microglobulin — Any small globular plasma protein. See beta 2 microglobulin … Dictionary of molecular biology
microglobulin — noun a) A low molecular weight globulin b) A peptide fragment of a globulin … Wiktionary
microglobulin — 1. Any serum or urinary globulin of molecular mass below about 40 kd, including especially Bence Jones proteins, under protein. 2. On occasions, a term used to refer to 7S immunoglobins ( e.g., IgG). β m. a polypeptide of 11,600 Da that forms the … Medical dictionary
Beta-2 microglobulin — β2 microglobulin also known as B2M is a component of MHC class I molecules, which are present on almost all cells of the body (red blood cells are a notable exception).cite web | title = Entrez Gene: Beta 2 microglobulin| url =… … Wikipedia
beta-2-microglobulin — (= b 2 microglobulin) Immunoglobulin like polypeptide (12 kD, homologous with the constant region of Ig) that is found on the surfaces of most cells, associated non covalently with Class I histocompatibility antigens … Dictionary of molecular biology
β2-microglobulin amyloidosis — a condition sometimes seen in end stage kidney disease, characterized by excessive plasma β2 microglobulin, some of which is catabolized to form amyloid deposits … Medical dictionary
β2-microglobulin — beta2 microglobulin a small (mol. wt. 12,000), nonpolymorphic protein, homologous to the C3 domain of IgG, that is one subunit of class I major histocompatibility antigens … Medical dictionary
beta2-microglobulin — ß2 mi·cro·glob·u·lin .bāt ə .tü .mī krō gläb yə lən, chiefly Brit .bē tə n a beta globulin of low molecular weight that is present at a low level in plasma, is normally excreted in the urine, is homologous in structure to part of an antibody,… … Medical dictionary
beta-2-microglobulin — A small protein normally found on the surface of many cells, including lymphocytes, and in small amounts in the blood and urine. An increased amount in the blood or urine may be a sign of certain diseases, including some types of cancer, such as… … English dictionary of cancer terms
Alpha-1-microglobuline — L’alpha 1 microglobuline est une glycoprotéine de faible poids moléculaire codée par le gène AMBP[1],[2],[3]. Elle est synthétisée dans le foie et les lymphocytes … Wikipédia en Français