male external genitalia — organa genitalia masculina externa. Male external genitalia … Medical dictionary
Male internal genitalia — Latin organa genitalia masculina interna The male internal genitalia refers to the portion of the male reproductive system consisting of seminal tract and prostate … Wikipedia
Genitalia — The male or female reproductive organs. The genitalia include internal structures, such as the ovaries, and external structures, such as the penis. * * * The organs of reproduction or generation, external and internal. SYN: organa g. [TA],… … Medical dictionary
XX male syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 (Q98.3) OMIM 278850 XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for a resea … Wikipedia
male genital organ — noun external male sex organs • Syn: ↑male genitalia, ↑male genitals, ↑family jewels • Hypernyms: ↑genitalia, ↑genital organ, ↑genitals, ↑private parts, ↑pri … Useful english dictionary
male genitalia — noun external male sex organs • Syn: ↑male genitals, ↑male genital organ, ↑family jewels • Hypernyms: ↑genitalia, ↑genital organ, ↑genitals, ↑private parts, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
male genitals — noun external male sex organs • Syn: ↑male genitalia, ↑male genital organ, ↑family jewels • Hypernyms: ↑genitalia, ↑genital organ, ↑genitals, ↑private parts, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Male genital waxing — Male waxing is the practice of male pubic hair removal. Due to increased public awareness, it is thought to have become more acceptable during the 1990s, although the number of users historically and currently are unknown. Male waxing is popular… … Wikipedia
genitalia — n. pl. [L. genitalis, pert. to procreation] 1. The sexual organs and associated structures. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) In male and female spiders, the sclerotized genital structures. 3. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Usually applied to the external… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology