

Infobox Software
name= Pygame

developer= Pete Shinners
maintainer =
latest_release_version= 1.8.1
latest_release_date= 2008 July 30
operating_system= Cross-platform
genre= API
license= GNU Lesser General Public License

Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games.It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language. It is built over the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library, with the intention of allowing real-time computer game development without the restraints and low-level mechanics of the C programming language and its derivatives. This is based on the assumption that the most consuming functions inside games (mainly the graphics part) can be completely abstracted from the game logic in itself, making it possible to use a high-level programming language like Python to structure the game.

Pygame was built to replace pySDL after its sudden death. [ [ Libregamewiki's article on Pygame] ]

Pygame was originally written by Pete Shinners and is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. It is now an open source free software community project (since around 2004/2005).

ee also

2D Engines and Libraries:
* [ Phil's Pygame Utilities (PGU)] is a collection of tools and libraries that enhance Pygame. Tools include a tile editor and a (tile, isometric, hexagonal). GUI enhancements include full featured gui, html rendering, document layout, and text rendering. The libraries include a sprite and (tile, isometric, hexagonal), a state engine, a timer, and a high score system. (Note pgu is now unmaintained).

* Psyco, a specializing compiler (a kind of just-in-time compiler) used to speed the execution of Python code


External links

* [ Pygame homepage] — Pygame documentation, wiki, news, download and more.
* [ An Introduction to Python Game Programming] - written by Rene Dudfield and Geoff Howland
* [ Pyweek homepage] — regular contest to write a game during one week using Python (most entries use pygame).
* [news://gmane.comp.python.pygame Pygame newsgroup] [ (web access)] — the "official" Pygame newsgroup, requires registration
* [ Line by line tutorial] — Tutorial for beginners by Pete Shinners.
* [ Creating Games with Python] - A tutorial explaining how to use Pygame for game development and improved execution.
* [ pyGame Basics] and [ Arinoid tutorials]
* [ Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame] -- A new book discussing game development using Pygame
* [ Game Programming the L Line] -- A book that introduces programming and game development with Python and pygame
* [ pyOpenGL] - Python OpenGL Bindings

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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