Coimbatore Institute of Technology

Coimbatore Institute of Technology
Coimbatore Institute of Technology
CIT logo
Motto Nature in the service of man
Established 1956
Type Aided Institution
Dean Dr.V.Selladurai
Location Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

The Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) is one of the DOTE engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu located at Coimbatore, India. It was founded in the year 1956 by V.Rangaswamy Naidu Educational Trust with the aim of disseminating knowledge in the fields of science, engineering and technology. It is a government aided institution affiliated to Anna University. The Institute was granted autonomous status in the year 1987 and is recognized by the All India Council of Technical Education. It offers both undergraduate as well as post-graduate engineering courses. It was awarded the Accreditation status by the National Board of Accreditation in 2005. Morarji Desai the former Prime minister of India laid the foundation for CIT.



Coimbatore Institute of Technology was founded in the year 1956 by Prof P. R. Ramakrishnan, son of a wealthy Industrialist, after completing a brilliant academic career at the MIT Sloan School of Management in the USA. He was also one of the earliest Indians to graduate from MIT. The trust was formed under the name V. Rangaswamy Naidu Educational Trust with the noble aim of disseminating knowledge in the fields of science, engineering and technology to the student community. The philanthropic founders envisioned a unique professional learning order with special emphasis on industrial training.[citation needed]


The Institute is located in one of the city's busiest roads, NH-47 ( Avinashi Road ).[1]

Accreditation and Affiliation

CIT was affiliated to Madras University from 1956 to 1980. In the year 1980, the Institute got affiliated to Bharathiar University and subsequently to Anna University in 2001. CIT is a Government-aided institution, recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education. The Institute was granted autonomous status in the year 1987 and is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation. CIT offers 10 Under Graduate Academic Programmes and 7 Post Graduate Academic Programmes in addition to M.S. and Ph.D. Research Programmes. As part of the invaluable service rendered to the society by V. Rangaswamy Educational Trust, the CIT Sandwich Polytechnic College was started in 1961. Presently, 6 Engineering Diploma Programmes are offered by the Polytechnic in various engineering disciplines. The National Board of Accreditation has accredited the Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich) and Mechanical Engineering diploma programmes. Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, then President of India was the chief guest for the CIT Golden Jubilee Celebrations.[2]


The Institute, under Bharathiar University, was granted autonomous status by UGC and Government of Tamil Nadu with effect from the Academic year 1987-88. The Institution is currently an autonomous institution under Anna University. The purpose of autonomy is to provide freedom for the institution to design its own curriculum and evaluation system to produce high quality engineers suitable to meet the current challenges of the industry and society. The syllabi are restructured and improved involving senior faculty of the institute, experts in various fields of specialisation and practicing professional engineers from industry. The revision is based on the feedback from the industry, employers, faculty, students and the current status of technology.[citation needed]

President Visits CIT

Campus and Infrastructure

Inner View of CIT

All the Departments are well staffed and well equipped to meet the needs of latest technological trends and International standards.The total Campus area is 28.0522 hectares. The Red Buildings in the campus houses laboratories for various departments. CIT has 40,000sq.m. of built up area for Academic and Administration purposes and all facilities for most of the sports and games. There are currently around 3000 students pursuing their technical education. There is a separate Library block, state of the art Auditorium, a Guest House, a Canteen, Hostel blocks and a Bank.


Coimbatore Institute of Technology with over 50 years of standing offers ten Undergraduate Academic programmes, seven Postgraduate Academic programmes, and a number of research programmes in Engineering and Technology. In addition, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes in Applied Sciences, Computer Technology and Computer Applications are offered. Evening part-time programmes in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering are also offered. Being an autonomous institution, the programmes are designed to meet the needs of the Industry and to provide strong fundamentals for the students. Further, the programme contents are revised regularly to cater to the ever-growing technological and industrial requirements.[citation needed]

UG Programmes

Bachelor of Engineering / Technology [Full Time]
The programme is of eight semesters duration [4 years]. The first two semesters of the programme are directed to an extensive study in theoretical and practical understanding of basic mathematical, scientific and technological concepts. The remaining semesters provide a thorough understanding of fundamentals and practical knowledge in the respective disciplines. This system provides a sound foundation to help the students to successfully ride the changing waves in technology and innovation in the present world.

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Information Technology

Evening College Programmes
The duration of these academic programmes is seven semesters.

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Science Programmes

Bachelor of Science - Applied Sciences
This is a programme of six semesters duration. Applied aspects of physical, chemical, mathematical and engineering sciences are specially focused in this programme.

Bachelor of Science - Computer Technology
This is a programme of six semesters duration. Fundamental knowledge in computers and their applications in the fields of science, engineering and business are specially stressed in this programme.

M.Sc Software Engineering
It is a unique five year integrated academic programme specially designed to mould the students into complete, competent and confident software professionals with sound knowledge in the Software Engineering principles with theory and practice. The programme includes two semesters of project carried out at the industry.

PG Programmes

M.E. / M.Tech Programmes
The programme is of four semester duration. The first three semesters are designed to extend the students' knowledge to the requirements of research and development. The final semester is dedicated to a project with industry or research orientation.

Civil Engineering:

  • Computer Methods & Applications in Structural Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering & Management

Mechanical Engineering:

  • Heat Power Engineering
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Electrical Engineering:

  • Applied Electronics
  • Embedded and Real Time System

Chemical Engineering:

  • Chemical Engineering

MSc Software Engineering

M.Sc Software Engineering - 5 Year Integrated Course
The five year integrated programme is the best in its league offering all the basics for IT aspirants with two internships in leading companies to enhance their technical exposure. The course structure is well planned and updated to include recent advancements in Computing Technology where better Software Design would enhance the productivity. Recently 9 students of this course have completed their Internship in Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA, working in research projects.

Admission Criteria : More than 80% in 12th Board Exams with excellent marks in Maths, Physics, Computer Science.

Other MSc Degrees

Master of Science in Applied Chemistry
The duration of this programme is four semesters where the fundamentals and applications of Chemistry in industries are focussed. The fourth semester is dedicated to project work.

Master of Science in Computer Technology
The main aim of this four semesters full time programme is to turn the Computer Science/Technology graduates into full fledged computer professionals specially trained in both Applications Software and System Software.

MCA - Master of Computer Applications
The three year full time postgraduate programme of Master of Computer Applications is designed to impart theoretical and practical knowledge in computer science with emphasis on applications.

Research Programmes

The Institute is a recognised centre of Anna University for Research Programmes.

Doctor of Philosophy :

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry

M.S. Programmes :

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Software Engineering


CIT Auditorium with Students

The Tutor-Ward interactions and Student Union meetings provide opportunities for students to express their views and needs. The feedback from such interactions help in constructive measures. In addition, the students are members of many autonomous bodies of the Institution.The co-curricular and extracurricular activities bring out the latent talents in the students. Notable CIT alumnus, Sudio Sudarsan,[3][4] spoke highly about CIT's motivating and nurturing academic experience when he won the prestigious Barton Yount award[5]

Extra Curricular Activities

The latent talents of the students in various extracurricular activities are brought out by way of their participation in the following clubs of the Institute. All the clubs are attached to Student Union.

  • Tamil Mandram
  • Literary Club
  • Dramatic Club
  • Music Club
  • Multimedia Club
  • Rotaract Club
  • Nature Club
  • Quiz Club
  • Karate Club
  • Photographic Club
  • Arts Club
  • Space Club
  • Film Club
  • Sports Club
  • NSS (National Service Scheme)
  • NCC
  • YRC
  • YHAI


The Student Union every year conduct an intermural event called Quest to bring out the potential talent of the students studying in the Institute. This event is open only for the Freshers of the institution with the sophomeres conducting the various events. It would be a conglomerated effort by all the 20 clubs in the premier institute.[1]

Co - Curricular Activities

All the branches of Engineering / Technology & Applied Sciences have their own associations which organize Technical meetings, symposia, etc. in their respective disciplines. The Coimbatore Regional Centre of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers functions with its office at the department of Chemical Engineering in the Institute. The Coimbatore centre of the Indian Welding Society (IWS) has been functioning in the Institute since 2002 in the department of Mechanical Engineering. A student branch of IEEE (USA) functions with its office in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the Institute.


The college brings out an annual magazine in English every year, called Srishti. The magazine is prepared by an editorial board made up of the students of the Institution, and invites contributions from the students for content. Srishti is officially released every year on the Institute Day by the Correspondent and the Principal.

During the academic year of 2009-2010, the Literary Club of CIT re-introduced the college newsletter 'CITizen' that had been discontinued since 1992.


An inter-collegiate technical symposium conducted by the 'circuit branches', (an informal name given to the Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering streams [6]) within the institution. It is conducted during the second week of February every year.


It is a national level technical symposium conducted during January/February every year by the Chemical Engineering , Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering branches of the Institution. The symposium provides a good platform to share knowledge between engineering graduates, and is conducted with the intention of providing the students to the Institution an opportunity to develop awareness of their engineering discipline outside their curriculum.


It is a National Level Student Technical Symposium organised by MCA and MSC Software Engineering during January every year. Eminent people from organisations like IBM, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Tata Consultancy Services, etc., are invited to deliver technical talks.

Sports and Games

Cricket Ground of CIT

The Institute considers physical education as a vital requisite for the students and it forms part of the academic time table. Ample opportunities and facilities are available for the students to play ball badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, tennikoit, tennis, volleyball, and the like. Athletics and indoor games enjoy equal importance at the Institute. A Physical Director assisted by an instructor looks after the activities.

Every year internal tournaments are conducted so as to enable the students to take active part in the games. There is a stadium with 400 meter track for all the athletic events. Provisions are there for special training in gymnastics and body building. A course in Karate is conducted at the Institute.

The Institute enters the League and Knock-out Tournaments of the Coimbatore Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association. Students also actively participate in the tournaments and sports conducted by the Coimbatore District Sports Council and Anna University. Sports Day is held in the last fortnight of March every Year. In recognition of their outstanding performance the participants are awarded trophies.


CIT Hostel

Residential facilities are available for all aspiring students.

The Hostel Committee comprises :

  • Principal & Chief Warden
  • Administrative officer
  • Deputy Wardens
  • Matrons
  • Resident Tutor
  • Industrial visit

Placement And Entrepreneurship Cell

The Institute has a Placement and Entrepreneurship cell headed by a staff member holding the rank of a Professor. The Cell is involved in securing placements for students passing out from the institute. The office keeps close association with various industrial establishments, which conduct pre-placement presentation, campus interviews and select student representatives from each department to co-ordinate the placement activities. The Placement Cell provides state of the art infra-structural facilities to conduct group discussions, tests and interviews. The Placement Cell has a library and a communication lab to enhance the students' general aptitude and communication skills. A large number of national and multinational companies visit the Institute every year for Campus recruitment. Several reputed companies vie to be the ' DAY ONE ' company for every academic year. 72 leading core & software companies like IBM, DE Shaw have visited the campus in the year 2010.[7]

Information regarding the campus recruitment process are displayed to the students. It helps students to plan their careers by providing information about the industries which approach the institute. At the beginning of the academic year, a general-body meeting of final-year students interested in placement activities is called. Every month, review meeting is convened to plan the future course of action.

The Cell also co-ordinates the pre-placement activities of sophomore and junior students, and motivates aspiring students to pursue Higher studies with facilities for preparing competitive exams like GATE, TOEFL, GRE, CAT, GMAT etc. The Placement and Entrepreneurship Cell strives to enhance self employment/entrepreneurship which is supported by the government by extending financial assistance through banking sector. Further, workshops are organized to bring out hidden potentials of the students.


  • Coimbatore Institute of Technology has always been rated high among all the engineering institutions of India. It has always been in the Top 100 engineering colleeges of the country. It has been ranked #44 among the top institutions of the country.[8]
  • Ranking AAA+ attained by Coimbatore Institute of Technology on the survey made by CAREERS 360, June 2010 on Rankings of E- Schools in India and Tamil Nadu
    All India Ranking:13th among the AAA+ Institutes (Excluding IITs and BITS Pilani).
    Tamil Nadu Ranking: 2nd among the AAA+ Institute(State Colleges/Universities)[9]

Conferences and Workshops

  • International Conference on Innovative and Smart Structural Systems for Sustainable Habitat
  • International Conference on Modeling and Simulation
  • Two-Day Conference on Biotechnology for Human Welfare
  • National Workshop on Embedded Sensor Networks[10]

External links


  1. ^ a b "Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) - A premier educational institute in India". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  2. ^ President Visit
  3. ^ "S.P.Jain Center of Management - Dubai . Singapore". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  4. ^
  5. ^ "Home Of The Indian American Family". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  6. ^ An unending craze for 'circuit branches'
  7. ^ "PlacementCom". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  8. ^ (2010-04-18). "Top 100 Engineering Colleges in India -Best Engineering Institutes - College Ranking". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  9. ^ "CIT Ranking of E-Schools". Retrieved 2010-10-03. 
  10. ^ "Conference / Seminars / Workshop". 2009-07-25. Retrieved 2010-10-03. 

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