Blob Wars

Blob Wars

Blob Wars is a series of open source cross-platform video games by Parallel Realities.


Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid

Blob Wars : Metal Blob Solid
Developer(s) Parallel Realities
Publisher(s) N/A
Designer(s) Stephen J Sweeney, Richard Sweeney
Platform(s) Cross-platform
Release date(s) December 2003
Genre(s) Platform game
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) Not rated
System requirements


Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid is an open source 2D arcade platform game developed by Parallel Realities. It plays a lot like New Zealand Story whilst also borrowing elements from Ape Escape. The main character is a Blob named Bob.

The aim of the game is to rescue Blob MIAs lost while fighting a battle against alien invaders led by their leader, Galdov (the Metal Blob). Metal Blob Solid features numerous different weapons, locations, boss battles and around 9 hours total gameplay. Despite its cute appearance the game does contain blood perhaps making it unsuitable for younger gamers. The blood can, however, be switched off.

The game also contains an in-game "Medal" service, which allows players to receive award notifications for performing certain tasks, not unlike the trophy and achievements system found on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.

The title of the game is a play on Metal Gear Solid, the popular video game series by Konami. Originally the lead character of the game was to be a Blob called Solid.[1]

The game is written in C++ and uses SDL for its input, graphics and audio control.

It is available for GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Amiga, BeOS, GP2X, PlayStation Portable, Xbox and Dreamcast.


When a number of his friends become missing in action, Bob takes it upon himself to enter into enemy territory and rescue them. Along the way he infiltrates a number of Biomech strongholds and discovers information pertaining to a number of crystals hidden within several Ancient Tombs. The crystals are said to hold vast magical powers.

Bob retrieves three of the four before Galdov beats him to the fourth, granting the alien leader supernatural powers. Bob pursues Galdov to his space station, where he plants a number of bombs and battles Galdov for control of the fourth crystal. Winning the fight Bob flees the space station, leaving Galdov to be destroyed along with it.


A sequel, Blob Wars : Blob And Conquer, was released in 2008.

Blob Wars: Blob And Conquer

Blob Wars: Blob and Conquer
Developer(s) Parallel Realities
Designer(s) Stephen J Sweeney, Richard Sweeney
Platform(s) Cross-platform
Release date(s) August 2008
Genre(s) Action-adventure
Mode(s) Single-player
System requirements


Blob Wars : Blob And Conquer is a game written by Parallel Realities, the latest produced by the two programmers.[2] It is a 3D action-adventure game and a direct sequel to the 2D platform game, Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. Again, the name is a play on a popular game franchise, this time Command & Conquer.

Unlike the previous game, this sequel is fully 3D and Bob is now accompanied on his missions by a number of other Blobs, mostly a sidekick known as Teeka. The game features a much more intricate plot than the previous game and contains a number of static and real time cutscenes.

The game was developed over a period of around two years[3], is written in C++, and uses SDL for its input and audio control and OpenGL for rendering its graphics.


The game begins eight months after the events of Metal Blob Solid.

Since the defeat of Galdov, Bob has rallied the Blob troops together and they have begun to fight back to liberate their planet. Bob then plans to strike the enemy bases themselves, but one day one of his close friends, a Blob named Teeka, does not return from a scouting mission. Bob searches for him, but is lured into a Biomech trap. Nevertheless he escapes and rescues Teeka in the process. The pair return home only to find their base under attack by Biomech forces. Bob fights back against the invaders and then turns his attention to the enemy bases.

After destroying the Biomech Supply Depot and the Communications Base, Bob stumbles across a map that is said to reveal the location of a 5th Ancient Tomb and the Life Crystal. Terrified as to what may happen should it fall into enemy hands, Bob sets off to the tomb hoping to get there first. However, he is once again tricked and discovers that Galdov survived the destruction of his space station and orchestrated the entire event. Bob battles Galdov and escapes, before leading an attack against the Biomech Assimilator.

Finally Bob leads a huge army of Blobs to the Biomech headquarters and a titanic battle begins in the tower's courtyard. Bob leaves his fellow Blobs to take out the enemy whilst he ascends the tower in his pursuit of Galdov. Finding him on the roof, the two battle until Galdov lies defeated. The tower, however, begins to collapse and Galdov taunts Bob that this time he has nowhere to run and that the two will perish together. At that moment, Teeka teleports onto the roof and whisks Bob to safety. The tower then falls, taking Galdov down with it.

Investigating the rubble, the Blobs discover that Galdov once again survived, but now the Biomech leader only wishes to talk. He reveals, to the shock of the Blobs and Bob himself, that Bob is over 1000 years old and was charged with protecting the Blobs by the race's Elders. It becomes apparent that the Blobs did not originate on the world they now live on, but fled there many years ago when threatened by Galdov and his army. All this happened so long ago that Bob forgot his charge. Galdov releases all the Blobs from his control before telling Bob that their destinies are intertwined and they are destined to meet for one last time. Galdov then departs the planet, telling Bob that he will "await him at the beginning".

The game ends with Bob looking onward into a cave in an unknown location, the final narrative revealing Galdov to be a fallen god; Bob's destiny to destroy him.[4]


Although the ending of the game leaves the series open for another game, the developers have not confirmed whether one is in development.

Blob Wars (Flash Game)

Blob Wars, the flash game, is an interesting board game made by KwikGames. It's is a turn-based strategy game, were the goal is to gain control of the board by attacking your opponents blobs and converting them to your own. Blob Wars can be played single player, against the computer, and 2 players, against your friend. It features 6 different boards to play on. A game like Blob Wars takes strategy and patience.

How to Play

The rules are very simple... you can spawn a blob into an adjacent space or you can jump into an open space one square away. Select a blob on your team by clicking it with the mouse. Once selected, your blob will be highlighted and the possible moves you may take will be shown with darkenen green tiles. Click on a highlighted space to complete your move.

After you make a move, any opponent blobs directly next to your own become captured and turn into your blobs! The winner is the player who have the most blobs when the board is filled.

If you can't make a move, then you have to pass. Empty space will automatically be filled with your opponent's blobs and then the score will be calculated.

See also


External links

Metal Blob Solid

Blob and Conquer

Blob Wars (Flash Game)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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