Axis & Allies Miniatures (land version)

Axis & Allies Miniatures (land version)

Axis & Allies Miniatures (land version) is a miniature wargame that simulates tactical combat in World War II. Pieces represent infantry squads or fire teams, heavy weapons and their crews, individual vehicles and single aircraft. Each player, or team of players, controls one side. In the basic game, players build armies from their collection of units and then battle for control of an objective in the center of the map.

Unlike traditional wargames, Axis & Allies Miniatures (A&A Minis or AAM) is a collectable miniatures game similar to Dungeon & Dragons Miniatures or Star Wars Miniatures. Players purchase sealed boxes to acquire the game pieces. Each booster box contains a certain number of pieces (nine in the first five sets; only five in the later sets). The pieces fall into three categories: common (most infantry and light support weapons); uncommon (artillery, commanders and smaller vehicles); rare (larger vehicles). There are many exceptions, however. In addition to the boosters, starter sets for the Base Set and the 1939-45 set exist. The starter sets include rules, maps and markers along with the game pieces.

Before 1984, wargames came in two sorts. Miniature games, dating back centuries, used small models to represent the units involved in a battle. Each piece could move or fire a certain distance, usually measured in inches. Three-dimensional terrain dotted the battlefield. Detailed painting was a skill admired as much as military prowess. Charles S. Roberts broke the miniature monopoly in 1954 when he published "Tactics II", the first board wargame. In this new medium, players used cardboard chits to simulate the units while squares, and eventually hexagons, regulated movement. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, poor business decisions and the advent of electronic games marginalized the board game community.Fact|date=October 2008 Many had written it off completely until the appearance of Larry Harris' "Axis & Allies". This hybrid of miniature and board wargaming provided eye-appeal, fast-paced play and a simple set of rules which still required the players to reason through complex strategic situations.

A&A Minis is the offspring of Harris' design. Whereas the original "Axis & Allies" was a game of global combat spanning continents and employing entire armies, navies and air fleets as the basic units, A&A Minis takes World War II down to its smallest level. The standard battlefield is less than a square mile and a player's entire force might consist of two platoons. Like Harris' original, A&A Minis fuses the miniature and board game traditions. Sculpted tanks and soldiers represent the units, but the game maps have an overlay of hexagons to show location and determine movement and range. Each unit has a corresponding card that denotes its statistics. In addition to information about its year of availability, a unit is rated for speed, defense and firepower at various ranges. The card also contains a listing of any Special Abilities the unit might have. The Special Abilities include the historical attributes and performance characterisitcs that define a weapon system or type of soldier, but in some cases they do venture off into very imaginative territory.

Compared to its chief rivals in the World War II tactical genre, mainly "Flames of War" and "Advanced Squad Leader", A&A Minis is a simple game, very accessible to the novice. "Flames of War" requires a player not only to purchase a number of expensive reference books, but to acquire, assemble and paint a large army of metal miniatures. Play time can extend for hours as the combatants measure and re-measure or search through tables of information. "Advanced Squad Leader", while not a miniature game, is even more complex. Players store the rules in large notebooks, to which they constantly refer for even the smallest occurrence on the battlefield. By contrast, A&A Minis concerns itself with only the most important actions on the battlefield: movement and the results of combat. Thus, the rules are much shorter. The plastic A&A miniatures also come pre-painted, a tremendous saving in time and money over "Flames of War". It should be noted, however, that the consumer never knows exactly which units are in an A&A Minis booster box, unlike "Flames of War".

Axis & Allies Miniatures is a product of Avalon Hill, a division of Wizards of the Coast (purveyors of the lucrative "Magic" franchise and usually called WoTC), which is in turn a subsidiary of toy colossus Hasbro. The game debuted in 2005 and expansions have appeared at irregular intervals. Its sales pale in comparison to the "Magic" juggernaut and many AAM players have expressed the sentiment that they are second-class citizens in the WOTC empire.

Building a Collection

The key to success in Axis & Allies Miniatures is an extensive and deep collection of units. While many players enjoy historical scenarios, most games are "constructed." This means that the players agree on a point total for their forces, say 100, and then construct armies with units whose individual costs add up to 100. Chinese infantry cost two points each while the giant German and Russian tanks cost over sixty points. Often, this metagame of constructing an army has as much effect on the outcome as the actual gameplay. Players must consider several factors including the psychology of his opponent and the units each has available. Since every unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, the player with the most options has an advantage.

When a set is released, the hard-core players usually buy cases of twelve boosters, taking advantage of discounts for pre-ordering and buying in bulk. They then fill in holes in their collections by purchasing singles on-line or trading surplus pieces. Of course, there is always the old-fashioned method of buying individual boosters at the local game store, but this is not as cost-effective. Creating a tournament-worthy collection means targeting certain high-value units. Acquiring these through the random distribution of sealed boosters is impractical. Nevertheless, few players will deny the joy that accompanies opening a new box.

The most valuable units are those whose point cost is less than their perceived value. A prime example is the M4A1 Sherman Tank which costs 21 points. For a long time, the most comparable German unit, the Panzer IVG, cost 30 points and had a distinct disadvantage against infantry targets. Similarly, the ferocious SS Panzergrenadier had a cost of five points, only one point more than the much weaker M1 Garand, the US Army's basic infantry unit. (WoTC has since issued errata which corrected the cost of these units.) In fact, these basic infantry units (the US Garand, German Mauser, Russian Mosin-Nagant, Japanese Arisaka, etc) remain the most coveted pieces of all. Typically, a "common" piece will sell for a quarter or fifty cents. The basic infantry, however, frequently sell for ten times those prices.

An adequate collection of A&A Minis contains two or three of the most useful rare vehicles and planes, six to eight of each of the basic infantry, a good variety of commanders and support units plus a healthy portion of "workhorse" units like the Sherman tank and Bren gunners. Some players boast massive collections while others specialize in particular countries. Of course, most players have more modest armies and derive just as much enjoyment as their more fanatical counterparts.

Creating an Army

Experienced A&A Minis players fall into two categories: historical gamers and power gamers. The historical gamers strive to recreate at least the atmosphere of World war II if not specific battles. They adhere closely to the availability dates of the units and tend not to mix nationalities. Historical gamers eschew unrealistic units like the Veteran Tiger or the US 81mm mortar. Also, the historically minded will often build their force with an eye toward realism, attempting to deploy units that mirror the actual platoons of the war. Directly opposite of this group are the power gamers. Nothing stands in the way of their goal of creating the ultimate game-winning army. Instead of referring to history books, they scan the unit cards hoping to find "combos." "Combos" are sets of units whose Special Abilities create a synergy. Thus, the power gamers often have Japanese sergeants ordering German panzergrenadiers to banzai charge or Greek officers and Canadian NCOs boosting the abilites of American riflemen. Michael Wittmann drives all their tanks and every pilot is an ace.

For tournaments, army builders typically go in one of two directions. Some prefer a balanced army. This is a combined arms force which can threaten the enemy in a variety of ways. The player starts with a core of infantry and adds a commander, armor support, automatic weapons, antitank units, artillery, aircraft or other elements. He chooses units that can threaten more than one type of enemy unit. A balanced force gives the player options and more of a chance to exploit a weakness in his opponent's army.

Playing the Game

After building their armies in secret, the players decide which map to use. The original set came with four backprinted maps and six preset configurations. The 1939-45 set and Expanded Rules offered the players four more maps and more configurations. The North Africa 1940-43: Map Guide introduced desert and jungle maps.

After the map is chosen, each player rolls two dice. If they chose a commander for their army, the commander adds his initiative rating to the roll. High roll chooses side and sets up first. ("It should be noted at this point that many variants exist for this part of the rules, and, frankly, for every part of the game. Many players have modified the rules to suit their own tastes. Unlike most games like Magic, organizers of sanctioned tournaments can modify the rules. Often, this is for historical reasons. Frequently, though, the cause is the poor quality of some aspects of the rules. Several versions exist, both on paper and on the internet. In addition, the company has issued errata and modification but these are only available on its website. In practice, this does not cause as many problems as it might seem as most players are careful to agree about the rules before the game.")

Players deploy their units a certain distance from opposite map edges with the exception of paratroopers, heroes, partisans, gliderborne and aircraft. The game begins and consists of a number of turns which are subdivided into phases. The phases always occur in the same order.

A. Initiative Phase

Players roll two dice and add the initiative rating of one of their commanders. High roll chooses whether to be the first or second player that turn. Many times, this is the most important phase of the turn.

B. First Player Movement Phase

The first player may move any eligible units. The unit card has the speed on it. Paratroopers and heroes may deploy.

C. Second Player Movement Phase

D. First Player Flight Phase

The first player may place aircraft on the map.

E. Second Player Flight Phase

F. First Player Airstrike Phase

The first player attacks with his aircraft. The procedure for making an attack is the same in any phase. He cross-references the range with the target type (soldier or vehicle) on the unit's card. This yields a number. The player then rolls that many six-sided dice. Fours, fives and sixes are successes. Damage is calculated by comparing the number of successes to the unit's defense, which is also on its card. Any casualties or damage inflicted do not occur until later.

G. Second Player Airstrike Phase

H. First Player assault Phase

The first player may either move or attack with any eligible units. He may also place minefields.

I. Second Player Assault Phase

J. Casualty Phase

Casualties take effect. Some units recover from earlier attacks. Planes are removed.

At the end of turn seven, control of the objective area is determined. If only one player has units in the area, he wins. If both players have units there, play continues until the end of turn ten. At that time, players again check the objective zone. If neither player has sole possession, tiebreakers determine the victor.


* Base Set: Basic set of 48 models, released in the fall of 2005 with both starter and booster packs available.
* Set II: First expansion set of 45 models, released near the end of 2005 as boosters only. Added Nationalist China, Poland, and Romania, as well as new elements such as snipers and paratroopers.
* Contested Skies: Second expansion set of 45 models, released on 2006-03-24. Added aircraft, air defenses and an Australian unit.
* D-Day: Third expansion of 45 models, released on June 6, 2006. Added obstacles and Canadian troops.
* Reserves: Fourth expansion set of 45 models, released on November 10, 2006, added support and Hungarian units.
* 1939-45 set of 60 models, released on October 26th,2007. Mainly an "errata" expansion: Recosted multiples units and changed others slightly. No brand new unit, but all vehicles have new scale.
* North Africa 1940-1943 set of 60 models, Mar. 28,2008. Added commander vehicles and trucks and adding Greek Units.
* Eastern Front 1941-1945 set of 60 models, Dec. 16, 2008. Will add Finnish units.
* Italy and the Balkans 1943-1945 set of 60 models, to be released Mar. 10, 2009.

Rules & Maps

The players can get quickly familiarised with the rules using the [ quickstart guide] and then move on to the [ advanced rules] .
* Expanded Rules: Expanded basic rule book , released on July 18, 2007
* North Africa 1940-1943: Map Guide Set of desert maps and missions, the overleaf of these maps is jungle terrain for use in Pacific scenario.
* Eastern Front 1941-1945: Map Guide set of Eastern Front maps, to be released Dec. 16, 2008.

Units represented

** Australian Officer (North Africa;Commander;Uncommon)
** Owen SMG (North Africa;Soldier;Uncommon)
** Veteran SMLE Riflemen (Contested Skies; Infantry squad;Common)

** Canadian infantrymen (D-Day and 1939-1945; Infantry squad;Common)
** Eagle-Eyed NCO (D-Day and 1939-1945 set; Commander;Uncommon)
** Entrenched Antitank gun (Reserves;Anti-Tank;Common)
** Intrepid Hero (Reserves;Infantry;uncommon)
** Sherman DD (D-Day; Tank;Rare)
** Sherman VC 17-Pounder (1939-1945;Tank;Rare)

** Kuomintang Machine-Gun Team(SetII;Machinegun Team,Uncommon)
** Kuomintang Officer(SetII;Commander;Uncommon)
** Kuomintang Riflemen(SetII;Infantry Squad;Common)
** T-26 Series 1933(SetII;Tank;Rare)


** Bold Captain (Contested Skies; Commander;Uncommon)
** Char B1-bis (Contested Skies and 1939-1945; Heavy tank;Rare)
** Free French Infantrymen (D-Day; Infantry Squad;Common)
** French Alpine Troop (North Africa;Infantry Squad;Uncommon)
** French Resistance Fighters (Reserves;Partisan;Common)
** Lebel 86M93 Grenadier (Contested Skies; Infantry;Common)
** MAS 7.5 mm Rifle (Base Set and 1939-1945 ;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Panhard et Levassor P 178 (Reserves and 1939-1945;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** Renault R-35 (Base Set;Rare and 1939-1945;Tank;Uncommon)
** Somua S-35 (D-Day and 1939-1945 set; Tank;Rare)

** 20mm Flak 38 (Contested Skies; Anti-aircraft Gun;Uncommon)
** 7.5cm LEL G1818 (North Africa;Artillery;Common)
** 88mm Flak 36 (D-Day and North Africa; Anti-aircraft Gun;Rare)
** BMW R75 (Contested Skies; Motorcycle;Uncommon)
** Disciplined Spotter (D-Day; Artillery spotter;Common)
** Dornier Do335 (Reserves;Fighter;Rare)
** Elefant (Reserves;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Elite Panzer IV Ausf.D (Contested Skies; Tank;Uncommon)
** Fallschirmjager (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (Contested Skies; Anti-aircraft Vehicle;Rare)
** Focke-Wulf Fw 190A (D-Day; Fighter;Rare)
** Fortress Defender (D-Day; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Grizzled Veteran (D-Day;Hero;Uncommon)
** Jagdpanther (Base Set and 1939-1945;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Jagdpanzer IV/48 (Contested Skies; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer (D-Day; Tank destroyer;Uncommon)
** Jagdtiger (D-Day; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Junkers JU 87G Stuka (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 set;Attack Plane;Rare)
** King Tiger (Set II and 1939-1945 ;Tank;Rare)
** Kubelwagen V (North Africa;Car;Uncommon)
** Luftwaffe Infantrymen (Contested Skies; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Light Mortar (Base Set; Mortar;Common)
** Marder II (D-Day; Tank destroyer;Uncommon)
** Mauser Kar 98k (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Infantry squad;Common)
** Messerschmitt Ace (North Africa;Fighter;Rare)
** Messerschmitt Bf109E (Contested Skies;Fighter;Rare)
** Messerschmitt Me110 (D-Day and North Africa; Fighter;Rare)
** Messerschmitt Me 262 (Reserves;Jet Fighter;Rare)
** MG42 Machine-Gun Team (Base Set and 1939-1945 and North Africa; Machine gun Team;Uncommon)
** Nashorn (Set II; Tank destroyer;Rare)
** Nebelwerfer 42 (Reserves;Rocket Launcher;Uncommon)
** Opel Blitz 3Ton (North Africa;Truck;Uncommon)
** PaK 38 Antitank Gun (Base Set;Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** PaK 40 Antitank Gun (Set II; Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** Panther Ausf.d (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Panzer II Ausf.C (Base Set; Tank;Rare)
** Panzer II (F) "Flamingo" (Set II; Flame Tank;Uncommon)
** Panzer III Ausf.F (Set II;Uncommon and 1939-1945;Tank;Rare)
** Panzer IVAusf.E (North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** Panzer IV Ausf.F2(1939-1945;Tank ;Uncommon)
** Panzer IV Ausf.G (Base Set; Tank;Uncommon)
** Panzer IV Ausf.H Commander (North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** PzKpfw 38(t) (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Panzerjager Bren 731 (e) (Reserves;Anti-Tank VehicleUncommon)
** Panzerfaust 30 (Base Set and 1939-1945; Infantry Antitank Team;Common)
** Panzergrenadier (Set II; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Panzerschreck (Contested Skies; Antitank Team;Common)
** Panzerspahwagen P204 (F) (North Africa;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** Sandbagged Machinegun Team (D-Day; Machinegun Team;Uncommon)
** Sd Kfz 222 (Base Set; Armored car;Uncommon)
** Sd Kfz 234/2 "Puma" (Contested Skies; Armored car;Uncommon)
** Sdkfz 2 Motorcycle Half-Track (North Africa;Motor-Cycle Half track;Uncommon)
** Sdkfz 7 (North Africa;Anti-Aircraft;Rare)
** Sdkfz 231 (North Africa;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** SdKfz 250 (D-Day; Half-track;Uncommon)
** SdKfz 251 (Base Set and 1939-1945 and North Africa; Half-track;Uncommon)
** Sd Kfz 303 "Goliath" (Reserves;Demolitions;Uncommon)
** sGrW 34 81mm Mortar (D-Day; Mortar;Uncommon)
** sIG 33 (Base Set; Assault gun;Rare)
** SS-Haupsturmführer (Base Set and 139-1945 ; Commander;Uncommon)
** SS-Panther Ausf.G (Base Set; Tank;Rare)
** SS-Panzer IV Ausf.F2 (Set II; Tank;Rare)
** SS-Panzergrenadier (Base Set; Infantry Squad;Common)
** SS Stormtroopers (Contested Skies; Infantry;Common)
** StuG III Ausf.D (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ; Tank destroyer;Uncommon)
** Stug IV Ausf.G (North Africa;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbär" (Set II and 1939-1945 ; Assault gun;Rare)
** Tiger I (Base Set and 1939-1945;Tank;Rare)
** Veteran Fallschirmjager (North Africa;Pratrooper Squad ;Uncommon)
** Veteran Panzer IIIAusf.L (North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** Veteran Tiger (D-Day and North Africa ; Tank;Rare)
** Volkssturm Infantrymen (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Wehrmacht Expert Sniper (Set II; Sniper;Uncommon)
** Wehrmacht Oberleutnant (Set II; Commander;Uncommon)
** Wehrmacht Veteran Infantrymen (D-Day and North Africa; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Werwolf Partisans (Reserves;Partisan;Common)
** Wespe (North Africa;Artillry;Rare)

** Greek Officer(North Africa,Commander,Uncommon)
** Greek Soldier(North Africa,Infantry Squad,Common)

** 8mm Huzagol 35M (Reserves;infantry squad;Common)
** 37mm Light Antitank Gun (Reserves;Anti-Tank Gun;Common)
** Tenacious Officer (Reserves;officer;Uncommon)
** Turan I (Reserves;Tank;Uncommon)"'
** 47/32 Anti-Tank Gun (North Africa;Anti-Tank;Common)
** Autoblinda AB41 (North Africa;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** Blackshirts (Set II; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Breda Modello 30LMG (North Africa;Infantry Squad;Uncommon)
** Breda Modello 37 (North Africa;Machine gun Team;Uncommon)
** Brixia M35 45 mm Mortar (Contested Skies; Artillery;Uncommon)
** Carro Armato M11/39 (North Africa;Tank;Uncommon)
** Carro Armato M13/40 (Base Set; Rare and 1939-1945;Tank ;Uncommon)
** Fucile Modello 1891 (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Italian Alpine Troop (North Africa;Infantry Squad;Uncommon)
** Italian Conscript (North Africa;Infantry;Common)
** L3/35 (D-Day; Light tank;Uncommon)
** Macchi C.202 Folgore(North Africa;Fighter;Rare)
** Semovente 75/18 (North Africa;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Semovente 90/53 North Africa;Tank-Destroyer;Rare)
** Stalwert Hero (Reserves and 1939-1945 ;Uncommon)
** Stalwart Lieutenant (Contested Skies; Commander;Uncommon)

** 47 mm Type 1 Antitank Gun (Base Set;Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** 70mm Type 92 (North Africa;Artillery;Uncommon)
** Arisaka Rifle (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Azad Hind Fauj Infantrymen (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Honor-Bound Hero (D-Day; Hero;Uncommon)
** Imperial Sergeant (Base Set; Commander;Uncommon)
** Imperial Sniper (Set II; Sniper;Common)
** Mitsubishi A6M Zero (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ;Fighter;Rare)
** Kawanishi N1K-J"Shiden-Kai" (Reserves;Fighter;Rare)
** SNLF Captain (Set II and 1939-1945; Commander;Uncommon)
** SNLF Fanatics (Contested Skies; Infantry squad;Uncommon)
** SNLF Paratroopers (Set II; Paratrooper Squad;Common)
** Type 1 Ho-Ni (Set II; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** Type 2 Ka-Mi Amphibious Tank (Set II; Amphibious tank;Rare)
** Type 3 Chi-Nu (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Type 87 Armored Car (Contested Skies; Armored car;Uncommon)
** Type 89A Chi-Ro (Contested Skies; Tank;Rare)
** Type 89 Mortar (Base Set and 1939-1945; Mortar;Common)
** Type 92 Machine-Gun Team (Base Set and 1939-1945; Machinegun Team;Uncommon)
** Type 95 Ha-Go (Tank=Base Set;Rare and 1939-1945;Tank;Uncommom)
** Type 97 Antitank Rifle (Reserves;Soldier;Common)
** Type 97 Chi-Ha (Set II and 1939-1945; Tank;Rare)
** Type 97 Te-Ke Tankette (Set II; Tank;Uncommon)

** 7TPdw (Set II;Tank;Rare)
** Cavalrymen (Set II; Cavalry;Uncommon)
** Determined Infantrymen (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Polish Mauser Kar 98 K (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)

** Antitank Grenadier (Set II; Infantry ;Common)
** Bohler 47 mm Antitank Gun (Contested Skies;Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** R-2 LT-35 (Set II; Tank; Rare)
** Vigilant Lieutenant (Contested Skies; Commander;Uncommon)

** 82mm PM-37 Mortar (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ; Motar;Common)
** BA-10M (Reserves;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** BM-13 Katyusha Rocket Launcher (Contested Skies; Artillery;Rare)
** BT-7 (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Commissar (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Commander;Uncommon)
** Communist Partisans (Contested Skies; Partisan;Common)
** Cossack Captain (Set II; Commander;Uncommon)
** Cossack Cavalrymen (Contested Skies; Cavalry;Uncommon)
** Degtyarev DP27 (Reserves;Infantry;Common)
** Fanatical Sniper (Set II; Sniper;Common)
** Hero of the Soviet Union (D-Day;Hero;Uncommon)
** IL-10 Sturmovik (Contested Skies; Attack aircraft;Rare)
** IS-2 Model 1944 (Set II and 1939-1945 ; Tank;Rare)
** IS-3 (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Russian M1910 Maxim MG (North Africa;Machine Gun Team;Uncommon)
** Guards T-34/85 (Set II; Tank;Rare)
** KV-1 (Base Set and 1939-1945 set;rUSSIAN Tank;Rare)
** Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 (Base Set; Infantry Squad;Common)
** PPSh-41 SMG (Set II; Infantry Squad;Common)
** PTRD-41 Antitank Rifle (Set II; Antitank Team;Uncommon)
** Red Army Forward Observer (Contested Skies; Artillery Observer;Common)
** Soviet Grenadiers (Contested Skies; Infantry;Common)
** Soviet M3 Lee (Reserves;Rare;Tank;Common)
** SU-76M (D-Day; Tank Destroyer;Uncommon)
** Su-85 (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** SU-122 (North Africa;Assault Gun ;Rare
** SU-152 (Reserves;Assault Gun;Rare)
** T26B (1939-1945;Tank,Rare)
** T-34/76 (Base Set;Rare and 1939-1945;Tank ;Uncommon)
** T-34/76Commander (Nort Africa;Tank;Rare)
** T-35 (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** T-70 Model 1942 (Set II and 1939-1945 ; Tank;Uncommon)
** ZIS-2 57mm Model 1943 (Set II and 1939-1945 ; Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** Zis-5 Ton (North Africa;Truck;Uncommon)

** 2-Pounder Anti-Tank Gun(North Africa;Anti-Tank Gun,Common)
** 6-Pounder Antitank Gun (Base Set; Anti-tank Gun;Common)
** 17-Pounder Antitank Gun (Contested Skies; Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** 40 mm Bofors L60 (Contested Skies; Anti-aircraft Gun;Uncommon)
** Archer (Set II; Tank Destroyer;Uncommon)
** Bedford QL 3 Ton(North Africa;Truck;Rare)
** Bren Machine Gunner (D-Day and North Africa; Infantry squad;Common)
** Centurion A41 (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** Churchill AVRE (D-Day; Engineer Tank;Rare)
** Churchill Crocodile (Base Set; Tank;Rare)
** Comet A-34 (Contested Skies; Tank;Rare)
** Concealed Forward Observer (D-Day; Artillery observer;Common)
** Cromwell IV (Set II and 1939-1945 ; Tank;Rare)
** Crusader II (Base Set and North Africa; Tank;Rare)
** Defiant Paratroopers (D-Day; Infantry squad;Common)
** Gloster Meteor (Reserves;Jet Fighter;Rare)
** Grant I (North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** Gurkha Riflemen (Contested Skies; Infantry Squad;Common)
** Hawker Typhoon (D-Day; Fighter-Bomber; Rare)
** Humber Scout Car (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Armored car;Uncommon)
** Inspiring Hero (D-Day; Hero;Uncommon)
** Inspiring Lieutenant (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Commander;Uncommon)
** Royal Engineers (Base Set; Engineers;Common)
** SMLE No.4 Rifle (Base Set and 1939-1945 set; Infantry squad;Common)
** M3 Stuart (Base Set and North Africa;Tank;Uncommon)
** M22 Locust (Reserves;Tank;Uncommon)
** Mk.VII Tetrarch (D-Day;Tank;Uncommon)
** Matilda II (North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** Morris Reconnaissance Car Mk2(North Africa;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** PiatGunner (Set II;Anti-Tank Team;Uncommon)
** Sherman VC Firefly (D-Day; Tank;Rare)
** Sten Gun (North Africa;Infantry;Common)
** Spitfire Ace (North Africa;Fighter;Rare)
** Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I (D-Day and 1939-1945 ; Fighter;Rare)
** Universal Carrier (Contested Skies; Transport;Uncommon)
** Valentine I(1939-1945 set;Tank;Rare)
** Valentine II (Set II; Infantry Tank;Rare)
** Vickers Machine-Gun Team (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Machinegun;Uncommon)

** 3" Gun M5 (Set II; Anti-tank Gun;Uncommon)
** 37mm Gun M3(North Africa;Anti-Tank Gun;Common)
** LVT (D-Day;Amphibous Transport;Rare)
** BAR Gunner (Set II; Infantry squad;Common)
** Bazooka (Base Set and 1939-1945 set; Antitank Team;Common)
** Buffalo Soldiers (D-Day; Infantry squad;Common)
** CCKW 352 (North Africa;Truck;Uncommon)
** Early M4A1 Sherman(North Africa;Tank ;Rare)
** FO Jeep (Contested Skies; Artillery Observation vehicle;Uncommon)
** Higgins Boat (D-Day;Landing Craft;Rare)
** Hunting Sniper (Contested Skies; Sniper;Uncommon)
** Jeep (Base Set; Transport;Common)
** F4U Corsair (Reserves;Fighter ;Rare)
** Lockheed P-38G Lightning (D-Day; Fighter;Rare)
** M1 81mm Mortar (D-Day;Mortar;Common)
** M1 Garand Rifle (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Infantry squad;Common)
** M3 Half-Track (D-Day;Half-Track;Uncommon)
** M3 Light Tank(1939-1945;Tank,Rare)
** M3 Lee (Base Set; Tank;Rare)
** M4A1 Sherman (Base Set and 1939-1945; Tank;Uncommon)
** M4A1 Sherman Commander(North Africa;Tank;Rare)
** M4A3 (105) Sherman (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Artillery;Rare)
** M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" (Base Set;Tank;Rare)
** M4 Sherman T-38 Calliope (Reserves;Tank;Rare)
** M5 Half-Track (Set II and 1939-1945 and North Africa; Half-Track;Uncommon)
** M7 105mm Priest (D-Day; SP Artillery;Rare)
** M8 "Greyhound" (Reserves;Armored Car;Uncommon)
** M16 Half-Track (D-Day; Antiaircraft ;Uncommon)
** M8 75mm Pack Howitzer(North Africa;Artillery;Common)
** M10 (North Africa;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** M18 Hellcat (Base Set; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** M18 GMC(1939-1945;Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** M20 Recoilless Rifle(Reserves;Artillery;Common)
** M24 Chaffee (Set II; Tank;Rare)
** M26 Pershing (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ;Tank;Rare)
** M36 MGC (Contested Skies; Tank Destroyer;Rare)
** M1919 MG (North Africa;Machine Gun Team;Uncommon)
** Marine Riflemen (Contested Skies; Infantry squad;Common)
** Marines M2-2 Flamethrower (Base Set; Infantry ;Common)
** Mortar M2 (Base Set; Motar;Common)
** P-51D Mustang (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ; Fighter ;Rare)
** Quad 50 (Contested Skies and 1939-1945 ; Antiaircraft Gun;Uncommon)
** P40 Tomahawk (North Africa;Fighter;Rare)
** Rangers (Reserves;Infantry Squad;Common)
** "Red Devil" Captain (Base Set and 1939-1945 ; Commander;Uncommon)
** "Resourceful Hero" (D-Day; Hero;Uncommon)
** "Screaming Eagle" Captain (Set II; Paratrooper commander;Uncommon)
** "Screaming Eagle" Paratroopers (Set II; Paratrooper Squad;Common)
** Thompson Sub-Machine Gun-Gunner (Reserves;Infantry;Common)
** Untested Recruit (North Africa;Infantry Squad;Common)
** Veteran M4 Sherman "Rhino" (Set II; Tank;Rare)

Obstacles and Support Units
** AmmoDump (Reserves;Support;Uncommon)
** Barbed Wire (D-Day; Obstacle;common)
** FuelDepot (Reserves;Support;Uncommon)
** Headquarters (Reserves;Support;Uncommon)
** Minefield (D-Day; Obstacle;common)
** Pillbox (D-Day; Obstacle;uncommon)
** Tank Obstacle (D-Day; Obstacle;common)

External links

* [ Axis & Allies Miniatures] Official website for Axis & Allies Miniatures at Wizards of the Coast.
* [ Axis & Allies Forumini] Online AAM and WAS games, Probability Calculator, Custom cards for all nations, suggested army/fleet builds and more.
* [ CWF Game Cast] New England gaming blog focusing on War at Sea featuring Sneak Peeks, Pictures, Stats, and Analysis for fleet builds and gameplay. Heavily supported by New England gaming stores.
* [ Axis & Miniatures] Forums, strategies, and more.
* [ Swedish Axis & Allies Miniatures Forum] and much more, like the A&AM Manager.
* [ Axis & Allies at Miniature Trading] The Miniature Trading Hub, and also discussion, army building, Miniature Search Engine, and more.

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