing the division of Poland as negotiated in advance.

See also


  1. ^ (Polish) Witold Mańczak (1999). Wieża Babel. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. ISBN 83-04-04463-3. 
  2. ^ (Polish) "Monitor Polski" 1963, nr 3, poz. 6

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