Tux, of Math Command

Tux, of Math Command

name = Tux, of Math Command

caption =
developer = Bill Kendrick, David Bruce, Holger Levsen, Tim Holy, Sam Hart
latest_release_version = 1.6.0
latest_release_date = 19 December 2007
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Educational game
license = GNU General Public License
website = [http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/ Tux4Kids on aliot.debian.org]

Tux, of Math Command (TuxMath, for short) is an open source arcade-style video game for learning mathematics, initially created for Linux. The game-play mechanic is based loosely on that of the arcade game Missile Command, but with comets falling on cities, rather than missiles. Like Missile Command, players attempt to protect their cities, but rather than using a trackball-controlled targeting cross-hair, players solve math problems that label each comet, which causes a laser to destroy it.

Eventually the city imagery was replaced with igloos, to match the arctic theme of Tux, the Linux penguin, who stars in the game. (The first alpha of the game was released by its initial developer, Bill Kendrick, in September 2001, days prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was decided that the imagery of exploding buildings no longer suitable.)


* Multiple user support (useful for schools)
* On-screen tutorials
* High score table
* Training mode
* Multi-platform support (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS)
* Localization to a number of languages (Norwegian-Nynorsk, Norwegian-Bokmal, Czech, Dutch and French)


TuxMath is included in numerous Linux distributions, including the Edubuntu flavor of Ubuntu. It is included as a game on the ASUS Eee PC. [ [http://www.linux.com/feature/124240 Linux.com review of the ASUS Eee PC] , January 11, 2008] It was also included on the Dish Network 721 |PVR. [ [http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/news/2002.12.shtml News from Bill Kendrick's personal website] , December, 2002.]

Use in Schools

Numerous schools use TuxMath [ [http://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~technology/Tutorials/Files/free_programs.html Free Educational Software page at North Canton City Schools] .] , and school newsletters [ [http://ca.geocities.com/janethopkinsbc/mar04.html Special Needs Tech News] , Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2004.] and educational [ [http://www.schoolforge.net/education-software/educational Educational software listing at SchoolForge] .] and software [ [http://www.linux.com/articles/54385 "A free education" article at Linux.com] , May 23, 2006.] websites mention it, often together with other open source educational software.

See also

*Missile Command
*Tux (Linux mascot penguin)
*Tux Typing
*Tux Paint


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