Subcutaneous tissue of penis
- Subcutaneous tissue of penis
Infobox Anatomy
Latin = tela subcutanea penis
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GraySubject = 262
GrayPage = 1249

Caption = The penis in transverse section, showing the blood vessels. (Superficial fascia labeled at center left.)
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System =
Artery =
Vein =
Nerve =
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DorlandsPre = t_03
DorlandsSuf = 13540004
The subcutaneous tissue of penis (or superficial penile fascia) is continuous above with the fascia of Scarpa, and below with the dartos tunic of the scrotum and the fascia of Colles.
It is sometimes just called the "dartos layer".[cite web |url= |title=Neuroanatomy of the penile portion of the human dorsal nerve of the penis |accessdate=2007-11-25 |format= |work=] ]It attaches at the intersection of the body and glans.[cite book |author=Leonard, Robert D. |title=Human Gross Anatomy: An Outline Text |publisher=Oxford University Press, USA |location= |year= |pages=135 |isbn=0-19-509003-9 |oclc= |doi=] ]The term "superficial penile fascia" is more common, but "subcutaneous tissue of penis" is the term used by Terminologia Anatomica.
ee also
* subcutaneous tissue
* fascia
External links
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