Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

Not to be confused with Eden Gardens.The Garden of Eden (Hebrew "pleasure" גַּן עֵדֶן Arabic: جنات عدن", from his research on this area using information from many different sources, including Landsat images from space.


Other literalists point out that the world of Eden's time was destroyed during Noah's Flood and it is therefore impossible to place the Garden anywhere in post-flood geography. There is also an attempt to tie this with the mysterious sunken land of "Atlantis" mentioned by Plato. ). The obvious references to domination are important to the Christian view of Man's relation to nature and Man's role in the Kingdom of God.

Later, in Chapter 3, the "Fall of Man" is followed by the pronouncement of a curse. This curse contains references to the enmity between the Kingdom and its subjectsas had been described in 1:28that would affect the kingdom unto the present day: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers."

Eden in art

Garden of Eden motifs most frequently portrayed in illuminated manuscripts and paintings are the "Sleep of Adam" ("Creation of Eve"), the "Temptation of Eve" by the Serpent, the "Fall of Man" where Adam takes the fruit, and the "Expulsion". The idyll of "Naming Day in Eden" was less often depicted. Much of Milton's "Paradise Lost" occurs in the Garden of Eden. Michelangelo depicted a has a painting hanging in his room he calls "Expulsion from Paradise", depicting Adam and Eve being expelled from Eden. He explains to a fellow member of the crew that it is a personal reminder that all things must end.

ee also

* Antediluvian
* Antelapsarianism
* Fall of Man
* Fertile Crescent
* Original sin
* Palmette
* Pandora
* Seth in the Garden of Eden
* Tamoanchan
* Utopia
*Dawn of the World, film


External links

* [ Smithsonian article on the geography of the Tigris-Euphrates region]
* [ Eden as a precursor of political utopianism]
* [ Review of the Young Earth Creationist Book "After Eden"]
* [ Tas Walker "Has the Garden of Eden Been Found?"]
* [ Many translations of II Kings 19:12]

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