while loop — noun A section of computer code in which an instruction or group of instructions is executed only while a certain condition continues to be met. :Example (from C++) … Wiktionary
Do while loop — diagram In most computer programming languages, a do while loop, sometimes just called a do loop, is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition. Note though that unlike most languages,… … Wikipedia
do while loop — loop in computers which exists as long as a certain condition is preserved … English contemporary dictionary
Loop inversion — is a compiler optimization, a loop transformation, which replaces a while loop by an if block containing a do..while loop. Example in C int i, a [100] ; i = 0; while (i < 100) { a [i] = 0; i++; }is equivalent to: int i, a [100] ; i = 0; if (i … Wikipedia
Loop variant — In computer science, a loop variant is a mathematical function defined on the state space of a computer program having the property that each iteration of a loop (given its invariant) strictly decreases its value with respect to a well founded… … Wikipedia
Loop invariant — In computer science, a loop invariant is an invariant used to prove properties of loops.Specifically in Floyd Hoare logic, the partial correctness of a while loop is governed by the following rule of inference::frac{{Cland I};mathrm{body};{I… … Wikipedia
Loop optimization — In compiler theory, loop optimization plays an important role in improving cache performance, making effective use of parallel processing capabilities, and reducing overheads associated with executing loops. Most execution time of a scientific… … Wikipedia
LOOP-Programme — sind Programme in der Programmiersprache LOOP, einer stark eingeschränkten, modellhaften Sprache, die nur die Formulierung von Additionen, Wertzuweisungen und endlich oft durchlaufenen Schleifen erlaubt. LOOP Programme spielen in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loop-Berechenbarkeit — LOOP Programme sind Programme in der Programmiersprache LOOP, einer stark eingeschränkten, modellhaften Sprache, die nur die Formulierung von Additionen, Wertzuweisungen und endlich oft durchlaufenen Schleifen erlaubt. LOOP Programme spielen in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loop-Programm — LOOP Programme sind Programme in der Programmiersprache LOOP, einer stark eingeschränkten, modellhaften Sprache, die nur die Formulierung von Additionen, Wertzuweisungen und endlich oft durchlaufenen Schleifen erlaubt. LOOP Programme spielen in… … Deutsch Wikipedia