- Schooner Etak
The two-masted, gaff-rigged auxiliary
schooner "Etak" (later "Electric Light", "Vega", USS "Juniata", "Te Vega"; now "Deva") was designed byNew York naval architects Cox & Stevens in 1929 for American businessman Walter Graeme Ladd and his wife,Catherine (“Kate”) Everit Macy Ladd . "Etak" ("Kate" spelled backwards) was built at theFriedrich Krupp Germaniawerft shipyard inKiel ,Germany , and launched in 1930. She is among the largeststeel -hulled schooners afloat.Theship has changed hands over fifteen times and has undertaken a variety of functions: privateyacht ,United States Navy patrol vessel duringWorld War II , charter yacht in theWest Indies andFrench Polynesia ,research vessel forStanford University 'sHopkins Marine Station , andschool ship for seaborne prep school theFlint School . She is one of the fewtall ship s to have appeared in a feature film, thecinerama travelogue "South Seas Adventure".Some of the ship's more colorful owners have been Hans-Wilhelm Röhl, co-owner of the Rohl-Connolly Co. (builder of the
Port of Los Angeles breakwaters) and investigated in 1942 for pro-Nazi sympathies,aviation pioneerThomas F. Hamilton ,Crane Co. heir Cornelius Crane, renownedHonolulu -based skipper Omer Darr, Stimson Lumber Co. scion Harold Miller, Dutch financier (andkundalini yoga teacher) Pieter Schoonheim Samara, andCalisto Tanzi , disgraced ex-chairman of theParmalat group. Since January 2006 she has been owned by Italian fashion magnate Diego Della Valle (Tod's et al.).She was built with a 200-hp American Winton marine
diesel engine , which was replaced by a 400-hp EnglishMirrlees in the 1950s. From the mid-1990s she has had a 700-hp German MTU. Launched with a black hull, she has had white and dark blue hulls as well. She has flown the flags of theUnited States ,France ,Liberia ,Panama ,The Netherlands , andItaly (current).Dimensions: LOA, 156 feet; draft, 17 feet; beam, 28 feet.
In the press
* Untitled Winton Engine Company advertisement with photo ("The Rudder", May 1930).
* "Die Schonerjachten ‚Cressida' und ‚Étak', erbaut auf der Fried. Krupp..." ("Schiffbau – Schiffahrt und Hafenbau", January 1, 1931).
* "Modern Sailing Dream Becomes Reality Today" ("Bennington Evening Banner", June 10, 1955).
* "Te Vega Cruises" ("Plant Science Bulletin", No. 112, July 15, 1965).
* "Birds Observed on Various Polynesian Islands aboard the Research Ship Te Vega" ("Elepaio", No. 27, 1966).
* "Aspects of the Physiology of Terrestrial Life in Amphibious Fishes" ("Journal of Experimental Biology", No. 50, 1969).
* "Nitrogen Uptake by Phytoplankton in the Discontinuity Layer of the Eastern Subtropical Pacific Ocean" ("Limnology and Oceanography", September 1970).
* "Studies on the fauna associated with the deep scattering layer (DSL) in the equatorial Indian Ocean, conducted on R/V TE VEGA during October and November 1964" [proceedings of an international symposium on biological sound-scattering in the ocean, 1972] .
* "The Living Ship Still Lives" ("Yachting", January 1973).
* "»Quite normal pupils«...nur ganz billig ist für sie die schwimmende Schule nicht" ("Kieler Chronik", October 4, 1974).
* "Jovens americanos gostaram de ver brasileiro sempre sorrindo" ("A Província do Pará", April 15, 1975).
* "Ecology of "Conus" on Eastern Indian Ocean Fringing Reefs" ("Marine Biology", March 1975).
* "Bermuda Gets an Early Taste of Tall Ship Fever" ("Royal Gazette", May 27, 1976).
* Cover photo ("The Bermudian", August 1976).
* "Marine Algae of the Te Vega 1965 Expedition in the Western Pacific Ocean" ("Atoll Research Bulletin", No. 209, May 1977).
* "Eine komplette höhere Schule kam unter Schonersegeln nach Lübeck" ("Lübecker Nachrichten", October 28, 1977).
* "Te Vega in Leningrad" ("The Yacht", June 1986).
* "Tweemastschoener TE VEGA onder Nederlandse vlag" ("Spiegel der Zeilvaart", issue No. 1, 1988).
* "An East-West Sail For the Environment" ("New York Times", June 5, 1989).
* "Tweemastschoener TE VEGA van klassiek jacht tot schoolschip" ("Spiegel der Zeilvaart", issue No. 8, 1990).
* "The International Program of Research on "Latimeria" in the 1960s" ("Environmental Biology of Fishes", April 1993).
* "Benthic Marine Algae from the Maldives, Indian Ocean, Collected During the R/V Te Vega Expedition" ("Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium", Vol. 19, May 1993).
* "Refitting del Te Vega" ("Nautica – Mensile internazionale di navigazione", November 1996).
* "«Te Vega», una nuova stella per il RINA" (Registro Italiano Navale press release, 1998).
* "Décès d'Omer Darr, pionnier du tourisme de luxe à la voile" ("Tahiti-Pacifique", November 1999).
* "An Affair to Remember" ("SAIL", August 2003).
* "La scheda: il Te Vega" ("Corriere della Sera", January 28, 2004).
* "Yachtverlust" ("Financial Times Deutschland", April 7, 2005).
* "Della Valle acquista lo yacht di Tanzi" ("Corriere della Sera", January 21, 2006).
* "A Diego Della Valle il 'Te Vega' di Tanzi" ("Città della Spezia", January 23, 2006).
* "In cantiere a Genova il «Te Vega» e altri 5 scafi d'epoca" (ANSA, February 2, 2006).
* "Большая мировая вода" ("Novaya Gazeta" monthly color supplement, May 2006).
* "Ban bèk – Barku di bella" ("Èxtra Boneiru", August 8, 2006).
* "Capri, aperitivo e tuffo per il Ministro" ("Capri Press", August 14, 2007).In books
* "Report of the Army Pearl Harbor Board" (Washington, D.C.: United States Army, 1945).
* "Windjammer Lübeck – Kiel 1972" (Herford: Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft, 1972).
* "Windjammer Parade 1972" (Hamburg: Gerhard-Stalling-Verlag, 1972).
* "The Tall Ships: Official OpSail '76 Portfolio" (New York: Sabine Press, 1976).
* "Les Antilles aujourd'hui" (Paris: Éditions JA, 1979).
* "Beken of Cowes: A Century of Tall Ships" (London: Harrap, 1985).
* "Les grands voiliers à Bordeaux" (Paris: Burdin, 1990).
* "Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean" (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996).
* "The Superyachts – Vol. 11" (Kingston upon Thames: Boat International Publications, 1998).
* "50 Years of Ocean Discovery" (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2000).
* "Vele d'Epoca nel mondo" (Milan: Edizioni Gribaudo, 2002).
* "Oceanographic History: The Pacific and Beyond" (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002).
* "Pride of the Sea: Courage, Disaster, and a Fight for Survival" (Seacaucus: Citadel Press, 2004).
* "Fred Terman at Stanford: Building a Discipline, a University, and Silicon Valley" (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004).
* "View From the Top of the Mast" ( [self-published] , 2006).
* "Vele allo specchio" (Milan: Mondadori, 2006).In paintings
* Thomas Wells: "Vega and Zaca".
* Anthony Brandrett: "Yachting Off Cowes".
=In moving* "South Seas Adventure" (New York premier July 15, 1958).
* "Soviet-American Sail" (America's Defense Monitor, original air date June 24, 1990).External links
* [http://alumni.landmarkschool.org/?watermark "Te Vega" as a floating adjunct to the Landmark School, 1982–1990]
* [http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2005/april27/hopkins-042705.html Stanford reunion of former "Te Vega" shipmates]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DE2DC143FF936A35755C0A96F948260 Soviet-American Sail in the "New York Times"]
* [http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-usn/usnsh-j/ix77.htm Résumé of USS "Juniata"'s wartime service]
* [http://www.enterpriseintegrators.com/flint/HistoryOfShips Palmer Stevens' running history]
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