

Name = complement factor properdin
caption =

width =
HGNCid = 8864
Symbol = CFP
AltSymbols = PFC
EntrezGene = 5199
OMIM = 300383
RefSeq = NM_002621
UniProt = P27918
ECnumber =
Chromosome = X
Arm = p
Band = 11.4
LocusSupplementaryData =

Properdin or factor P is a globulin protein found in the blood serum of higher animals. In the complement system, an innate-immunity series of proenzymes dissolved in the circulation, it is also called "Factor P".


It is known that it participates in some specific immune responses. It plays a part in tissue inflammation as well as the engulfing of pathogens by phagocytes. In addition it is known to help to neutralize some viruses.

As a component of the alternative pathway for complement activation (otherwise known as the "properdin pathway"), it complexes with another protein, C3b, to stabilize the alternative C3 convertase (C3bBb) that then cleaves more C3.

The alternative pathway is not dependent on antibodies. This branch of the complement system is activated by IgA immune complexes and bacterial endotoxins, polysaccharides, and cell walls, and results in producing anaphylatoxins, opsonins, chemotactic factors, and the membrane attack complex, all of which help fight pathogens.


Properdin was discovered in 1954 by Dr. Louis Pillemer of the Institute of Pathology (now the Department of Pathology at Case Western Reserve University).

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  • properdin — noun Etymology: probably from 1pro + Latin perdere to destroy + English 1 in more at perdition Date: 1954 a blood serum protein that participates in the activation of complement in a pathway which does not involve the presence of antibodies …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • properdin — noun A protein in human serum that complements part of the immune system …   Wiktionary

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