- Friends With You
Friends With You (FWY) is an artist collaborative founded by the two
Miami -based artists, Sam Borkson, born inPlantation, Florida in 1979, and Arturo Sandoval III, born inHavana ,Cuba in 1976. Since its conception in2002 , FWY has continued to promote the two artists' common message ofmagic ,luck , andfriendship , through its popular designer toy line, public art installations, new-formplaygrounds , published works, live performances, and variousanimation , motion picture, andmultimedia projects.From
Art Basel in Miami toPictoplasma inBerlin , FWY has been invited to participate in some of the most respected artistic happenings worldwide. Due to its unique style, creative and technical abilities, FWY has also been commissioned to help develop the image and identity of some of the world’s most prominentbrands , including, among others, Nike,MTV ,Red Bull ,Volkswagen , andCoca-Cola .FWY works towards sharing its message of magic, luck, and friendship, to a wider global community by collaborating with other creative forces, and by producing innovative works that will continue to redefine its audience. FWY was created with one basic concept in mind; to become Friends With You!
Toy Lines
Plush Series 1
Originally launched in 2002 Friends With You got their initial boom of recognition through this line of plush characters and beings known as " Friends". Featuring eight different "Friends" they are said to be derived from unimaginably small microbes that has been enlarged times one billionth its original size and then some [http://www.friendswithyou.com Friends With You ] ] . They live in your breath and under the part of your brain used for wishing. Each of the "Friends" represent an ability or power which is then shared with you when befriending them. The
dark "Malfi" either brings you GreatWealth orDeath and is someone you should be careful around. Thecaterpillar -like "Mr. TTT" splits into three separate parts representingluck and is known to be three times as lucky as rabbits' feet and goldenHorseshoes . "Red Flyer" is known as the fabric ofspace , theearth , theair , thewater , everything. In "Red Flyer's" enlarged state, he offersinvincibility and absolute power to his human companion. The fluffy white "Barby" is a meditative and shy "Friend" who tends to wear amask often. When you remove "Barby's" mask he will give you completelove andattention if you ever need a light conversation or sort out a situation. "King Albino " gets rid of life discoloration forever and is known as the agent for all albino animals as well as in chemicals such asbleach . "King Albino" is useful for getting rid of all embarrassing moments to help you move forward in life. "Albino Squid", considered the jerk out of all the "Friends", is helpful in reminding you what not to be. Though if you, yourself are a jerk then "AlbinoSquid " will help you kick the ass of all your competitors and help you rule the world. "Poppings" is easily known as having the charm andcharisma you've been wishing you had. Carry a "Poppins"foot with you and you'll gain some of itsunique qualities. "Shoebaca" can telecommunicate with you as his friend in order to help them with their life's toughest decisions. All you have to do is ask aquestion and concentrate to find the best solutions to all your problems. "Shoebaca" also comes with removablekidneys . Together all these "Friends" form what is now known as the "Plush Series 1". The original launch production of this series is considered very rare and hard to find.Good Wood Gang
The "Good Wood Gang" became the second line of toys created by Friends With You and was released in
2005 and debuted atKidrobot inLos Angeles on July 7th, 2005 and at Giant Robot inNew York on July 8th, 2005 [ [http://www.vinylpulse.com/2005/06/good_wood_gang__1.html Vinyl Pulse: Good Wood Gang by Friends With You ] ] . Unlike the plush nature of "Plush Series 1" toys "Good Wood Gang" was structurally built withwood materials. What really made this series unique was that they were peg based modular builds. Each toy came with a large assortment of pieces and accessories that could be put together via small wooden holes and pegs that attached to each other. Much like Lego each character still retained an aesthetic while being entirely customizable.Each of the characters within the "gang " share the same background while all having unique abilities. Their back story indicates that they all come from the Black Forest as amulets from a time when children Gods owned these toys as wooden charms [http://www.strangeco.com/Features/goodwood/index.html Good Wood Gang ] ] . When these toys are treated with respect they may grant all your very wishes. "Black Foot", A.K.A Captain Bingo, is a black and golden cubic figure said to possess the potential for the ultimate life adventure. Thetotem -like being known as "Sweet Tooth" is said to give its owner surprises. Each of the heads that come with "Sweet Tooth" grant different things; 'Lil Bernie brings stress free-days while Baby Derwin gives either an amazing fortune or really bad luck. "Squid Racer" is a robotic friend that is lead by the Singing Robot Head and piloted by faithful Elby and is known to be the hardest working and fastest teams ever. "Squid Racer" uses its power ofmomentum to help you reach your fullpotential . "Mr. T.T.T. Burger", an alternation of "Plush Series 1"s "Mr. T.T.T.", is quite similar looking to ahamburger but comes accompanied by a Lucky T-bone. "Mr. T.T.T. Burger" has been stated to help you enjoy the greatlife you have while satisfying all your indulgences. Lastly there is baby-looking "Lucky Doovoo". "Lucky Doovoo" is an ever- sleepingdream guide who can make dreams come true. To help make your wishes come true write them on his trusty blackboard. "Lucky Doovoo" also comes with three magical belly button trinkets you can attach to him; TheHeart to concentrate on your relationships, the PowerRuby to concentrate on your goals, and thelollipop for carefree slumber.Plush Series 2, The Burger Bunch, and Other Toy Lines
Following the design of "Malfi" from "Plush Series 1" was a second plush line only featuring "Malfi" with different variants and powers. The most notable changes to the "Malfi" design were color variations and alternate facial expressions. A reproduction of the regular "Malfi" design was created for the series. "Smiling Malfi" still retains the black tone but instead of having a saddened face he is now glowingly smiling and is said to enable limitless fun. "Super Malfi" retains "Smiling Malfi's" expression but with a pure white tone and randomly polka dotted in
red , lightblue , and lightgreen . "Super Malfi" can bring luck by rubbing his magical polka dots. Lastly, "Naked Malfi" keeps the same exact design as the original "Malfi" but with all dark tones replaced by anude skin colorpink .Roughly around the same time as the release of the "Malfi" based "Plush Series 2" a team of toys known as "The Burger Bunch" was launched. Each of the toys had the distinct ability to have their parts moved around or shared similar to changing out the stacked ingredients in ahamburger sandwich. There were three "friends" in "The Burger Bunch". "Bumble Grump" is an imaginative baby that gets into wild adventures. "Mr. T.T.T. Burger", a different burger looking version of "Plush Series 1's" "Mr. T.T.T.", was magically awakened by "Bumble Grump". "Mr. T.T.T. Burger" makes everyday filled with delights. The adorable "Muffin" is considered a shapeshifter that can turn into anything he wants, but only sometimes. The pieces of all these toys can easily be interchanged between each other to create unique looks and sizes.Alongside the release of "The Burger Bunch" Friends With You created "The Boy". "The Boy" was summoned from
outer space with his best friend "Penelope" the invisible whiteelephant who loves magical cherries. "The Boy" uses a specialtransmutation device that has unknown abilities and powers but seems very important to whatever "The Boy's" secret mission is. Due to a our planet'satmosphere being different from what "The Boy" is use to his bodystructure changes as well as the molecules that make him up. The large secret behind "The Boy" is unknown but will save theearth and all thepeople too. As well as the toy "The Boy" was also a strong focal character in the installation andperformance of "Cloud City" at MOCA.Friends With You's latest toy line is the appropriately named "Wish Come True". Based around the concept of making anyone's wish come true, similar in fashion to what a
genie does, all characters are assigned lucky numbers. One other similarity between all models of toys in this line is that they all have weighted bottoms and built-in bell chimes giving each one a playful rocking motion and a subtle, soothing sound [ [http://www.strangeco.com/store/Shop_item.php?id=904&cat=32&sub=0 STRANGEco ] ] . There are six main "Friends"; "Popa" the magic key, "Mr. T.T.T." thewormhole , "Buddychub" a form of friendship, "Malfi" the lucky, "Coco" theuniverse , and "Fluffy Pop" a representation of balance. There are also ten other unknown variants and alternate characters hidden randomly in "Wish Come True" that can be collected. The series came in what is known as blind "mystery box" packaging.Friends With You also have done other toys not part of any series or line of product. The very rare "Foofee" and "Feefee" share the same fluffy cylindrical design but are contrast towards each other in terms of color variation. Friends With You has also had a hand in creating a custom designed Dunny for
Kidrobot .Artwork, Installations, and Live Performances
kywalkers Parade
Cloud City
"Cloud City" opened in
2005 at the MOCAwarehouse during the annualArt Basel inMiami . Setup as an interactive playground for all ages [http://www.vinylpulse.com/2005/11/friends_with_yo.html Vinyl Pulse: Friends With You: Cloud City at MOCA Northern Miami ] ] the installation opened to a playful crowd. Comprised of geometric shapes suchinflatable spheres , padded 10 footcones on casters, and pillowedcylinders the installation was filled with many things to play with. Half spheres were easily and intentionally used asslides . A large portion of the objects used in the warehouse replicated the facial design of "The Boy" and varrying in colors such aswhite ,purple ,magenta , andblue . Alongside the playful aspects of the installation a large focus of the work was on therituals ofsound and play [http://friendswithyou.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_City Cloud City - Friends With You Wiki - a Wikia wiki ] ] . Friends With You artists Sam Borkson and Arturo Sandoval III dressed as "The Boy" during the opening reception and played and interacted with gallery visitors for multiple hours non-stop to further the interactive experience. With the start of "Cloud City" Friends With You also released a CD music album of the same name featuring music artists such as PonPoko, Phoenicia, Otto VaN Shirach the Magnifient, and Sam.Rainbow Valley
December 21,2006 marked thepremiere of Friends With You's first permanent installation. It was built as the first artist designed conceptualplayground inMiami specially built inAventura Mall . The opening also was the first art installation to be displayed from Turnberry for the Arts, a new initiative that seeks to enrich and enlighten patron’sshopping experience through exposure to the arts. During the initial showing of the playground a special limited print "Rainbow Valley"coloring book was given out at the event that explained theback-story of the characters within the playground. The playground resides in front of aSears store located within the mall.The story behind the "Ranbow Valley" playground is one of "Peeko", a
baby mountain , and his new-found friend "Cloudy" that have all their adventures together [http://daddytypes.com/2007/05/24/road_trip_rainbow_valley_mall_playground_by_friends_with_you.php Road Trip! Rainbow Valley Mall Playground By Friends With You - Daddy Types ] ] . The playground has somerainbow bridges ,slides , a control center, and crawl-in mountains in bright and playful welcoming colors. The entire area isfoam -covered similar to anursery school wrestlingmat . At the entrance of the playground stands two clouds with an arching overhead rainbow with the title of "Rainbow Valley" By FriendsWithYou" curved across it accompanied byred andblue diamond designs. Multicoloredseating surrounds the inner edge of playground, presumebly desiged for parents. The matted flooring has lightgrass green colors with illustratedrivers ,lakes , andflowers covering differentiating areas. "Rainbow Valley" is open to the public and still can be visited within theAventura Mall to this day.There are some designs such as the slides and matted elements that share similarities from Friends With You's other installation "Cloud City".
olo Exhibitions, Commissions, and Major Projects
* 2004 - Get Lucky - The Box Space August, Miami, FL
* 2004 - Get Lucky - [http://www.mkgallery.com/ Merry Karnowsky Gallery] , Los Angeles, CA
* 2005 - GOOD WOOD GANG -Kidrobot , Los Angeles, CA
* 2005 - Good Wood Gang - Giant Robot, New York, NY
* 2005 - Cloud City - MOCA, Miami, FL
* 2006 - Power Pond - MOCA, Miami, FL
* 2006 - Birds Of Pray - [http://www.mkgallery.com/ Merry Karnowsky Gallery] , Los Angeles, CA
* 2006 - Garden of Friendship - [http://www.diesel.com/collections/denim-gallery/ Diesel Denim Gallery] , New York, NY
* 2006 - Skywalkers - Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami, FL
* 2006 - Rainbow Valley -Aventura Mall , Aventura, FL
* 2007 - We Are Friends –Walker Art Center , Minneapolis, Minnesota
* 2007 - Wish Come True - [http://www.soovac.org/ Soovac] , Minneapolis, Minnesota
* 2008 - Dream Maker –Indianapolis Museum of Art , Indianapolis, IndianaGroup Shows
* 2003 - See this and Die - The Creek, Miami, FL
* 2003 - Stick em’ up - [http://www.objexartspace.com/ OBJEX Art Space] , Miami, FL
* 2003 - Russian Doll Show - The Worst Gallery, Portland, OR
* 2003 - Little Cakes Book Show - [http://www.artdiv-hpf.com/tokyo/ HPGRP Hanna] , Ginza Tokyo, Japan
* 2003 - [http://www.nike.com/nikelab/ Nike Lab] :_Mr. Wizard the Legend of Speed – New York, NY
* 2003 - [http://www.nike.com/nikelab/ Nike Lab] :_Mr. Wizard the Legend of Speed - Los Angeles, CA
* 2003 - [http://www.shift.jp.org/ SHIFT] MOV Animation Festival - Tokyo, Japan
* 2003 - Appetite for Mutilation - San Francisco, CA
* 2004 - Subcultures Toy Show - Mark K. Wheeler Gallery Ft. Lauderdale, FL
* 2004 - Pictoplasma - [http://www.futurenyc.com/ Future is Now Gallery] , NY, NY
* 2004 - Plushtastrophe - Basil Hallward Gallery, Portland, Oregon
* 2004 - Plushtastrophe - Double Punch Gallery, San Francisco, CA
* 2004 - Plushtastrophe - [http://www.magic-pony.com/ Magic Pony] , Toronto, Ontario
* 2004 - Characters by Design - Gray Matters Gallery, Dallas, Texas
* 2004 - Aqui Uzumaki - [http://www.artdiv-hpf.com/tokyo/ HPGRP Hanna] , Ginza Tokyo, Japan
* 2004 - Characters at War - Zentralbuero, Berlin, Germany
* 2004 - Pictoplasma - Berlin, Germany
* 2004 - Neighborhood - Studio Berlin, Germany
* 2005 - Hide and Seek with Hello Kitty - Hong Kong, China
* 2005 - Plushtastrophe - [http://www.blkmrktgallery.com/ Black Market] , Los Angeles, CA
* 2005 - [http://move.aigany.org/ MOVE Conference] : Stories in Motion - New York, NY
* 2005 - Optic Nerve - Official selection - MOCA, Miami, FL
* 2005 - Project FOX - Copenhagen, Denmark
* 2005 - Everywhere Show - Mendenhall Sobeiski Gallery, Pasadena, CA
* 2005 - Hanging By a Thread - [http://www.themoorespace.org/ The Moore Space] , Miami, FL
* 2006 - MTV Underground Toys - [http://www.theshowroomnyc.com/ The Showroom NYC] , NY
* 2006 - Demons to Diamonds - [http://www.locustprojects.org/ Locusts Projects] , Miami, FL
* 2006 - Pictoplasma 2 - Berlin, Germany
* 2006 - The official FriendsWithYou Bootleg Show – [http://www.heliumcowboy.com/ Helium Cowboy] , Hamburg, Germany
* 2007 - Guild – [http://www.galerieperrotin.com/ Galerie Perrotin] , Miami, FL
* 2007 - Art Parade –Deitch Projects NY, NY
* 2007 - [http://www.tmdg.com.au TMDG Design] conference– Buenos Aires, Argentina
* 2008 - Hexagon - [http://miamiartspace.com/ Miami Art Space] , Miami FLExternal links
* [http://www.friendswithyou.com Friends With You]
* [http://www.strangeco.com/Features/FriendsWithYou.html Friends With You microsite at STRANGEco]
* [http://www.crowndozen.com/features/archives/000305.shtml Interview with Friends With You at CrownDozen.com]
* [http://artkrush.com/mailer/issue46/designby/ FriendsWithYou Skywalkers parade Art Basel]
* [http://www.formatmag.com/reviews/friendswithyou-have-powers/ Review of FriendsWithYou Have Powers!]
* [http://vinyl-creep.net/~vinylcre/index.php/Friends_With_You Friends With You on Vinyl-Creep]
* [http://www.miamiherald.com/1020/story/332439.html Miami Herald Article]
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