- Round (Theosophy)
A round in the
esoteric cosmology ofTheosophy ,Anthroposophy andRosicrucian ism is a cosmic cycle or sequence by which an evolving reincarnating being passes through the various stages of existence as theEarth , theSolar System or theCosmos comes into and passes out ofmanifestation .The Theosophical concept of rounds
In Theosophy, the whole process is very simple. A round is a process in a
planetary chain , according to which a life cycle orlife-wave ofsouls or monads begins its evolutionary journey on the first and most subtle or spiritual of the series of seven globes; then finishing its evolution there, proceeds to the next, and so on, to the densest or most manifest globe (usually called globe D), which in our case is the gross, physicalEarth . From there it proceeds on theascending arc , through increasingly more etherial globes. Each of these globes are in coadunition with the physical earth, though they are not in consubstantiation with it. Each of these stages is called a "round", and during this time the reincarnating life wave has passed through sevenRoot Race s.When the life wave has gone through all seven globes of the planetary chain, it has completed one "planetary round" or "globe manvantara". This is followed by the dissolution of the planetary chain in a nirvana (which is not the same as what
Buddhism callsnirvana because it is not permanent) orpralaya . Finally, a new round begins, in which consciousness is now more developed than in the preceding round.Seven such planetary rounds (or forty-nine globe rounds) represents one
kalpa or "manvantara" or "day of brahma". This is followed by a higher "nirvana" or pralaya, which is the pralaya of that planetary chain. This lasts until a new planetary chain forms with its various life waves.Seven such planetary chains and their pralayas constitute a solar manvantara, after which the solar system is dissolved in a cosmic pralaya, before the cycle begins anew.
This elaborate cosmology, first formulated by Blavatsky, was also taught by de Purucker, Leadbeater, and
Alice Bailey .The Anthroposophical concept of rounds
Rudolph Steiner retained the basic concept of root races and sevenfold cycles within cycles, but his description is considerably simpler, concentrating only on the seven cycles of the presentSolar System . Each of these cycles constitutes a coming into being and passing out of being of the solar system, and each is divided into seven rounds, upon which man passes through seven root races. Each of Steiner's seven rounds is related to a metamorphosis of the Earth:
*Ancient Saturn:During the Ancient Saturn round, the life wave of human beings underwent the mineral stage, endowed only with a physical vehicle.
*Ancient Sun:During the Ancient Sun round, human beings underwent the plant stage, being endowed with a physical and an etheric vehicle.
*Ancient Moon:During the Ancient Moon round, human beings underwent the animal stage, endowed with a physical, an etheric, and an astral vehicle. Meanwhile, the present Angels were undergoing the human stage, while the present Archangels were undergoing the Angel stage, and so on.
*Earth:During the Earth round, human beings undergo the man stage.
*Jupiter:During the Jupiter round, human beings will undergo the soul man stage.
*Venus:During the Venus round, human beings will undergo the higher soul man stage.
*Vulcan:During the Vulcan round, human beings will undergo the spiritual man stage.For Steiner, the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms represent "cast off" elements of the human entity from previous rounds. These teachings have been incorporated into theAnthroposophical Society that Steiner founded.The Rosicrucian concept of rounds
According to
Max Heindel 'sRosicrucian writings about the scheme of evolution, in the beginning of a "Day of Manifestation" a certain collective Great Being,God , limits Himself to a certain portion of space, in which He elects to create aSolar System for the evolution of addedself-consciousness . In God there are contained hosts of glorious Hierarchies and lesser beings of every grade of intelligence and stage ofconsciousness , fromomniscience to anunconsciousness deeper than that of the deepest trance condition.During the current period of manifestation these various grades of beings are working to acquire more experience than they possessed at the beginning of this period of existence. Those who, in previous manifestations, have attained to the highest degree of development work on those who have not yet evolved any consciousness.The period of time devoted to the attainment of self-consciousness and to the building of the vehicles through which the spirit in man manifests, is called "Involution". The succeeding period of existence, during which the individual human being develops self-consciousness into divine
omniscience , is called "Evolution". Every evolving being has within him a "force" within which makes evolution not to be a mere unfoldment of latent germinal possibilities but a process where each individual differ from that of every other. This force, called "Epigenesis" provides the element oforiginality and gives scope to the creative ability which the evolving being is to cultivate that he may become aGod .Heindel states that in the
Solar system , God's Habitation, there are seven Worlds differentiated byGod , within Himself, one after another. These Worlds have each a different "measure" and rate of vibration and are not separated byspace ordistance , as is the earth from the other planets. They are states ofmatter , of varyingdensity and vibration (as are thesolids ,liquids andgases of the physical Earth). These Worlds are not instantaneously created at the beginning of a day of Manifestation, nor do they last until the end. The evolutionary scheme is carried through five of these Worlds in seven great Periods of manifestation, during which the evolving virginspirit becomes firsthuman and, then, aGod .The highest Worlds are created first, and as involution is to slowly carry the life into denser and denser matter for the building of forms, the finer Worlds graduallycondense and new Worlds are differentiated withinGod to furnish the necessary links between Himself and the Worlds which have consolidated. In due time the point of greatest density, thenadir of materiality, is reached. From that point the life begins to ascend into higher Worlds, as evolution proceeds. That leaves the denser Worlds depopulated, one by one. When the purpose has been served for which a particular World was created,God ends its existence, which has become superfluous, by ceasing within Himself the particular activity which brought into being and sustained that World. [http://www.rosicrucian.com/images/rccen008.gif]External links
* [http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Round/id/69168 Round] (de Purucker)
* [http://www.kheper.net/topics/Anthroposophy/Steiner-cosmology.htm Steiner's Occult Cosmology]References
* de Purucker, G, "Occult|Glossary - a Compendium of Oriental and Theosophical Terms"
* Arthur E. "The Causal Body and the Ego"
* Steiner, Rudolph, "Occult science - An Outline". Trans. George and Mary Adams. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1909, 1969
* Heindel, Max, "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception ", first edition in 1909 (ISBN 0-911274-34-0) [http://www.rosicrucian.com/rcc/rcceng06.htm www.rosicrucian.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.