- Armadillomon
(アルマジモン Armadimon)Voiced by Megumi Urawa (Japanese)
Robert Axelrod (English)
Tom Fahn (English, Armor Forms)Partner(s) Cody Hida Armadillomon (アルマジモン Arumajimon , Armadimon) is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media.
"Armadillomon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Armadillomon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series.
The most well-known appearance of Armadillomon is in the Digimon Adventure 02 anime as the partner of Cody Hida.
The Armadillomon of Digimon Adventure 02 also appears in all the Digimon Adventure 02 related movies.
Armadillomon is a small armored armadillo- like Digimon with three-clawed limbs and a short tail. In the Japanese version, similar to the dinosaur Polacanthus, he speaks with a Nagoya dialect and usually ends his sentences with "da'gya!". In the dubbed, this turned into a Southern United States accent. Armadillomon's easy going nature is a sharp contrast to his partner Cody's serious personality. He is about 2 feet tall.
Armadillomon is one of the three Digimon of ancient times who were sealed away by the Digimon Sovereign Azulongmon in case of a crisis. He was awakened when the Digimon Emperor began his conquest of the Digital World. Cody, on his first visit to the Digital World, lifted the Digi-Egg of Knowledge. This freed Armadillomon from his suspended animation.
- Diamond Shell (Rolling Stone): Armadillomon curls up into a ball and rams into the opponent.
- Scratch Beat: Rapidly slashes enemies using his claws.
Other Forms
The name "Armadillomon" refers to only the rookie form of this digimon. Throughout the series, Armadillomon gains the ability to Digivolve into a number of more powerful forms (each with a different name). The rookie form, however, is his most common and preferred form.
Tsubumon (ツブモン )Tsubumon is Armadillomon's Fresh form. The name "Tsubumon" comes the Japanese word "Tsubu", which means 'a grain' or 'a drop'. Tsubumon often appears after Armadillomon de-digivolves from his Shakkoumon form before receiving the power of Azulongmon's cores.
- Bubble Blow (Acid Bubbles): Fires bubbles from his mouth.
Upamon (ウパモン )Upamon is the In-Training form of Armadillomon. The name "Upamon" comes from the Nahuatl word "upa", referring to a young axolotl (a type of salamander). Armadillomon de-digivolves into this form when he returns to the Real World.
- Shock Shout
Ankylomon is Armadillomon's champion form. His name is derived from the dinosaur Ankylosaurus.
Armadillomon first digivolved to Ankylomon to protect Cody from Thundermon, who the DigiDestined encountered when they were helping to rebuild the Digital World after all the damage done by the Digimon Emperor. Since then, Ankylomon has appeared more than Armadillomon's Armor forms. Later, during the DigiDestined's battle against BlackWarGreymon, Ankylomon was able to DNA Digivolve with Angemon (Patamon's champion form) to Shakkoumon, who was the first to actually inflict any real damage on the Mega-leveled BlackWarGreymon.
- Tail Hammer: Ankylomon uses the spiked end of his tail as a hammer.
- Megaton Press: Ankylomon leaps into the air and slams his body onto his opponent.
Digmon (ディグモン Digumon )Digmon, the "Drill of Power"and "Drill of Knowledge" is the form Armadillomon takes when he Armor Digivolves with the Digi-Egg of Knowledge. He's apparently a tribute to Tentomon and his Digivolutions (Kabuterimon and MegaKabuterimon).
Armadillomon first Armor Digivolved to Digmon on the day of his revival,[1] when the Digimon Emperor abducted Davis. Cody's desire to understand life's mysteries evoked the power of the Digi-Egg, allowing Armadillomon to Armor Digivolve to Digmon and destroy the Dark Ring on Drimogemon, a Digimon who was under the Emperor's control. Digmon was a valuable fighter during the Digimon Emperor's reign of terror, but when Ken renounced his evil persona, Digmon was no longer needed as Armadillomon was now able to Digivolve normally.
Later in Digimon Data Squad he evolves from Drimogemon and attacked the DATS Digimon Gaomon & Agumon. This version of Digmon seems to be treated as an Ultimate (possibly because he digivolves from a full-power champion level), as Geogreymon and Gaogamon had to combine their attacks for enough power to defeat him, being unable to inflict even a minor scratch beforehand.
- Gold Rush: Digmon fires his drills towards the opponent.
- Rock Crackin' (Big Crack): Digmon rams his drills in the ground, causing a fissure.
Submarimon, the "Reliable Guardian of the Sea", is the form Armadillomon takes when he Armor Digivolves with the Digi-Egg of Reliability. He's is a tribute to Gomamon and his Digivolutions (Ikkakumon and Zudomon).
Armadillomon first became Submarimon on the day the Digi-Egg of Reliability was found. The DigiDestined children had been trapped in an offshore oil platform by a MegaSeadramon who was under the control of the Digimon Emperor. Cody was able to invoke the power of the Digi-Egg of Reliability, allowing Armadillomon to Armor Digivolve to Submarimon. Submarimon destroyed the Dark Spiral on MegaSeadramon and freed the DigiDestined. Submarimon is one of the few digimon forms belonging to the Digimon who is well-equipped for combat in water. Submarimon's head also contains a cockpit that can fit a single human, meaning he can be used as underwater transport.
- Oxygen Torpedo (Oxygen Homing): Submarimon fires oxygen torpedoes from his front compartment.
- Submarine Attack: Submarimon fires energy beams of water at his opponent.
Shakkoumon (シャッコウモン )Shakkoumon is an Ultimate Level Mutant digimon who is the DNA digivolved form of Angemon and Ankylomon (whose partners are T.K. and Cody Hida respectively), combining the features and armor attributes of a Dino-type Digimon with the powers of an Angel type. Its form and name are based around the Shakōkidogū.
Shakkoumon was first formed when the DigiDestined were about to battle BlackWarGreymon in an effort to protect the very last Destiny Stone. This DNA digivolution was possible only after Cody surpassed his feelings of uncertainty and confusion towards T.K.'s unique personality: although usually calm, jolly and thoughtful, T.K. gets upset, almost angry and desperate and seemingly reckless when it comes to brutal, evil digimon, as was the case with Kimeramon and BlackWarGreymon both of which Cody and T.K. fought together. T.K.'s "dark" behavior stems from the emotional trauma he endured in the first Digimon Adventure when his partner, Patamon, digivolved for the first time into Angemon during the final fight with the Digidestined's first serious enemy Devimon but had to sacrifice his life in order to overpower the evil digimon. Both Cody and T.K. knew they could not let the artificial Digimon destroy the Destiny Stones and jeopardize the balance of the entire Digimon world, despite BlackWarGreymon's reasons. Their Digimon partners, Ankylomon and Angemon were able to DNA digivolve at that point, forming Shakkoumon, who teamed up with Paildramon and Silphymon to fight BlackWarGreymon.
- Justice Beam/Harmonious Spirit (アラミタマ Aramitama[2]): Shakkoumon shoots reddish-orange beams out of his eyes.
- Kachina Bombs/Ruling Spirit/Clay Bombs (ニギミタマ Nigimitama[3]): A hole around his waist opens up to launch exploding clay disks at enemies.
- Heaven's Ray: Shakkoumon absorbs data energy from nearby computers or other technology and uses it to fire a beam from his chest.
- In the Digimon Adventure 02 CD drama The Road to Armor Evolution (道へのアーマー進化, Michi e no Armor Shinka), as Cody unintentionally picks Yolei's D-Terminal, Armadillomon Armor Digivolves with the DigiEgg of Love, resulting in Pteramon.
- In the video game Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer it is shown that Cody Hida's Shakkoumon can digivolve further into Vikemon.
- ^ "The Digi-Team Complete". Digimon Adventure 02. Fox Kids. 2000-08-19.
- ^ Aramitama 荒御魂 is the name of a violent and valiant spirit.
- ^ Misspelling of Nikimitama 和御魂, the name of a mild and virtuous spirit.
Categories:- Chosen Digimon
- Fictional armadillos
- Fictional dinosaurs
- Fictional insects
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