- Fascia
Infobox Anatomy
Name = Fascia
Latin = fascia
GraySubject = 104
GrayPage =
Caption = Therectus sheath and thethoracolumbar fascia provide strong fascial support between the bottom of theribcage and the top of thepelvis .
Caption2 = Fascia creates pathways in the body. The flexortendons of thehand travel under theflexor retinaculum , the roof of thecarpal tunnel .
System =
Precursor =mesenchyme
MeshName =Fascia
MeshNumber = D005205
DorlandsPre = f_03
DorlandsSuf = 12354757Fascia (făsh'ē-ə), pl. fas·ci·ae (făsh'ē-ē), adj. fascial (făsh'ē-əl) (from
latin : a band) is thesoft tissue component of theconnective tissue system that permeates the human body. It interpenetrates and surroundsmuscle s,bones ,organs ,nerves ,blood vessels and other structures. Fascia is an uninterrupted, three-dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from interior to exterior. It is responsible for maintaining structural integrity; for providing support and protection; and acts as a shock absorber. Fascia has an essential role inhemodynamic andbiochemical processes, and provides the matrix that allows forintercellular communication . Fascia functions as the body's first line of defense againstpathogenic agents andinfections . After injury, it is the fascia that creates an environment for tissue repair. [ cite book | last = Paoletti | first = Serge | title = The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction & Treatment | publisher = Eastland Press | date = 2006 | pages = 151-161 | location = Seattle, WA | id = ISBN 0-939616-53-X ]Three layers of the fascia
*Superficial fascia:is found in the
subcutis in most regions of the body, blending with the reticular layer of thedermis . [ cite book | last = Skandalakis |first = John E. | coauthors = Skandalakis, P.N.; Skandalakis, L.J.; Skandalakis, J. | title = Surgical Anatomy and Technique, 2nd Ed. | publisher = Springer | date = 2002 | location = Atlanta, GA | pages = 1-2 | | id = ISBN 0-38798-752-5 ] It is present on theface , over the upper portion of thesternocleidomastoid , at the nape of theneck , and overlying thesternum . [ cite book | last = Paoletti | first = Serge | title = The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction & Treatment | publisher = Eastland Press | date = 2006 | pages = 23-24 | location = Seattle, WA | id = ISBN 0-939616-53-X ] It is comprised mainly of looseareolar connective tissue andadipose and is the layer that primarily determines the shape of a body. In addition to itssubcutaneous presence, this type of fascia surrounds organs andglands , neurovascular bundles, and is found at many other locations where it fills otherwise unoccupied space. It serves as a storage medium offat andwater ; as a passageway forlymph ,nerve andblood vessels ; and as a protective padding to cushion and insulate. [ cite video | people = Hedley, Gil | year = 2005 | title = The Integral Anatomy Series Vol. 1: Skin and Superficial fascia | url = http://integralanatomy.com/ | medium = DVD | publisher = Integral Anatomy Productions | accessdate = 2006-07-17 | ]
*Deep fascia :is the dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels of the body. It provides connection and communication in the form ofaponeuroses ,ligaments ,tendons , retinacula,joint capsule s, and septa. The deep fasciae envelop all bone (periosteum andendosteum );cartilage (perichondrium ), and blood vessels (tunica externa ) and become specialized in muscles (epimysium ,perimysium , andendomysium ) and nerves (epineurium ,perineurium , andendoneurium ). The high density ofcollagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount ofelastin fiber determines how muchextensibility and resilience it will have. [ cite video | people = Hedley, Gil | year = 2005 | title = The Integral Anatomy Series Vol. 2: Deep Fascia and Muscle | url = http://integralanatomy.com/ | medium = DVD | publisher = Integral Anatomy Productions | accessdate = 2006-07-17 | ]*Visceral fascia:suspends the organs within their cavities and wraps them in layers of connective tissue
membranes . Each of the organs is covered in a double layer of fascia; these layers are separated by a thinserous membrane . The outermost wall of the organ is known as theparietal layer, whereas the skin of the organ is known as theviscera l layer. The organs have specialized names for their visceral fasciae. In the brain, they are known asmeninges ; in the heart they are known as pericardia; in the lungs, they are known aspleura ; and in the abdomen, they are known as peritonea. [ cite video | people = Hedley, Gil | year = 2005 | title = The Integral Anatomy Series Vol. 3: Cranial and Visceral Fasciae | url = http://integralanatomy.com/ | medium = DVD | publisher = Integral Anatomy Productions | accessdate = 2006-07-17 | ]Fascial dynamics
Fascia is a highly adaptable tissue. Due to its
viscoelastic properties, superficial fascia can stretch to accommodate the deposition of adipose that accompanies both ordinary andprenatal weight gain. Afterpregnancy and weight loss, the superficial fascia slowly reverts to its original level of tension.Visceral fascia is less extensible than superficial fascia. Due to its suspensory role of the organs, it needs to maintain its tone rather consistently. If it is too lax, it contributes to organ
prolapse , yet if it is hypertonic, it restricts proper organmotility . [ cite book | last = Paoletti | first = Serge | title = The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction & Treatment | publisher = Eastland Press | date = 2006 | pages = 146-147 | location = Seattle, WA | id = ISBN 0-939616-53-X ]Deep fascia is also less extensible than superficial fascia. It is essentially
avascular [ cite book | last = Rolf | first = Ida P. | title = Rolfing | publisher = Healing Arts Press | date = 1989 | location = Rochester, VT | pages = 38 | id = ISBN 0-89281-335-0 ] , but is richlyinnervated withsensory receptor s that report the presence of pain (nociceptors ); change in movement (proprioceptors ); change in pressure and vibration (mechanoreceptors ); change in the chemical milieu (chemoreceptors ); and fluctuation in temperature (thermoreceptors ). [ cite book | last = Chaitow | first = Leon | title = Soft Tissue Manipulation | publisher = Healing Arts Press | date = 1988 | location = Rochester, VT | pages = 26-28 | | id = ISBN 0-89281-276-1 ] , [ cite journal | last = Schleip | first = R. | title = Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation: Part 1| journal = Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies | volume = 7 | issue = 1 | pages = 15–19 | publisher = Elsevier | date = 2003 ] Deep fascia is able to respond to sensory input by contracting; by relaxing; or by adding, reducing, or changing its composition through the process of fascial remodeling. [ cite book | last = Myers | first = Thomas W. | title = Anatomy Trains | publisher = Churchill Livingstone | date = 2002 | location = London, UK | pages = 15 | id = ISBN 0-443-06351-6 ]Deep fascia can contract. What happens during the
fight-or-flight response is an example of rapid fascial contraction . In response to a real or imagined threat to the organism, the body responds with a temporary increase in the stiffness of the fascia. Bolstered with tensioned fascia, people are able to perform extraordinary feats of strength and speed under emergency conditions. [ cite journal | last = Schleip | first = R. | authorlink = | coauthors = Klingler W.; Lehmann-Horn, F. | title = Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics | journal = Medical Hypotheses | volume = 65 | pages = 274 | publisher = Elsevier | date = 2005 ] How fascia contracts is still not well understood, but appears to involve the activity ofmyofibroblasts . Myofibroblasts are fascial cells that are created as a response to mechanical stress. In a two step process,fibroblasts differentiate into proto-myofibroblasts that with continued mechanical stress, become differentiated myofibroblasts. [ cite journal | last = Tomasek | first = J. | authorlink = | coauthors = Gabbiani, G.; Hinz, B.; Chaponnier, C.; Brown, R. | title = Myofibroblasts and Mechanoregulation of Connective Tissue Remodelling | journal = Molecular Cell Biology | volume = 3 | pages = 350–352 | publisher = Nature Publishing Group | date = 2002 ] Fibroblasts cannot contract, but myofibroblasts are able to contract in asmooth muscle -like manner. [ cite journal | last = Schleip | first = R. | authorlink = | coauthors = Klingler, W.; Lehmann-Horn, F. | title = Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics | journal = Medical Hypotheses | volume = 65 | pages = 273–277 | publisher = Elsevier | date = 2005 | doi = 10.1016/j.mehy.2005.03.005 ]The deep fascia can also relax. By monitoring changes in muscular tension, joint position, rate of movement, pressure, and vibration, mechanoreceptors in the deep fascia are capable of initiating relaxation. Deep fascia can relax rapidly in response to sudden muscular overload or rapid movements.
Golgi tendon organs operate as a feedback mechanism by causing myofascial relaxation before muscle force becomes so great that tendons might be torn.Pacinian corpuscles sense changes in pressure and vibration to monitor the rate ofacceleration of movement. They will intiate a sudden relaxatory response if movement happens too fast. [ cite book | last = Chaitow | first = Leon | title = Soft Tissue Manipulation | publisher = Healing Arts Press | date = 1988 | location = Rochester, VT | pages = 26-27 | | id = ISBN 0-89281-276-1 ] Deep fascia can also relax slowly as some mechanoreceptors respond changes over longer timescales. Unlike the Golgi tendon organs, Golgi receptors report joint position independent of muscle contraction. This helps the body to know where the bones are at any given moment.Ruffini endings respond to regular stretching and to slow sustained pressure. In addition to initiating fascial relaxation, they contribute to full-body relaxation by inhibiting sympathetic activity which slows down heart rate and respiration. [ cite journal | last = Schleip | first = R. | title = Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation: Part 1 | journal = Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies | volume = 7 | issue = 1 | pages = 11–19| publisher = Elsevier | date = 2003 | doi = 10.1016/S1360-8592(02)00067-0 ] [ cite journal | last = Schleip | first = R. | title = Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation: Part 2 | journal = Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies | volume = 7 | issue = 2 | pages = 104–116 | publisher = Elsevier | date = 2003 | doi = 10.1016/S1360-8592(02)00076-1 ]When contraction persists, fascia will respond with the addition of new material. Fibroblasts secrete collagen and other proteins into the
extracellular matrix where they bind to existing proteins, making the composition thicker and less extensible. Although this potentiates thetensile strength of the fascia, it can unfortunately restrict the very structures it aims to protect. The pathologies resulting from fascial restrictions range from a mild decrease in jointrange of motion to severe fascial binding of muscles, nerves and blood vessels, as incompartment syndrome of the leg. However, if fascial contraction can be interrupted long enough, a reverse form of fascial remodeling occurs. The fascia will normalize its composition and tone and the extra material that was generated by prolonged contraction will be ingested by macrophages within the extracellular matrix. [ cite book | last = Paoletti | first = Serge | title = The Fasciae: Anatomy, Dysfunction & Treatment | publisher = Eastland Press | date = 2006 | pages = 138, 147-149 | location = Seattle, WA | id = ISBN 0-939616-53-X ]Like mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors in deep fascia also have the ability to promote fascial relaxation. We tend to think of relaxation as a good thing, however fascia needs to maintain some degree of tension. This is especially true of ligaments. To maintain joint integrity, they need to provide adequate tension between bony surfaces. If a ligament is too lax, injury becomes more likely. Certain chemicals, including
hormones , can influence the composition of the ligaments. An example of this is seen in themenstrual cycle , where hormones are secreted to create changes in the uterine andpelvic floor fascia. The hormones are not site-specific, however, and chemoreceptors in other ligaments of the body can be receptive to them as well. The ligaments of the knee may be one of the areas where this happens, as a significant association between the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle and an increased likelihood for ananterior cruciate ligament injury has been demonstrated. [ cite journal | last = Wojtys | first = E. |coauthors = Huston, L.; Lindenfeld, T.; Hewett, T.; Greenfield M.L. | title = Association Between the Menstrual Cycle and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Athletes | journal = American Journal of Sports Medicine | volume =26 | pages = 614–619 | publisher = American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine | date = 1998 ] [ cite journal | last = Heitz | first = N. |coauthors = Eisenman, P.; Beck, C.; Walker, J. | title = Hormonal Changes Throughout the Menstrual Cycle and Increased Anterior Cruciate Ligament Laxity in Females | journal = Journal of Athletic Training | volume =32 |issue = 2 | pages = 144–149 | publisher = National Athletic Trainers Association | date = 1999 ]It has been suggested that manipulation of the fascia by
acupuncture needles is responsible for the physical sensation ofqi flowing along meridians in the body. [Kimura M, Tohya K, Kuroiwa K, Oda H, Gorawski EC, Hua ZX, Toda S, Ohnishi M, Noguchi E. “Electron microscopical and immunohistochemical studies on the induction of "Qi" employing needling manipulation.” Am J Chin Med. 1992;20(1):25-35.]Fascial pathology
*Adhesive capsulitis
* Benign joint hypermobility syndrome
*Calcific tendinitis
*Cardiac tamponade
*Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
*Compartment syndrome
*Constrictive pericarditis
*Dupuytren's contracture
*Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
*Eosinophilic fasciitis
*Marfan's syndrome
*Mixed connective tissue disease
*Myofascial pain syndrome
*Necrotizing fasciitis
*Pericardial effusion
*Plantar fasciitis
*Pleural effusion
*Polyarteritis nodosa
*Rheumatoid arthritis
*Systemic lupus erythematosus
*Wegener's granulomatosis
=Classification by region [ cite web |title= Dorlands Medical Dictionary - aponeuroses |url= http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorlandszSzdorlandzSzdmd_a_53zPzhtm#12146631 |publisher=Merck Source ] [ cite web |title= Dorlands Medical Dictionary - fasciae |url= http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorlandszSzdorlandzSzdmd_f_03zPzhtm#12354757 |publisher=Merck Source ] [ cite web |title= Dorlands Medical Dictionary - ligaments |url= http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorlandszSzdorlandzSzdmd_l_09zPzhtm#12488504 |publisher=Merck Source ] [ cite web |title= Dorlands Medical Dictionary - membranes |url= http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorlandszSzdorlandzSzdmd_m_08zPzhtm#12522363 |publisher=Merck Source ] [ cite web |title= Dorlands Medical Dictionary - tendons |url= http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcommonzSzdorlandszSzdorlandzSzdmd_t_04zPzhtm#12793967 |publisher=Merck Source ] [ cite web |title= Fasciae and Aponeuroses - Organized by Region |url=http://anatomy.uams.edu/anatomyhtml/fascia_alpha.html |publisher=Department of Anatomy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences ] [ cite web |title= Fascia of the Head and Neck |url=http://iris3.med.tufts.edu/headneck/Index.htm |publisher=Department of Gross Anatomy at Tufts University ] [ cite web |title=Viscera and Fascia Tables |url=http://www.med.umich.edu/lrc/coursepages/M1/anatomy/html/anatomytables/viscera.html|publisher=The University of Michigan - Medical Gross Anatomy ] =Fasciae
Abdominal viscera
Buccopharyngeal fascia
*Coronary ligament
*Falciform ligament
*Fibrous capsule of Glisson
*Gastrocolic ligament
*Gastrolienal ligament
*Gastrosplenic ligament
*Greater omentum
*Hepatocolic ligament
*Hepatoduodenal ligament
*Hepatogastric ligament
*Hepatorenal ligament
*Ileocecal fold
*Lesser curvature of the stomach
*Lesser omentum
*Ligamentum venosum
*Periodontal ligament
*Pharyngeal aponeurosis
*Round ligament of liver
*Sigmoid mesocolon
*Splenorenal ligament
*Transverse mesocolon Brain and nervous system
Arachnoid mater
*Denticulate ligament
*Dura mater
*Nerve fascicle
*Pia mater Ears
Annular stapedial ligament
*Anterior auricular ligament
*Anterior ligament of malleus
*Lateral ligament of malleus
*Posterior auricular ligament
*Posterior ligament of incus
*Superior auricular ligament
*Superior ligament of incus
*Superior ligament of malleus
*Tectorial membrane (cochlea) Eyes
Medial palpebral ligament
*Orbital fascia
*Orbital septum
*Zonular fibers Heart and blood
Carotid sheath
*Chordae tendineae
*Interventricular septum
*Ligamentum arteriosum
*Tunica externa Respiration
Annular ligaments of trachea
*Central tendon of the diaphragm
*Crus of diaphragm
*Gastrophrenic ligament
*Interarticular ligament
*Lateral arcuate ligament
*Left triangular ligament
*Medial arcuate ligament
*Median arcuate ligament
*Phrenicocolic ligament
*Right triangular ligament
*Suprapleural membrane Thyroid
Cricoarytenoid ligament
*Cricopharyngeal ligament
*Cricothyroid ligament
*Cricotracheal ligament
*Lateral thyrohyoid ligament
*Median thyrohyoid ligament
*Thyrohyoid membrane Urinary tract and genitals
Anal fascia
*Anococcygeal raphe
*Cardinal ligament
*External spermatic fascia
*Broad ligament of the uterus
*Cooper's ligaments
*Cremasteric fascia
*Duodenorenal ligament
*Endopelvic part of the pelvic fascia
*Fascia of Camper
*Fascia of Colles
*Fascia of Scarpa
*Fundiform ligament
*Inferior ligament of epididymis
*Inferior pubic ligament
*Internal spermatic fascia
*Lateral pubovesical ligament
*Lateral umbilical ligament
*Medial pubovesical ligament
*Medial umbilical ligament
*Median umbilical ligament
*Ovarian ligament
*Perineal body
*Perineal membrane
*Puboprostatic ligament
*Pubovesical ligament
*Reflected inguinal ligament
*Renal capsule
*Renal fascia
*Round ligament of uterus
*Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm
*Superior ligament of epididymis
*Suspensory ligament of the ovary
*Suspensory ligament of the penis
*Tunica albuginea (ovaries)
*Tunica albuginea (penis)
*Tunica albuginea (testicles) Muscles and bones
*Muscle fascicle
*Nerve fascicle
*Sharpey's fibers Head
Alar ligament
*Anterior atlantoaxial ligament
*Anterior atlantooccipital membrane
*Capsule of temporomandibular joint
*Cruciform ligament of atlas
*Galea aponeurotica
*Ligament of apex dentis
*Masseteric fascia
*Posterior atlantoaxial ligament
*Posterior atlantooccipital membrane
*Pterygospinal ligament
*Sphenomandibular ligament
*Tectorial membrane
*Temporomandibular ligament
*Temporal fascia
*Transverse ligament of the atlas Neck
Buccopharyngeal fascia
*Deep cervical fascia
*Hyoepiglottic ligament
*Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
*Nuchal ligament
*Pretrachial fascia
*Prevertebral fascia
*Stylohyoid ligament
*Stylomandibular ligament
*Superficial cervical fascia Upper Extremity
Acromioclavicular ligament
*Annular ligaments of fingers
*Annular ligament of radius
*Antebrachial fascia
*Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
*Axillary fascia
*Axillary sheath
*Bicipital aponeurosis
*Brachial fascia
*Clavipectoral fascia
*Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of hand
*Conoid ligament
*Coracoacromial ligament
*Coracoclavicular ligament
*Coracohumeral ligament
*Costoclavicular ligament
*Deep transverse metacarpal ligament
*Deltoid fascia
*Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament
*Dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments
*Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament
*Dorsal intercarpal ligament
*Dorsal intercuneiform ligaments
*Dorsal radiocarpal ligament
*Dorsal radioulnar ligament
*Extensor retinaculum of the hand
*Flexor retinaculum of the hand
*Glenohumeral ligaments
*Glenoid labrum
*Inferior transverse ligament of scapula
*Infraspinatous fascia
*Interclavicular ligament
*Interosseous cuneocuboid ligament
*Interosseous intercarpal ligaments
*Interosseous intercuneiform ligaments
*Interosseous membrane of the forearm
*Lateral intermuscular septum
*Medial intermuscular septum
*Oblique cord
*Palmar aponeurosis
*Palmar carpal ligament
*Palmar carpometacarpal ligament
*Palmar intercarpal ligaments
*Palmar metacarpophalangeal ligament
*Palmar radiocarpal ligament
*Pectoral fascia
*Pisohamate ligament
*Pisometacarpal ligament
*Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament
*Plantar cuneocuboid ligament
*Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments
*Plantar intercuneiform ligaments
*Posterior carpometacarpal ligament
*Posterior ligament of elbow
*Posterior sternoclavicular ligament
*Radial carpal collateral ligament
*Radial collateral ligament
*Radiate carpal ligament
*Subscapular aponeurosis
*Superficial transverse ligament of the fingers
*Superior transverse scapular ligament
*Supraspinatous fascia
*Transverse humeral ligament
*Trapezoid ligament
*Ulnar carpal collateral ligament
*Ulnar collateral ligament
*Vincula tendina
*Volar radioulnar ligament Torso
Anterior longitudinal ligament
*Aponeurosis of the Obliquus externus abdominis
*Conjoint tendon
*Costotransverse ligament
*Costoxiphoid ligament
*Fundiform ligament
*Iliolumbar ligament
*Interarticular ligament of the head of the rib
*Interarticular sternocostal ligament
*Intercrural fibers
*Interspinal ligament
*Intertransverse ligament
*Lateral costotransverse ligament
*Ligamenta flava
*Linea alba
*Linea semilunaris
*Lumbocostal ligament
*Posterior longitudinal ligament
*Radiate ligament
*Radiate sternocostal ligaments
*Rectus sheath
*Sacrospinous ligament
*Superior costotransverse ligament
*Supraspinous ligament
*Tendinous intersection
*Thoracolumbar fascia Pelvis
Anterior sacrococcygeal ligament
*Anterior sacroiliac ligament
*Crura of superficial inguinal ring
*Deep crural arch
*Deep inguinal ring
*Diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia
*Fascia of the Obturator internus
*Fascia of the Piriformis
*Gluteal aponeurosis
*Iliac fascia
*Iliolumbar ligament
*Iliopectineal arch
*Iliopectineal fascia
*Inferior pubic ligament
*Inguinal ligament
*Intercrural fibers
*Interfoveolar ligament
*Interosseous sacroiliac ligament
*Lacunar ligament
*Obturator membrane
*Pectineal ligament
*Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
*Posterior sacroiliac ligament
*Reflex inguinal ligament
*Sacrotuberous ligament
*Superficial inguinal ring
*Superior pubic ligament
*Tendinous arch
*Transversalis fascia Lower extremity
Achilles tendon
*Annular ligament of femur
*Annular ligaments of toes
*Anterior cruciate ligament
*Anterior ligament of head of fibula
*Anterior ligament of the lateral malleolus
*Anterior meniscofemoral ligament
*Anterior talofibular ligament
*Arcuate popliteal ligament
*Articular capsule of the knee joint
*Bifurcated ligament
*Calcaneocuboid ligament
*Calcaneofibular ligament
*Calcaneonavicular ligament
*Capsule of hip joint
*Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of foot
*Collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal articulations
*Coronary ligament of the knee
*Deep crural arch
*Fascia lata
*Fascia cribrosa
*Femoral sheath
*Fibular collateral ligament
*Iliofemoral ligament
*Iliotibial tract
*Inferior extensor retinaculum of the foot
*Inferior transverse ligament of the tibiofibular syndesmosis
*Interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments
*Interosseous membrane of the leg
*Ischiofemoral ligament
*Laciniate ligament
*Ligament of head of femur
*Medial collateral ligament
*Oblique popliteal ligament
*Patellar ligament
*Peroneal retinacula
*Plantar fascia
*Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament
*Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
*Plantar fascia
*Posterior cruciate ligament
*Posterior ligament of head of fibula
*Posterior ligament of the lateral malleolus
*Posterior meniscofemoral ligament
*Posterior talofibular ligament
*Pubofemoral ligament
*Round ligament of femur
*Short plantar ligament
*Spring ligament
*Superior extensor retinaculum of foot
*Tibial collateral ligament
*Transverse acetabular ligament
*Zona orbicularis References
ee also
*Myofascial Release
*Structural Integration
*Active Myofascial Release- The Diamond Method External links
* " [http://www.fasciaresearch.com/ Fascia Research]
* " [http://www.fascia2007.com/ Fascia Research Congress]
* " [http://www.anatomytrains.com/explore/tensegrity Tensegrity and Fasica - Suspension dynamics ]
* " [http://booksandideas.wordpress.com/2007/12/20/books-and-ideas-podcast-15-dr-robert-schleip-discusses-fascia/ Dr. Robert Schleip on the Books and Ideas Podcast (2007)]
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