
Fresh Susurluk Ayranı with a head of froth.

Ayran or laban is a cold beverage of yogurt mixed with cold water and sometimes salt; it is popular in many Central Asian, Middle Eastern and Southern European countries.[1]

Similar and possibly related beverages include the Indian lassi and the Iranian doogh.



The name 'ayran' is used in Turkish and Arabic.[2]

Chilled Yayık Ayranı served in a copper tankard.
  • In Albanian it is called Dhallë,[3]
  • In Arabic, it is called Leben 'ayrân (لبن عيران)
  • In Armenian, the same[citation needed] drink is called Թան (T'an)
  • In Bulgarian, it is known as Ayryan or Ayran (Aйрян, Айран)[4]
  • In Greek, Ariani (Aριάνι),[5] or Xinogala (Ξυνόγαλα") (lit. "sour milk")
  • In Kurdish, the same drink, is called Dew
  • In Persian, the same drink, sometimes served carbonated, is called Dûğ/Doogh (دوغ)

Consumption & variations



Ayran was developed by Turkic peoples.[6][7]

Turkey is the biggest producer of ayran in the world,[8][9] and has researched the subject extensively.[10] In Turkey, ayran is often regarded as a separate category from other soft drinks.

International fast-food companies in Turkey, such as McDonald's and Burger King, include ayran on their menu.

In rural areas of Turkey, ayran is offered as a "standard" drink to guests.

Ayran is usually served chilled, and is a common accompaniment to any form of grilled meat, pastry, or rice.

Mainstream variations
  • Susurluk ayranı - A very frothy kind of ayran, quite popular in Northwestern Turkey
  • Yayık ayranı - An ayran that is hand stirred in big horizontal wooden churns. Thick, with close to no froth.
  • Ekşili ayran - A sour variety, made out of strained yoghurt that carries a sour, smoky taste, especially if made from ewe's milk. Very popular in the Southeastern provinces.
Staple materials


In Albania Ayran is called Dhalle. It is made from cow yoghurt mixed with water and is served salted and cold. You can buy it in the market, fast-food chains, Byrektore (A shop where Byrek is made). It is very popular in summer.

Middle East

Ayran also enjoys considerable popularity in the Middle East, where it remains widely available on the market. Leben 'ayrân is mostly made out of strained yoghurt and has a sourer taste than the mainstream Turkish Ayran


Ayran is commonly consumed with fast food, such as Banitsa from street vendors. McDonald's and Subway include ayran in their menu.[11] The Bulgarian Ayran is typically not salted.

Armenia & Armenian diaspora

In any country with a significant Armenian population, one can find the Armenian "Թան/T'an", that can be either carbonated (as in the Eastern Armenian Culinary culture), or non-carbonated (as in the Western Armenian Culinary culture).


In the Persian speaking world, ayran, named "Dûğ / دوغ" is often drunk in a carbonated form. Doogh, the Persian variation dates back to ancient Persia[12]. In rural Iran, one will often be offered dûğ that is a lightly seasoned with different spices, such as black pepper or mint.

See also

Similar beverages:


  1. ^ Heyhoe, Kate. The ABC's of Larousse Gastronomique : ayran
  2. ^ Davidson, Alan; Tom Jaine (2006). The Oxford companion to food. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192806819.  p. 46
  3. ^ Albanian-Turkish Dictionary Fjalor turqisht-shqip Indiana University 2009 [1]
  4. ^ Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary - airan
  5. ^ Dictionary of Standard Modern Greek - αριάνι
  6. ^ http://www.sutdunyasi.com/eski/s9/kapak.htm It is explained that the Göktürks naturally came across the Ayran while diluting it with water in order to reduce it's sourness.
  7. ^ http://www.kultur.gov.tr/TR/belge/1-17518/mutfak-kulturumuzde-turk-icecekleri-mesrubatlari.html Turkish Ministry of Culture - Article on the Turkish Culinary Culture - See the "Ayran" entry where this relation is thoroughly explained.
  8. ^ The manufactured Ayran market of Turkey was of 67.000.000 YTL as of 2006
  9. ^ http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-7224497/Entering-a-new-phase-David.html
  10. ^ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T7C-490H165-1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2003&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=gateway&_origin=gateway&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1691242559&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=6691082a7a3bad53fb796ca823e38f93&searchtype=a
  11. ^ http://mcdonaldsmenu.info/nutrition/ourmenu.jsp
  12. ^ Simmons, Shirin (2007). Treasury of Persian Cuisine. Stamford House Publishing. ISBN 1904985564, 9781904985563. http://books.google.com/books?id=87KOW40HThAC&lpg=PT252&dq=doogh&pg=PT252#v=onepage&q&f=false. 

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