
—  city  —
Location of Morena
in Madhya Pradesh and India
Coordinates 26°30N 78°00E / 26.5°N 78.0°E / 26.5; 78.0Coordinates: 26°30N 78°00E / 26.5°N 78.0°E / 26.5; 78.0
Country India
State Madhya Pradesh
District(s) Morena
Population 150,890 (2001)
Time zone IST (UTC+05:30)


177 metres (581 ft)

Morena is a city and a municipality in Morena district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is also known as Muraina and is the administrative headquarters of Morena District and of Chambal Division. It is 39 km away from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Morena is also a village often referred to in the highly popular Indian television series, Miley Jab Hum Tum, as the place the two female protagonists hail from.


Morena is located at 26°30N 78°00E / 26.5°N 78.0°E / 26.5; 78.0.[1] It has an average elevation of 177 metres (580 feet).

It is connected by rail and national highway with Gwalior and Agra. Oilseed milling and cotton weaving are the chief industries. The city has three colleges affiliated with Jiwaji University. The surrounding region was formerly occupied by Sheopur and Tonwarghar princely states. The lower Chambal River basin consists of an alluvial tract in the north, cut by numerous ravines, and a forested area toward the south. Wheat and oilseeds are the main crops; building stone is quarried. Morena is known for peacocks (150,959 in 2001).

Neighboring towns

Near this Rajasthan starts with a town Dholpur: 28 km and Karauli(Rajasthan): 120 km. and in Madhya pradesh nearest city is Gwalior the place of Great Pandavas and Mahabharat Periods of Shri Krishna. Gwalior was Capital of Royal Kingdom of Rajputas of Tomar and Kachhwaha Dynasties. King Sindhiya's.


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