Controversies surrounding the Legion of Christ

Controversies surrounding the Legion of Christ

There are several controversies surrounding the Legion of Christ, including recruiting practices, property disputes, alleged elitism, and abuse scandals.


Recruiting practices

In the United States, bishops have barred or severely restricted the Legion and Regnum Christi in several dioceses, notably: St Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota; Los Angeles, California; Richmond, Virginia; Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana; Columbus, Ohio; and Miami, Florida– because of its recruiting practices.[1][2][3][4]

Since June 2008, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore has also begun to require greater oversight of the Legion in his archdiocese.[5][6][7][8] He has particularly objected to its alleged practice of "blind allegiance",[6] lack of "respect for human dignity for each of its members,"[7] and "heavily persuasive methods on young people, especially high schoolers, regarding vocations."[9] He initially intended to expel the Legionaries from his archdiocese, but was persuaded by the Vatican to instead engage in dialogue with the order's superior general, Rev. Álvaro Corcuera.[6] He has since directed both groups to disclose all activities within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and to refrain from spiritual direction with anyone under eighteen years of age. He has since mentioned that the Legionaries have fully complied with his requests.

However, there are many other dioceses in which the Legion of Christ is accepted. Those in which it has been placed under restriction is the exception rather than the rule.

Similar practices of Regnum Christi

Members of Regnum Christi, under supervision of the Legionaries, have organised various ministries, such as youth ministry and small faith communities, which complement the ministries of the local parishes. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien's request also called for greater "transparency and accountability" from the Legionaries and its lay arm Regnum Christi.[6] Some view it as having overly strict demands on its members.

Schools and youth clubs (called ECYD) sponsored by the movement also have the primary stated purpose of evangelization of youth. In practice though, this is often effected through recruitment into ECYD. According to the movement's founder, Regnum Christi's schools "must not be worn down by operating solely as teaching facilities. They will not accomplish their true goal in God's plan for us if they do not bring a large number... into Regnum Christi."[10]

Alleged elitism

Critics[who?] also cite the Legion's bias in favour of recruiting wealthy and/or socially prominent individuals and families. Though critics say Legion priests tend to be drawn almost exclusively from the upper classes, and once ordained, often move in very exclusive social circles, those familiar with Legionary seminaries say that they are from a broad variety of backgrounds.[11] Critics say assistance and aid to the poor by members of the Legion appears to be tokenism, especially when comparing the number of poor children it educates to the number of wealthy and socially elite children coming out of its schools. The Legion has traditionally responded that the congregation's mission is to Christianize society through the formation and evangelization of leaders.[12][13][14] The Regnum Christi Member Handbook states "The Movement understands that for this action to be most effective it must give Christian formation to and apostolically mobilize the men and women that exercise greater leadership in society, in its religious, cultural, intellectual, social, economic, human, artistic and other sectors."[15]


Many have argued that the congregation incorporates right-wing and conservative politics. The Legion, however, states that its focus is not on political alliances nor activism, but on advancing the Church's social agenda as articulated by the Holy See. Its priests are particularly active on bioethical issues; the Legion's emphasis on bioethics is demonstrated by the fact that its Pontifical Atheneum in Rome, the Regina Apostolorum, is the first university in the world granting bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in bioethics. The congregation is pro-life. The Legion of Christ, like the Catholic Church, is against homosexual activity as it is considered an act of sin.

Abuse scandal

The Sexual Scandal of Father Marcial Maciel is a chapter in the order's history.

Buying influence

The Legion is accused of buying influence to gain favors from the Vatican and to protect it from allegations of impropriety.[16]

ReGAIN Lawsuit

In August 2007, the Legion filed a lawsuit against ReGAIN, an organization founded by ex-Legionaries critical of Legion practices and its founder Marcial Maciel. The lawsuit alleges that written property of the Legion, including letters written by Maciel, and copies of unpublished principles and norms "intended only for dissemination and use by Legion members", were stolen and posted online "out of context... as part of a concerted effort to wage a malicious disinformation campaign against the Legion." The Legion has pled that the value of the alleged stolen property is "worth at least $750,000."[17]

The president of ReGAIN has asserted that, to the best of his knowledge, "nothing was obtained improperly", and expressed the opinion that the lawsuit request for information on anonymous message board posters was an action "proving that the Legion is a cult which controls information, stifles freedom of expression and goes after dissenters."[18]

At the conclusion of the lawsuit, the internet discussion board about the Legion and its activities was taken down. This case has since become a rallying cry for critics of the Legion.[19]

Apostolic visitation

The controversies stem form the order's late founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel. The Vatican has ordered an apostolic visitation of the institutions of the Legionaries of Christ following disclosures of sexual impropriety by Fr. Marcial Maciel. The announcement of the unusual investigation by the Vatican was posted on the Web site of the Legionaries of Christ March 31, 2009 along with the text of a letter informing the Legionaries of the Pope's decision.[20]

On June 27, 2009, according to Vatican commentator, Sandro Magister, Vatican authorities have named five bishops from five different countries, each one in charge of investigating the Legionaries in a particular part of the world. Ricardo Watti Urquidi [2], Bishop of Tepic, Mexico, in charge of Mexico, and Central America, where the Legion has 44 houses, 250 priests and 115-120 religious seminarians; Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Denver, in charge of the United States and Canada, where the Legion has 24 houses, 130 priests and 260 religious seminarians; Giuseppe Versaldi, Bishop of Alessandria, in charge of Italy, Israel, the Philippines, and South Korea, where the Legion has 16 houses, 200 priests and 420 religious seminarians. (in Italy 13, 168 and 418 respectively); Ricardo Ezzati Andrello [3], Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, in charge of Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela, where the Legion has 20 houses, 122 priests and 122 religious seminarians; Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, es:Ricardo Blázquez Bishop of Valladolid, Spain, in charge of Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Holland, Poland, Austria, and Hungary, where the Legion has 20 houses, 105 priests, and 160 religious seminarians.[21][22]

Formal denunciation of founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel, by the Vatican

On May 1, 2010 The Vatican said that the pope will name a delegate to review the Legionaries of Christ following revelations that the order's founder suspected abuse of minors and fathered at least three children. In a statement, the Vatican denounced the Rev. Marciel Maciel for creating a "system of power" that enabled him to lead an "immoral" double life "devoid of scruples and authentic religious sentiment." The Vatican issued the statement after Pope Benedict XVI met with five bishops who investigated the Legion to determine its future.[23] The Vatican statement was remarkable in its tough denunciation of Maciel's crimes and deception.[24]

The "very serious and objectively immoral acts" of Fr. Marcial Maciel, which were "confirmed by incontrovertible testimonies" represent "true crimes and manifest a life without scruples or authentic religious sentiment," the Vatican said.[25] The Vatican said Fr. Marcial Maciel created a "mechanism of defense" around himself to shield him from accusations and suppress damaging witnesses from reporting abuse. "It made him untouchable," the Vatican said. The statement decried "the lamentable disgracing and expulsion of those who doubted" Maciel's virtue. The Vatican statement did not address whether the Legion's current leadership will face any sanctions.[26] Actions taken by the current Legion leadership will be scrutinized; but no specific sanctions were mentioned, amid suspicion that at least some of the current leaders must have been aware of Maciel's sins. The Vatican acknowledged the "hardships" faced by Maciel's accusers through the years when they were ostracized or ridiculed, and commended their "courage and perseverance to demand the truth."[27]

As a result of the visitation, Benedict XVI named Archbishop (now Cardinal) Velasio De Paolis as the Papal Delegate to oversee the Legion and its governance, and review the constitutions on July 9, 2010.[28]


  1. ^ J. Filteau, "Minnesota archbishop bars Legionaries from his archdiocese". , Catholic News Service (December-22-2004)
  2. ^ Diocese of Columbus. "Diocese of Columbus Bulletin for November 10, 2002". Retrieved August 28, 2006. 
  3. ^ S. Brewster, "Some critical of Cheshire order". , Connecticut Record-Journal (September 18, 2004)
  4. ^ Miami Archdiocesan Website
  5. ^ NCR 12 June 2008
  6. ^ a b c d Allen, Jr., John Allen (2008-06-12). "Baltimore archbishop demands greater accountability from Legionaries of Christ". National Catholic Reporter. 
  7. ^ a b Matysek, Jr., George P (2009-02-25). "Baltimore archbp concerned about Legionaries". National Catholic Reporter. 
  8. ^ Allen, Jr., John Allen (2009-04-03). "Abolition of Legionaries should be 'on the table'". National Catholic Reporter. 
  9. ^ Allen, Jr., John Allen (2008-06-27). "Legionaries of Christ: Legionaries face restrictions in Baltimore". National Catholic Reporter. 
  10. ^ Manual of Regnum Christi, #344.
  11. ^ Where Are You From - Regnum Christi Live
  12. ^ Forming Leaders - Regnum Christi Live
  13. ^ Jose de Cordoba, de Cordoba, Jose (January 23, 2006). "With elite backing, Catholic order has pull in Mexico". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. , The Wall Street Journal (January 23, 2006)
  14. ^ G. Renner, "Turmoil in Atlanta". , The National Catholic Reporter (November 3, 2000)
  15. ^ Regnum Christi Member Handbook, #26.
  16. ^
  17. ^ "Verified Complaint, Petition in Detinue for Pretrial Seizure and Application for Injunction" (PDF). 
  18. ^ The Blotter: Controversial Catholic Group Alleges Critics Stole Inside Info
  19. ^ Daniela Deane, Deane, Daniela (September 6, 2007). "Outspoken Ex-Priest Sued Over Documents". The Washington Post. Retrieved April 30, 2010. , The Washington Post (September 6, 2007)
  20. ^ Vatican orders apostolic visitation of Legionaries of Christ
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^ Pope names envoy, commission to reform Legionaries
  24. ^ [1]
  25. ^ Fr. Maciel guilty, 'profound' revision of Legion needed, report Apostolic Visitors
  26. ^ Pope Benedict to Overhaul Legion of Christ
  27. ^ Vatican orders overhaul in Mexico after investigation of sexual abuse - Los Angeles Times, May 1, 2010)
  28. ^ Pope Benedict XVI Names Delegate for the Legion of Christ

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