List of research vessels by country

List of research vessels by country

Following is a list of research vessels by country:


* "ARA Almirante Irízar"
* "ARA Puerto Deseado"


* "RSV Aurora Australis"
* "RV Southern Surveyor"


* "RV Belgica"
* "RV Zeeleuw"


* "CCGS W. E. Ricker"


* "RV Côte d'Aquitaine"
* "RV Côtes de la Manche"
* "RV Gwen-Drez"
* "RV L'Atalante"
* "RV L'Europe"
* "RV La Curieuse"
* "RV Le Suroît"
* "RV Marion Dufresne"
* "RV Pourquoi Pas?"
* "RV Thalassa"
* "RV Thalia"
* "RV Thethys II"


* "FRV Walther Herwig III"
* "RV Meteor III"
* "RV Maria S. Merian"
* "RV Planet"
* "RV Polarstern"
* "RV Sonne"
* "RV Poseidon"
* "RV Alexander von Humboldt"
* ""Planet"


* "RV Aegaeo"
* "RV Philia"


* ORV Sagar Nidhi [,_India#Sagar_Nidhi]
* INS Sagardhwani
* ORV Sagar Manjusha
* ORV Sagar Kanya
* ORV Sagar Purav
* ORV Sagar Paschim


* "RV Celtic Explorer"
* "RV Celtic Voyager"


* "RV OGS Explora"


* "RV Umitaka Maru"


* "RV Pelagia"
* "RV Navicula"
* "RV Stern"
* "RV Tridens"
* "RV Isis"

New Zealand

* HMNZS "Resolution"


* "RV G.M. Dannevig"
* "RV Johan Hjort"
* "RV Jan Mayen"
* "RV Håkon Mosby"
* "RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen"
* "RV Johan Ruud"
* "RV G.O. Sars"
* "RV Trygve Braarud"
* "RV Bjørn Føyn"
* "RV Lance"


* PNS Behr Paima


* "ORP Arctowski"
* "ORP Heweliusz"
* "ORP Kopernik"
* "RV Baltica"
* "RV Doktor Lubecki"
* "RV Kaszubski Brzeg"
* "RV (SY) Oceania"
* "RV Oceanograf 1"
* "RV Oceanograf 2"
* "ORP Planeta" (retired)
* "ORP Zodiak" (retired)
* "RV Birkut" (retired)
* "RV Hydromet" (retired)
* "RV Pomorzanin" (retired)
* "RV Profesor Bogucki" (retired)
* "RV Profesor Siedlecki" (retired)
* "RV Wieczno" (retired)


* "MV Capricornio"
* "MV Noruega"

Soviet Union/Russia

List of current operating research vessels of Russia as of 2006, a lot of them are operated since Soviet times [cite web|work=Russian Unified State Information System on Situation in the World Ocean|title=Operating Research Vessels|url=|language=Russian|accessdate=2006-12-31] :
* "RV Aisberg-II"
* "RV Akademik Aleksandr Nesmeyanov"
* "RV Akademik Aleksandr Sidorenko"
* "RV Akademik Boris Petrov"
* "RV Akademik Fedorov"
* "RV Akademik Ioffe"
* "RV Akademik Korolyov"
* "RV Akademik M.A.Lavrentjev"
* "RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh"
* "RV Akademik Nikolay Strakhov"
* "RV Akademik Oparin"
* "RV Akademik Sergey Vavilov"
* "RV Akademik Shokalskiy"
* "RV Akvanavt"
* "RV Aleksei Chirikov"
* "RV Amur"
* "RV Andrei Vilkitzky"
* "RV Arktika"
* "RV Artemida"
* "RV Atlantida"
* "RV Atlantniro"
* "RV Atlas"
* "RV Atmosfera"
* "RV Bar"
* "RV Boris Davidov"
* "RV Briz"
* "RV Buran"
* "RV Dalniye Zelentsy"
* "RV Dmitry Peskov"
* "RV Faddey Bellinsgausen"
* "RV Fritiof Nansen"
* "RV Fyodor Litke"
* "RV Gals"
* "RV Gelendzhik"
* "RV Geo Arctic"
* "RV Geofizik"
* "RV Geolog Dmitriy Nalivkin"
* "RV Geolog Fersman"
* "RV Gidrobiolog"
* "RV Gidrolog"
* "RV Gidrofizik"
* "RV Gigrometr"
* "RV Glubina"
* "RV Groza"
* "RV Impuls"
* "RV Ivan Kruzenshtern"
* "RV Ivan Petrov"
* "RV Jakov Smirnitskiy"
* "RV Kapitan Dranitsyn"
* "RV Kol'skaja"
* "RV Kompas"
* "RV Leonid Morozov"
* "RV Lugovoe"
* "RV Mangazeya"
* "RV Metan"
* "RV Mikhail Verbitskiy"
* "RV Miraz"
* "RV Murmanskaja"
* "RV Okean"
* "RV Pamyat Merkuriya"
* "RV Pavel Gordienko"
* "RV Persey"
* "RV Pomor"
* "RV Priboy"
* "RV Priliv"
* "RV Professor Bogorov"
* "RV Professor Gagarinskiy"
* "RV Professor Kaganovskiy"
* "RV Professor Khromov"
* "RV Professor Kurentsov"
* "RV Professor Logachev"
* "RV Professor Molchanov"
* "RV Professor Multanovskyi"
* "RV Professor Shtokman"
* "RV Professor Zubov"
* "RV Rift"
* "RV Roumb"
* "RV Semyon Dezhnev"
* "RV Shelf"
* "RV Smolensk"
* "RV Taimyr"
* "RV Tantal"
* "RV Tor"
* "RV Vadim Popov"
* "RV Valentin Shashin"
* "RV Valerian Uryvayev"
* "RV Viktor Buynitskiy"
* "RV Vsevolod Timonov"
* "RV Vulkanolog"
* "RV Vyacheslav Frolov"
* "RV Yantar"
* "RV Yaroslavets"
* "RV Yuzhmorgeologiya"
* "RV Zapolyarjye"
* "RV Zenit"

United Kingdom

* "FRV Scotia"
* "FRV Clupea"
* "RRS Discovery"
* "RRS James Clark Ross"
* "RV Triton"
* "RRS James Cook"
* "RV Callista"

United States

* [ DV "JOIDES Resolution"]
* FWS "Black Douglas"
* NOAAS "Albatross IV"
* NOAAS "David Starr Jordan"
* NOAAS "Delaware II"
* NOAAS "Fairweather"
* NOAAS "Gordon Gunter"
* NOAAS "Hi'ialakai"
* NOAAS "John N. Cobb"
* NOAAS "Ka'imimoana"
* NOAAS "Miller Freeman"
* NOAAS "McArthur II"
* NOAAS "Nancy Foster"
* NOAAS "Okeanos Explorer" - under conversion until FY2007
* NOAAS "Oregon II"
* NOAAS "Oscar Dyson"
* NOAAS "Oscar Elton Sette"
* NOAAS "Ronald H. Brown"
* NOAAS "Rainier"
* NOAAS "Rude"
* NOAAS "Thomas Jefferson"
* SSV "Corwith Cramer"
* RP "FLIP" (Scripps)
* RV "Atlantis" (WHOI)
* RV "Bellows" (FIO)
* RV "Cape Hatteras" (Duke/UNC)
* RV "Endeavor" (URI)
* RV "Hugh R. Sharp" (University of Delaware Marine and Earth Studies, in service 2005)
* RV "Knorr" (WHOI)
* RV "Marcus Langseth" (LDEO, in service 2006)
* RV "Maurice Ewing" (LDEO, retired)
* RV "Melville" (Scripps)
* "RV Nathaniel B. Palmer" (USAP)
* RV "New Horizon" (Scripps)
* RV "Laurence M. Gould" (USAP)
* RV "Oceanus" (WHOI)
* RV "Point Lobos" (MBARI)
* RV "Robert Gordon Sproul" (Scripps)
* RV "Roger Revelle" (Scripps)
* RV "Savannah" (SkIO)
* RV "Te Vega" (Hopkins Marine Station)
* RV "Suncoaster" (FIO)
* RV "Tioga" (WHOI)
* RV "Thomas G. Thompson" (UW)
* "RV Wecoma" (OSU)
* RV "Western Flyer" (MBARI)
* RV "Zephyr" (MBARI)

Survey ships

* HMS "Scott"
* HMS "Echo"
* HMS Endurance
* HMS "Enterprise"
* HMS "Hecla"
* HMS "Beagle"
* NOAA Ship Fairweather
* NOAA Ship Rainier
* NOAA Ship Rude
* NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson
* ORP "Arctowski"
* ORP "Heweliusz"
* USNS Bowditch T-AGS-21
* USNS Pathfinder
* USNS Maury (T-AGS-39) and USNS Tanner (T-AGS-40)
* Other members of the US Navy fleet with "AGS" notation


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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