Mapúa Institute of Technology

Mapúa Institute of Technology
Mapúa Institute of Technology
Motto Learn, Discover, Create
Established 1925
Type Private, nonsectarian, Yuchengco Group of Companies
President Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea
Academic staff approx. 900
Undergraduates approx. 16,000
Location Intramuros, Manila,  Philippines

Intramuros Campus: 17,996.7 m²

Makati Campus:
Hymn The MIT Hymn
Colors Mapua colors.svg Red and Gold
Nickname Mapúa Cardinals
Mascot Cardinals
Affiliations NCAA, Intramuros Consortium, PACUCOA, ABET

Mapúa Institute of Technology (MIT, Mapúa Tech or simply Mapúa) is a private, non-sectarian, Filipino tertiary institute located in Intramuros, Manila and in Makati.

It was founded by the first registered Filipino architect, Don Tomás Mapúa in 1925, a graduate of Cornell University. After he died, the tradition was continued by his children, Don Óscar B. Mapúa Sr., a graduate in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Gloria Mapúa-Lim.

The Institute is a reputable source of architects, engineers, and science graduates and constantly produces top notchers in the architectural and engineering fields [1] as the Mapúa Institute of Technology heavily specializes in these fields in the undergraduate and graduate levels, aside from its widening array of undergraduate programs such as Computer Science, Multimedia Arts and Sciences,[2] Information Technology, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Hotel & Restaurant Management,[3] and Nursing.

The Institute has been granted with the Level IV Accredited Status to its Civil Engineering program by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA), which is one of the first engineering programs to be accorded such status.[4][5] In addition, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recently recognized Mapúas Mechanical Engineering (ME), Computer Engineering (CpE) and Electronics Engineering (ECE) programs as Centers of Development for Engineering (COD).

Mapúa is also the first Philippine and Southeast Asian educational institution to have ABET certification, rendering the Institute to be at par with US-based colleges and universities.



Early activities

The Institute was founded on January 25, 1925 by Don Tomás Mapúa, a graduate of Cornell University and the first registered Filipino architect. At first, the Institute only provided Architecture and Civil Engineering programs. There were only 80 students and a dozen of faculty members at that time; classes were held in a rented commercial building in Carriedo Street in Quiapo, Manila. In 1928, the Mapúa Institute of Technology Pre-Engineering High School was established and in 1930, Mapúa joined the National Collegiate Athletic Association as the Mapúa Cardinals.[6]

World War II and after-war development

During World War II, Mapúa's Intramuros Campus was used as a garrison by the Japanese forces during the occupation of Manila, and all classes and organisations were suspended, save for the Catholic student group. The Institute would continue to suffer throughout the war as the effort of the Institute to continue the studies of the students were suspended and Senior students were forced to prematurely graduate. In 1945 the Institute suffered total destruction during the liberation. As a part of the rehabilitation program, the former De Luxe Fashion School in Doroteo José was acquired and housed the high school department in 1948. In 1951, the Mapúa family acquired a piece of land from the La Corporación Fransicana where the present Intramuros Campus stands. The campus opened at 1956 while the building construction were completed in 1963. All college programs were transferred from the Doroteo José campus to the Intramuros Campus in 1973. Don Tomás Mapúa died on December 22, 1965 and his son Óscar took over the presidency until his death in 1998.[6]

It was under Don Tómas Mapúa and later his son Óscar, that the Institute gained prominence as an engineering school. During this period, the Institute consistently dominated the top 10 and even the top 20 slots in most licensure exams for architecture and engineering, year after year. It also consistently achieved the highest passing rates in the board exams among other competing schools in architecture and the various fields of engineering.[6]

The Yuchengco Administration

Don Tomás Mapúa's grandchildren, among them architect Oscar Mapúa Jr., took over his duties until December 1999, when the Mapúa family passed the institute to the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC) headed by Ambassador Alfonso T. Yuchengco and appointed Reynaldo B. Vea as president. In 2002, the old RCBC Building in Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. in Makati City was purchased and converted into the Mapúa Makati Campus, where the School of Information Technology was moved from the Intramuros Campus. A spin-off of the School of IT, the Mapúa IT Center, as the Makati Campus is named, was established. The MITC offers 2-year diploma programs that eventually lead into an associate degree ladderized to the bachelors degree (4-year) IT courses of Mapúa. Starting 2002, Mapúa, which originally semestral, pioneered the Quarterm System. This new system allows students to graduate faster (e.g. the original 5-year engineering programs could be taken in four years) and to focus on less, interrelated course subjects in an 11-week term. On the other hand, Mapúa High School was closed down on 2005, since it was operated in the red.



Intramuros Campus

The Mapúa Intramuros Campus is located in Manila, inside the walls of historic Intramuros. Accessible from the campus are malls and recreational centers such as SM City Manila behind the Manila City Hall, Robinson's Place Ermita, Harrison Plaza in Vito Cruz, Rizal Park and the Baywalk along Roxas Boulevard. The Intramuros Campus holds the Architecture, Engineering, Multimedia Arts and Sciences, and Social Science programs. The campus underwent through a lot of renovation in the past and is equipped for further studies in the fields of engineering.

The Intramuros Campus consists of 7 interconnected buildings:

  • J. Mapúa Memorial Hall (Administration Building): Houses the Registrar's Office and the Treasury
  • South Building: Houses the Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, and Architecture and Industrial Design Facilities
  • Southwest Building: Intersection of West and South Building, Houses the Multimedia Arts and Sciences Facilities
  • West Building: Houses the Canteen, Student's Lounge, Audio Visual Rooms and the Library
  • Northwest Building: Intersection of West and North Building
  • North Building: Houses the Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Earth and Material Science and Engineering, Psychology Department, and Graduate Studies Facilities
  • Security Building: The entrance of the Intramuros Campus, houses the Security Office and Water Station

Additional Facilities:

  • Gymnasium: The place where Physical Education activities are held, as well as game and concert events
  • Student Pavilion: A lounge for students where they can snack and relax with friends
  • St. Rita's Chapel: The most religious place in the campus

There are reports that Mapúa-Intramuros will start further expanding its infrastructure at the end of its 86th Foundation Week Celebration. This expansion mainly includes the Gymnasium Area and the J. Mapúa Memorial Hall.

Makati Campus

MITC Building, Makati Campus

The Mapúa Information Technology Center (MITC) is located in Makati City and occupies the former RCBC building at the corner of Gil Puyat avenue and Nicanor Garcia street. Accessible from the campus are malls and recreational centers such as the Ayala Center. Aside from the associate degrees held by the Mapúa IT Center, the Makati Campus hosts the Schools of Information Technology, Health Sciences and Business & Management. The campus is equipped with a simulated hospital for the School of Health Sciences and appropriate equipment to support the Information Technology programs. The Makati Campus' library is equipped with electronic resources and offers the Library Plus service by default. The campus will soon feature state-of-the-art laboratories, test kitchens, and mock-ups for its upcoming Hotel and Restaurant Management program.

The Makati Campus is a fully air-conditioned building with three floors:

  • Ground Floor
    • West Wing: Computer Laboratories
    • East Wing: MITC Facilities
  • Second Floor
    • West Wing: Faculty Rooms, Student's Lounge, Cisco Lecture and Laboratory Rooms
    • East Wing: MITC Computer Laboratories, Simulated Hospital
  • Third Floor
    • West Wing: Library, Prayer Room, Skills Laboratory, Lecture Rooms
    • East Wing: Audio Visual Rooms, Anatomy, Biology and Chemistry Laboratories, Lecture Rooms, Canteen

Laguna Campus

It was announced by the administration that the Malayan Colleges Laguna (MCL), located in Cabuyao, Laguna at the former site of the Uniwide Warehouse opened in 2007. The construction on the new campus began with a groundbreaking ceremony held on May 11. MCL will initially offer Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Information Technology under the Mapúa School of Engineering and Accountancy under the E.T Yuchengco School of Business and Management.

According to Mapúa CEO and President, Reynaldo B. Vea, the site of the new Malayan Campus is in anticipation of and response to the current and expected industrial growth in the south, particularly in the areas of Laguna and its surrounding regions.

The Laguna Campus consists of 2 interconnected buildings:

  • José Rizal Hall
    • Ground Floor: Houses the Administration Office, Admissions Office, Center for Health Services & Wellness (CHSW), Community Service and Relations Office (CSRO), Faculty Center, College Registrar, Office of the Treasury, Purchasing Office, and the Robotics Center.
    • Second Floor: Houses the Development Office for Information Technology (DOIT), Information Technology Laboratory, Open Laboratory, and Lecture Rooms.
    • Third Floor: Houses the Center for Learning and Information Resources (CLIR), CAD Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory, and Drawing Laboratory and Lecture Rooms.
    • Fourth Floor: Houses the Chemistry Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Accounting Room, Drawing Laboratory and Lecture Rooms.
    • Fifth Floor: Houses the Francisco Balagtas Auditorium and the Multi-Purpose Hall.
  • E.T Yuchengco Hall
    • Ground Floor: Houses the Bookstore, Cafeteria, Chapel, and the Visitors Lounge.
    • Second Floor: Houses the Center for Student Activities and Discipline, Executive Suite Hotel Room, Twin Suite Hotel Room, Single Suite Hotel Room, Bar and Restaurant, Commercial Kitchen Laboratory, and Food Laboratory.

Additional Facilities:

  • MCL Track Oval
  • MCL Swimming Pool
  • MCL Open Gardens

Schools and degree Programs

Intramuros Campus

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture (AR)
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design (ID)
  • Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (INT)

School of Civil Engineering and Environmental and Sanitary Engineering

  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (EnSE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)

School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (CHE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (CHM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (double degree)
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering (BE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (triple degree)
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering and Chemistry (double degree)
  • Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering

  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (EE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (CpE)

School of Earth and Material Science Engineering

  • Bachelor of Science in Geology (GEO)
  • Bachelor of Science in Geological Science and Engineering (GSE)

School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (IE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management (EMG)

School of Mechanical Engineering

  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (ME)

School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (PSYA)
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology (PSYB)

Department of Multimedia Arts and Sciences

  • Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Arts and Sciences (MAS)

Department of Mathematics and Mechanics

  • Bachelor of Science in Management Science & Engineering (MnSE)

School of Graduate Studies

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Power Electronics
  • Master of Engineering Program
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Master of Science in Architecture
  • Master of Science in Architecture Studies
  • Master of Science in Construction Engineering
  • Master of Science in Structural Engineering
  • Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering
  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
  • Master of Science in Geoinformatics
  • Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
  • Master of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Master of Science in Engineering Management

Makati Campus

School of Information Technology

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information System (IS)

San Lorenzo Ruiz School of Health Sciences

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (NRS)

Enrique T. Yuchengco School of Business & Management

  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (ACT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BA)
  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (ENT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM)

Laguna Campus (Malayan Colleges Laguna)

Mapúa Institute of Technology at Laguna

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (ChE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (CpE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (EE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (ECE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (IE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Mapúa-PTC College of Maritime Education and Training International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) certified.

  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (MarE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (MT)

E.T. Yuchengco College of Business

  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (ACT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (ENT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (TM)

College of Information Technology

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing (EMC)

College of Arts and Science

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Major in Multimedia Arts (MMA)

Diploma Programs

  • One-Year Diploma in Culinary Arts (CA)
  • One-Year Diploma in Digital Arts and Design (DAD)


  • Mapúa was the first institute in the Philippines[citation needed] to feature a RFID or Radio Frequency ID card system which they call "CARDINAL Plus" which stands for CARD and Integrated Network Access Log-in Plus.[citation needed] It is a two-piece plastic PVC card with a microchip and antenna inserted in between. The CARDINAL Plus functions not only as an identification card but acts as a Library card as well. It also has the capability to store student logs, grades, guidance records, schedules, and more. As a security measure, all students flash their cards on top of the readers at the entrance. A person will be identified easily with his photo and information appearing on the monitor. It also serves as an ATM Card powered by RCBC MyWallet (a YGC Member). Other schools adopted the RFID identification system later on.
  • Mapúa offers a 24-7 Wireless Internet for students with its "BISHOP" (Broadband IP Systems Hotspots for On-the-go People) service. BISHOP makes good use of the wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology and operates on the 802.11b and 802.11g Wi-Fi standards. Data transfer varies from 11 to 54 megabits per second (Mbit/s) depending on the wireless LAN card or the number of online users for peer to peer transmission. Although the service is free of charge, students without WLAN cards have to rent them from the campus with a fee. Mapúa Makati now uses Linksys WRT54GS wireless routers for the lobby area, replacing the old Nokia 802.11b access points which frequently hanged because of its poorly planned location where it is susceptible to a lot of electrical noises such as signal interference from mobile phones.[citation needed]
  • The Institute offers an online student information, enrollment and load reservation service through its MyMapúa service.[7]
  • Mapúa has its own special SIM card, the Mapúa Cardinal SIM which is powered by Smart Communications. The Cardinal SIM contains all the usual features of a regular Smart SIM card with the addition of the MapúaTXT service, which allows students to receive important school announcements and check for the remaining matriculation charges on their mobile phones.[8]
  • The institute was visited by the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) in October 2009, particularly to study the School of EECE(Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering)'s application request.[citation needed] All ABET-accredited courses can be compared to those courses offered by other renowned schools in the United States and all other prestigious engineering schools worldwide. Following the School of EECE's lead are the Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental & Sanitary Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology.[9]
    • Recently, the ABET's Engineering Accreditation Commission granted Mapúa an accreditation, making it the first and only school in the South East Asia to be given so by an American-based accreditation committee. At present, Mapúa is preparing its Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and several other programs for ABET.
  • The Mapúa Robotics Team is pioneering organization that has been granted several major projects by the Philippine Navy, the Department of Science and Technology and the Philippine National Police intending to modernize the weapons and equipment used by the Philippine government. Projects, to name a few, include the following:[10]
    • Mechanical Anti-terrorist Concept or MAC (a bomb-defusal robot now used by the PNP-Makati City)
    • The Project Trident Strike (a remotely operated sentry gun mounted in naval gunships and perimeter defenses)
    • Project Phalanx, a compact version of the Trident Strike.
    • MAC-2 (an improved version of the first Mechanical Anti-Terrorist Concept), will be released by the Robotics Team by February 2010.
    • The Philippine Electric Vehicle (electric car designed for urban mass transportation sponsored by the DOST)
    • The Submersible Rover (a scouting equipment for the Philippine Navy)
  • The institute's Civil Engineering program has received Level 4 Accredited Status from the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation PACUCOA as of January 2009, the first engineering program that has been granted this status in the Philippines.
  • The institute, effective first term of AY 2011-2012 is pioneering the program Technical Communication (TechComm) under the School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences; the Institute is the first to offer the program in the Philippines.

Student life


Mapúa Institute of Technology joined the National Collegiate Athletic Association (Philippines) in 1930. Their varsity team is called The Mapúa Cardinals. The other senior varsity teams may also be referred to as the Cardinals. Starting in the 2008-2009 season, Mapúa was represented in the juniors division by the newly established Malayan High School of Science Prior to this, the school was represented in the juniors division by the now defunct Mapúa High High School, and called the Red Robins.

The Mapúa Cardinals hold the NCAA record for the most number of General Championships in the seniors division with a total of 20the last of these championships was won in 1993. The Colegio de San Juan de Letran is a distant second with 8 seniors titles.

The Mapúa Cheerleading Association, known informally as the Cheerping Cardinals, won the NCAA's first-ever cheerdancing competition held in 2004. They ranked 7th in the 2005 NCAA Cheerleading Competition, and in 2006 made their way again to the Top 3, ranking third next to University of Perpetual Help System DALTA and Colegio de San Juan de Letran. They were also Runner-Up in the 2007 competition where they lost to the UPHSD pep squad by a mere one-point margin. They retained their position in 2008, losing the first spot to Jose Rizal University, later dropping to fifth in 2009. As of 2010, the Mapúa Cheerping Cardinals landed second place.[11]

Central Student Council

The Central Student Council (CSC) is the highest student body of the Institution. It is composed of one (1) representative from each of twelve (12) schools of the Institute. It serves as the coordinating body of the School Student Councils and the Council of Organizations.

Council of Organizations

The Council of Organization Officers (COO) is the governing body of all accredited, recognized and probationary student organizations in Mapúa. The COO is composed of the President and/or duly authorized representatives of accredited and recognized student organizations. It shall likewise be referred to as the Central Student Council (CSC) Lower House. The Council was established to support the student activities of the different organizations and also, the projects of the Central Student Council and the School Student Council.

The Council of Organization Officers (COO) is composed of a set of officers, preferably organization's president, who are representatives of the different organizations in the Institute. The officers include the President, Vice President for Operations, Vice President for Planning, Executive Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, two (2) Auditors, two (2) Business Managers and three (3) Public Relations Officers ( 2 from Intramuros and 1 from Makati). The Prefect of Students shall assign a faculty adviser for the COO for the entire academic year. The officers shall represent the entire student organizations, especially when there are complaints and motions on how to improve the status of student organizations. A bi-monthly meeting is regularly held at the Student Center presided by the Council of Organization Officers (COO).

Council of Presidents

The Council of Presidents (COP) is composed of all the presidents of the School Student Councils having one chairperson. The chairperson is elected by the members of the council. Like the Council of Organizations (COO), the Council of Presidents (COP) and the School Student Council (SSC) acts as a support for the Central Student Council (CSC). They are also under the supervision of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

School Student Council

The School Student Council (SSC) is defined as one of the branches of the student body of the Institute that is composed of president, vice president, cabinet members and batch

The New Builder

The New Builder is the official publication of the Mapúa Institute of Technology. It is managed by a group of student journalists under the supervision of James Harold D. Ramis, the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) and Benigno B. Agapito Jr., the Editorial Adviser. Until the 1960s, the school paper was known as The Builder',' but the name was briefly changed to Avante Garde in the early 1970s. When student activism subsided at the onset of Martial Law, the school paper re-appeared under its current name. The Cardinal & Gold is the official college yearbook of the Mapúa Institute of Technology.[12]

Mapúa Robotics Team

Mapúa is the home of an award-winning[citation needed] robotics team. They have designed an observation-class underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) designed for underwater surveillance applications The robotics team is organized into divisions aimed at emulating a systems engineering approach to student-led research and development in a multidisciplinary environment.[citation needed]

MIT-College Red Cross Youth Council (MIT-CRCYC)

Founded in November 2010 in Mapúa-Intramuros and September 2009 for Mapúa-Makati, the MIT-College Red Cross Youth Council is under the Red Cross Manila Chapter and Makati Branch of the Rizal Chapter. It was awarded the Best Student Organization in Mapúa-Makati in less than a year since its formation.

The Council is under the hands of Prof. Jocelyn Buluran from the Department of Mathematics (Intramuros) and Prof. Florinda Barquilla from the School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences (Makati).

In Mapúa-Intramuros, around 400 to 500 Mapúans signed up in the first two weeks of registration led by Pauline Gregorio from School of EEC, Roberto Ladrillono and Sydney Amen from the School of Chemical Engineering, Leih Gonzales from the School of Architecture, Jerison Macrohon from the School of Information Technology, Wilma Lau and Rex Subrida from the School of Mechanical Engineering, and Paul Jan Saguyod from the School of Industrial Engineering. More than 150 Mapúa Red Cross Youth Volunteers in Intramuros attended the first MIT-CRCYC Orientation, while 31 continued to the 2-Day Leadership Development Program held at Philippine Red Cross Manila Chapter.

Mapúa Institute of Technology Student Catholic Action (MITSCA)

MITSCA was the first organisation established in Mapúa. It was founded by Edward McCarthy in 1936, and recognised by Fr. James McDevitt in 1949.

Mapua Tekno Teatro

Official Mapua Tekno Teatro Logo.jpg

The Mapúa Tekno Teatro (MT2), is the official resident theatre group of the Mapúa Institute of Technology - Intramuros. MT2 receives support from the institute, and is under the supervision of a resident coach. The group participated in the NCCA Philippine Arts Festival and CCP Virgin Lab Fest, and have performed in prestigious venues such as the Music Museum, St. Cecilia's Hall at St. Scholastica's College, Fleur de Lis Auditorium at St. Paul College - Manila, and the Tanghálang Yaman Lahì at Emilio Aguinaldo College - Manila.

Major Productions:

Benigno Agapito Jr's "Sikláb" (Blaze) [2000]

"Buhay Mapúa" (Mapúan Life) [2001]

Marcelino Agana Jr's "New Yorker in Tondo" back-to-back with Paul Dumol's "Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio" (The Trial of Old Man Serapio) [2002]

Jerome Vinarao's "A Man Called Jesus" & "A Man Called Jesus The Repeat" [2003]

"Broadway! Broadway!" & "Back to Broadway! Broadway!" [2004]

"Dreamer's Connection" [2005]

Malou Jacob's "Anatomíya ng Korupsyón" (Anatomy of Corruption) [2006]

Tanghálang Pilipino's "Romeyo Labs Dyulyet (A Jologs Adaptation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet)" [2007]

Eugene Ionesco's "Oh! It's a Rhinoceros!" [2008]

MT2's Finest, Buy 1 Take 1!: Patrick Campita's "Tatlóng Persona" (Three Identities/Persons) back to back with Mc Tyrone Sapulmo's "Pepé, Paáno Ka?" (How About You, Pepe?) [2009]

Tim Dacanay's "Ang Mabutíng Tao ng Parián" (The Good Person of the Parian. A translation of Bertolt Brecht's "The Good Woman of Szechuan") [2010]

Minor Productions:

"Dramafest 2007"

Karl Salvador's "Xi Wang" (Hope) Patrick Campita's "Tatlóng Persona" (Three Identities/Persons) Aaron Rondilla's "Maghihintáy Sayo" (Will be Waiting For You)

"Dramafest 2008"

Abegail Palacay's "Coffee, I Miss You" Mc Tyrone Sapulmo's "Pepé, Paáno Ka?" (How About You, Pepe?) Anggoy Jalla's "Tumatalón na Hotdog" (The Jumping Hotdog)

"Dramafest 2009"

Abegail Palacay's "Halík ni Samara" (Samara's Kiss) Jonel Lanada's "Gintóng Datu" (The Golden Datu)" Alvin Melgar's "Eyeball" Jethro Espenida's "Porselas" (Jewelry)

"Dramafest 2010"

Harry Saliba's "Open The Door" Kamole Orense's "Eat-All-You-Can" Leo Domingo's "Ang Mahiwagang Taym Mashin" (The Magical Time Machine)

"Dramafest 2011: Paglisan" (Departure)

Anggoy Jalla's "Si Dos at Si Síngko" (Two and Five) Khaycee Dejarlo's "Eroplano" (Airplane)" Debbie Del Rosario's "Silence Speaks"

Mapúa DanceCom

Mapúa DanceCom logo

Mapúa DanceCom was founded in January of 2003, and the group started performing in various school events and soon afterward participated in several major dance competitions across the Metro. Over time, they have been blessed with a good number of achievements and thus being one of those well-recognised college dance groups.

Wards and Recognitions

  • Champion97.1 LSFM Bling-Bling Dance Competition
  • ChampionGlobe GenTxTSearch for Dancing DynamosDance Competition
  • ChampionChosen Ground Street Dance Competition
  • ChampionPringles Ketchup Dance Fete
  • 1st Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 1Elimination [1]
  • 1st Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 1Finals [2]
  • 1st Runner-UpJiG X Showdown Dance Competition
  • 2nd Runner-UpHonda Street Dance Competition
  • ChampionKIA IgniXion Dance Competition
  • 1st Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 2Elimination [3]
  • 1st Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 2Finals [4]
  • ChampionJiG 11 Rocks Dance Competition
  • ChampionSkechers Streetdance Battle 3Elimination [5]
  • 1st Runner-UpRX 93.1 Rhythm Street Year 6Stomp Edition
  • 1st Runner-UpFubu Invitational Streetdance Challenge
  • 2nd Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 3Finals [6]
  • 1st Runner-UpSkechers Streetdance Battle 4Elimination
  • FinalistSkechers Streetdance Battle 4Finals
  • 1st Runner-UpWave 89.1 Underground ExtremeElimination
  • ChampionWave 89.1 Underground ExtremeFinals [7]
  • Champion - Mapúa Showtime
  • Champion - RX 93.1 Rhythm Street Year 9
  • Champion - Mapúa Showtime 2
  • ChampionCRISSA Dance Synergy Year 6Elimination
  • Fashionably Fun AwardeeCRISSA Dance Synergy Year 6Elimination
  • FinalistCRISSA Dance Synergy Year 6Finals
  • Best Crowd Cheer AwardeeCRISSA Dance Synergy Year 6Finals


  • BreakThrough (January 2007, PhilAm Life Theatre, Manila)
  • DanceCom: Movin' On Higher Grounds (January 2008, PhilAm Life Theatre, Manila)
  • All for Him: A Thanksgiving Dancelebration (March 2009, PhilAm Life Theatre, Manila)
  • Impulse: Steppin' Up to the Beat (March 2010, PhilAm Life Theatre, Manila)
  • Impulse 5.2 (March 2011, PhilAm Life Theatre, Manila)

Mapua Cardinal Singers

Main article: Mapua Cardinal Singers

The Mapúa Cardinal Singers, formerly known as the Mapúa Concert Singers, is the official resident choir of the Mapúa Institute of Technology, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. The group is composed of male and female members who are passionately dedicated to the choral art.

In 2004, they joined Harmonies, a choral festival which was sponsored by University of Santo Tomas. In 2005, they joined the National Music Competitions for Young Artists, (College Choir Category). The Metro Chorale in 2006, sponsored by DLSU Chorale and Colors of Worship in 2006 and 2008, organized by the Manila Chamber Singers. The group joined the 4th World Choir Games, formerly the 4th Choir Olympics, which was held in Xiamen, China in 2006. The group garnered two Silver Olympic medals with two Gold Diplomas in two different categories (Folklore Acapella and Mixed Chamber Choir Category). They also garnered two Gold Prize Awards to an international choral competitionA Voyage of Song 2007in Pattaya, Thailand, (Mixed Chamber Choir and Folk Category). They also won First Prize at the 3rd Manila Cathedral-Basilica Pipe Organ Festival Choral Competition last December 2008. They also joined the MBC Paskong Pinoy National Choral Competition last December 2009. They are also part of a choral festival calledMundawit Choral Festival”.

On October 2010, the group became the Champion of the 2nd Greenwich Grand Gig Barkada Blowout. It is the first time in the history of choral music in the Mapúa Institute of Technology for the school choir to garner such a recognition.

Today, to be at par with the outstanding choral groups locally and abroad and to meet the new global challenges and standards of choral music and artistry of today,the group re-established itself and changed its name to Mapúa Cardinal Singers. The group is under the hands of Prof. Angelito E. Ayran Jr.

Mapua Theatrelinks

Theatrelinks 2010
Mapua Theatrelinks.

Theatrelinks is a community of students of the same talent and passion for technology and arts. It is an organization that aims to improve its membersskills in on-screen performing and film making.

The Malayan controversy

On February 10, 2005, as a part of Mapúa's plans for elevating from institute to university status, the administration announced the renaming of the institute to Malayan University, based from the Malayan Insurance Company of the Yuchengcos. But while waiting to become eligible for university status, the name "Malayan Colleges" will be used and the name "Mapúa Institute of Technology" will be retained for the College of Engineering, Architecture and IT.[13] This move became very unpopular with the students and the alumni.[13] On February 14, the students protested outside the campus where Muralla Street at Intramuros was filled with Mapúa students clad in black shirts protesting against the decision of the administration and criticized them for not consulting the students before making such a decision. This event has been called as the "Black Valentine" protest.[14] Despite the efforts of the students, faculty and alumni against the decision, the Board of Trustees and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED Philippines) have approved the name change and will be implemented in the near future.

Notable Mapúans

See also


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