Administrative divisions of the Republic of Karelia

Administrative divisions of the Republic of Karelia

*Cities and towns under republic's jurisdiction:
**Petrozavodsk (Петрозаводск) (capital)
**Kostomuksha (Костомукша)
***with 1 "rural administration" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Sortavala (Сортавала)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Khelyulya (Хелюля)
****Vyartsilya (Вяртсиля)
***with 1 "rural settlement council" and 3 "rural administrations" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Belomorsky (Беломорский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Belomorsk (Беломорск)
***with 4 "rural settlement councils" and 6 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kalevalsky (Калевальский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kalevala (Калевала)
***with 4 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kemsky (Кемский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kem (Кемь)
***with 2 "rural settlement councils" and 4 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kondopozhsky (Кондопожский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kondopoga (Кондопога)
***with 5 "rural settlement councils" and 5 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Lakhdenpokhsky (Лахденпохский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Lakhdenpokhya (Лахденпохья)
***with 1 "rural settlement council" and 3 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Loukhsky (Лоухский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Chupa (Чупа)
****Loukhi (Лоухи)
****Pyaozersky (Пяозерский)
***with 3 "rural settlement councils" and 1 "rural administration" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Medvezhyegorsky (Медвежьегорский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Medvezhyegorsk (Медвежьегорск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pindushi (Пиндуши)
****Povenets (Повенец)
***with 13 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Muyezersky (Муезерский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Muyezersky (Муезерский)
***with 12 "rural settlement councils" and 1 "local administration" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Olonetsky (Олонецкий)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Olonets (Олонец)
***with 9 "volost administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pitkyarantsky (Питкярантский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pitkyaranta (Питкяранта)
***with 3 "rural settlement councils" and 2 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Prionezhsky (Прионежский)
***with 5 "rural settlement councils" and 4 "local administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pryazhinsky (Пряжинский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pryazha (Пряжа)
***with 1 "rural settlement council" and 11 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pudozhsky (Пудожский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pudozh (Пудож)
***with 2 "rural settlement councils" and 8 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Segezhsky (Сегежский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Segezha (Сегежа)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Nadvoitsy (Надвоицы)
***with 3 "rural settlement councils" and 1 "rural administration" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Suoyarvsky (Суоярвский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Suoyarvi (Суоярви)
***with 2 "rural settlement councils" and 6 "rural administrations" under the district's jurisdiction.

ee also

*Veps National Volost


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