Outline of archaeology

Outline of archaeology

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to archaeology:

Archaeology – study of human cultures through the recovery, documentation, and analysis of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, biofacts, human remains, and landscapes.


Essence of archaeology

Branches of archaeology

Archaeological practice

Cultural Resources Management - Archaeological ethics - Urban archaeology

Archaeological science

Archaeometry - Dendrochronology - Isotope analysis - Palynology - Radiocarbon dating - Zooarchaeology - Geoarchaeology - Bioarchaeology - Archaeogenetics - Computational archaeology

Archaeological subdisciplines

Ethnoarchaeology - Taphonomy

By location

African archaeology - Archaeology of the Americas - Australian archaeology - European archaeology - Russian archaeology

By time period


Aerial archaeology - Archaeoastronomy - Archaeological science - Archaeozoology - Archaeobotany or paleoethnobotany - Battlefield archaeology - Computational archaeology - Experimental archaeology - Environmental archaeology - Forensic archaeology - Landscape archaeology - Maritime archaeology - Museum studies - Palaeoarchaeology - Paleopathology

History of archaeology

Archaeological methods

Archaeological excavation - Archaeological field survey - Archaeological geophysics - Underwater archaeology

Archaeological theory

Great ages archaeology - Functionalism - Processualism / "New Archaeology" - Post-processualism - Cognitive archaeology - Gender archaeology - Feminist archaeology - History of archaeology

Archaeology by Period

Main article: List of archaeological periods
Lower Palaeolithic - Middle Palaeolithic - Upper Palaeolithic - Mesolithic - Neolithic - Chalcolithic - Bronze Age - Iron Age - Romans - Anglo-Saxons - Pre-Columbian - Medieval - Industrial

Archaeological sites

Feature - Cairn - Megalithic tomb - Pyramid - Sepulchre - Tomb - Votive site

Archaeological site features

Main article: Feature

Archaeological artifacts

Main article: Artifact
Assemblage - Grave goods - Hoard - Manuport - Sarcophagus - Small finds - Stone tool - Votive deposit

Other archaeology concepts

Alignment - Archaeological association - Archaeological context - Archaeological culture - Archaeological field survey - Archaeological horizon - Archaeological natural - Archaeological phase - Archaeological plan - Archaeological record - Archaeological sequence - Biofact - Colluvium - Cropmarks - Cultural resources management - Cut - Dark earth - Dating methodology - Dendrochronology - Deposit model - Ecofact - Excavation - Fill - Fossil - Geologic time scale - Geomatics - Grave robbing - Ground-penetrating radar - Harris matrix - Law of superposition - Lithic analysis - Post excavation - Projectile point - Radiocarbon dating - Relationship - Seriation - Stratification

Influential archaeologists

Archaeology lists

See also

  • Graduate Programs in Archaeology

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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