- Quisling regime
National Government
Nasjonale regjeringAutonomous government in Reichskommissariat Norwegen ← 1942–1945 →
Flag Coat of arms Motto
1814 Eidsvoll oath: Enig og tro til Dovre faller
"United and loyal until the mountains of Dovre crumble"Anthem
Ja, vi elsker dette landet
"Yes, we love this country"
(later officially forbade by German officials)Capital Oslo Language(s) Norwegian, German Religion Lutheranism Government Caretaker government under Civil administration Reichskommissar - 1940-1945 Josef Terboven - 1945 Franz Böhme (acting) Minister-President - 1942-1945 Vidkun Quisling Historical era World War II - Proclamation of the National Government 1 February 1942 - German capitulation and end of occupation 9 May 1945 Area - 1942 323,782 km2 (125,013 sq mi) Currency Norwegian krone (NOK) Today part of Norway
The Quisling regime, or the Quisling government are common names used to refer to the collaborationist government led by Vidkun Quisling in occupied Norway during the Second World War.[1][2][3] The official name of the regime from 1 February 1942 until its dissolution in May 1945 was Nasjonale regjering (English: National Government).[1] Real power was actually exercised by the Reichskommissariat.
Given the use of the term Quisling, the name Quisling regime can also be used as a derogatory term referring to political regimes perceived as puppet governments imposed by occupying foreign enemies.
1940 Coup
Vidkun Quisling, Fører of the Nasjonal Samling party, had first tried to carry out a coup against the Norwegian government on 9 April 1940, the day of the German invasion of Norway.[4] At 7:32 p.m. Norwegian time, Quisling burst into the studios of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, proclaimed himself Prime Minister and ordered all resistance to halt at once. He announced that he and Nasjonal Samling were taking power due to Nygaardsvold's Cabinet having "raised armed resistance and promptly fled". He further declared that in the present situation it was "the duty and the right of the movement of National Union to take over governmental power." Quisling claimed that the Nygaardsvold Cabinet had given up power despite that it had only moved to Elverum, some 50 km (31 mi) from Oslo, and was carrying out negotiations with the Germans.[5]
The next day, German ambassador Curt Bräuer traveled to Elverum and demanded King Haakon VII and the legitimate Norwegian government return to Oslo and go into coalition with Quisling. However, Haakon told the Cabinet that he could not in good conscience appoint Quisling as prime minister, and would abdicate rather than appoint a government headed by him. By this time, news of Quisling's attempted coup had reached Elverum. Negotiations promptly collapsed, and the government unanimously advised Haakon not to appoint Quisling as prime minister.
Quisling tried to have the Nygaardsvold Cabinet arrested, but the officer he ordered to carry out the arrest ignored the order. Attempts at gaining control over the police force in Oslo by issuing orders to the chief of police Kristian Welhaven also failed.[6] The coup failed after six days, despite German support for the first three days, and Quisling had to step aside in the occupied parts of Norway in favour of the Administrative Council (Administrasjonsrådet).[4] The Administrative Council was formed on 15 April by members of the Supreme Court and supported by Norwegian business leaders as well as Bräuer as an alternative to Quisling's national socialists in the occupied areas.[7]
Provisional Councillors of State
On 25 September 1940, German Reichskommissar Josef Terboven, who on 24 April 1940 had replaced Curt Bräuer as the top civilian commander in Norway,[8] proclaimed the deposition of King Haakon VII and the Cabinet Nygaardsvold, banning all political parties other than Nasjonal Samling.[9] Terboven then appointed a group of 11 kommissariske statsråder (English: provisional councillors of state) from Nasjonal Samling to help him in governing Norway. Although the provisional councillors of state did not form a government, the intention of the Germans was to use them to prepare the way for a Nasjonal Samling take-over of power in the future. Vidkun Quisling was made the political head of the councillors and all members of Nasjonal Samling had to swear a personal oath of allegiance to him. Most of the councillors worked diligently at introducing Nasjonal Samling ideals and politics. Amongst the schemes introduced during the council period was the introduction of labour duty, reforms of the labour market, the penal code and the system of justice, a reorganization of the police and the introduction of national socialist ideals in the Norwegian culture scene. The provisional councillors of state were intended as a temporary system while Nasjonal Samling built up its organization in preparation to assume full governmental powers. On 25 September 1941, the one-year anniversary of the councillors, Terboven gave them the title of "ministers".[10]
With the establishment of Quisling's national government, Quisling, as minister-president, temporarily assumed the authority of both the King and the Parliament.[4]
In 1942, after two years of direct civilian administration by the Germans (which continued de facto until 1945), he was finally put in charge of a collaborationist government, which was officially proclaimed on 1 February 1942. The official name of the government was "Den nasjonale regjering" (English: the National Government).[1] The original intention of the Germans had been to hand over the sovereignty of Norway to the new government[citation needed], but by mid-January 1942 Hitler decided to retain the civilian Reichskommissariat Norwegen under Terboven. The Quisling government was instead given the role of an occupying authority with wide-ranging authorisations. Quisling himself viewed the creation of his government as a "decisive step on the road towards the complete independence of Norway".[11] Although having only temporarily assumed the King's authority,[4] Quisling still made efforts to distance his regime from the exiled monarchy. After Quisling moved into the Royal Palace he took back into use the official seal of Norway, changing the wording from "Haakon VII Norges konge" to "Norges rikes segl"[12] (in English translation, from "Haakon VII King of Norway" to "The Seal of the Norwegian State"[13]). After establishing national government Quisling claimed to hold "the authority that according to the Constitution belonged to the King and Parliament".[14]
Other important ministers of the collaborationist government were Jonas Lie (also head of the Norwegian wing of the SS from 1941) as Minister of the Police, Dr. Gulbrand Lunde as Minister of Culture and Enlightenment, as well as the opera singer Albert Viljam Hagelin, who was Minister of the Interior.
One of Quisling's first actions was to reintroduce the prohibition of Jews entering Norway, which was formerly a part of the Constitution's §2 from 1814 to 1851.[3]
Two of the early laws of the Quisling regime, Lov om nasjonal ungdomstjeneste and Lov om Norges Lærersamband, both signed 5 February 1942, led to massive protests from parents, serious clashes with the teachers, and an escalating conflict with the Church of Norway.[15] Schools were closed for one month, and in March 1942 around 1,100 teachers were arrested by the Norwegian police and sent to German prisons and concentration camps, and about 500 of the teachers were forced to Kirkenes as construction workers for the German occupants.[16][17][18]
Goal of independence
Even after the official creation of the Quisling government, Josef Terboven still ruled Norway as a dictator,[8][19] taking orders from no-one but Hitler.[8] Quisling's regime was a puppet government, although Quisling wanted independence and the recall of Terboven, something he constantly lobbied Hitler for, without success.[19]Quisling wanted to achieve independence for Norway under his rule, with an end to the German occupation of Norway through a peace treaty and the recognition of Norway's sovereignty by Germany. He further wanted to ally Norway to Germany and join the Anti-Comintern Pact. After a reintroduction of national service in Norway, Norwegian troops were to fight with the Axis powers in the Second World War.
Quisling also fronted the idea of a pan-European union led, but not dominated, by Germany, with a common currency and a common market.[4] Quisling presented his plans to Hitler repeatedly in memos and talks with the German dictator, the first time 13 February 1942 in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin and the last time on 28 January 1945, again in the Reich Chancellery.[20] All of Quisling's ideas were rejected by Hitler, who did not want any permanent agreements before the war had been concluded[4], while also desiring Norway's outright annexation into Germany as the northern-most province of a Greater Germanic Reich. Hitler did, however, promise Quisling close to the end of the war (the above-mentioned 1945 visit) that once the war was over Norway would regain her independence. This is the only known case of Hitler making such a promise to an occupied country.[20]
Amongst the Norwegian population the Quisling regime gained next to no support. This was partly due to the collaborationist government being in conflict with the Constitution and Norwegian political traditions, and partly because of Quisling's treason against the democratically elected Norwegian government during his coup attempt on 9 April 1940, following the German invasion of Norway.[4] The word Quisling has become synonymous with treachery and collaboration with the enemy.[19]
Territorial claims
Further information: List of possessions of NorwayThe Norwegian Kingdom at its greatest extent under the House of Sverre, c. 1265.The regime looked nostalgically to the High Middle Ages of the country's history, known in Norwegian historiography as Norgesveldet ("Norway's dominion"), during which Norwegian territory extended beyond its current borders. Quisling envisioned an extension of the Norwegian state by its annexation of the Kola peninsula with its small Norwegian minority, so a Greater Norway spanning the entire North European coastline could be created.[21] Further expansion was expected in Northern Finland, to link the Kola peninsula with Finnmark: Nasjonal Samling leaders had mixed views on the post-war Finnish-Norwegian border, but the potential Norwegian annexation of at least the Finnish municipalities of Petsamo (Norwegian: Petsjenga) and Inari (Norwegian: Enare) was under consideration.[22][23]
Nasjonal Samling publications called for the annexation of the historically Norwegian Swedish provinces of Jämtland (Norwegian: Jemtland), Härjedalen (Norwegian: Herjedalen, see also Øst-Trøndelag) and Bohuslän (Norwegian: Båhuslen)[24][25] In March 1944, Quisling met with Wehrmacht general Rudolf Bamler, and urged the Germans to invade Sweden from Finnish Lapland (using the forces delegated to the German Lapland Army) and through the Baltic as a preempitive strike against Sweden joining the war on the Allied side.[26] Quisling's proposal was sent to both OKW chief Alfred Jodl and SS leader Heinrich Himmler.[26]
Quisling and Jonas Lie, leader of the Germanic SS in Norway, also furthered irredentist Norwegian claims to the Faroes (Norwegian: Færøyene), Iceland (Norwegian: Island), Orkney (Norwegian: Orknøyene), Shetland (Norwegian: Hjaltland), the Outer Hebrides (historically a part of the Norse Kingdom of Mann and the Isles under the name Sørøyene, "South Islands") and Franz Josef Land (earlier claimed by Norway under the name Fridtjof Nansen Land), most of which were former Norwegian territories passed on to Danish rule after the dissolution of Denmark-Norway in 1814, while the rest were former Norwegian settlements.[27][28][29] Norway had already claimed a part of Eastern Greenland in 1931 (under the name Eirik Raudes Land), but the claim was extended during the occupation period to cover Greenland as a whole. During the spring of 1941, Quisling laid out plans to "reconquer" the island using a task force of hundred men, but the Germans deemed this plan unfeasible.[30] In the person of propaganda minister Gulbrand Lunde the Norwegian puppet government further lay claim to the North and South Poles[31]. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Norway had gained prestige as a nation active in polar expedition: South Pole was first reached by the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen in 1911, and in 1939 Norway had claimed a region of Antarctica under the name Queen Maud Land (Norwegian: Dronning Maud Land).
After Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union preparations were made for establishing Norwegian colonies in Northern Russia.[32] Quisling designated the area reserved for Norwegian colonization as Bjarmeland, a reference to the name featured in the Norse sagas for Northern Russia.[33]
Quisling's regime ceased to exist in 1945, with the end of the occupation. Norway was still under occupation in May 1945, but Vidkun Quisling was arrested on 9 May, one day after Germany's surrender. Nazi collaborators and some German leaders were later subjected to a legal purge.
Ministers of the Quisling regime
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
- Kjeld Stub Irgens
- Ragnar Skancke
- Albert Viljam Hagelin
- Jonas Lie
- Sverre Riisnæs
- Thorstein Fretheim
- Gulbrand Lunde
- Axel Heiberg Stang
- Tormod Hustad
- Johan Andreas Lippestad
- Eivind Blehr
- Frederik Prytz
- Alf Whist
Preceded by
Nygaardsvold's CabinetGovernment of Norway
(Pro-German puppet regime)
1942–1945Succeeded by
Nygaardsvold's CabinetCabinets of Norway 1814–1884 Cabinet of 1814 (1814) · Wedel-Jarlsberg I (1814–36) · Wedel-Jarlsberg II (1836–44) · Løvenskiold and Vogt (1844–56) · Stang (1861–80) · Selmer (1880–84) · Schweigaard (1884)
1884–1945 Sverdrup (1884–89) · Stang I (1889–91) · Steen I (1891–93) · Stang II (1893–95) · Hagerup I (1895–98) · Steen II (1898–1902) · Blehr I (1902–03) · Hagerup II (1903–05) · Michelsen (1905–07) · Løvland (1907–08) · Knudsen I (1908–10) · Bratlie (1910–12) · Konow (1912–13) · Knudsen II (1913–20) · Bahr Halvorsen I (1920–21) · Blehr II (1921–23) · Bahr Halvorsen II (1923) · Berge (1923–24) · Mowinckel I (1924–26) · Lykke (1926–28) · Hornsrud (1928) · Mowinckel II (1928–31) · Kolstad (1931–32) · Hundseid (1932–33) · Mowinckel III (1933–35) · Nygaardsvold (1935–45)
1940–45 Quisling I (1940) · Administrative Council (1940) · Terboven (1940–42) · Quisling II (1942–45)
1945–present Gerhardsen I (1945) · Gerhardsen II (1945–51) · Torp (1951–55) · Gerhardsen III (1955–63) · Lyng (1963) · Gerhardsen IV (1963–65) · Borten (1965–71) · Bratteli I (1971–72) · Korvald (1972–73) · Bratteli II (1973–76) · Nordli (1976–81) · Brundtland I (1981) · Willoch I (1981–83) · Willoch II (1983–86) · Brundtland II (1986–89) · Syse (1989–90) · Brundtland III (1990–96) · Jagland (1996–97) · Bondevik I (1997–2000) · Stoltenberg I (2000–01) · Bondevik II (2001–05) · Stoltenberg II (2005–)
- ^ a b c Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1995). "nasjonale regjering". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/n/n1.html#nasjonale-regjering. Retrieved 2009-09-17.
- ^ "Inndragning av jødisk eiendom i Norge under den 2. verdenskrig" (in Norwegian). Government of Norway. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/jd/dok/nouer/1997/nou-1997-22/19/1.html?id=346780. Retrieved 17 September 2009.
- ^ a b Tønnesson, Johan L. (1 February 2000). "Prosjektarbeidet: Bygg et "Norge"" (in Norwegian). Apollon. http://www.apollon.uio.no/vis/art/2000/2/prosjektarbeidet. Retrieved 3 September 2009.
- ^ a b c d e f g Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1995). "Quisling, Vidkun". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/q/q1.html#quisling-vidkun. Retrieved 2009-09-13.
- ^ Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1999). Quisling: a study in treachery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 173. ISBN 0521496977. http://books.google.com/books?id=GaR-7WVcVjgC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q=&f=false.
- ^ Dahl 1999, 274
- ^ Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1995). "Administrasjonsrådet". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/a/a1.html#administrasjonsradet. Retrieved 2009-09-17.
- ^ a b c Nøkleby, Berit (1995). "Terboven, Josef". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/t/t1.html#terboven-josef. Retrieved 2009-09-20.
- ^ "Krigsårene 1940-1945". Royal House of Norway. 2009-01-31. http://www.kongehuset.no/c26974/artikkel/vis.html?tid=29435. Retrieved 17 September 2009.
- ^ Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1995). "kommissariske statsråder". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/k/k3.html#kommisariske. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
- ^ Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1995). "statsakten". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/s/s7.html#statsakten. Retrieved 2009-09-17.
- ^ Dahl, Hans Fredrik (1992). "Den autoritære stat" (in Norwegian). Vidkun Quisling. En fører for fall. Oslo: Aschehoug. p. 285. ISBN 82-03-16960-0.
- ^ Dahl 1999, p. 250
- ^ "Norske departementer 1940 - 1945: Under tysk okkupasjon i Oslo" (in Norwegian). Government of Norway. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/om_regjeringen/tidligere/oversikt/ministerier_regjeringer/norge-i-krig/departementene-1940-1945---under-tysk-ok.html?id=438672. Retrieved 3 January 2010.
- ^ Nøkleby, Berit (1986). "Quisling i statsråd" (in Norwegian). Norge i krig 4. Holdningskamp. Oslo: Aschehoug. pp. 27–42. ISBN 82-03-11419-9.
- ^ Nøkleby, Berit (1995). "Lærerstriden". In Dahl, Hjeltnes, Nøkleby, Ringdal, Sørensen (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. pp. 259–260. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/l/l4.html#lererstriden. Retrieved 17 September 2009.
- ^ Nøkleby, Berit (1986). "Lang ferd mot Kirkenes" (in Norwegian). Norge i krig 4. Holdningskamp. Oslo: Aschehoug. pp. 72–121. ISBN 82-03-11419-9.
- ^ Brandt, Willy (1945). "Lærernes eksempel" (in Norwegian). Krigen i Norge. II. Oslo: Aschehoug. pp. 33–43.
- ^ a b c Tangenes, Gisle (19 September 2006). "The World According to Quisling". Bit of News. http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/3965/42/. Retrieved 13 September 2009.
- ^ a b Dahl, Hans Fredrik; Aspheim, Odd V. (1995). "Quisling-Hitler-møtene". In Hans Fredrik Dahl (in Norwegian). Norsk krigsleksikon 1940-45. Oslo: Cappelen. ISBN 8202141389. http://mediabase1.uib.no/krigslex/q/q1.html#quisling-hitler-motene. Retrieved 2009-09-14.
- ^ Kurt D. Singer (1943). Duel for the northland: the war of enemy agents in Scandinavia. R. M. McBride & company, p. 200 [1]
- ^ [2]
- ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=eT3zAAAAMAAJ&q=%22NS-lederne+var+derimot+uenige+om+hvordan+Finland+og+finske+grenseomr%C3%A5der+i+nord+skulle+innpasses+i%22&dq=%22NS-lederne+var+derimot+uenige+om+hvordan+Finland+og+finske+grenseomr%C3%A5der+i+nord+skulle+innpasses+i%22&hl=fi&ei=OQKgTpGPBY-Tswa9q7GHAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA
- ^ Foreign Policy Bulletin. Foreign Policy Association, New York - 1941. [3]
- ^ The American Swedish Monthly Vol. 35. Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A. - 1941. [4]
- ^ a b Hans Fredrik Dahl (1999). Quisling: a study in treachery. Cambridge University Press, p. 343[5]
- ^ Susan Barr (2003). Norway, a consistent polar nation?: analysis of an image seen through the history of the Norwegian Polar Institute. Kolofon, p. 225 [6]
- ^ David Littlejohn (1973). The patriotic traitors: a history of collaboration in German-occupied Europe, 1940-45. Heinemann, p. 30 [7]
- ^ Philip H. Buss, Andrew Mollo (1978). Hitler's Germanic legions: an illustrated history of the Western European Legions with the SS, 1941-1943. Macdonald and Jane's, p. 89[8]
- ^ Buskø-affæren - hvordan ei norsk selfangstskute ble USAs første fangst i andre verdenskrig, Artikkel i tidsskriftet Historie nr 1, 2007
- ^ Life magazine. 28 okt 1940 Vol. 9, nr. 18, p. 104 [9]
- ^ Norway's Nazi Collaborators Sought Russia Colonies. The Associated Press. Oslo April 9, 2010. [10]
- ^ Dahl (1999), p. 296
Categories:- Short-lived states of World War II
- Former countries in Europe
- States and territories established in 1942
- States and territories disestablished in 1945
- Norway in World War II
- Government of Norway
- Collaboration during World War II
- 1942 establishments
- 1945 disestablishments
- Nasjonal Samling
- Single-party states
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