- Fissure
anatomy , fissure (Latin "fissura",Plural "fissurae") is a groove, natural division, deep furrow, cleft, or tear in various parts of the body.Anatomy
Various types of anatomical fissure are:
Fissure of Bichat ": found below thecorpus callosum in thecerebellum of thebrain .
*"Broca's fissure ": found in the third left frontal fold of the brain.
*"Burdach's fissure ": connects the brain's insula and the inner surface of the operculum.
*"Calcarine fissure ": extends from the occipital of the cerebrum to the occipital fissure.
*"Callosomarginal fissure ": found in the mesial surface of the cerebrum.
*"Central fissure orRonaldo's fissure ": separates the brain's frontal andparietal lobe s.
*"Clevenger's fissure ": found in the inferior temporal lobe of the brain
*"Collateral fissure ": found in the inferior surface of the cerebrum.
*"Hippocampal fissure ": a fissure that extends from the brain's corpus callosum to the tip of the temporal lobe.
*"Horizontal fissure orTransverse fissure ": found between the cerebrum and the cerebellum. Transverse fissure is also found in theliver andlung s.
*"Occipitoparietal fissure ": found between the occipital and parietal lobes of the brain.
*"Fissure of Sylvius ": separates the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain from the temporal lobe.
*"Wernicke's fissure ": separates the brain's temporal and parietal lobes from the occipital lobe.
*"Zygal fissure ": found in the cerebrum.kull
Auricular fissure ": found in thetemporal bone
*"Pterygomaxillary fissure "
*"Sphenoidal fissure ": separates the wings and the body of thesphenoid bone .Liver
Longitudinal fissure ": found in the lower surface of theliver , also a fissure that separates the right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum.
*"Portal fissure ": found in the under-surface of the liver.
*"Umbilical fissure ": found in front of the liver.Other
Henle's fissure ": the connective tissue between the muscle fibers of theheart .
*"Palpebral fissure ": separates the upper and lowereyelid s.Abnormal fissure
Fissure can also mean unnatural tract or ulcer, most commonly found in the
anus . One of the most common types of fissure isanal fissure .Other fissures
Fissure vent ": a volcanic vent that does not include explosive activity.ee also
Sulcus (anatomy)
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