List of twin towns and sister cities in the Philippines

List of twin towns and sister cities in the Philippines

These cities in the Philippines have sister city relationships with foreign communities.

See also the list of twin towns and sister cities.

*Angeles City:flagicon|USA Las Vegas, United States

*Bacolod City:flagicon|ROC Keelung, Taiwan:flagicon|USA Long Beach, United States

*Baguio City:flagicon|USA Honolulu, United States:flagicon|PER Cusco, Peru:flagicon|KOR Taebek City, South Korea:flagicon|CHN Hangzhou, China:flagicon|CAN Vaughan, Canada

*Batangas City:flagicon|GER Langenfield, Germany

*Bauan:flagicon|AUS Toowoomba, Australia

*Cagayan de Oro City:flagicon|ROC Tainan, Taiwan (2005) :Flagicon|PRC Harbin, China {2007}:Flagicon|USA Norfolk, USA {2008}

*Calamba City:flagicon|CZE Litomerice, Czech Republic (1974):flagicon|GER Wilhelmsfeld, Germany (2008):flagicon|USA Walnut, United States {2006}:flagicon|KOR Guri, South Korea (2008)

*Cavite City:flagicon|USA San Diego, United States:flagicon|ROC Tainan, Taiwan

*Camiling:flagicon|USA Juneau, United States

*Cebu City:flagicon|ROC Kaohsiung City, Taiwan:flagicon|Israel Beersheba, Israel:flagicon|AUS Parramatta City, Australia:flagicon|USA Seattle, United States

*Dapitan:flagicon|CZE Litomerice, Czech Republic (2006)

*Davao City:flagicon|USA Tacoma, United States:flagicon|RUS Vladivostok, Russia

*Iloilo City:flagicon|USA Stockton, United States

*Legaspi City:flagicon|JPN Choshi City, Japan

*Lipa City:flagicon|USA Fremont, United States

*Mandaluyong City:flagicon|UAE Dubai, United Arab Emirates

*Manila:flagicon|THA Bangkok, Thailand:flagicon|CHN Beijing, China:flagicon|CHN Guangzhou, China:flagicon|CHN Shanghai, China:flagicon|ISR Haifa, Israel:flagicon|USA Honolulu, United States:flagicon|ITA Milan, Italy:flagicon|RUS Moscow, Russia:flagicon|IND Mumbai, India:flagicon|JPN Osaka, Japan:flagicon|JPN Yokohama, Japan:flagicon|PAN Panama City, Panama:flagicon|USA Sacramento, United States:flagicon|USA San Francisco, United States:flagicon|USA Santa Barbara, United States:flagicon|CAN Winnipeg, Canada:flagicon|COL Cartagena, Colombia

*Makati City:flagicon|ROM Cluj-Napoca, Romania:flagicon|USA Los Angeles, United States:flagicon|USA Ramapo, United States:flagicon|RUS Vladivostok, Russia

*Marikina City:flagicon|CAN Brampton, Canada:flagicon|MEX Monterrey, Mexico:flagicon|USA Plano, United States:flagicon|SIN Singapore

*Muntinlupa City:flagicon|CHN Gunma, China:flagicon|CHN Liuzhou, China:flagicon|SWE Staffanstorp, Sweden:flagicon|ROM Piteşti, Romania

*Olongapo City:flagicon|USA Bremerton, United States:flagicon|USA National City, United States

*Palo:flagicon|USA Palo Alto, United States

*Pasay City:flagicon|ROC Tainan, Taiwan

*Puerto Princesa City:flagicon|ROC Hsinchu City, Taiwan

*Quezon City:flagicon|JPN Chiba City, Japan:flagicon|USA Daly City, United States:flagicon|VEN Caracas, Venezuela:flagicon|USA Kenosha, United States:flagicon|CAN New Westminster, Canada (1991):flagicon|USA Salt Lake City, United States:flagicon|ROC Taipei, Taiwan

*San Juan City:flagicon|USA Santa Barbara, United States

*Santa Rosa City:flagicon|JPN Toyokawa, Japan

*Sariaya:flagicon|USA Santa Clarita, United States

*Tagaytay City:flagicon|AUS Manningham, Australia:flagicon|ROC Tainan, Taiwan

*Trece Martires City:flagicon|ROC Tainan, Taiwan

*Zambales:flagicon|USA Maui, United States

*Zamboanga City:flagicon|SPN Zaragosa City, Spain


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