Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctoral researcher

A postdoctoral fellow (colloquially "post-doc") is a temporary research position held by a person who has completed his or her doctoral studies. Postdoctoral fellows commonly last for periods ranging between six months and five years, and have traditionally been dedicated purely to research; so-called "teaching post-docs" are now being offered for those who seek to focus on teaching in their careers, however.

The appointee is typically given a title such as research associate, or sometimes research assistant professor. Postdoctoral positions are most often taken in the sciences and the arts. In the United Kingdom, one-fourth of those who attain doctorates in the natural science go on to postdoctoral work. [cite web|url=!eklggFa|title=UK GRAD Programme: Physical sciences and engineering PhD graduates from 2003 at a glance|accessdate=2007-12-04] This contributed to 85% of research-only staff in universities being on fixed term contracts in the UK [cite web|url=|title=The blight of casualisation|work=UCU|accessdate=2007-12-04] .

United States

Postdoctoral appointees in the United States can pursue basic, clinical or translational projects so long as their primary effort is devoted toward their own scholarship. Postdocs are essential to the scholarly mission of the mentor and host institution, and thus are expected to have the freedom to publish the results of their scholarship. The Association believes that the following are essential to a proper postdoctoral experience:
*Transition to career independence through the development of professional skills that enable the postdoc to actively pursue a career of his/her own choosing.
*Supervision by at least one senior scholar who actively promotes the postdocs professional development.
*An individual development plan (IDP) that incorporates equally the postdocs career and training goals and the mentors research goals.
*Pursuit of basic, clinical, or translational projects so long as effort is focused primarily on research.
*Publication of the results of the postdocs research and scholarship during their appointment.
*As the postdoctoral appointment is temporary by nature, the aggregate amount of time spent as a postdoc is recommended to not exceed five years.
*As postdocs are important members of the host institutions community, appropriate levels of compensation, health care, and other benefits commensurate with their essential status should be afforded, independent of the postdocs source of funding.

Advantages to working as a post-doc

A post-doctoral period, under the most ideal circumstances, could possibly offer an opportunity to further one's research interests. Normally postdocs may travel freely to conferences and administer their own funds, and working hours are usually flexible.

Also, whereas faculty positions frequently use the 40%, 40%, 20% workload division between research, teaching, and service, respectively, post-docs can devote 100% of their work hours to research. Advising students, going to faculty meetings, preparing lectures, etc. are not compulsory. Importantly, the research and data collected during the post-doctoral period may benefit the individual in question for years beyond. Methods or subjects established during the postdoctoral period are usually the basis of one's future research. In addition, due to the highly specialized nature of dissertation research, postdoctoral training can provide an opportunity to acquire additional technical and research skills that were not acquired during the graduate education program.

New faculty having postdoctoral training often begin at higher salaries than their peers who have not. This can not only affect starting salary but also each raise or promotion to come, as compensation is sometimes calculated in part based on starting salary. Fact|date=February 2007

Disadvantages to working as a post-doc

About half of PhDs choose this route of career progression, often in order to obtain a faculty position; however, a very large percentage of post-docs never achieve this. In the USA, about one-third of post-doctorates go on to be a member of the faculty at a university [cite web|url=|title=Association of American Universities Committee on Postdoctoral Education Report|date=1998-03-31|accessdate=2007-12-04]

The common 'lore' is that before entering certain fields, a post-doc appointment may be a necessary step in order to gain greater knowledge and experience, make connections, and build a name for oneself in research circles.

However the conditions of employment for many post-docs are often very poor. Some typical problems raised are:

# There may be no job duties or job descriptions given for a postdoctoral fellow.
# The employment of the fellow is salaried, well below industry salaries, and "at will."
# Postdoctoral appointments last from 1-5 years on average with a decreasing yield of between 17-20% of postdoctoral fellows obtaining a permanent faculty position [cite book|author=Mark C. Regets|title=What Follows the Postdoctorate Experience? Employment Patterns of 1993 Postdocs in 1995|work=NSF 99-307, National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Studies, Arlington, VA, USA, 1998] [cite book|author=Committee on Dimensions, Causes, and Implications of Recent Trends in the Careers of Life Scientists|title=Trends in the Early Careers of Life Scientists|work=Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1998] .
# The fixed term nature of the employment means post-docs are particularly vulnerable to bullying and unreasonable demands.

To quote the President of the University of Southern California, “One of the reasons postdocs have become increasingly popular is because a postdoc is less expensive than a PhD student--you have to pay the PhD students' tuition plus a $15,000 stipend. And the postdoc spends 80 hours a week or more on research while the PhD has to go to class. That makes postdocs very, very attractive." [cite news|url=|title=The Postdoc's Plight|author=Joanne P. Cavanaugh|work=Johns Hopkins Magazine|date=February 1999|accessdate=2007-12-04]

In traditional lore a postdoctoral fellowship may also be seen as a valuable tool to distinguish oneself from other candidates when entering the job market. Such appointments are often the "stepping stone" whereby a graduate student can improve their publication record and hence progress to a permanent position.

In many academic fields, post-doctoral appointments — traditionally optional — have become mandatory as tenure-track positions are simply unavailable for those who have not completed post-doctoral or adjunct positions. Without post-doctoral experience, most fresh doctorates lack the connections and prominence needed to secure a better academic job.

As the doctorate degree is, by definition, the highest awarded in a field, no degree is given at the completion of a post-doctoral position. Some post-doctoral positions share more in common with low-paid adjunct jobs than continuing education. In some fields (especially life sciences) in some countries, like the United States of America, there are so many graduates that post-doctoral work is almost necessary.

Often academics will take a succession of post-doctoral positions before achieving a faculty position or leaving academia.

In many countries including the United States of America, most post-doctoral positions are filled by foreign nationals rather than local PhDs, putting further pressure on wages and working conditions. Fact|date=November 2007


Although some institutions consider (early career) postdocs to still be under training (e.g. CSIRO), most consider a postdoctoral position simply as a short term job taken on after a PhD. Within universities post-doctoral positions are considered academic staff rather than student or general staff positions.

Postdoc salaries are generally higher than in other countries; e.g. the minimum Level A academic salaries for doctoral qualified employees beginning in 2008 are AU$66,155 p.a. at the University of Sydney [, Retrieved on 22 July 2008] , AU$63,451 p.a. at the University of Melbourne [, Retrieved on 22 July 2008] , and AU$67,140 p.a. at the University of New South Wales [, Retrieved on 22 July 2008] .Another method of funding post-doc salaries is through the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects [ [ Discovery Projects - Australian Research Council (ARC) ] ] . Through this program the salary for 3 year Australian Postdoctoral Fellowships beginning in 2009 is AU$61,399 p.a. [Appendix 3, p. 58,, Retrieved on 22 July 2008] .

Furthermore, a relatively generous (mandatory) superannuation payment of 11-17% is paid by Universities [, Retrieved on 22 July 2008] .


ee also

* Doctorate
* Researcher
* European Research Charter
* EURODOCthe European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers.
* research assistant
* research fellow

External links

* Articles at [ Postdoctoral Life] .
* [ The National Postdoctoral Association]
* [ Postdoctoral Job Openings (]
* [ The Swiss Mobility Portal for Researchers.]
* [ Comment and rate labs all over the world.]

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