- Spermatid
Infobox Anatomy
Name = Spermatid
Latin =
GraySubject = 258
GrayPage = 1243
Caption = "Germinal epithelium of thetesticle ."
1:basal lamina
3:spermatocyte 1st order
4: spermatocyte 2nd order
6: mature spermatid
7:Sertoli cell
8:tight junction (blood testis barrier )
Caption2 = Transverse section of atubule of thetestis of arat . X 250.
System =
MeshName = Spermatids
MeshNumber = A05.360.490.890.860
The term spermatid refers to thehaploid malegametid that results from division of secondaryspermatocyte s. As a result ofmeiosis , each spermatid contains only half of the genetic material present in the original primary spermatocyte.Spermatids are connected together by cytoplasmic material and have superfluous cytoplasmic material around their nuclei.
When formed, "early round spermatids" must undergo further maturational events in order to develop into
spermatozoa , a process termedspermiogenesis (also termed "spermeteliosis").The spermatids begin to grow a tail, develop a thickened mid-piece where the
mitochondria become localised and form anacrosome . Spermatid DNA also undergoes packaging, becoming highly condensed. The DNA is packaged firstly with specific nuclear basic proteins, which are subsequently replaced withprotamines during spermatid elongation. The resultant tightly packedchromatin is transcriptionally inactive.
=AdditionalExternal links
* - "Male Reproductive System: testis, early spermatids"
* - "Male Reproductive System: testis, late spermatids"
* [http://www.cvm.okstate.edu/instruction/mm_curr/histology/MR/HiMRp3.htm Histology at okstate.edu]
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