Manu (Theosophy)

Manu (Theosophy)

In the teachings of Theosophy, the Manu [1] [1] is one of the most important beings at the highest levels of Initiation of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, along with Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, the Maha Chohan, and Djwal Khul. According to Theosophy, each root race has its own Manu which physically incarnates in an advanced body of an individual of the old root race and physically progenerates with a suitable female partner the first individuals of the new root race. The Theosophical concept of the Manu is derived from the concept in Hinduism that the Manu was the being who was the progenitor of the human race.

When the Manu is spoken of in Theosophy, normally the being being referred to is the Vaivasvatu Manu.



In Theosophy, the Vaivasvatu Manu is regarded as the progenitor of the fifth root race, the Aryan root race[2]. This progeneration is believed to have taken place 100,000 years ago in Atlantis.

The progenitor of the fourth root race, the Atlantean root race, is called the Chakshusha Manu and is in appearance an individual of the Mongolian race.[3] This progeneration is believed to have taken place about 4,500,000 years ago in the area now inhabited by the Ashanti in the present nation of Ghana in Africa.

According to C.W. Leadbeater, a colony will be established in Baja California by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the 28th century for the intensive selective eugenic breeding of the sixth root race. The Master Morya will physically incarnate in order to be the Manu ("progenitor") of this new root race.[4]

Ascended master teachings

In the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religions based on Theosophy, it is taught that the Vaivasvatu Manu has a twin flame, i.e., a divine complement or celestial wife. However, her name has not yet been revealed.[5]

In the Ascended Master Teachings, the being C.W. Leadbeater called the "Chakshusha Manu" is referred to as Lord Himalaya [6]. According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Lord Himalaya" was the teacher of Maitreya when Maitreya incarnated in as one of the first individuals of the new Atlantean root race that was then being progenerated by the "Lord Himalaya" from the Lemurian root race--Maitreya served in the Garden of Eden, which was actually a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood run by the "Lord Himalaya" that was located in what is now San Diego, California, which was then part of Lemuria.[7]

Skeptical view

The scholar K. Paul Johnson maintains that the "Masters" that Madame Blavatsky wrote about and produced letters from were actually idealizations of people who were her mentors. However, although she mentioned the Manu in The Secret Doctrine, she never claimed to have met him.

Also see the articleTalking to the Dead and Other Amusementsby Paul Zweig New York Times October 5, 1980, which maintains that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent.

See also


  1. ^ Image of the Vaivasvatu Manu: distributed by ZakaiRan and painted by New Age Artist Peter Fich Christiansen
  2. ^ Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India:1925 The Theosophical Publishing House Page 28
  3. ^ Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India:1925 The Theosophical Publishing House Page 31
  4. ^ Besant, Annie and Leadbeater, C.W. Man: How, Whence, and Whither? Adyar, India:1913 Theosophical Publishing House Part Three Whither Chapters 22-26 (Pages 353-495) Note: On page vii of the Introduction it is stated that the information in the book is a result of Leadbeater's inspection of the Akashic records
  5. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (compiled by Annice Booth) The Masters and Their Retreats Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Pages 378-379
  6. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (compiled by Annice Booth) The Masters and Their Retreats Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Pages 137-138
  7. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (compiled by Annice Booth) The Masters and Their Retreats Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Page 205

Further reading

  • Education in the New Age. Lucis Publishing Company. 1940
  • The Light of the Soul. Lucis Publishing Company
  • The Destiny of the Nations.Lucis Publishing Company
  • The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Publishing Company
  • Campbell, Bruce F. A History of the Theosophical Movement Berkeley:1980 University of California Press
  • Godwin, Joscelyn The Theosophical Enlightenment Albany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Johnson, K. Paul The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood Albany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Melton, J. Gordon Encyclopedia of American Religions 5th Edition New York:1996 Gale Research ISBN 0-8103-7714-4 ISSN 1066-1212 Chapter 18--"The Ancient Wisdom Family of Religions" Pages 151-158; see chart on page 154 listing Masters of the Ancient Wisdom; Also see Section 18, Pages 717-757 Descriptions of various Ancient Wisdom religious organizations.

External links

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