Benjamin Creme

Benjamin Creme

Infobox Person
name = Benjamin Creme

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residence = London, England
nationality = Scottish flagicon|Scotland
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Benjamin Creme (b. Dec 5 1922 Scotland) is a British esotericist, lecturer, author, artist and chief editor of Share International magazine [] .

He asserts that the second coming prophesied by many religions will come in the form of "Maitreya". "Maitreya" is the name Buddhists use for the future Buddha, but Creme claims that Maitreya is the teacher that all religions point towards and hope for [ 2] . Other names for him, according to Creme, are the Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Messiah. Creme says Maitreya is the "Avatar for the Aquarian Age." [Niebuhr, Gustav. [ "New Millennium, Great Expectations."] "The New York Times", July 20, 1996]

Biography and ministry

Born in Glasgow, Benjamin Creme began studying art at an early age, developing into an accomplished painter in the modernist style.

He befriended and collaborated with many of the leading figures of the time in British art, music and literature. His paintings have been exhibited in a number of prestigious galleries. [ [ Share International website] ]

He was a member of the Aetherius Society (a UFO based new religious movement) between 1957 and 1959, when he left due to disagreements. [Barrett, David V. "The New Believers" 2001 ISBN 0-304-35592-5, page 347-349]

Creme studied various aspects of esoteric philosophy, in particular the teachings released in the late 1800s through Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and more recently through Alice A. Bailey. Although these teachings led him to believe in the existence of the Masters of Wisdom (Ascended Master) ― a group of perfected individuals who are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet. In 1959, it is claimed that, to his surprise, he was contacted by one of the Masters. He was told, among other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacherthe Master of all the Masterswould return in about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.

More than a decade later, in 1972, it is claimed that Creme began a period of arduous training under his Master's direction to prepare him for his coming task: announcing to the world the emergence of the World Teacher, awaited by people of every religion. It is said that Creme's constant contact with a Master of Wisdom gives him access to up-to-date information on Maitreya's emergence, plus the total conviction needed to present the story.

He first began to speak publicly of his mission on May 30th, 1975, at the Friends Meeting House on Euston Road in London, England.

From 1975 to 1979, Creme lectured, by invitation, throughout Europe. During his first US tour in 1980, he spoke to large audiences in many major cities. For that trip, he was sponsored by Leland Stewart's organization, the Unity and Diversity Council. Since the early 1980s, his tours have included Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, and two trips a year through the US. He has been interviewed on more than 300 radio and television programs in the US. On some of those radio shows, he generated controversy by alleged positive remarks about Lucifer. Creme explained that he was not endorsing the Devil but pointing out a misinterpretation in terminology, he stated "Lucifer is the name of a great Angel, not an upstart in heaven who revolted against God and was put down into the nether regions as the Devil. That is a complete misinterpretation. Lucifer means light, and comes from the Latin lux, lucis, meaning light. It is the name of the Angel Who ensouls the human kingdom..." [ [ Share International website:Ageless Wisdom teachings and spirituality Basic tenets FAQ] ]

Some Christian Evangelical sources have accused Creme and his version of Maitreya of being a satanical conspiracy. [David V. Barrett "The New Believers" 2001 ISBN 0-304-35592-5, page 349]

Creme's books on the reappearance of the Christ have been translated into seven languages and are published throughout the world by groups responding to his message. He is also co-editor of Share International, a monthly magazine that focuses on the political, economic, social and spiritual changes now occurring globally. The magazine is read in more than 70 countries.

Benjamin Creme receives no payment for this work and makes no claims about his own spiritual status. "My job," Creme says, "has been to make the initial approach to the public, to help create a climate of hope and expectancy. If I can do that, I'll be well pleased." [ [ Share International website] ]

For a short autobiography see:

The Return of the Christ to Inaugurate the Age of Aquarius

In 1982 Creme placed advertisements in newspapers around the world saying, "The Christ is now here". According to Creme the "Christ", whom he also called "Maitreya", would announce his existence on world wide television broadcasts, and that he would do that within several months of the initial newspaper advertisement. This created a sensation within some New Age groups, and even among some Evangelical Christians; but, when the promised television broadcasts of the Maitreya/Christ failed to occur, most of Creme's followers lost interest. This, he said, was because Maitreya had seen the time was not right for his general acceptance, at the level necessary, for his work to be successful. Creme, who claims that time is now very near for Maitreya's emergence, is independently wealthy and continues to fund newspaper advertisements and press conferences, as well as to fund his journal and websites. [ [ THE NEW AGE CONSPIRACY] ] .

Creme states (responding to a question) that when the "Day of Declaration: occurs, "The Christ will come on the world's television channels, linked together by satellite. All those with access to television will see... [His face] . He will establish a telepathic rapport with all humanity simultaneously". [ "Creme, Benjamin "Maitreya's Mission I" 1986 Page 23 ] While the Christ is speaking... [everyone will feel far more love than they've ever felt before, that massive outpouring of love will cause] "hundreds of thousands of 'miracle' cures will take place simultaneously." That is how everyone will know it is really the Christ that has returned.

According to Creme, it is for those who believe in the Emergence to share their belief with others, to whatever degree they believe it to be possible. [ Niebuhr, Gustav. "New Millennium, Great Expectations." The New York Times, Saturday, July 20, 1996, p. 9 ]

athya Sai Baba

Unlike the majority from the Theosophical tradition, Creme accepts the Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba as on a par with the other Masters of Neotheosophy. [50 Frequently asked questions: A list of the most asked questions since 1977 answered by Benjamin Creme. retrieved from [ share international website] October 2006] In fact, according to Creme he is even more holy than the Ascended Masters because he is a "Descended Master" (Avatar) from the star Sirius, having a level of initiation, Creme claims, equal to Christ himself (the seventh level). Creme accepts Sathya Sai Baba's claim that he is the reincarnation of the previous 19th century guru Sai Baba of Shirdi.


* Creme, Benjamin. "The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom". Tara Press, 1980.
* Creme, Benjamin (ed.). "Messages from Maitreya the Christ". (Share International Foundation), 1981, 1986.
* Creme, Benjamin. "Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age". Tara Center, 1983.
* [Creme, Benjamin (ed.)] . "A Master Speaks". Share International Foundation, 1985.
* Creme, Benjamin. "Maitreya's Mission". 3 vols. Share International Foundation, 1986, 1993, 1997.
* Creme, Benjamin. "The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An introduction to humanity's spiritual legacy". Share International Foundation, 1996.
* Creme, Benjamin. "The Great Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity". Share International Foundation, 2001.
* Creme, Benjamin. "The Art of Co-Operation". Share International Foundation, 2002.
* Creme, Benjamin (ed.). "Maitreya's Teachings - The Laws of Life". Share International Foundation, 2005.
* Creme, Benjamin. "The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life". Share International Foundation, 2006.


Further reading

* Bailey, Alice A. "The Reappearance of the Christ". Lucis Publishing, 1948.
* Bailey, Alice A. "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy". Lucis Publishing, 1957.
* Bistrich, Andrea. "Maitreya: "I Come to Change All Things". Eine moderne Heilserwartung im interkulturellen Vergleich". (Münchener Ethnologische Abhandlugen 17) Akademischer Verlag München, 1996.
* Brown, Mick. "Messiah is alive and well and in London." "The Sunday Times", 23 October 1988, p. A15.
* Brown, Mick. "The Spiritual Tourist". Bloomsbury publishing, 1998.
* Carey, Howard Ray. "The Joy of Christ's Coming: From Traditional Religion to Ageless Wisdom". Share International Foundation, 1988.
* Cumbey, Constance E. "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow". Huntington House, 1983.
* Curley, Thomas. "Masters among Us: An Exploration of Supernal Encounters and Miraculous Phenomena". Bloomington, IN: 1stBooks, 2004, pp. 234-261.
* Graham, W. S. "Cage Without Grievance: Poems. With Drawings by Benjamin Creme and Robert Frame". Parton Press, Glasgow, 1942. pp. 13, 23, 29.
* MacDonald-Bayne, Murdo. "Beyond the Himalayas". L. N. Fowler, 1954.
* Muto, Nyaga wa, and Ben Mitukaa. "Did Jesus Visit Kawangware?" " [Kenya] Sunday Times", June 26, 1988, pp. 12, 17.
* Mutungi, Job. "Did Jesus Christ Come to the City?" "Kenya Times", Wednesday, June 22, 1988, pp. 16-17.
* Peterson, Wayne S. "Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings: Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom". Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2003.
* Pitchon, Patricia. "Searching for Maitreya: An Inquiry into a Spiritual Teacher of Our Time". Xlibris, 2002.
* Spalding, Baird T. "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East". 5 vols. De Vorss & Co., 1924-55.
* Stammer, Larry B. "Years After Apparition Claims Fizzled, Creme Keeps the Faith." "Los Angeles Times", Saturday, July 3, 1993, p. B10.

ee also

*List of Maitreya claimants

External links

* [ Books] by Benjamin Creme.
* [ Transmission Meditation] - "A meditation for the New Age" introduced to the world by Benjamin Creme.
* [ Share International] Official site.
* [ Sirius Enterprises] Lithographs of Benjamin Creme's paintings.

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