List of Digimon areas

List of Digimon areas

This is a listing of areas and such in the Digimon universe.

File Island

File Island (ファイル島 "Fairu Tō") is the setting for the original Digital Monster toy and the Devimon arc of Digimon Adventure. During Devimon's first attack on the kids, he splits the island into several islets in order to separate them. However, the island is reformed after the Black Gears on each islet are destroyed.

After Apocalymon is defeated, the Digital World begins reformmating, starting with File Island and spreading outward.

Gear Savannah

Gear Savannah is a large, desert-like area which is near Mihirashi Mountain.

Infinity Mountain

Mihirashi Mountain

Mihirashi Mountain is a dormant volcano which has a Yokomon Village at its base. It is the setting for "Biyomon Gets Firepower".

Primary Village

Primary Village is a town at the base of Infinity Mountain where the Digi-Eggs of all deceased Digimon reappear. It is composed of various nursery toys - for example, the ground is elastic. It is guarded by Elecmon.

When the Dark Masters reformed the Digital World into Spiral Mountain, their evil tainted Primary Village, and no new Digimon were born. After Apocalymon was defeated, a hail of the Digi-Eggs of all of the Dark Masters' victims rained down on the village.

Toy Town

'Toy Town is a European-looking village where abandoned toys reside. It is guarded by Monzaemon. It is the setting for "Togemon in Toy Town".

piral Mountain

Folder Continent

The nihongo|Folder Continent|フォルダ大陸|Foruda Tairiku is the setting for the Digimon Pendulum V-Pet and the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 manga.フォルダ大陸

Daemon Castle

nihongo|デーモン城|フォルダ大陸|Daemon Shiro is the main base for Lord Daemon and his army of evil Digimon. After Arkadimon absorbed him, it became Neo's base. It is claimed that it was once the abode of the Digital World's god.

It contains the main throne-room, a chamber where Arkadimon's egg was watched over, a medical/science room, and several quarters.

Dragon's Valley

Dragon's Valley is a rocky valley presided over by a waterfall. It is the hiding place of the Tag of Earth, which is guarded by Lord Triceramon.

Holy Angel Castle

Holy Angel Castle is the main base for Lord HolyAngemon and his army of good Digimon.

It contains the main throne-room as well as a Medical Ward containing an ICU .


Hospitown is a hospital-centric city near the Tree that caters to injured Digimon. It includes Dr. Jijimon's Digimon Hospital, where Zeromaru goes to heal after his fight with Deathmon.

Metal Factory

Metal Factory is an abandoned factory where Digimon can go to make themselves more powerful by upgrading with cyborg implants. It was shut down by Lord HolyAngemon, but reopened by Lord Daemon for the use of his army. It is the hiding place of the Tag of Iron, which is guarded by MetalGreymon.

Net Ocean

Nightmare Castle

tar City


erver Continent

The Server Continent was the setting for the Etemon and Myotismon arcs of Digimon Adventure.

WWW Continent

The WWW Continent has recently been announced by Bandai. Not much is known about it.

Forest of the Gods

The Forest of the Gods(神の森 "Kami no Mori") has recently been announced by Bandai. Not much is known about it.

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