Royal Knights

Royal Knights
Royal Knights
Royal knights.jpg
Top row: Gallantmon, Omnimon, Craniamon
Bottom row: Magnamon, UlforceVeedramon, Crusadermon, Dynasmon
General information
Founder Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
Leader Alphamon (former)
Omnimon (current)
Intentions To serve the gods of the Digital World
Appearances Digimon Frontier
Digimon Chronicle
Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon D-Cyber
Digimon Data Squad

The Royal Knights (ロイヤルナイツ Roiyaru Naitsu?) are a group of thirteen Mega-level Holy Knight Digimon[1] that are the Digital World's sacred guardians,[2] considered guardian deities of the Network.[3] The group was founded by Imperialdramon Paladin Mode,[4] and serves Yggdrasil.[5] Because the Royal Knights are placed in the highest ranks of Network Security, it is absolutely impossible to violate security in their presence.[6] Based on a certain "Prophecy" handed down from the ancient Digital World, it is said that the Royal Knights will assemble at the time of the Digital World's greatest crisis.[3]

Most of the Royal Knights are Human Digimon, although there are a few with bestial forms.[7] Like historical knights, some of the Royal Knights are the lord of other types of Digimon,[2][8] although they are all subservient to Yggdrasil. Furthermore, each of the Royal Knights possesses a dogma that it believes in.[9] Many of the Royal Knights also have alternate Modes or X-Antibody forms, which are generally still considered Royal Knights.

As of now, there are two unrevealed Royal Knights. As these two members of the group have been explicitly stated to be as-yet unpublished Digimon, it is impossible to suggest who they are; the only identifying factor is that they cannot be any Digimon that has currently been named and published.


The main appearances of the Royal Knights are in the movie Digital Monster X-Evolution, the anime Digimon Frontier and Digimon Data Squad, the manga Digimon Chronicle, and the manhua D-Cyber. Some of the species that are members of the Royal Knights have also appeared as partner Digimon in earlier seasons, but were not members of the Royal Knights.

Digimon Frontier

The Royal Knights who appear in Digimon Frontier (Dynasmon and Crusadermon) are servants of the ancient villain Lucemon. The two served Lucemon so that he would grant them access to the human world, which they wished to rule over. Though these two Knights are villains, Baromon explains that at one time "the Royal Knights did fight for justice."

The two Royal Knights were introduced after the defeat of Cherubimon by the Legendary Warriors. They easily defeat the Legendary Warriors, and then leave to collect the fractal code of each area of the Digital World, in order to free Lucemon from the Dark Area. Though the Legendary Warriors attempt to stop the Knights each time, the Knights end up taking each area's fractal code.

The Knights ultimately free Lucemon, who joins them for a brief period. Lucemon sends the pair to finish off the Legendary Warriors, but they are finally defeated by EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon. Instead of helping them, Lucemon takes advantage of their weakened state by absorbing their data so that he can digivolve to his next stage, Lucemon Chaos Mode.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

The Royal Knights who appear in Digital Monster X-Evolution (Omnimon, Gallantmon, Magnamon, Alphamon, and Crusadermon) are protectors of the Digital World, and initially serve the super computer Yggdrasil.

During the movie, Yggdrasil's forces are enacting "Project Ark", which is designed to reduce the overload of data by transplanting a small amount of Digimon to a "new Digital World", and allowing the rest to perish with the destruction of the old world. However, this plan is disrupted when some of the abandoned Digimon acquire the X-Antibody, which allows them to survive in the new Digital World. To fix this, Yggdrasil sends the Royal Knights to eliminate the interlopers. Gallantmon opposed this genocide, and is killed for it, which fosters doubt in Omnimon, eventually causing him to help the mysterious Dorumon, who is revealed as Alphamon, the Royal Knights' legendary leader. The pair confronts Yggdrasil, and in the end, Omnimon must save the Digital World by destroying his master.

Digimon D-Cyber

Ten thousand years before the events of the story, the "Holy Knights" defeated Dexmon and sealed it away as a Digi-core. Years later, a virus infects the digital world, and only those with the X-Antibody survive. The three surviving Royal Knights make an appearance as allies of the story's Digidestined - Omega of Power (Omnimon X), Duke of Courage (Gallantmon X) and Magna of Miracles (Magnamon X). At the end of the story, Dorumon is revealed to be their lost leader, Alphamon.

Digimon Data Squad

In Digimon Data Squad, the Royal Knights are again King Drasil's subordinates. Digimon Data Squad also depicts the largest gathering of Royal Knights, with nine out of thirteen making an appearance.

Before the events of the series, King Drasil decides that due to humanity's crimes (most of which are in fact Kurata's doing), it is too dangerous to be allowed to live. Though he is convinced to wait by Dr. Spencer Damon, the imminent collision of the Human and Digital Worlds prompts him to move forward with the plan, and he sends the Knights to eliminate humanity. Before they begin, the Knights encounter and defeat the DATS, but are prevented from finishing them off due to the intervention of the rogue knight Kentaurosmon (who is revealed to be Commander Sampson's Kudamon).

The destruction of the human world begins immediately afterwards, starting with a battle between Gallantmon and Kentaurosmon, which ended with both being sealed in ice. LoadKnightmon and Leopardmon fall in battle, and Craniamon is defeated by the DATS, even though he was using King Drasil's power, showing him that his sovereign is not absolute.

Craniamon then goes to the Human World to replace BanchoLeomon, who was holding the two worlds apart. Eventually, the other Knights also decide to defy King Drasil, and join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart. After King Drasil is defeated, they thank the humans and return to the Digital World.

Members of the Royal Knights


Level Mega
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon Chronicle
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Minami Takayama
Partner(s) Kouta Doumoto
Hikaru Ryuuji

Alphamon is a Warrior Digimon whose name is derived from "I am the Alpha and the Omega" (ἐγὼ τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω "Egō to Alpha kai to Omega"?). While it is one of the "Royal Knights", it is said that to Holy Knights it is a being like a deterrent force, and in normal times it doesn't appear, so it is even called the "Aloof Hermit" with a fluttering blue mantle, and is the Royal Knight that is assigned to the place called the "Empty Seat". In battle, it possesses the ability for the ultimate force, "Alpha inForce" (from Alpha Gain Force), which instantaneously replays the battle's past, so although Alphamon's attack are over in just an instant, you can't grasp how many attacks it actually unleashed, and in theory, you can only see the final blow that brought down the opponent. It can expand a magic square of DigiCode from its hands, which attacks and defends.[1] It wields the "Seiken Gradalpha" (聖剣グレイダルファー Seiken Gureidarufā?, lit. "Holy Sword Gradalpha"), which is based on Grademon's "Souken Gradalpha" (双剣グレイダルファー Souken Gureidarufā?, Twin Swords Gradalpha)).[10][11]

Digital Monster X-Evolution

In this movie, Alphamon was the former leader of the Royal Knights, and the Mega form of Dorumon. At the end of the movie, he sacrificed himself by impaling both himself and Dexmon with his "Ultimate War Blade King Dragon Sword".

Digimon D-Cyber

Alphamon is once again the final form of Dorumon, who is Hikaru Ryuuji's Digimon partner. In the manhua's final battle against the ancient Dexmon, he's revealed to actually be Alphamon, the leader of the group known as the Holy Knights, from long ago. Alphamon and Owryumon DNA Digivolve together to form Alphamon (Ouryuuken). Alphamon's appearance changes, with feathered wings on his back and Owryumon becoming his sword, the War Blade.


(クレニアムモン Craniummon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Data Squad
Voiced by (Ja:) Hiroshi Kamiya
(En:) Henry Dittman

Craniamon is a Holy Knight Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Cranium. One of the "Royal Knights", he is the one that best understands decorum. He is a perfectionist, and competes with the other Royal Knights for the top two mission completion rates for Yggdrasil's orders. When fighting with an opponent, his policy is always to defeat it with one-on-one combat, and if the opponent is a formidable enemy, his delight is supreme. Cranniummon's armor had its code modified by Yggdrasil, and was changed into Black Digizoid. It has become possible for him to generate his "Duo Solar Spear" (Claíomh Solais) and "Omni Shield" (Avalon) from his armor by accessing its data.Although that,he defeated the DATS group as he received orders from King Drasil.Craniamon eventually hates Marcus of his willing for not giving up on fighting with him but after Marcus had proven that he had saved the world from reaching to Yggdrasil's hand Craniamon and his friends thanked Marcus for his hardwork.

Digimon Data Squad

Craniamon is the closest Royal Knight to King Drasil, and carries out his orders without question. It is revealed that long before the events of the series, he was defeated in battle by Spencer Damon and BanchoLeomon, prior to their encounter with King Drasil.

Shortly after Belphemon is defeated, Craniamon listens to King Drasil's arguments for humanity's destruction, and agrees with his master's decision. He was the first Royal Knight to face the members of DATS in battle, and he overpowers them until Marcus activates Burst Digivolution, digivolving ShineGreymon into ShineGreymon Burst Mode. The tide of the battle turns, but is halted by the arrival of Gallantmon and the other Royal Knights, who defeat the DATS in one attack. King Drasil then arrives and commands the Royal Knights to destroy the DATS, but they are interrupted by Kentaurosmon, who escapes to the Human World with the DATS.

Craniamon battles the DATS members again, this time with the impenetrable Omni-Shield given to him by King Drasil. However, the power of all of the DATS' Burst Modes is able to shatter the shield, convincing Craniamon that King Drasil's power is not absolute. Craniamon forfeits the battle, and allows the DATS to face King Drasil. He later travels to Mt. Fuji and replaces BanchoLeomon in holding the Digital and human worlds apart.

He struggled with this task until King Drasil's arrival at Mt. Fuji, when he is joined by the other Knights, and they learn of King Drasil's real plan. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


(ロードナイトモン LordKnightmon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Frontier
Digimon Data Squad
Digital Monster X-Evolution
Voiced by (Ja:) Ryotaro Okiayu (Frontier/X-Evolution), Susumu Chiba (Savers)
(En:) Melodee Spevack (Frontier), Dave Bushnell (Data Squad)

Crusadermon, the "Indifferent Warrior", is a Warrior Digimon whose Japanese name is derived from "Lord Knightmon", though it is also a pun on "Rhodonite", and whose English name is derived from "Crusader". It is referred to as "LordKnightmon" in American Bandai materials, and "LoadKnightmon" in American Toei materials. One of the "Royal Knights", it is a monarch who presides over all Knightmon. Even more than to morality, Crusadermon is faithful to what it personally regards as "Justice", and those ends justify their means. If it will bring about lasting peace, LordKnightmon will find merit in it, even in regards to "Ruling through Strength". In its entirety, it is uniquely ruthless in the execution of its duties, and it shows no compassion for the weak.[8]

Digimon Frontier

Crusadermon, along with Dynasmon, is a major villain in Digimon Frontier. Following the defeat of Cherubimon, Crusadermon and Dynasmon began the accumulation of Fractal Code data for Lucemon in exchange for entry into the human world.

In their first clash with the Legendary Warriors, Crusadermon easily overpowered MagnaGarurumon. The two would fight numerous times as the Legendary Warriors tried to stop the Royal Knights from stealing the data of the Digital World. On a few occasions, Crusadermon also employed several Knightmon.

When Lucemon was finally reborn and the Legendary Warriors were forced to retreat to the Ophanimoon (one of the Digital World's three moons), Crusadermon pleaded for Lucemon to give them the key to the human world, a request which Lucemon denied. When Lucemon sent the Knights to finally take care of the human children, the two were struck down and their own Fractal Codes exposed. In the end, Lucemon betrayed the two knights and absorbed their data in order to digivolve into Lucemon Chaos Mode.

D-Spirit Version 1

Crusadermon is one of the bosses of the final area.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

Crusadermon makes a cameo in Digital Monster X-Evolution as one of the Royal Knights serving Yggdrasil - Crusadermon's voice can be heard in a scene with Magnamon, Omnimon and Gallantmon.

Digimon Data Squad

LoadKnightmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

LoadKnightmon also participated in the attack on the human world, commanding an army of Knightmon. When Thomas H. Norstein and MirageGaogamon held back an attack on an airport, LoadKnightmon appeared personally and overwhelmed both them and Commander-General Yushima's partner, Shawjamon. It was only when Thomas activated MirageGaogamon's digivolution to Burst Mode that LoadKnightmon was defeated. The Knight reverted to a Digi-Egg, which was pulled back into the Digital World.

Digimon World 4

A traitor digimon that was once a royal knight. LordKnightmon is the second boss you fight in Machine Pit.


Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Frontier
Digimon Data Squad
Voiced by (Ja:) Kenta Miyake (Frontier), Kazunari Kojima (Savers)
(En:) Derek Stephen Prince (Frontier), Chris Edgerly (Data Squad)

Dynasmon, the "Passionate Warrior", is a Warrior Digimon whose Japanese name is derived from "Dynast". It is referred to as "Dunusmon" in American Bandai materials. One of the "Royal Knights", it possesses the powers of the wyvern. It is a unique being among the Royal Knights, in that it serves the lord who embodied its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty. For example, for the sake of its own justice, it won't hate its lord even if they are called "Evil". For that reason, it has a strong spirit of Chivalry and Bushido, with a character that honors devotion, fidelity, and courtesy. With its tenacious, dragon-like power, and dragon armor made from high-purity Chrome Digizoid, it boasts unparalleled strength.[12]

Digimon Frontier

Dynasmon, along with Crusadermon, is a major villain in Digimon Frontier. Following the defeat of Cherubimon, Crusadermon and Dynasmon began the accumulation of Fractal Code data, all for the purpose of reviving Lucemon, in exchange for being allowed the opportunity to gain the key to entering the human world. In the two Knights' first encounter with the Legendary Warriors, he soundly defeated EmperorGreymon, who would prove to be his usual opponent in the battles that followed.

When Lucemon was finally revived, the two Knights fought the Legendary Warriors again, and were both defeated. Their master then betrayed them, absorbing their data and using it to digivolve into Lucemon Chaos Mode.

Digimon Data Squad

Dynasmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

Later, Dynasmon was seen attacking New York City along with the Royal Knights' army of Knightmon. He had a short conversation with Magnamon about Craniamon's battle with DATS, but remained confident of victory after assurances by Magnamon.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and join in questioning their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Xros Wars

Examon is a Holy Knight Digimon whose name is derived from Exabyte. One of the "Royal Knights", the extraordinary data size it possesses made traditional digital tools unable to completely render it, so it wasn't discovered until it finally became possible to render it with the use of state-of-the-art digital tools. Though it belongs to the Royal Knights, it is simultaneously a being which stands at the top of all Dragon Digimon, and possesses the title of "Dragon Emperor" (竜帝 Ryūtei?). The "Caledfwlch" on its back is a unique set of giant, sentient wings composed entirely of Chrome Digizoid, and at its own discretion it can change into wings for flight or into a shield to defend Examon. The giant lance "Ambrosius" is loaded with special shells stocked with viruses which possess various effects, so Examon's attacks are quite diverse.[2]

Digimon Battle Terminal 02

Examon is the DNA Digivolution of Wingdramon and Groundramon.

Digimon Xros Wars

Examon appears as a Digimemory in Digimon Xros Wars. He, along with Wargreymon, were trapped in the space between the human and Digital worlds. They were sent to the human world in the wake of Tactimon being sent there. When DarknessBagramon began turning the world to stone, Examon and WarGreymon saved Akari and Zenjirou, who then saved Taiki and their friends. Examon participated in the final battle against DarknessBagramon, becoming part of Shoutmon x7 Superior Mode.


(デュークモン Dukemon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon Chronicle
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Masako Nozawa
(En:)Steven Jay Blum and Brian Beacock (Tamers)
Brad Sherwood (Data Squad)

Gallantmon is an Exalted Knight Digimon whose Japanese name is derived from "Duke", and whose English name is derived from "Gallant". He is the mega form of Guilmon, with his 99.9% pure Chrome Digizoid armor adorn with the Digital Hazard insignia. One of the "Royal Knights", he is a being containing contradictions due to being a Virus attribute while also being called a guardian deity of the Net. Should his internal balance collapse, even by freak chance, it is possible for him to become a dangerous existence. Gallantmon can use his right hand to materialize the holy lance "Gram" while his left hand conjures the holy shield "Aegis", enscribed with DigiCode reading "Digital Monster" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā?). He honors chivalry, and is a loyal vassal towards his lord.[6] In the original Japanese version of the anime series, Gallantmon possessed a speech pattern homage to a humble knight.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

In Digital Monster X-Evolution, Gallantmon is a member of the Royal Knights who questioned the intentions of the host computer, Yggdrasil. Because of this, Gallantmon acted individually, and tried to convince his close friend Omnimon that they were just being used and that their Yggdrasil's Project Ark was more than it seemed. However, Omnimon refused to listen, and killed Gallantmon in a duel and is revealed that Gallantmon wanted to be deleted so that he may further investigate Yggdrasil's intentions. Gallantmon was soon reborn as Gallantmon X, with the X-Antibody.

Digimon Data Squad

Gallantmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

Gallantmon pursues and easily defeats the DATS team, and is about to finish them off, when Kentaurosmon intervenes. A brief scuffle ensues and is ended by Kentaurosmon using "Icy Breath" to freeze both of them in a giant block of ice. Gallantmon attempts to prevent this, but fails, and they fall into the sea alive but incapacitated.

In the last few episodes, Gallantmon and Kudamon join the other Knights at Mt. Fuji as Gallantmon explains that he understands why Kentaurosmon had left them, and that Kentaurosmon had used his D.N.A. to free the two of them. The Knights then question their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. Gallantmon attempts to attack King Drasil, but is thrown back. Craniamon weakens due to King Drasil's attacks, so the other Royal Knights join him in holding the two worlds apart while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights return to the Digital World.

Gallantmon X

Gallantmon X
(デュークモンX抗体 Dukemon X)
Level Mega
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Masako Nozawa

Gallantmon X is an Exalted Knight Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose Japanese name is derived from "Duke", and whose English name is derived from "Gallant". One of the "Royal Knights", it pilots the Flying Dragon machine "Grani", as a dragon knight that races across the skies. It is clad in holy armor refined and constructed from 99.9% pure Chrome Digizoid, and its right hand can become the holy lance "Gram" while its left hand can become the holy shield "Aegis". It honors chivalry, and is a loyal vassal towards its lord. Carrying out its devotion as a knight, this Dukemon threw itself into the sacred battle and due to the X-Antibody it was at last blessed with the supreme sacred armor, sacred lance, and sacred shield. "Red Digizoid", "Blue Digizoid", and "Gold Digizoid" are rare metals, and its sacred hybridized equipment combined the Chrome Digizoid which boasted the highest known purities. Since its form was remodeled in order to demonstrate its holy power, the lance of light emitted from its sacred lance Gram was amplified. Furthermore, it is said that Dukemon's red mantle from before acquiring the X-Antibody was given to the hero, Leomon.[13]

Digital Monster X-Evolution

Gallantmon X appeared to help Dorugreymon, WarGreymon X, MetalGarurumon X, and the others fight off the great numbers of DexDoruGreymon and ordered the others to lead them out of the hidden road, and that DoruGreymon will stay and help him fight off the remaining enemies. DoruGreymon asked him why he existed and if he was dead, none of the dangers would have happened. Gallantmon X asked him if he wanted to know the reason he existed and opened the gate to Yggdrasil's lair. After Omnimon X destroyed Yggdrasil, which caused the digital world to reset, Gallantmon X is seen surveying the landscape along with Omnimon X. Then Gallantmon X said to Omnimon X that he was beginning to understand the reason behind Project Ark. Gallantmon X said that Yggdrasil generally intervened the digital world, but the world is a complex place, and that is where it thought about 'fixing it'.Omnimon X asked him if that was really Project Ark, and Gallantmon X told Omnimon that it was the most likely reason behind it.Gallantmon X said that was the time it thought up the experimental being, Dorumon,and they were merely just pawns of Yggdrasil's plan and Yggdrasil merely wanted to live, and said that from now on, all the digimon can be happy.

Digimon D-Cyber

Duke, one of the Holy Knights, digivolved to this form from MedievalGallantmon in order to send the group to help Omega.


(スレイプモン Sleipmon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Data Squad
Voiced by (Ja:) Nanaho Katsuragi
(En:) Sam Riegel
Partner(s) Richard Sampson

Kentaurosmon is a Holy Knight Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythological Sleipnir, and whose English name and design are derived from the mythological Centaur (Κένταυρος "Kentauros"?). One of the "Royal Knights", it has a bestial silhouette which could be called bizarre, in contrast to the Human forms of most of the other members. Its whole body is clad in an armor of the "Red Digizoid" which boasts great defense, so even Mega Digimon are unlikely to be able to easily damage Sleipmon. Its six legs possess surpassed mobility, such that it is possible for it to instantaneously move at high speeds that its thick build would not suggest. Sleipmon acts as a guardian of the super-ancient ruins which sleep below the thick ice of the Digital World's north pole, since it is said that essential program data which concerns the creation of Digimon is sealed within these ruins. It holds the sacred crossbow Múspellsheimr in its left hand, and the sacred shield Niflheimr in its right hand.[7] It bears the emblem of the Digi-Egg of Destiny on its cuisses.

Digimon Data Squad

When the Royal Knights were about to destroy the DATS members, Kentaurosmon intervenes and flies the DATS back to the human world. However, he is heavily damaged, and reverts back to Kudamon, Commander Sampson's partner. Sampson reveals that Kudamon had been a spy sent by King Drasil to observe the humans and to determine whether they were worthy to live, but had defected after confirming this value.

As Gallantmon is about to destroy the DATS, Kudamon double warp digivolves to Kentaurosmon and again intervenes by attacking Gallantmon. Gallantmon criticizes Kentaurosmon's defection, and Kentaurosmon counters that he has confirmed humanity's worthiness. Kentaurosmon then uses "Icy Breath" to freeze both of them into a large block of ice, and despite Gallantmon's attempts to prevent this, they are frozen and fall into the sea.


(ドゥフトモン Duftmon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Data Squad
Voiced by (Ja:) Takehiro Murozono
(En:) Beau Billngslea

Leopardmon is a Holy Knight Digimon whose names and design are derived from both the Leopard and "Duft" (Deu: "Fragrance"). It is acknowledged even by the other "Royal Knights" as their foremost strategist. It has the invaluable ability to lead the Royal Knights, who each possess a dogma that they believe in. Its own motto is "Justice equals power".[14] When it goes into personal combat, it changes into "Leopard Mode" and races across the battlefield.[9]

Digimon Data Squad

During King Drasil's campaign to destroy the human world, Leopardmon presented himself to King Drasil, and was allowed to join the battle. Leopardmon then appeared in Japan, and attacked Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda, Keenan Crier, and their partners, Rosemon and Ravemon.

During the battle, Leopardmon gave his opponents an insight to the Royal Knights' sense of justice, stating that saving the Digital World was a task worthy of even sacrificing its own inhabitants. Determined to save Marcus Damon's family, Yoshino and Keenan empowered their partners into Rosemon Burst Mode and Ravemon Burst Mode, respectively. The two digimon then defeated Leopardmon. The Strategic Knight was then reverted into a Digiegg which was pulled back into the Digital World.

Leopardmon Leopard Mode

Leopardmon Leopard Mode
(ドゥフトモンレオパルドモード Duftmon: Leopard Mode)
Level Mega

Leopardmon Leopard Mode is a Holy Knight Digimon whose names and design are derived from "Duft" (Deu: "Fragrance") and the Leopard. When Leopardmon goes into personal combat, it changes into "Leopard Mode" and races across the battlefield.[9][15]


Level Armor[16]
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon Chronicle
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Noda Junko (X-Evolution), Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Savers)
(En:) Brian Fairlee

Magnamon, the Radiance of Miracles (奇跡の輝き Kiseki no Kagayaki?), is a Holy Knight Digimon whose name is derived from "Magna" (Lat: "Great"). One of the "Royal Knights", it Armor-Digivolved through the power of the Digi-Egg of Miracles. It has the "Metal" attribute of that Digi-Egg, and is made of the super-metal Chrome Digizoid. It possesses tremendous defensive ability, but also has offensive power equivalent to that of a Mega Digimon, or even greater. Even if one of those which has obtained the power of the Digi-Egg of Miracles falls into some kind of predicament, they would be able to overcome it due to power of those miracles, but they can only invoke this Miracle Item when it is appropriate.[17] It bears the Crest of Miracles on its loin-guard.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

Magnamon remains fiercely loyal to Yggdrasil throughout the movie, and captures Dorugamon and brings him to Yggdrasil. When Alphamon and Omnimon go to stop Yggdrasil, Magnamon professes that he still believes in their leader, but does nothing to stop them besides warning Yggdrasil.

Digimon Data Squad

Magnamon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. Magnamon is later seen in a conversation with Dynasmon, assuring him of Craniamon's victory over ShineGreymon.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their masters sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.

Magnamon X

Magnamon X
Level Armor[16]
Appears in Digimon D-Cyber

Magnamon X is a Holy Knight Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name is derived from "Magna" (Lat: "Great"). One of the "Royal Knights", it digivolved through the power of the Digi-Egg of Miracles. Its armor is made of the super-metal Chrome Digizoid, but it has been completely integrated with Magnamon's body through X-Digivolution, to the point that it possesses a nature similar to muscles. During battle it will increase in hardness, and if it enters the "Gold Digizoid" state in which its entire body shines gold, it is completely invulnerable.[18]

Digimon D-Cyber

Magna of Miracles is one of the few remaining Holy Knights. After Dexmon is defeated, he uses his miracles to allow Hikaru Ryuuji to return to the Real World.


(オメガモン Omegamon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon Chronicle
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Chika Sakamoto & Mayumi Yamaguchi (Tamers), Hideyuki Tanaka (X-Evolution), Hiroki Takahashi (Savers), Bin Shimada (Xros Wars)
(En:) Lex Lang & Kirk Thornton (Movies), Peter Spellos (Data Squad)

Omnimon is a Warrior Digimon whose Japanese name is derived from "I am the Alpha and the Omega" (ἐγὼ τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω "Egō to Alpha kai to Omega"?), and whose English name is derived from "Omni" (Lat: "All"). One of the "Royal Knights", he is the fusion of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon realized through the wills of those who wished for goodness. Combining his components' key attributes, Omnimon multi-purpose warrior armed with the "Grey Sword" and "Brave Shield Omega", which bears the Crest of Courage on it, for his WarGreymon-shaped left arm, and the "Garuru Cannon" on his MetalGarurumon-shaped right arm. As for the mantle on Omnimon's back, it is automatically deployed when he dodge's an opponent's attack, or takes flight.[19] Omnimon's breastplate bears the combined symbol of the Crests of Courage and Friendship while the DigiCode on the Grey Sword reads "All Delete" (オールデリート Ōru Derīto?).

Digimon Adventure and Digimon 02

Omnimon appeared in the 2nd Digimon Adventure movie Our War Game when WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon DNA digivolved together to fight Diablomon. Omnimon is used again later during the events of the Digimon 02 movie Revenge of Diablomon, playing a role in Imperialdramon's power-up into Paladin Mode.

Digimon Tamers

In the film Battle of Adventurers, Omnimon was pursuing Apocalymon prior to his transformation into Mephistomon and retreating into the real world. Unable to pursue, Omnimon instead recruited Rika and Henry, bringing them and their Digimon to support Takato and Guilmon during their battle with Mephistomon.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

Omnimon appeared in Digital Monster X-Evolution, as the leader of the Royal Knights during Alphamon's absence. He is loyal to Yggdrasil, and initially carries out Project Ark to the letter.

When Gallantmon confronted Omnimon about Yggdrasil, Omnimon was unwilling to disobey Yggdrasil and ended up duelling and killing Gallantmon. Shaken by his friend's death, Omnimon began to question Yggdrasil's sovereignty. It was only when Alphamon saves Omnimon's life by giving him the X-Antibody that Omnimon leaves Yggdrasil. He then transforms into Omnimon X and destroys Yggdrasil with his All Delete, which resets the Digital World as a result.

Digimon Data Squad

Omnimon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. Omnimon is later seen attacking a city in the Human World, and briefly reappears when King Drasil is expelled from Spencer's body.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their master, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.

Digimon Xros Wars

Omnimon is an old foe of Bagramon, the leader of a group of Digimon who battled the Bagra Army before being were sealed within the DigiMemories. Omnimon's DigiMemory ended up in the real world prior, playing a part in bringing Taiki and Shoutmon together so they could defeat Bagramon. When they ended up back in the human world, Omnimon reveals himself that he was the one that gave the Xros Loader. He then uses up the last of his power to send Taiki and Shoutmon back to the DigiWorld while his DigiMemory is entrusted to Akari and Zenjiro for safe keeping. Onmimon later rescued Akari and Zenjirou before they frozen in time, rejoining his DigiMemory allies as they regained their physical forms while aiding the Xros Heart United Army in the final battle against DarknessBagramon.

Omnimon X

Omnimon X
(オメガモンX抗体 Omegamon X)
Level Mega
Appears in Digital Monster X-Evolution
Digimon D-Cyber
Voiced by (Ja:) Hideyuki Tanaka (X-Evolution)

When Omnimon gains a lot of experience within fights versus the Digimon with the X-Antibodies, he has slowly gathered the Antibody's data and entered himself an X-Evolution as Omnimon X. In this form, not only he gains the ultimate attack move All Delete, but he gains an ability known as the Omega InForce (Omega gaIned Force), one of the three InForce abilities exclusively bestowed upon members of the Royal Knights (the other two are Alphamon with the Alpha InForce and UlforceVeedramon with the UlForce). This ability lets Omnimon read what is to happen in the following moments during battle, effectively retaliating to any situation possible.

Digital Monster X-Evolution

After Alphamon (Ouryuuken) sacrifice against Dexmon, Omnimon gains Alphamon's X-Antibody and, taking his new form, sees Yggdrasil's actions for what they are. He destroys Yggdrasill with All Delete, resetting the Digital World. Afterward, he shares a few words with his ally, Gallantmon X.

Digimon D-Cyber

One of the few remaining Holy Knights, Omnimon X appears as Hikaru's DexDorugoramon rampages out of control. The Holy Knight is no match for the Mega digimon, however, until Hikaru interferes and returns him to his senses. After Dorumon's Dragon Spirit is stolen however, Omnimon X sends Hikaru, Teru, and Masuken to another of the Holy Knights, Duke, while he attempts to track MetalPhantomon. He witnesses the birth of Dexmon, however, and is immediately beaten down by him until Hikaru and the others arrive to fight.


(アルフォースブイドラモン UlforceVdramon)
Level Mega
Appears in Digimon Data Squad
Voiced by (Ja:) Satoshi Tsuruoka
(En:)Joe Ochman

UlforceVeedramon is an Exalted Knight Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ulforce Veedramon". It possesses the swiftest speed among the "Royal Knights", and there is no one that can follow its movements. Also, its body is wrapped in holy armor made of the lightest-weight rare metal "Blue Digizoid", which is rare even among Chrome Digizoid, so it can cleave the sky and split the earth. It can extend weapons and a shield from the "V Bracelets" equipped to both of its arms.[3]

Digimon Data Squad

UlforceVeedramon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. He is also seen attacking Egypt with a Knightmon battalion, and makes a brief appearance when King Drasil is expelled from Spencer Damon's body.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.

Notes and References

  1. ^ a b Digimon Dictionary: Alphamon
  2. ^ a b c Digimon Dictionary: Examon
  3. ^ a b c Digimon Story Lost Evolution Special Digimon: UlforceVdramon
  4. ^ Bo-660: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
  5. ^ Digimon Story Lost Evolution Special Digimon: Craniummon
  6. ^ a b Digimon Dictionary: Dukemon
  7. ^ a b Digimon Dictionary: Sleipmon
  8. ^ a b Digimon Dictionary: LordKnightmon
  9. ^ a b c Digimon Dictionary: Duftmon
  10. ^ The name of the swords come from both Grademon and Alphamon. Grademon's versions are named "Souken Gradalpha" (双剣グレイダルファー Souken Gureidarufā?, lit. "Twin Swords Gradalpha"), while Alphamon's are named "Seiken Gradalpha" (聖剣グレイダルファー Seiken Gureidarufā?, lit. "Holy Swords Gradalpha")
  11. ^ Digimon Accel: Ultimate Genome: Alphamon
  12. ^ Digimon Dictionary: Dynasmon
  13. ^ Digimon Pendulum X 2: Dukemon
  14. ^ Justice Equals Power! Craniamon: "Leopardmon: The Mega Level whose motto is 'Justice Equals Power'. His keen strategic planning and his 'Black Aura Blast' attack makes him especially dangerous."
  15. ^ Digimon Dictionary: Duftmon: Leopard Mode
  16. ^ a b Magnamon's "Armor" level is equated to that of a "Champion" Digimon in the card game and a "Mega" elsewhere.
  17. ^ Digimon Dictionary: Magnamon
  18. ^ Digimon Chronicle: Digital Monsters living in the NDW
  19. ^ Digimon Dictionary: Omegamon

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