Akademik Mstislav Keldysh

Akademik Mstislav Keldysh

The R/V "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh" ( _ru. Академик Мстислав Келдыш) is a 6,240 ton Russian scientific research vessel. It is best known as the support vessel of the "MIR" submersibles. The vessel has made over 50 voyages, is owned by the Moscow-based Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Science and is homeported in Kaliningrad. Named after the Soviet mathematician Mstislav Keldysh, it usually has 90 people onboard (45 crew members, 20 or more pilots, engineers and technicians, 10 to 12 scientists and about 12 passengers). Among its special accommodations are 17 laboratories and a library.

The ship was built in Rauma, Finland by Hollming OY for the Soviet Academy of Sciences and completed on December 28 1980. [cite web|work=Federal Target Program World Ocean|title=Information on RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh|language=Russian|url=http://data.oceaninfo.ru/resource/objects/vessels/vesselDetails.jsp?id=3208] It started operations on March 15 1981 for the Soviet Union. [cite web|work=Federal Target Program World Ocean|title=Information on RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh|language=Russian|url=http://data.oceaninfo.ru/resource/objects/vessels/vesselDetails.jsp?id=3208] The MIR submersibles were added to her equipment in 1987.

Among recent voyages, the "Keldysh" has made expeditions to two famous wrecks, the British liner "Titanic" and the German battleship "Bismarck". Filmmaker James Cameron led two of those expeditions: To "Titanic" in 2001, leaving Kaliningrad in August, ("Ghosts of the Abyss") then to "Bismarck" in 2002 ("Expedition: Bismarck"). In 1996 James Cameron filmed the modern day scenes for the blockbuster Titanic aboard the ship. Ten years later, Cameron used the "Keldysh" to film his latest movie "Aliens of the Deep". [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417415/]


External links

* [http://www.deepoceanexpeditions.com/ships_5.html Deep Ocean Expeditions]
* [http://www.kbismarck.com/wreck.html KBismarck.com - The Wreck of the Bismarck]
* [http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/technology/vessels/keldysh/keldysh.html NOAA Ocean Explorer Keldysh]
* [http://www.bismarck-class.dk/bismarck/expeditions/keldysh.html Technical data]
* [http://www.shipspotting.com/search.php?query=Akademik+Mstislav+Keldysh&mid=7&action=showall&andor=AND Photographs of the ship]

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