- Taxonomy of commonly fossilised invertebrates
Although the
phylogenetic classification of sub-vertebrate animals (bothextinct and extant) remains a work-in-progress, the followingtaxonomy attempts to be useful by combining "both" traditional (old) "and" new (21st-century) paleozoological termonology.So the paleobiologic
systematics which follows is "not" intended to be all-inclusive or completely comprehensive. For practial reasons and relevancy, the below classification and annotations "emphasize invertebrates" that (a) are popularly collected as fossils and/or (b) no longer continue alive on this planet. Therefore, as a result, some phyla, classes, and orders of invertebrates are not listed. [ For superb anatomical illustrations and much-more comprehensive information, the aspiring paleozoologist should scan "Volume E" ("Archaeocyatha" / "Porifera") through "Volume V" ("Graptolithina"), published 1953 to 2006 (and continuing), of "theTreatise on Invertebrate Paleontology ", long-edited byRaymond C. Moore andRoger L. Kaesler (Boulder, Colorado:Geological Society of America ; and Lawrence, Kansas:University of Kansas Press ). But be warned that some terms therein employed -- such as supersubphylum -- can be unnecessarily wordy or obstruse. Incidentally, "revised" volumes have been recently published regarding the sponges/archaeocyatha (2004, ISBN 08137 31313) and the brachiopods (2006, ISBN 0813731356). ]If a non-vertebrate animal is mentioned below using its common, vernacular, "everyday" name, the creature is usually a living, present-day invertebrate. But if, on the other hand, a non-vertebrate is cited below by its scientific,
taxonomic "genus" (in "italics"), then it is typically anextinct invertebrate, known only from thefossil record . [ The names of genera, orders, classes and phyla have been culled from dozens of sources, both current and decades-old. See theInternational Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN ), as well as "Volume 1" and "Volume 2" of "Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia" (Farmington Hills, Michigan:Gale Group ), edited byzoologist s Michael Hutchin, Dennis A. Thorney and Sean F. Craig (2003). ]Invertebrate
clade s that are (a) "very important" as fossils (for example,ostracod s frequently used asindex fossil s), and/or (b) "very abundant" as fossils (for example,crinoid s easily found in crinoidallimestone ), [ For correspondingly-ancientecosystem s, see the "Treatise on Ecology and Paleoecology ", "Volume 2: Paleoecology", edited for years byHarry S. Ladd (1957 / 1971), and published by both the Geological Society of America (Boulder, Colorado) and theWaverly Press (Washington, D.C.). ] are highlighted with a bracketed exclamation mark [ ! ] .Invertebrate groups that (a) are now "substantially" extinct, and/or (b) contain a "large proportion" of extinct species, are followed by a dashed notation [ -- such as this ] . But invertebrate
clade s which are now "totally" -- that is, 100 percent -- "extinct" are designated with a bracketed dagger/cross [ † ] :Domain of EUKARYOTA / EUKARYA
eukaryote s / eukaryans / all cellularorganism s bearing a central, organized nucleus withDNA )*comprises "most" of the
species oflife which have been documented bybiologist s andpaleontologist s as either living or deceased*includes a wide variety of single-celled
protist s, allalgae , mostplankton , mostmold s, the green plants, and "all" animal-related kingdoms
**but does "not" include the primal, sub-nuclear,prokaryotic domains ofArchaea andBacteria -- nor the enigmatic domain ofVirus esSub-domain of OPISTHOKONTA
opisthokonts / the animal-related kingdoms / the proto-spongalchoanoflagellate s, proto-fungalmicrosporidian s, truefungi , and true animals*comprises most life forms documented as either living or deceased
**excludes many molds, all one-celled protists (orprotoctist s), all algae, and all green plantsKingdom of ANIMALIA / METAZOA
metazoan s / many-celled trueanimal s / all invertebrates and vertebrates /multi-cellular creatures that grab andingest their organicfood )*comprises most living and deceased species which have ever been recorded by
paleontological and life scientists
**excludes allunicellular andfungal opisthokonts
=Sub-kingdom of PARAZOA=(
parazoan s / typically-sessile , basal non-eumetazoa ns / the most-primitive animals / the simplest, colonial, attached, bottom-dwelling,marine invertebrate s)Phylum
Archaeocyatha /Archeocyatha /Archaeocyathida /Archeocyathida /Pleospongia [†](cone-shaped
archaeocyathid s/archeocyathid s / cup-shapedarchaeocyathan s/archeocyathan s /reef -buildingpleosponge s /calcareous "ancient-cups")(includes fossil genera such "Archaeocyathus", "Cambrocyathus", "Atikonia", "Tumuliolynthus", "Kotuyicyathus", "Metaldetes", "Ajacicyathus" and "Paranacyathus")
(Archaeocyatha is sometimes classified as a class of
Porifera below)Phylum
Porifera /Nuda /Spongia (quintessential true sponges / marine, colonial, pore-bearing animals / organized collar-flagellates /
poriferan s; today mostlysiliceous ) -- "half" of all documented species of Porifera are fossils and extinct [ The rates of extinction for sponges and other phyla are derived from W. H. Easton, 1960, "Invertebrate Paleontology" (New York: Harper and Brothers) and various modern sources. ](Porifera may eventually be broken up into separate phyla)
*Sub-phylumCalcarea /Calcispongiae (primitive calcareous poriferans such as yellowlemon sponge , sphinctozoans, pharetronids, "Scypha", "Leucetta", "Gravestockia", "Grantia", "Astraeospongium", "Clathrina", "Lelapia", "Rhaphidonema", and "Girtyocoelia")
**ClassStromatoporoidea /Stromatoporata /Stromatoporida /Spongliomorphida [†] (lime-layeredstromatoporoid s / reef-building stromatoporates / button-shaped stromatoporids / disc-shaped spongliomorphids; e.g., "Stromatopora, Aulacera, Stromatactis, Actinostroma, Discophyllum, Parallelopora" and "Amphipora")
**ClassHeteractinida [†] (Paleozoic calcitic heteractinids such as "Eiffelia")
*Sub-phylumSilicea /Silicospongia (siliceous poriferans)
**ClassDemospongea /Demospongiae (most living sponges hardened byopaline silica orspongin ; for instance,horny sponge , bath sponge,stove-pipe sponge , yellowboring sponge ,carnivorous sponge ,bristle sponge , chaetids, lithistids, "Astroclera, Ceractinomorpha, Clionoides, Hindia, Ventriculites, Laosoiadia, Clionolithes, Tetractinella", and "Astylospongia")
**ClassHexactinellida /Hyalospongiae /Sclerospongiae (siliceous, deep-seaglass sponge s, e.g. glassy-latticedVenus flower basket ,bird's nest sponge ,cloud sponge , "Hexactinella", "Hydroceras", "Dictyonina", "Brachiospongia", "Titusvillea", and "Rhizopoterion")Phylum
=Sub-kingdom of EUMETAZOA=(
eumetazoan s / true metazoans / typically-mobile, multicellular animals)(Eumetazoa contains "most" of the living and deceased species of recorded life, including "most" invertebrates (alive and extinct), as well as "all" vertebrate animals)
=Super-phylum of RADIATA=(radiates / non-
bilateria neumetazoa ns)Phylum
Cnidaria /Coelenterata (
cnidarian s /coelenterate s)*Class
Hydrozoa (hydra orhydroid group)
**SubclassStromatoporoidea [†] (lime-layeredstromatoporoid s)
**SubclassConulata [†] (four-sided, pyramidalconularian s)
*ClassAnthozoa (coral s /polyp s)
**SubclassReceptaculidea [†] (receptaculites, a.k.a.sunflower coral s)
**SubclassOctocorallia /Alcyonaria (soft coral s andsea pen s)
**SubclassZoantharia [!] (sea anemone s and most extantcoral s)
***OrderRugosa /Tetracoralla [†] [!] (wrinkled, horn-shaped tetracorals such as Petoskey coral, "Caninia" and "Heliophyllum")
***OrderTabulata / Schizocoralla [†] [!] (tabulate coral s, for instance, "Favosites")
***OrderScleractinia / Hexacoralla [!] (stony coral s such asbrain coral , "Favia", "Meandrina", and most livingcoral s)
lophotrochozoa nbilateria ns, such asflatworm s,ribbon worm s,lophophorate s, andmollusc s)Phylum
Bryozoa / Ectoprocta / Polyzoa(bryozoans /
moss animal s) -- "half" of all documented species of Bryozoa are fossils "and" extinct [ For bryozoans and brachiopods, the same footnote as above. ]
*ClassStenolaemata /Gymnolaemata [!] (mostly marine,calcareous bryozoan s)
**OrderCheilostomata [!] (living, rimmed-mouthed moss animals)
**OrderCyclostomata (uncontracted, round-mouthed bryozoans including fossil "Stomatopora")
**Order Cystoporata [†] (extinct, minor group of moss animals)
**Order Trepostomata [†] [!] (changed-mouthed bryozoans such as extinct "Constellaria" and "Monticulipora")
**OrderCryptostomata [†] [!] (round hidden-mouthed bryozoans such as "Archimedes", "Fenestrellina" and "Rhombopora")
**Order Ctenostomata [†] (uncommon, comb-mouthed bryozoans)
**Order Phylactolaemata (living, fresh-water bryozoans)Phylum
Brachiopoda (
lampshell s, brachiopods or "brachs," not to be confused with the hard-shelled marinemollusk s below) -- "99 percent" of all documented species of Brachiopoda are now extinct*Subphylum
Linguliformea (inarticulate atremates, such as "living fossil " "Lingula") -- but mostly extinct
*SubphylumCraniiformea (inarticulate neotremates, such as extant "Crania ") -- but mostly extinct
*SubphylumRhynchonelliformea [!] (articulatebrachiopod s with hinged valves; includes most extinct "and" living brachs)
**ClassRhynchonellata [!]
***OrderOrthida [†] [!] (orthid brachs such as fossil "Orthis")
***OrderPentamerida [†] (pentamerid brachs such as "Conchidium")
***OrderRhynchonellida [!] (rhynchonellid brachs such as fossils "Rhynchotrema" and "Rhynchonella")
***OrderSpiriferida [†] [!] (spiriferid brachs)
****SuborderSpiriferinida [†] [!] (spiriferid brachs such as "Spirifer" and "Eospirifer")
****SuborderAtrypida [†] [!] (atrypid brachs such as "Atrypa")
***OrderTerebratulida [!] (most living brachiopods; includes fossil "Dielasma")
**ClassStrophomenata [†] [!] (so-called petrified butterflies)
***OrderStrophomenida [†] [!] (strophomenid brachs)
***OrderProductida [†] [!] (spiny or productid brachs)
****SuborderChonetidina [†] [!]
****SuborderProductidina [†] [!]Phylum
Annelida (
segmented worm s such asearthworm s andleech es)*Class
Polychaeta (marine annelids /polychaete s)
**OrderScolecodonta [!] (mostlychitin ous jaws ofscolecodonts )Phylum
Mollusca (molluscs or
mollusk s, not to be confused with the hard-shelled marinebrachiopod s above)*Class
Monoplacophora (extinct , except for "living fossil "Neopilina )
*ClassBivalvia /Pelecypoda (bivalves / pelecypods) -- "half" of all documented species of Bivalvia are fossils "and" extinct [ For bivalves and cephalopods (both mollusks), see the above notation. ]
**SubclassLamellibranchia [!] (clam s,oyster s,mussel s andscallop s)
*ClassGastropoda (gastropods /snail group)
**SubclassProsobranchia (marine snails andconch es)
**SubclassOpisthobranchia (sea slugs)
**SubclassPulmonata (landsnail s)
*ClassCephalopoda (cephalopods) -- "97 percent" of all documented species of Cephalopoda are now extinct
**SubclassNautiloidea (mostly extinct, but includes "living fossil " "Nautilus ")
***OrderOrthocerida [†] [!] (long, straight-shellednautiloid s)
**SubclassAmmonoidea [†] [!] (generally coiled-shelledammonoid s)
***Agoniatitic (agoniatites) [†]
***Goniatitic (goniatite s) [†] [!] (ammonoids with simple sutures)
***Ceratitic (ceratites) [†]
***Ammonitic [†] [!] (the trueammonite s, bearing complex sutures)
**SubclassColeoidea (includes the livingsquid ,cuttlefish , andoctopus )
***OrderBelemnoidea [†] (extinctorthoconic belemnoids)
=Super-phylum of ECDYSOZOA / PROTOSTOMIA # 2=(
ecdysozoa ns, such asnematode s,horsehair worm s, andmolting bilateria ns / panarthropods))Phylum
Tardigrada (panarthropodic
water bear s)Phylum
Onychophora (panarthropodic
velvet worm s, including proto-arthropodic fossils of "Arthropleura" and "Aysheaia")Phylum
Arthropoda (arthropods;
jointed leg ged creatures with anexoskeleton )*Subphylum
Crustacea (crustaceans)
**ClassOstracoda (ostracods)
**ClassMalacostraca (truecrab s,lobster and mostshrimp )
**ClassBranchiopoda (brine shrimp )
**ClassCirripedia (barnacle s)
**Class Arachnoidea
*SubphylumTrilobitomorpha [†] (extincttrilobite group)
**ClassTrilobita [†] (the armored trilobites)
**ClassInsecta (insects, best preserved inamber )
**ClassArachnida (spider s, best preserved inamber )
**ClassMerostomata ("living fossil "horseshoe crab and extincteurypterid )
**ClassChilopoda Super-phylum of "'DEUTEROSTOMIA / ENTEROCOELOMATA
bilateria ns calleddeuterostomia ns, such aschordate s andechinoderm s)Phylum
Echinodermata (echinoderms) -- "72 percent" of all documented species of Echinodermata are fossils "and" extinct [ For the echinoderms, see the above footnote regarding W. E. Easton, 1960, "Invertebrate Paleontology", and other sources. ]
*Subphylum Crinozoa (
sessile echinoderms) -- "91 percent" of all documented species of Crinozoa are now extinct
**ClassCrinoid ea (crinoids /sea lilies ) -- See Crinozoa above
*SubphylumBlastozoa [†] (extinctblastoid s)
*SubphylumEchinozoa (mobile echinoderms) -- "89 percent" of all documented species of Echinozoa are now extinct
**ClassEchinoidea (echinoids orsea urchin s) -- See Echinozoa above
**ClassAsteroidea (sea star s /starfish )
**ClassOphiuroidea Phylum
Hemichordata (hemichordates such as extant
acorn worm s) -- "Less than half" of the documented species of Hemichordata are fossils "and" extinct*Class
Graptoloidea [†] (extinctgraptolite s)
**OrderDendroidea [†]
**OrderGraptoloidea [†]
***SuborderDidymograptina [†]
***SuborderDiplograptina [†]
***SuborderMonograptina [†]Phylum
Chordata ("both" invertebrate "and" vertebrate chordates; animals possessing a
notochord )Invertebrate subphyla
Urochordata (invertebratetunicate such assea squirt s)*Subphylum
Cephalochordata (invertebratelancelet s)ubphylum
Vertebrata *(vertebrates such as
hagfish es,lamprey s,conodont s [†] ,ostracoderm s [†] ,placoderm s [†] ,shark s,ray-finned fish es,lobe-finned fish es,amphibian s,reptile s,dinosaur s [†] ,bird s andmammal s)Footnotes
ee also
Invertebrate palæontology
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