Santa J. Ono

Santa J. Ono

Santa J. Ono (born November 23, 1962) is an American-Canadian biologist and university administrator. He is considered to be a key opinion leader in ocular inflammation and an international authority on allergic conjunctivitis.


Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he was educated at Towson High School, the University of Chicago, McGill University, and Harvard University. At Harvard, he was a postdoctoral fellow supported by the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. He has made key contributions to the field of gene regulation in the immune system and to the understanding of inflammation in the eye.

Ono's paternal grandfather - Akira Ono - was Mayor of Chiba [] , Japan and Under Secretary of Transportation within the Japanese government. His father is Takashi Ono, the mathematician at Johns Hopkins University [] .

Ono was raised primarily in Lutherville, Maryland and studied cello at the Peabody Institute, Preparatory Division. There he studied with Carolyn Hopkins and Carter Brey (who would go on to be first cellist at the Calgary Symphony and New York Philharmonic Orchestras, respectively) [] . As a 14 year old, Ono wrote a letter to the Editors of Time magazine about Mistislav Rostropovich's and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's exile from the Soviet Union [,9171,912002,00.html] . At 15 he worked on behalf of Ralph Nader's movement to pass the Clean Water Act [] . As a graduating senior at Towson High School, he organized an effort to assemble and send a giant Christmas Card to the 52 hostages held during the Iran Hostage Crisis,in the final year of President Jimmy Carter's term in office. Several hundred students, faculty and members of the community signed the card, and the effort was covered by local and regional media [,9171,954605-3,00.html] . He would graduate with a BA in Biological Science from University of Chicago and a PhD in Experimental Medicine (Dean's Honour List) from McGill University in Montreal.

cientific career

After completing his fellowship at Harvard, Ono has held faculty positions at Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, University College London (UCL), and Emory University. His immediate past position was GlaxoSmithKline Professor of Biomedical Science and Head of the Department of Immunology at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and honorary staff member at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. From March 2006 until September 2008, he served as Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives and Deputy to the Provost at Emory University in Atlanta. He was promoted to Senior Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs in September 2008. He also serves as Professor of Ophthalmology, Medicine, Pediatrics and Biology. As a scientist, he has been principal investigator responsible for more than $20 million in research grants and holds multiple patents.

Professor Ono is an expert on ocular surface inflammation and the immune basis of age-related macular degeneration. His early work focused on the association of certain MHC haplotypes with susceptibility and resistance to type 1 diabetes. Using a number of recombinant and congenic rat strains, the work mapped susceptibility genes in the BB rat to the class II MHC loci [] [] . His work also showed that class I and II MHC gene products are expressed at higher levels or de novo on the insulin-producing beta cells of the islets of Langerhans [] [] . To better understand this phenomenon, he focused much of his research in the next decade on the regulation of MHC gene expression [] . He showed that the different class II MHC isotypes are differentially expressed [] and showed that the X2-box cis-element controls this differential expression [] . His work also showed that the bZIP transcription factor: XBP1 forms a hetero-dimer with c-Fos [] . This has turned out to be relevant to the developmental control of B cell differentiation and to the control of EBV gene expression during the lytic phase. His lab also discovered the NFX1 transcription factor and cloned both the human and murine cDNAs [] [] . This factor can bind DNA, RNA and protein via a reiterated RING finger motifs in the central domain of the polypeptide. The protein appears to have important roles in neuronal development and mRNA transport [] [] . NFX1 is also a probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase [] . These enzymes are of interest as they have been shown to participate in 3 metabolic pathways: ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, parkinson's disease, and huntington's disease. His lab also demonstrated that the non- histone chromosomal protein HMGA is required for the induction of multiple genes, including MHC genes, interferon-gamma and rhodopsin [] [] [] [] . They mapped the interaction of HMGA1a and the paired homeodomain motif within Crx and showed that these interactions help recruit such transcriptional activators to the promoter/enhancer [] [] . Using transgenic mouse technology, they also showed (concurrently and independently of Alfredo Fusco), that fusion proteins between HMGA2 and other C terminal peptides (following chromosomal translocation) can drive the development of lipomas and generate obese mice [] . Further contributions in the field include the mapping of the HMGA2 promoter/enhancer [] [] .

More recently, his laboratory has determined the role of beta-chemokines in mast cell-dependent inflammation in the ocular surface [] [] . The work shows that chemokines not only contribute to leukocyte recruitment, but can cooperate with other mast cell activation signals to trigger mast cell degranulation [] . Finally, his lab has shown that certain autoantibodies might contribute to the pathogenesis or exacerbation of AMD and other rapid onset retinal degenerative diseases and may constitute useful biomarkers for the screening for AMD and its progression [] [] .

Administrative work

As an administrator, Ono served on admissions committees at Johns Hopkins for the Program in Cell & Molecular Medicine and the Graduate Program in Immunology. He also participated in the selection of HHMI undergraduate research fellows and as a faculty member in the JHU Center for Talented Youth. At Harvard, he served as head of the Inflammation, Immunity and Transplantation Focus Group at the Schepens Eye Research Institute. There, he served on the Executive Committee of the Harvard Program in Immunology and on two NIH Training grants within ophthalmology (Ocular Immunology and Molecular Bases of Eye Diseases). He worked closely with the late President J. Wayne Streilein and COO Ken Trevett and others in developing a strategic plan for the Schepens Eye Research Institute and helped attract significant funding from entities such as the Markey Charitable Trust and the Fidelity Investments.

Ono was then recruited to UCL to the Cumberlege Chair and then as GSK Professor. Major funding from the Wellcome Trust, Fight for Sight, and GSK supported the development of a new immunology division at the UCL-Institute of Ophthalmology which grew to 27 members [] . Administratively, he served on the university Finance Committee, the UCL Council (the university's Governing Body) and as Associate Dean. He served on the founding UCL working group on Race Equality, helping to both generate and monitor the impact of a new race equality policy on the diversification of the UCL workforce [] . This was flagged as an exemplar policy by the UK government in 2005. He also worked with the Provost and Chief Development Officer and officials such as Mayor Junichi Seki of Osaka to forge links with Osaka University and Osaka City University, and partnered with the International Office to strengthen study abroad links with several universities, including Columbia University [] [] .

At Emory University, he has oversight of student enrollment activities, certain aspects of academic affairs and other responsibilities related to initiatives within the university strategic plan. Ono was part of a team that helped launch the Emory Advantage financial aid program, resulting in a loan replacement grant for individuals with a household income of $50K and less and a loan cap grant for individuals with a household income less than $100K [] . It was the first program to reach into the "middle class" to facilitate access to an Emory education.

Ono also helped launch a number of programs to enhance intellectual community at Emory, including the Luminaries Series (designed to bring experts to Emory to speak about their scholarship) and the Life of the Mind Series to highlight Emory's own faculty. He also helped organize Emory's new Academic Leadership Program and the Emory Arts Competition [] . He has also worked closely with students at Emory. Students within the Student Government Association now challenge the university administration to an annual sporting match in a contest called the Dooley Cup [] . The administration has yet to win.

Ono has also reached out to the public by giving talks at K-12 schools in the USA and UK and to the general public at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. There he gave talks to K-12 students in the Student Education program and to adult audiences in the Talking Points Evening Lecture Series [] . He has also served as an invited panelist to discuss the Reith Lectures at Windsor Castle on BBC Radio 4.

Honors and awards

Ono is the recipient of the Pharmacia International Award in Allergy Research, the American Diabetes Association Career Development Award, the Arthritis Foundation Investigator Award, the Medal in Bronze from Osaka City University and the Roche Award presented at UTMB. He has been recognized as an outstanding mentor at Phi Beta Kappa ceremonies and received the JW McConnell Award for Potential in Teaching at McGill University. Ono was elected into the Royal Society of Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA). He was elected International Fellow, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum.

He has delivered plenary or major lectures at: the International Congress of Immunology, the International Congress of Eye Research, the Annual Meetings of ARVO and AAAAI and the Kyoto Cornea Conference. Ono has been a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Visiting Professor at Kyoto University and a Visiting Professor at the University of Cincinnati.

Advisory roles

Ono has served on the governing bodies of UCL and Trent School, Church of England. He is a founding member of the Board of the Posse Foundation, Atlanta and has served on the Medical & Scientific Advisory Board of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) [] , the Medical Advisory Board of the Medical Research Council, UK [] and the IMS and HAI study sections of the US National Institutes of Health.

He has served as Associate Editor of Immunology and the Journal of Leukocyte Biology and on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the Journal of Immunology and the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

Key publications

* Pulendran B, Ono SJ. A shot in the arm for mast cells. Nature Medicine. 2008 May;14(5):489-90. PMID: 18463655

* Mantel I, Ramchand KV, Holder GE, Ohbayashi M, Morohoshi K, Patel N, Toda M, Fitzke FW, Bird AC, Ono SJ. Macular and retinal dysfunction of unknown origin in adults with normal fundi: evidence for an autoimmune pathophysiology. Exp Mol Pathol. 2008 Apr;84(2):90-101. Epub 2007 Nov 9. PMID: 18255057

* Beer F, Kuo CH, Morohoshi K, Goodliffe J, Munro P, Aye CC, Dawson M, Richardson RM, Jones LH, Ikeda Y, Nakamura T, Toda M, Flynn T, Ohbayashi M, Miyazaki D, Ono SJ. Role of beta-chemokines in mast cell activation and type I hypersensitivity reactions in the conjunctiva: in vivo and in vitro studies. Immunol Rev. 2007 Jun;217:96-104. PMID: 17498054

* Patel N, Ohbayashi M, Nugent AK, Ramchand K, Toda M, Chau KY, Bunce C, Webster A, Bird AC, Ono SJ, Chong V. Circulating anti-retinal antibodies as immune markers in age-related macular degeneration. Immunology. 2005 Jul;115(3):422-30.PMID: 15946260

* Chau KY, Keane-Myers AM, Fedele M, Ikeda Y, Creusot RJ, Menozzi L, Cousins DJ, Manfioletti G, Feigenbaum L, Fusco A, Ono SJ. IFN-gamma gene expression is controlled by the architectural transcription factor HMGA1. Int Immunol. 2005 Mar;17(3):297-306. Epub 2005 Feb 14.PMID: 15710911

* Miyazaki D, Nakamura T, Toda M, Cheung-Chau KW, Richardson RM, Ono SJ. Macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha as a costimulatory signal for mast cell-mediated immediate hypersensitivity reactions.J Clin Invest. 2005 Feb;115(2):434-42. PMID: 15650768

* Ono SJ, Abelson MB. Allergic conjunctivitis: update on pathophysiology and prospects for future treatment.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Jan;115(1):118-22. PMID: 15637556

* Ono SJ. The birth of transplantation immunology: the Billingham-Medawar experiments at Birmingham University and University College London. 1951. J Exp Biol. 2004 Nov;207(Pt 23):4013-4. PMID: 15498946

* Toda M, Dawson M, Nakamura T, Munro PM, Richardson RM, Bailly M, Ono SJ. Impact of engagement of FcepsilonRI and CC chemokine receptor 1 on mast cell activation and motility. J Biol Chem. 2004 Nov 12;279(46):48443-8. Epub 2004 Aug 26.PMID: 15337751

* Arlotta P, Miyazaki D, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Ono SJ. Murine NFX.1: isolation and characterization of its messenger RNA, mapping of its chromosomal location and assessment of its developmental expression. Immunology. 2002 Jun;106(2):173-81.PMID: 12047746

* Chau KY, Munshi N, Keane-Myers A, Cheung-Chau KW, Tai AK, Manfioletti G, Dorey CK, Thanos D, Zack DJ, Ono SJ. The architectural transcription factor high mobility group I(Y) participates in photoreceptor-specific gene expression. J Neurosci. 2000 Oct 1;20(19):7317-24. PMID: 11007889

* Chau KY, Chen S, Zack DJ, Ono SJ. Functional domains of the cone-rod homeobox (CRX) transcription factor. J Biol Chem. 2000 Nov 24;275(47):37264-70. PMID: 10984472

* Ono SJ. Molecular genetics of allergic diseases.Annual Review of Immunology. 2000;18:347-66. PMID: 10837062

* Fedoseyeva EV, Boisgérault F, Anosova NG, Wollish WS, Arlotta P, Jensen PE, Ono SJ, Benichou G. CD4+ T cell responses to self- and mutated p53 determinants during tumorigenesis in mice. J Immunol. 2000 Jun 1;164(11):5641-51.

* Arlotta P, Tai AK, Manfioletti G, Clifford C, Jay G, Ono SJ. Transgenic mice expressing a truncated form of the high mobility group I-C protein develop adiposity and an abnormally high prevalence of lipomas. J Biol Chem. 2000 May 12;275(19):14394-400.PMID: 10747931

* Chau K, Arlotta P, Patel UA, Crane-Robinson C, Manfioletti G, Ono SJ. A novel downstream positive regulatory element mediating transcription of the human high mobility group (HMG) I-C gene.FEBS Lett. 1999 Sep 3;457(3):429-36. PMID: 10471823

* Casolaro V, Georas SN, Song Z, Zubkoff ID, Abdulkadir SA, Thanos D, Ono SJ. Inhibition of NF-AT-dependent transcription by NF-kappa B: implications for differential gene expression in T helper cell subsets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Dec 5;92(25):11623-7.PMID: 8524816

* Abdulkadir SA, Krishna S, Thanos D, Maniatis T, Strominger JL, Ono SJ. Functional roles of the transcription factor Oct-2A and the high mobility group protein I/Y in HLA-DRA gene expression.J Exp Med. 1995 Aug 1;182(2):487-500. PMID: 7629508

* Ono SJ, Song Z. Mapping of the interaction site of the defective transcription factor in the class II major histocompatibility complex mutant cell line clone-13 to the divergent X2-box.J Biol Chem. 1995 Mar 17;270(11):6396-402. PMID: 7890777

* Song Z, Krishna S, Thanos D, Strominger JL, Ono SJ. A novel cysteine-rich sequence-specific DNA-binding protein interacts with the conserved X-box motif of the human major histocompatibility complex class II genes via a repeated Cys-His domain and functions as a transcriptional repressor. J Exp Med. 1994 Nov 1;180(5):1763-74.PMID: 7964459

* Ono SJ, Liou HC, Davidon R, Strominger JL, Glimcher LH. Human X-box-binding protein 1 is required for the transcription of a subset of human class II major histocompatibility genes and forms a heterodimer with c-fos. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1991 May 15;88(10):4309-12. PMID: 1903538

* Ono SJ, Bazil V, Levi BZ, Ozato K, Strominger JL. Transcription of a subset of human class II major histocompatibility complex genes is regulated by a nucleoprotein complex that contains c-fos or an antigenically related protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1991 May 15;88(10):4304-8. PMID: 1709740

* Ono SJ, Bazil V, Sugawara M, Strominger JL. An isotype-specific trans-acting factor is defective in a mutant B cell line that expresses HLA-DQ, but not -DR or -DP. J Exp Med. 1991 Mar 1;173(3):629-37. PMID: 1997650

* Ono SJ, Issa-Chergui B, Colle E, Guttmann RD, Seemayer TA, Fuks A.IDDM in BB rats. Enhanced MHC class I heavy-chain gene expression in pancreatic islets. Diabetes. 1988 Oct;37(10):1411-8.PMID: 3046971

* Colle E, Ono SJ, Fuks A, Guttmann RD, Seemayer TA. Association of susceptibility to spontaneous diabetes in rat with genes of major histocompatibility complex. Diabetes. 1988 Oct;37(10):1438-43.PMID: 2901375

External links

* [ Santa J. Ono, Emory University Senior Vice Provost]
* [ Emory Arts Competition]
* [ Academic Leadership Program]
* [ Luminaries in Arts & Humanities]
* [ Evenings with Emory Authors]
* [ Emory joins Questbridge Student Access Program]
* [ Life of the Mind Series]
* [ Luminaries in Science Series]
* [ Conflict and Peace-building in the Middle East]
* [ The Dooley Cup]
* [ Nature: London Calling, Academic Sparkplugs]
* [ UCL/Osaka Links]
* [ UCL/Osaka Collaboration]
* [ BBC News: 30million British Pound Investment in Eye Research]
* [ BBC News: New Target for Allergy Identified]
* [ Professor Santa Jeremy Ono of UCL speaks to students at the Royal Institution of Great Britain]
* [ Ono Named Chief Scientific Officer, iCo Therapeutics]
* [ Science: Obesity Gene Linked to Cancer]
* [ Nature: Recruiters and Academia - Getting out of a rut]
* [,9171,912002,00.html Time Magazine: Mistislav Rostropovich]

NAME= Ono, Santa J.
SHORT DESCRIPTION= Immunologist, university administrator
DATE OF BIRTH= November 23, 1962
PLACE OF BIRTH= Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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