Kapitan Dranitsyn (icebreaker)

Kapitan Dranitsyn (icebreaker)

The Icebreaker "Kapitan Dranitsyn" ( _ru. «Капитан Драницын») is a Russian icebreaker, built in Finland for the former Soviet Union. Since October 1995 she has been used as a research vessel by AARI. [cite web| url=http://data.oceaninfo.ru/resource/objects/vessels/vesselDetails.jsp?id=4579| work=Federal Target Program World Ocean|title=Information on RV "Kapitan Dranitsyn"| language=Russian| accessdate=2008-08-15] She also offers excursions in the Arctic Ocean north of Russia.


"Kapitan Dranitsyn" is a conventionally-propelled icebreaker built for conditions in the Northern Sea Route and the Baltic Sea. In the last few years she has been modified as a passenger vessel, with 49 outside cabins for 100 passengers. Public accommodation includes spacious lounges, bars, a heated swimming pool, gym, sauna, library and a small hospital. [cite web| url=http://eaglescry.com/Kapitan_Dranitsyn.htm| title="Kapitan Dranitsyn"| publisher=Eagles Cry Adventures| accessdate=2008-08-15]


Icebreaker "Kapitan Dranitsyn"'s main activity is piloting cargo ships on the Northern Sea route. She has also carried out tourist voyages to Frants Joseph's Archipelago, Spitsbergen, New Land, and Chukotka, to Bering Strait and even to the North Pole. She has completed research cruises into the Barents Sea, the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean.

In 1996, she made the first around-the-world voyage. In the same year, the icebreaker participated in rescuing the German passenger ship "Hansiatik", with 135 passengers aboard.cite web| url=http://www.msco.ru/cgi-bin/common.cgi?lang=eng&skin=menu2&fn=cont2#2| title=Icebreaking Fleet| publisher=Murmansk Shipping Company| accessdate=2008-08-15]

In 2000, the icebreaker made the Arctic around-the-world voyage on the route Hammerfest (Norway) – Keflavik (Iceland) – Stromfiord (Greenland) – Canadian Arctic regions – Alaska – Chukotka - Murmansk. She made research expeditions to the Laptev Sea in 2002, 2003, and 2004, to place and recover moorings in the NABOS project.

In summer of 2002, the "Captain Dranitsyn" took part in shooting an advertising film for the Ford Motor Company in the Spitsbergen Archipelago.


External links

* Page devoted to the Kapitan Dranitsyn from [http://www.victory-cruises.com/breaker_dranitsyn.html VICTORY adventure EXPEDITIONS] .
* Page devoted to my Kapitan Dranitsyn trip to Antarctica in 2001 " [http://www.cruisesantarctica.com/quark-expedition.html Quark Expedition] in the Kapitan Dranitsyn."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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