- Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions)
Comparison of programming languages is a common topic of discussion among software engineers. Basic instructions of several programming languages are compared here.
Conventions of this article
The bold is the literal code. The non-bold is interpreted by the reader. Statements in guillemets (« … ») are optional. Tab ⇆ indicates a necessary indent.
Type identifiers
8 bit (byte) 16 bit (short integer) 32 bit 64 bit (long integer) Word size Arbitrarily precise (bignum) Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned ALGOL 68 (variable-width) short short int[c] N/A short int[c] N/A int[c] N/A long int[c] N/A int[c] N/A long long int [a][g] bytes & bits C (C99 fixed-width) int8_t uint8_t int16_t uint16_t int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t int unsigned int N/A C++ (C++11 fixed-width) C (C99 variable-width) signed char unsigned char short[c] unsigned short[c] long[c] unsigned long[c] long long[c] unsigned long long[c] C++ (C++11 variable-width) Objective-C signed char unsigned char short[c] unsigned short[c] long[c] unsigned long[c] long long[c] unsigned long long[c] int
NSIntegerunsigned int
NSUIntegerC# sbyte byte short ushort int uint long ulong N/A System.Numerics.BigInteger (.NET 4.0) Java byte N/A char[b] N/A N/A java.math.BigInteger Go int8 uint8 or byte int16 uint16 int32 uint32 int64 uint64 int uint big.Int D byte ubyte short ushort int uint long ulong N/A N/A BigInt Common Lisp[1] bignum Scheme Pascal (FPC) shortint byte smallint word longint longword int64 qword integer cardinal N/A Visual Basic N/A Byte Integer N/A Long N/A N/A N/A N/A Visual Basic .NET SByte Short UShort Integer UInteger Long ULong System.Numerics.BigInteger (.NET 4.0) Python 2.x N/A N/A N/A N/A int N/A long Python 3.x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A int S-Lang N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Fortran INTEGER(KIND = n)[f] N/A INTEGER(KIND = n)[f] N/A INTEGER(KIND = n)[f] N/A INTEGER(KIND = n)[f] N/A PHP N/A N/A int N/A N/A N/A [e] Perl 5 N/A[d] N/A[d] N/A[d] N/A[d] N/A[d] Math::BigInt Perl 6 int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int32 uint32 int64 uint64 Int N/A Ruby N/A N/A N/A N/A Fixnum N/A Bignum Windows PowerShell N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OCaml N/A N/A int32 N/A int64 N/A int
nativeintopen Big_int;;
big_intF# sbyte byte int16 uint16 int32 or int uint32 uint64 nativeint unativeint bigint Standard ML N/A Word8.word N/A Int32.int Word32.word Int64.int Word64.word int word LargeInt.int or
IntInf.intHaskell (GHC) «import Int»
Int8«import Word»
Word8«import Int»
Int16«import Word»
Word16«import Int»
Int32«import Word»
Word32«import Int»
Int64«import Word»
Word64Int «import Word»
WordInteger Eiffel INTEGER_8 NATURAL_8 INTEGER_16 NATURAL_16 INTEGER_32 NATURAL_32 INTEGER_64 NATURAL_64 INTEGER NATURAL N/A ^a The standard constants int shorts and int lengths can be used to determine how many shorts and longs can be usefully prefixed to short int and long int. The actually size of the short int, int and long int is available as constants short max int, max int and long max int etc.
^b Commonly used for characters.
^c The ALGOL 68, C and C++ languages do not specify the exact width of the integer types "short", "int", "long", and (C99, C++11) "long long", so they are implementation-dependent. In C and C++ "short", "long", and "long long" types are required to be at least 16, 32, and 64 bits wide, respectively, but can be more. The "int" type is required to be at least as wide as "short" and at most as wide as "long", and is typically the width of the word size on the processor of the machine (i.e. on a 32-bit machine it is often 32 bits wide; on 64-bit machines it is often 64 bits wide). C99 and C++11 also defines the "[u]intN_t" exact-width types in the stdint.h header. See C syntax#Integral types for more information.
^d Perl 5 does not have distinct types. Integers, floating point numbers, strings, etc. are all considered "scalars".
^e PHP has two arbitrary-precision libraries. The BCMath library just uses strings as datatype. The GMP library uses an internal "resource" type.
^f The value of "n" is provided by the SELECTED_INT_KIND[2] intrinsic function.
^g ALGOL 68G's run time option --precision "number" can set precision for long long int's to the required "number" significant digits. The standard constants long long int width and long long max int can be used to determine actual precision.Floating point
Single precision Double precision Processor dependent ALGOL 68 real[a] long real[a] short real etc. & long long real etc.[g] C float[b] double N/A[b] Objective-C C++ (STL) C# float N/A Java Go float32 float64 D float double real Common Lisp Scheme Pascal (Free Pascal) single double real Visual Basic Single Double N/A Visual Basic .NET Python N/A float JavaScript Number[3] N/A S-Lang Fortran REAL(KIND = n)[c] PHP float Perl Perl 6 num32 num64 Num Ruby N/A Float N/A Windows PowerShell OCaml N/A float F# float32 Standard ML N/A real Haskell (GHC) Float Double Eiffel REAL_32 REAL_64 ^a The standard constants real shorts and real lengths can be used to determine how many shorts and longs can be usefully prefixed to short real and long real. The actually size of the short real, real and long real is available as constants short max real, max real and long max real etc. With the constants short small real, small real and long small real available for each type's machine epsilon.
^b declarations of single precision often are not honored
^c The value of "n" is provided by the SELECTED_REAL_KIND[4] intrinsic function.
^g ALGOL 68G's run time option --precision "number" can set precision for long long real's to the required "number" significant digits. The standard constants long long real width and long long max real can be used to determine actual precision.Complex numbers
Integer Single precision Double precision Half and Quadruple precision etc. ALGOL 68 N/A compl long compl etc. short compl etc. & long long compl etc. C (C99) [5] N/A float complex double complex N/A C++ (STL) N/A «std::»complex<float> «std::»complex<double> C# N/A N/A System.Numerics.Complex
(.Net 4.0)Java N/A N/A N/A Go N/A complex64 complex128 D N/A cfloat cdouble Objective-C N/A N/A N/A Common Lisp Scheme Pascal N/A N/A Visual Basic N/A N/A Visual Basic .NET N/A N/A System.Numerics.Complex
(.Net 4.0)Perl Math::Complex Perl 6 complex64 complex128 Complex Python complex N/A JavaScript N/A N/A S-Lang N/A N/A Fortran COMPLEX(KIND = n)[a] Ruby Complex N/A Complex Windows PowerShell N/A N/A OCaml N/A N/A Complex.t F# System.Numerics.Complex
(.Net 4.0)Standard ML N/A N/A N/A Haskell (GHC) N/A Complex.Complex Float Complex.Complex Double Eiffel N/A N/A N/A ^a The value of "n" is provided by the SELECTED_REAL_KIND[4] intrinsic function.
Other variable types
Text Boolean Enumeration Object/Universal Character String[a] ALGOL 68 char string & bytes bool & bits N/A - User defined N/A C (C99) char
wchar_tN/A bool[b] enum «name» {item1, item2, ... }; void * C++ (STL) «std::»string Objective-C unichar NSString * BOOL id C# char string bool enum name {item1, item2, ... } object Java String boolean Object Go byte or int string bool const ( item1 = iota)
...interface{} D char string bool enum name {item1, item2, ... } std.variant.Variant Common Lisp Scheme Pascal (ISO) char N/A boolean (item1, item2, ...) N/A Object Pascal (Delphi) string variant Visual Basic N/A String Boolean Enum name item1End Enum
...Variant Visual Basic .NET Char Object Python N/A[d] str bool object JavaScript N/A[d] String Boolean Object S-Lang Fortran CHARACTER(LEN = *) CHARACTER(LEN = :), allocatable LOGICAL(KIND = n)[f] CLASS(*) PHP N/A[d] string bool object Perl N/A[d] Perl 6 Char Str Bool enum name <item1 item2 ...> or
enum name <<:item1(value) :item2(value) ...>>Mu Ruby N/A[d] String Object[c] Object Windows PowerShell OCaml char string bool N/A[e] N/A F# type name = item1 = value | item2 = value | ... obj Standard ML N/A[e] N/A Haskell (GHC) Char String Bool N/A[e] N/A Eiffel CHARACTER STRING BOOLEAN N/A ANY ^a specifically, strings of arbitrary length and automatically managed.
^b This language represents a boolean as an integer where false is represented as a value of zero and true by a non-zero value.
^c All values evaluate to either true or false. Everything in TrueClass evaluates to true and everything in FalseClass evaluates to false.
^d This language does not have a separate character type. Characters are represented as strings of length 1.
^e Enumerations in this language are algebraic types with only nullary constructors
^f The value of "n" is provided by the SELECTED_INT_KIND[2] intrinsic function.Derived types
fixed size array dynamic size array one-dimensional array multi-dimensional array one-dimensional array multi-dimensional array ALGOL 68 [first:last]«modename» or simply: [size]«modename» [first1:last1,first2:last2]«modename» or [first1:last1][first2:last2]«modename» etc. flex[first:last]«modename» or simply: flex[size]«modename» flex[first1:last1,first2:last2]«modename» or flex[first1:last1]flex[first2:last2]«modename» etc. C (C99) [a] [a] C++ (STL) «std::»array<type, size>(C++11) «std::»vector<type> C# type[] type[,,...] System.Collections.ArrayList
System.Collections.Generic.List<type>Java type[][b] type[][]...[b] ArrayList or ArrayList<type> D type[size] type[size1][size2] type[] Go [size]type [size1][size2]...type vector.Vector Objective-C NSArray NSMutableArray JavaScript N/A N/A Array[d] Common Lisp Scheme Pascal array[first..last] of type[c] array[first1..last1] of array[first2..last2] ... of type [c]
array[first1..last1, first2..last2, ...] of type [c]N/A N/A Object Pascal (Delphi) array of type array of array ... of type Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET System.Collections.ArrayList
System.Collections.Generic.List(Of type)Python list S-Lang Fortran type :: name(size) type :: name(size1, size2,...) type, ALLOCATABLE :: name(:) type, ALLOCATABLE :: name(:,:,...) PHP array Perl Perl 6 Array[type] or Array of type Ruby Array Windows PowerShell type[] type[,,...] OCaml type array type array ... array F# type [] or type array type [,,...] System.Collections.ArrayList
System.Collections.Generic.List<type>Standard ML type vector or type array Haskell (GHC) ^a In most expressions (except the sizeof and & operators), values of array types in C are automatically converted to a pointer of its first argument. Also C's arrays can not be described in this format. See C syntax#Arrays.
^b The C-like "type x[]" works in Java, however "type[] x" is the preferred form of array declaration.
^c Subranges are used to define the bounds of the array.
^d JavaScript's array are a special kind of object.Other types
Simple composite types Algebraic data types Unions Records Tuple expression ALGOL 68 struct (modename «fieldname», ...); Required types and operators can be user defined union (modename, ...); C (C99) struct «name» {type name;...}; N/A N/A union {type name;...}; Objective-C C++ N/A[a][b] N/A C# struct name {type name;...} N/A Java N/A[a] JavaScript N/A D struct name {type name;...} std.variant.Algebraic!(type,...) union {type name;...} Go struct { «name» type}
...Common Lisp (cons val1 val2)[c] Scheme N/A Pascal record name: type;end
...N/A N/A record case type ofend
value: (types);
...Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Structure name Dim name As typeEnd Structure
...Python N/A[a] «(»val1, val2, val3, ... «)» N/A S-Lang struct {name [=value], ...} Fortran TYPE name type :: nameEND TYPE
...PHP N/A[a] Perl N/A[d] N/A Perl 6 N/A[a] Ruby OpenStruct.new({:name => value}) Windows PowerShell OCaml type name = {«mutable» name : type;...} «(»val1, val2, val3, ... «)» type name = Foo «of type» | Bar «of type» | ... N/A F# Standard ML type name = {name : type,...} (val1, val2, val3, ... ) datatype name = Foo «of type» | Bar «of type» | ... Haskell data Name = Constr {name :: type,...} data Name = Foo «types» | Bar «types» | ... ^a Only classes are supported.
s in C++ are actually classes, but POD objects are in fact records.
^c pair only
^d Although Perl doesn't have records, because Perl's type system allows different data types to be in an array, "hashes" (associative arrays) that don't have a variable index would effectively be the same as records.
^e Enumerations in this language are algebraic types with only nullary constructorsVariable and Constant Declarations
variable constant type synonym ALGOL 68 modename name «:= initial_value»; modename name = value; mode synonym = modename; C (C99) type name «= initial_value»; enum{ name = value }; typedef type synonym; Objective-C C++ const type name = value; C# type name «= initial_value»; or
var name = value;const type name = value; or
readonly type name = value;using synonym = type; D type name «= initial_value»; or
auto name = value;const type name = value; or
immutable type name = value;alias type synonym; Java type name «= initial_value»; final type name = value; N/A JavaScript var name «= initial_value»; const name = value; Go var name type «= initial_value» or
name := initial_valueconst name «type» = initial_value type synonym type Common Lisp (defparameter name initial_value) or
(defvar name initial_value) or
(setf (symbol-value 'symbol) initial_value)(defconstant name value) (deftype synonym () 'type) Scheme (define name initial_value) Pascal[a] name: type «= initial_value» name = value synonym = type Visual Basic Dim name As type Const name As type = value Visual Basic .NET Dim name As type«= initial_value» Imports synonym = type Python name = initial_value N/A synonym = type[b] S-Lang name = initial_value; typedef struct {...} typename Fortran type name type, PARAMETER :: name = value PHP $name = initial_value; define("name", value);
const name = value (5.3+)N/A Perl «my» $name «= initial_value»;[c] use constant name => value; Perl 6 «my «type»» $name «= initial_value»;[c] «my «type»» constant name = value; ::synonym ::= type Ruby name = initial_value Name = value synonym = type[b] Windows PowerShell «[type]» $name = initial_value OCaml let name «: type ref» = ref value[d] let name «: type» = value type synonym = type F# let mutable name «: type» = value Standard ML val name «: type ref» = ref value[d] val name «: type» = value Haskell «name::type;» name = value type Synonym = type Forth VARIABLE name (in some systems use value VARIABLE name instead) value CONSTANT name ^a Pascal has declaration blocks. See Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions)#Functions.
^b Types are just regular objects, so you can just assign them.
^c In Perl, the "my" keyword scopes the variable into the block.
^d Technically, this does not declare name to be a mutable variable—in ML, all names can only be bound once; rather, it declares name to point to a "reference" data structure, which is a simple mutable cell. The data structure can then be read and written to using the ! and := operators, respectively.Control flow
Conditional statements
if else if select case conditional expression ALGOL 68 & "brief form"
if condition then statements «else statements» fi if condition then statements elif condition then statements fi case switch in statements, statements«,... out statements» esac ( condition | valueIfTrue | valueIfFalse ) ( condition | statements «| statements» ) ( condition | statements |: condition | statements ) ( variable | statements,... «| statements» ) C (C99) if (condition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»if (condition) {instructions}
else if (condition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»switch (variable) { case case1: instructions «break;»}
«default: instructions»condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse Objective-C C++ (STL) D Java JavaScript PHP C# switch (variable) { case case1: instructions; «jump statement;»}
«default: instructions; «jump statement;»»Windows PowerShell if (condition) { instructions }
elseif (condition) { instructions }
«else { instructions }»switch (variable) { case1 { instructions «break;» } ... «default { instructions }»} Go if condition {instructions}
«else {instructions}»if condition {instructions}
else if condition {instructions}
«else {instructions}»
switch {case condition: instructions}
«default: instructions»switch variable { case case1: instructions}
«default: instructions»Perl if (condition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»
unless (notcondition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»if (condition) {instructions}
elsif (condition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»
unless (notcondition) {instructions}
elsif (condition) {instructions}
«else {instructions}»use feature "switch";
given (variable) {when (case1) { instructions }}
«default { instructions }»condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse Perl 6 if condition {instructions}
«else {instructions}»
unless notcondition {instructions}if condition {instructions}
elsif condition {instructions}
«else {instructions}given variable { when case1 { instructions }}
«default { instructions }»condition ?? valueIfTrue !! valueIfFalse Ruby if condition instructions«elseinstructions»endif condition instructionselsif conditioninstructions...
«elseinstructions»endcase variable
when case1
«elseinstructions»endcondition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse Common Lisp (when condition
(unless condition
(if condition
(progn instructions)«(progn instructions)»)(cond (condition1 instructions)
(condition2 instructions)...«(t instructions)»)(case expression (case1 instructions)(case2 instructions)...«(otherwise instructions)»)(if condition valueIfTrue valueIfFalse) Scheme (when conditioninstructions) or
(if condition (begin instructions) «(begin instructions)»)(cond (condition1 instructions) (condition2 instructions) ... «(else instructions)») (case (variable) ((case1) instructions) ((case2) instructions) ... «(else instructions)») Pascal if condition then begin instructionsend
«else begininstructionsend»[c]if condition then begin instructionsend
else if condition then begininstructionsend
«else begininstructionsend»[c]case variable of case1: instructionsend[c]
«else: instructions»Visual Basic If condition Then instructions«Elseinstructions»End IfIf condition Then instructionsElseIf condition Theninstructions...
«Elseinstructions»End IfSelect Case variable
Case case1instructions...
«Case Elseinstructions»End SelectIIf(condition, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse) Visual Basic .NET If(condition, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse) Python [a] if condition :
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»if condition :
Tab ⇆ instructions
elif condition :
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»N/A valueIfTrue if condition else valueIfFalse
(Python 2.5+)S-Lang if (condition) { instructions } «else { instructions }» if (condition) { instructions } else if (condition) { instructions } ... «else { instructions }» switch (variable) { case case1: instructions } { case case2: instructions } ... Fortran IF (condition) THEN instructionsELSEinstructionsENDIFIF (condition) THEN instructionsELSEIF (condition) THENinstructions...
ELSEinstructionsENDIFSELECT CASE(variable) CASE (case1)END SELECTinstructions...
CASE DEFAULTinstructionsForth condition IF instructions « ELSE instructions» THEN condition IF instructions ELSE condition IF instructions THEN THEN value CASE
case OF instructions ENDOF
case OF instructions ENDOF
default instructions
ENDCASEcondition IF valueIfTrue ELSE valueIfFalse THEN OCaml if condition then begin instructions end «else begin instructions end» if condition then begin instructions end else if condition then begin instructions end ... «else begin instructions end» match value with if condition then valueIfTrue else valueIfFalse F# if condition then
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»if condition then
Tab ⇆ instructions
elif condition then
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»Standard ML if condition then «(»instructions «)»
else «(» instructions «)»if condition then «(»instructions «)»
else if condition then «(» instructions «)»
else «(» instructions «)»case value of Haskell (GHC) if condition then expression else expression or
when condition (do instructions) or
unless notcondition (do instructions)result | condition = expression | condition = expression
| otherwise = expressioncase value of { pattern1 -> expression;}[b]
pattern2 -> expression;
«_ -> expression»if else if select case conditional expression ^a A single instruction can be written on the same line following the colon. Multiple instructions are grouped together in a block which starts on a newline (The indentation in required). The conditional expression syntax does not follow this rule.
^b This is pattern matching and is similar to select case but not the same. It is usually used to deconstruct algebraic data types.
^c In languages of the Pascal family, the semicolon is not part of the statement. It is a separator between statements, not a terminator.Loop statements
while do while for i = first to last foreach ALGOL 68 «for index» «from first» «by increment» «to last» «while condition» do statements od for key «to upb list» do «typename val=list[key];» statements od «while condition» do statements od
«while statements; condition» do statements od
«for index» «from first» «by increment» «to last» do statements od C (C99) while (condition) { instructions } do { instructions } while (condition) for («type» i = first; i <= last; ++i) { instructions } N/A Objective-C for (type item in set) { instructions } C++ (STL) «std::»for_each(start, end, function) (C++11) for (type item : set) { instructions }
C# foreach (type item in set) { instructions } Java for (type item : set) { instructions } JavaScript for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) { instructions } for (var index in set) { instructions }
for each (var item in set) { instructions } (JS 1.6+)PHP foreach (range(first, last-1) as $i) { instructions } or
for ($i = first; $i <= last; $i++) { instructions }foreach (set as item) { instructions }
foreach (set as key => item) { instructions }Windows PowerShell for ($i = first; $i -le last; $i++) { instructions } foreach (item in set) { instructions using item } D foreach (i; first ... last) { instructions } foreach («type» item; set) { instructions } Go for condition { instructions } for i := first; i <= last; i++ { instructions } for key, item := range set { instructions } Perl while (condition) { instructions } or
until (notcondition) { instructions }do { instructions } while (condition) or
do { instructions } until (notcondition)for«each» «$i» (0 .. N-1) { instructions } or
for ($i = first; $i <= last; $i++) { instructions }for«each» «$item» (set) { instructions } Perl 6 while condition { instructions } or
until notcondition { instructions }repeat { instructions } while condition or
repeat { instructions } until notconditionfor first..last -> $i { instructions } or
loop ($i = first; $i <= last; $i++) { instructions }for set« -> $item» { instructions } Ruby while condition instructionsend
until notconditioninstructionsendbegin instructionsend while condition
begininstructionsend until notconditionfor i in first...last instructionsend
first.upto(last-1) { |i| instructions }for item in set instructionsend
set.each { |item| instructions }Common Lisp (loop while conditiondoinstructions)or
(do () (notcondition)instructions)(loop doinstructionswhile condition)(loop for i from first to last «by 1»doinstructions)or
(dotimes (i N)instructions)or
(do ((i first (1+ i))) ((>= i last))instructions)(loop for item in setdoinstructions)or
(dolist (item set)instructions)or
(mapc function list) or
(map 'type function sequence)Scheme (do () (notcondition) instructions) or
(let loop () (if condition (begin instructions (loop))))(let loop () (instructions (if condition (loop)))) (do ((i first (+ i 1))) ((>= i last)) instructions) or
(let loop ((i first)) (if (< i last) (begin instructions (loop (+ i 1)))))(for-each (lambda (item) instructions) list) Pascal while condition do begin instructionsendrepeat instructionsuntil notcondition;for i := first «step 1» to last do begin instructionsend;[a]N/A Visual Basic Do While condition instructionsLoop
Do Until notconditioninstructionsLoopDo instructionsLoop While condition
DoinstructionsLoop Until notconditionFor i = first To last «Step 1» instructionsNext iFor Each item In set instructionsNext itemVisual Basic .NET For i «As type» = first To last «Step 1» instructionsNext i[a]For Each item As type In set instructionsNext itemPython while condition :
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»N/A for i in range(first, last):
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»for item in set:
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»S-Lang while (condition) { instructions } «then optional-block» do { instructions } while (condition) «then optional-block» for (i = first; i < last; i++) { instructions } «then optional-block» foreach item(set) «using (what)» { instructions } «then optional-block» Fortran DO WHILE (condition) instructionsENDDODO instructionsENDDO
IF (condition) EXITDO I = first,last instructionsENDDON/A Forth BEGIN « instructions » condition WHILE instructions REPEAT BEGIN instructions condition UNTIL limit start DO instructions LOOP N/A OCaml while condition do instructions done N/A for i = first to last-1 do instructions done Array.iter (fun item -> instructions) array
List.iter (fun item -> instructions) listF# while condition do
Tab ⇆ instructionsN/A for i = first to last-1 do
Tab ⇆ instructionsfor item in set do
Tab ⇆ instructions
Seq.iter (fun item -> instructions) setStandard ML while condition do ( instructions ) N/A Array.app (fn item => instructions) array
app (fn item => instructions) listHaskell (GHC) N/A Control.Monad.forM_ [0..N-1] (\i -> do instructions) Control.Monad.forM_ list (\item -> do instructions) Eiffel from setupuntilconditionloopinstructionsend^a "step n" is used to change the loop interval. If "step" is omitted, then the loop interval is 1.
throw handler assertion C (C99) longjmp(state, exception); switch (setjmp(state)) { case 0: instructions break; case exception: instructions ... } assert(condition); C++ (STL) throw exception; try { instructions } catch «(exception)» { instructions } ... C# try { instructions } catch «(exception)» { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» Debug.Assert(condition); Java try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» assert condition; JavaScript try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } «finally { instructions }» ? D try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» assert(condition); PHP try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } ... assert(condition); S-Lang try { instructions } catch «exception» { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» ? Windows PowerShell trap «[exception]» { instructions } ... instructions or try { instructions } catch «[exception]» { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» [Debug]::Assert(condition) Objective-C @throw exception; @try { instructions } @catch (exception) { instructions } ... «@finally { instructions }» NSAssert(condition, description); Perl die exception; eval { instructions }; if ($@) { instructions } ? Perl 6 try { instructions CATCH { when exception { instructions } ...}} ? Ruby raise exception begin instructionsrescue exceptioninstructions...
«elseinstructions»«ensureinstructions»endCommon Lisp (error "exception") or
(error (make-conditiontypearguments))(handler-case (progn instructions)(exception instructions)...)or
(handler-bind(assert condition) or
(assert condition«(place)«error»»)or
(check-type var type)Scheme (R6RS) (raise exception) (guard (con (condition instructions) ...) instructions) ? Pascal raise Exception.Create() try Except on E: exception do begin instructions end; end; ? Visual Basic N/A ? Visual Basic .NET Throw exception Try instructionsCatch «exception» «When condition»instructions...
«Finallyinstructions»End TryDebug.Assert(condition) Python raise exception try:
Tab ⇆ instructions
except «exception»:
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ instructions»
Tab ⇆ instructions»assert condition Fortran N/A Forth code THROW xt CATCH ( code or 0 ) N/A OCaml raise exception try expression with pattern -> expression ... assert condition F# try expression with pattern -> expression ...
try expression finally expressionStandard ML raise exception «arg» expression handle pattern => expression ... Haskell (GHC) throw exception
throwError expressioncatch tryExpression catchExpression
catchError tryExpression catchExpressionassert condition expression ^a Common Lisp allows
to define restarts for use withinvoke-restart
. Unhandled conditions may cause the implementation to show a restarts menu to the user before unwinding the stack.Other control flow statements
exit block(break) continue label branch (goto) return value from generator ALGOL 68 value exit; ... do statements; skip exit; label: statements od label: ... go to label; ...
goto label; ...
label; ...yield(value) C (C99) break; continue; label: goto label; N/A Objective-C C++ (STL) D C# yield return value; Java break «label»; continue «label»; N/A JavaScript yield value«;» PHP break «levels»; continue «levels»; goto label; Perl last «label»; next «label»; Perl 6 Go break «label» continue «label» goto label Common Lisp (return) or
(return-from block) or
(loop-finish)(tagbody tag ...tag...)(go tag) Scheme Pascal(ISO) N/A label:[a] goto label; N/A Pascal(FPC) break; continue; Visual Basic Exit block N/A label: GoTo label Visual Basic .NET Continue block Python break continue N/A yield value S-Lang break; continue; Fortran EXIT CYCLE label[b] GOTO label N/A Ruby break next Windows PowerShell break« label» continue OCaml N/A F# Standard ML Haskell (GHC) ^a Pascal has declaration blocks. See Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions)#Functions.
^b label must be a number between 1 and 99999.Functions
See reflection for calling and declaring functions by strings.
calling a function basic/void function value-returning function required main function ALGOL 68 foo«(parameters)»; proc foo = «(parameters)» void: ( instructions ); proc foo = «(parameters)» rettype: ( instructions ...; retvalue ); N/A C (C99) foo(«parameters») void foo(«parameters») { instructions } type foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } «global declarations»
int main(«int argc, char *argv[]») {instructions}Objective-C C++ (STL) C# static void Main(«string[] args») { instructions } or
static int Main(«string[] args») { instructions }Java public static void main(String[] args) { instructions } or
public static void main(String... args) { instructions }D int main(«char[][] args») { instructions} or
int main(«string[] args») { instructions} or
void main(«char[][] args») { instructions} or
void main(«string[] args») { instructions}JavaScript function foo(«parameters») { instructions } or
var foo = function («parameters») {instructions } or
var foo = new Function («"parameter", ... ,"last parameter"» "instructions");function foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } N/A Go func foo(«parameters») { instructions } func foo(«parameters») type { instructions ... return value } func main() { instructions } Common Lisp (foo «parameters») (defun foo («parameters») instructions)or
(setf (symbol-function 'symbol)lambda)(defun foo («parameters») ...value)N/A Scheme (define (foo parameters) instructions) or
(define foo (lambda (parameters) instructions))(define (foo parameters) instructions... return_value) or
(define foo (lambda (parameters) instructions... return_value))Pascal foo«(parameters)» procedure foo«(parameters)»; «forward;»[a]
«labellabel declarations»«constconstant declarations»«typetype declarations»«varvariable declarations»«local function declarations»
begininstructionsend;function foo«(parameters)»: type; «forward;»[a]
«labellabel declarations»«constconstant declarations»«typetype declarations»«varvariable declarations»«local function declarations»
foo := valueprogram name;
«labellabel declarations»«constconstant declarations»«typetype declarations»«varvariable declarations»«function declarations»
begininstructionsend.Visual Basic Foo(«parameters») Sub Foo(«parameters») instructionsEnd SubFunction Foo(«parameters») As type instructionsEnd Function
Foo = valueSub Main() instructionsEnd SubVisual Basic .NET Function Foo(«parameters») As type instructionsEnd Function
Return valueSub Main(«ByVal CmdArgs() As String») instructionsEnd Sub
Function Main(«ByVal CmdArgs() As String») As IntegerinstructionsEnd FunctionPython foo(«parameters») def foo(«parameters»):
Tab ⇆ instructionsdef foo(«parameters»):
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ return valueN/A S-Lang foo(«parameters» «;qualifiers») define foo («parameters») { instructions } define foo («parameters») { instructions ... return value; } public define slsh_main () { instructions } Fortran foo («arguments»)
CALL sub_foo («arguments»)[c]SUBROUTINE sub_foo («arguments») instructionsEND SUBROUTINE[c]type FUNCTION foo («arguments») instructionsEND FUNCTION[c]
foo = valuePROGRAM main instructionsEND PROGRAMForth «parameters» FOO : FOO « stack effect comment: ( before -- ) » instructions;: FOO « stack effect comment: ( before -- after ) » instructions;N/A PHP foo(«parameters») function foo(«parameters») { instructions } function foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } N/A Perl foo(«parameters») or
&foo«(parameters)»sub foo { «my (parameters) = @_;» instructions } sub foo { «my (parameters) = @_;» instructions... «return» value; } Perl 6 foo(«parameters») or
&foo«(parameters)»«multi »sub foo(parameters) { instructions } «our «type» »«multi »sub foo(parameters) { instructions... «return» value; } Ruby foo«(parameters)» def foo«(parameters)» instructionsenddef foo«(parameters)» instructionsend
«return» valueWindows PowerShell foo« parameters» function foo «(parameters)» { instructions }; or
function foo { «param(parameters)» instructions }function foo «(parameters)» { instructions … return value }; or
function foo { «param(parameters)» instructions … return value }OCaml foo parameters let «rec» foo parameters = instructions let «rec» foo parameters = instructions... return_value F# [<EntryPoint>] let main args = instructions Standard ML fun foo parameters = ( instructions ) fun foo parameters = ( instructions... return_value ) Haskell foo parameters = do
Tab ⇆ instructionsfoo parameters = return_value
foo parameters = do
Tab ⇆ instructions
Tab ⇆ return value«main :: IO ()»
main = do instructionsEiffel foo («parameters») foo («parameters»)
requirepreconditionsdoinstructionsensurepostconditionsendfoo («parameters»): type
requirepreconditionsdoinstructionsResult := valueensurepostconditionsend[b] ^a Pascal requires "forward;" for forward declarations.
^b Eiffel allows the specification of an application's root class and feature.
^c In Fortran, function/subroutine parameters are called arguments (since PARAMETER is a language keyword); the CALL keyword is required for subroutines.Type conversions
Where string is a signed decimal number:
string to integer string to long integer string to floating point integer to string floating point to string ALGOL 68 with general, and then specific formats With prior declarations and association of: string buf := "12345678.9012e34 "; file proxy; associate(proxy, buf); get(proxy, ivar); get(proxy, livar); get(proxy, rvar); put(proxy, ival); put(proxy, rval); getf(proxy, ($g$, ivar)); or getf(proxy, ($dddd$, ivar));
getf(proxy, ($g$, livar)); or getf(proxy, ($8d$, livar));
getf(proxy, ($g$, rvar)); or getf(proxy, ($8d.4dE2d$, rvar));
putf(proxy, ($g$, ival)); or putf(proxy, ($4d$, ival));
putf(proxy, ($g(width, places, exp)$, rval)); or putf(proxy, ($8d.4dE2d$, rval)); etc.
C (C99) integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string); float = atof(string); sprintf(string, "%i", integer); sprintf(string, "%f", float); Objective-C integer = [string intValue]; long = [string longLongValue]; float = [string doubleValue]; string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", integer]; string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", float]; C++ (STL) «std::»istringstream(string) >> number; «std::»ostringstream o; o << number; string = o.str(); C++11 integer = «std::»stoi(string); long = «std::»stol(string); float = «std::»stof(string); double = «std::»stod(string);
string = «std::»to_string(number); C# integer = int.Parse(string); long = long.Parse(string); float = float.Parse(string); or
double = double.Parse(string);string = number.ToString(); D integer = std.conv.to!int(string) long = std.conv.to!long(string) float = std.conv.to!float(string) or
double = std.conv.to!double(string)string = std.conv.to!string(number) Java integer = Integer.parseInt(string); long = Long.parseLong(string); float = Float.parseFloat(string); or
double = Double.parseDouble(string);string = Integer.toString(integer); string = Float.toString(float); or
string = Double.toString(double);JavaScript[a] integer = parseInt(string); float = parseFloat(string); or
float = new Number (string) or
float = Number (string) or
float = string*1;string = number.toString (); or
string = new String (number); or
string = String (number); or
string = number+"";Go integer, error = strconv.Atoi(string) long, error = strconv.Atoi64(string) float, error = strconv.Atof(string) string = strconv.Itoa(integer) or
string = fmt.Sprint(integer)string = strconv.Ftoa(float) or
string = fmt.Sprint(float)Common Lisp (setf integer (parse-integer string)) (setf float (read-from-string string)) (setf string (princ-to-string number)) Scheme (define number (string->number string)) (define string (number->string number)) Pascal integer := StrToInt(string); float := StrToFloat(string); string := IntToStr(integer); string := FloatToStr(float); Visual Basic integer = CInt(string) long = CLng(string) float = CSng(string) or
double = CDbl(string)string = CStr(number) Visual Basic .NET Python integer = int(string) long = long(string) float = float(string) string = str(number) S-Lang integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string); float = atof(string); string = string(number); Fortran READ(string,format) number WRITE(string,format) number PHP integer = intval(string); or
integer = (int)string;float = floatval(string); or
float = (float)string;string = "number"; or
string = strval(number); or
string = (string)number;Perl[b] number = 0 + string; string = "number"; Perl 6 number = +string; string = ~number; Ruby integer = string.to_i or
integer = Integer(string)float = string.to_f or
float = Float(string)string = number.to_s Windows PowerShell integer = [int]string long = [long]string float = [float]string string = [string]number; or
string = "number"; or
string = (number).ToString()OCaml let integer = int_of_string string let float = float_of_string string let string = string_of_int integer let string = string_of_float float F# let integer = int string let integer = int64 string let float = float string let string = string number Standard ML val integer = Int.fromString string val float = Real.fromString string val string = Int.toString integer val string = Real.toString float Haskell (GHC) number = read string string = show number ^a JavaScript only uses floating point numbers so there are some technicalities.[3]
^b Perl doesn't have separate types. Strings and numbers are interchangeable.Standard Stream I/O
read from write to stdin stdout stderr ALGOL 68 readf(($format$, x)); or
getf(stand in, ($format$, x));printf(($format$, x)); or
putf(stand out, ($format$, x));putf(stand error, ($format$, x));[a] C (C99) scanf(format, &x); or
fscanf(stdin, format, &x); [b]printf( format, x); or
fprintf(stdout, format, x); [c]fprintf(stderr, format, x );[d] Objective-C data = [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput] readDataToEndOfFile]; [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:data]; [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardError] writeData:data]; C++ «std::»cin >> x; or
«std::»getline(«std::»cin, str);«std::»cout << x; «std::»cerr << x; or
«std::»clog << x;C# x = Console.Read(); or
x = Console.ReadLine();Console.Write(«format, »x); or
Console.WriteLine(«format, »x);Console.Error.Write(«format, »x); or
Console.Error.WriteLine(«format, »x);D x = std.stdio.readln() std.stdio.write(x) or
std.stdio.writeln(x) or
std.stdio.writef(format, x) or
std.stdio.writefln(format, x)stderr.write(x) or
stderr.writeln(x) or
std.stdio.writef(stderr, format, x) or
std.stdio.writefln(stderr, format, x)Java x = System.in.read(); or
x = new Scanner(System.in).nextInt(); or
x = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();System.out.print(x); or
System.out.printf(format, x); or
System.out.println(x);System.err.print(x); or
System.err.printf(format, x); or
System.err.println(x);Go fmt.Scan(&x) or
fmt.Scanf(format, &x) or
x = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadString('\n')fmt.Println(x) or
fmt.Printf(format, x)fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, x) or
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, x)JavaScript
Web Browser implementationdocument.write(x) JavaScript
Active Server PagesResponse.Write(x) JavaScript
Windows Script Hostx = WScript.StdIn.Read(chars) or
x = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()WScript.Echo(x) or
WScript.StdOut.Write(x) or
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(x)WScript.StdErr.Write(x) or
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(x)Common Lisp (setf x (read-line)) (princ x) or
(format t format x)(princ x *error-output*) or
(format *error-output* format x)Scheme (R6RS) (define x (read-line)) (display x) or
(format #t format x)(display x (current-error-port)) or
(format (current-error-port) format x)Pascal read(x); or
readln(x);write(x); or
writeln(x);N/A Visual Basic Input« prompt,» x Print x or
? xVisual Basic .NET x = Console.Read() or
x = Console.ReadLine()Console.Write(«format, »x) or
Console.WriteLine(«format, »x)Console.Error.Write(«format, »x) or
Console.Error.WriteLine(«format, »x)Python 2.x x = raw_input(«prompt») print x or
sys.stdout.write(x)print >> sys.stderr, x or
sys.stderr.write(x)Python 3.x x = input(«prompt») print(x«, end=""») print(x«, end=""», file=sys.stderr) S-Lang fgets (&x, stdin) fputs (x, stdout) fputs (x, stderr) Fortran READ(*,format) variable names or
READ(INPUT_UNIT,format) variable names[e]WRITE(*,format) expressions or
WRITE(OUTPUT_UNIT,format) expressions[e]WRITE(ERROR_UNIT,format) expressions[e] Forth buffer length ACCEPT ( # chars read )
KEY ( char )buffer length TYPE
char EMITN/A PHP $x = fgets(STDIN); or
$x = fscanf(STDIN, format);print x; or
echo x; or
printf(format, x);fprintf(STDERR, format, x); Perl $x = <>; or
$x = <STDIN>;print x; or
printf format, x;print STDERR x; or
printf STDERR format, x;Perl 6 $x = $*IN.get; x.print or
x.sayx.note or
$*ERR.print(x) or
$*ERR.say(x)Ruby x = gets puts x or
printf(format, x)$stderr.puts(x) or
$stderr.printf(format, x)Windows PowerShell $x = Read-Host«« -Prompt» text»; or
$x = [Console]::Read(); or
$x = [Console]::ReadLine()x; or
Write-Output x; or
echo xWrite-Error x OCaml let x = read_int () or
let str = read_line () or
Scanf.scanf format (fun x ... -> ...)print_int x or
print_endline str or
Printf.printf format x ...prerr_int x or
prerr_endline str or
Printf.eprintf format x ...F# let x = System.Console.ReadLine() printf format x ... or
printfn format x ...eprintf format x ... or
eprintfn format x ...Standard ML val str = TextIO.inputLIne TextIO.stdIn print str TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, str) Haskell (GHC) x <- readLn or
str <- getLineprint x or
putStrLn strhPrint stderr x or
hPutStrLn stderr str
^a Algol 68 additionally as the "unformatted" transput routines: read, write, get and put.
^b gets(x) and fgets(x, length, stdin) read unformatted text from stdin. Use of gets is not recommended.
^c puts(x) and fputs(x, stdout) write unformatted text to stdout.
^d fputs(x, stderr) writes unformatted text to stderr
^e INPUT_UNIT, OUTPUT_UNIT, ERROR_UNIT are defined in the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module.[6]Reading command-line arguments
Argument values Argument counts Program name / Script name C (C99) argv[n] argc first argument Objective-C C++ C# args[n] args.Length Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; Java args.length D first argument JavaScript
Windows Script Host implementationWScript.Arguments(n) WScript.Arguments.length ? Go os.Args[n] len(os.Args) first argument Common Lisp ? ? ? Scheme (R6RS) (list-ref (command-line) n) (length (command-line)) first argument Pascal ParamStr(n) ParamCount first argument Visual Basic Command[a] N/A App.Path Visual Basic .NET CmdArgs(n) CmdArgs.Length [Assembly].GetEntryAssembly().Location Python sys.argv[n] len(sys.argv) first argument S-Lang __argv[n] __argc first argument Fortran DO i = 1,argc CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT (i,argv(i))ENDDOargc = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT () CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT (0,progname) PHP $argv[n] $argc first argument Perl $ARGV[n] scalar(@ARGV) $0 Perl 6 @*ARGS[n] @*ARGS.elems $PROGRAM_NAME Ruby ARGV[n] ARGV.size $0 Windows PowerShell $args[n] $args.Length $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name OCaml Sys.argv.(n) Array.length Sys.argv first argument F# args.[n] args.Length Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location Standard ML List.nth (CommandLine.arguments (), n) length (CommandLine.arguments ()) CommandLine.name () Haskell (GHC) do { args <- System.getArgs; return args !! n } do { args <- System.getArgs; return length args } System.getProgName - ^a The command-line arguments in Visual Basic are not separated. A split function Split(string) is required for separating them.
Execution of commands
Shell command Execute program Replace current program with new executed program C system("command"); execl(path, args); or
execv(path, arglist);C++ Objective-C [NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:(NSString *)path arguments:(NSArray *)arguments]; C# System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path, argstring); F# Go exec.Run(path, argv, envv, dir, exec.DevNull, exec.DevNull, exec.DevNull) os.Exec(path, argv, envv) Visual Basic Interaction.Shell(command «, WindowStyle» «, isWaitOnReturn») Visual Basic .NET Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell(command «, WindowStyle» «, isWaitOnReturn») System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path, argstring) D std.process.system("command"); std.process.execv(path, arglist); Java Runtime.exec(command); or
new ProcessBuilder(command).start();JavaScript
Windows Script Host implementationWScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell").Run(command «, WindowStyle» «, isWaitOnReturn»); Common Lisp (shell command) Scheme (system command) Pascal system(command); OCaml Sys.command command, Unix.open_process_full command env (stdout, stdin, stderr),... Unix.create_process prog args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr, ... Unix.execv prog args or
Unix.execve prog args envStandard ML OS.Process.system command Unix.execute (path, args) Posix.Process.exec (path, args) Haskell (GHC) System.system command System.Process.runProcess path args ... Posix.Process.executeFile path True args ... Perl system(command) or
$output = `command`exec(path, args) Ruby system(command) or
output = `command`exec(path, args) PHP system(command) or
$output = `command` or
exec(command) or
passthru(command)Python os.system(command) or
subprocess.Popen(command)os.execv(path, args) S-Lang system(command) Fortran CALL SYSTEM (command, status) or
status = SYSTEM (command)[a]Windows PowerShell [Diagnostics.Process]::Start(command) «Invoke-Item »program arg1 arg2 … ^a Compiler-dependent extension.[7]
- ^ http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/index.htm
- ^ a b http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/selected_int_kind
- ^ a b 8.5 The Number Type
- ^ a b http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/selected_real_kind
- ^ http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Complex-Numbers.html#Complex-Numbers
- ^ http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/iso_fortran_env
- ^ http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/SYSTEM.html#SYSTEM
Categories:- Programming constructs
- Programming language comparisons
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