Indiana University Marching Hundred

Indiana University Marching Hundred
Indiana University Marching Hundred
School Indiana University
Location Bloomington, IN
Conference Big Ten
Founded 1896
Director David C. Woodley
Members 270+
Uniform Red jackets with white trim and monogram IU interlock, red pants with white pinstripe, red and white shako (with monogram IU interlock) with white plumes, white shoes, white gloves, HEP memorial pin (2007 only)

The Marching Hundred (or "Hundred" for short) is Indiana University's marching band. Indiana University's famed Marching Hundred is the product of tradition dating back to the organization of the first band at Indiana in 1896. Originally founded to provide recreation for interested students, the 22-piece band of 1896 grew to 47 members by 1913. The current band performs at all home football games, one away game, multiple campus events, and bowl appearances made by the Indiana Hoosiers. Toward the end of the season the Marching Hundred holds an annual Showcase Concert in the Assembly Hall. The Marching Hundred is the recipient of the 2007 Sudler Trophy.



The Marching Hundred consists of piccolo, clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, mellophone, trombone, euphonium, sousaphone, and marching percussion (snares, quads, basses, and cymbals) players. The Marching Hundred also includes The Redsteppers, IU's premier dance line. No colorguard have been included since 2004.

Auditions and Membership

The "Monogram IU."

Membership in the Marching Hundred is provided to all brass members while all prospective woodwind, percussion, and Redstepper members must audition. First-year (rookie) woodwind members are required to perform a "playing interview" on the Tuesday of band camp (usually the week prior to classes) that consists of range tests (in scale form), performance of school songs, and a short interview session. Percussion and Redstepper members are auditioned and set prior to the week of band camp. All returning wind members (vets) are afforded their membership and return for Tuesday night's rehearsal (with rookie members showing up at a Sunday night rehearsal, the first of band camp).

On the Thursday night of band camp performance block and rank assignments are set. These are set based on a set of marching maneuvers, actions, and playing known as "The Procedure." Wind members perform the Procedure in ranks of similar instruments (usually between 6 and 8 at a time) while being observed by the directors and associate instructors. This is required of all members, new and returning. Results are posted at or around midnight that night on the official Hundred website. If someone who auditioned does not make the performance block they may return the following day to audition for the reserve block.

Individuals who, after making the performance block, cannot meet the required amount of rehearsal time for their year (dependent upon class standing) may be put on reserve block status as well.


The Marching Hundred is the athletic voice of the prestigious Jacobs School of Music and therefore practices accordingly to keep up that image and, more importantly, sound. The typical rehearsal week for the Marching Hundred will consist of 10–12 hours of marching and playing rehearsal, in full band and sections. This is in addition to any time spent performing during the week.

  • Fall rehearsals are in the late afternoon and take place at the practice field at Assembly Hall parking lot (Monday-Friday) and Memorial Stadium (Saturday). They are an hour and thirty five minutes long and consist of any combination of sectionals, learning drill for a new halftime show weekly, pregame rehearsal, playing, and marching.
  • Saturday morning rehearsals are in Memorial Stadium 4–5 hours prior to kickoff. They consist of a run-through of all things to be performed on the field for the game.


The Marching Hundred is not a paid organization and is offered as a 2 credit-hour class to both music and non-music majors. While 90% of the band is non-music majors, the other 10% is mostly music education majors fulfilling a degree requirement to participate in the Hundred for two years while only a few music majors elect to participate in the band on their own volition. The class consists of the rehearsal times, all performances, and other activities laid out at the beginning of the semester. The only instruments provided by the organization to members are mellophones, baritones, sousaphones, and percussion. All other members must provide their own instrument.


"The Colonel" David Woodley signals the band in the stands.


The director of the Marching Hundred is "The Colonel" David C. Woodley, a position he has held since 1993. In addition to the Director of Athletic Bands, he is also an Associate Director of Bands for the Jacobs School of Music. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa where he received his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees. Prior to his position at Indiana University, he held the same position for his alma mater and the Hawkeye Marching Band (and a similar position at the University of Louisville in Kentucky). In addition to these accolades, Woodley is a noted arranger.

Associate Instructors

Working with the Colonel are graduate students known as associate instructors (AIs) for the wind instruments (also an integral part of the Jacobs School of Music), a percussion instructor, and the Redsteppers' choreographer. The wind instruments are separated by voice:

  • High woodwinds: piccolos and clarinets
  • Meltos: alto saxophones and mellophones
  • Trumpets (usually large enough to warrant their own AI)
  • Low brass: trombone, euphonium, tenor saxophones, and sousaphones

Drum Major(s)

The highest student rank in the Marching Hundred is that of drum major. Historically the band has had one drum major (with an occasional instance of two). The 2005 season saw the first instance of two drum majors in recent years and, more notably, the first female drum major of the Marching Hundred. The 2009 edition of the Marching Hundred marked the first time in the band's history when two females were appointed as drum major. Auditions are held yearly for the position of drum major, even if that year's drum majors are returning. While not required, the drum majors have historically used a mace for field presentations and choreographed moves to the shows the Hundred puts on. The drum major is also responsible for whistle commands given to the band.

Undergraduate Staff

The undergraduate staff (or UGS, a single member simply known as a "UG") are, as the name suggests, undergraduate student members from every section of the band that are responsible for maintaining their section, coordinating events, horn moves, and (most importantly) are responsible for teaching marching fundamentals to rookie members during the initial weeks of the season. UGS are returning members to the band who are voted on by their section-mates at the end of the previous season (during the last meeting of the Hundred).

Hundred Traditions

Concert arcs during The Walk and PowerPlay!

The Walk and PowerPlay!

Following the late football head coach Terry Hoeppner's arrival at Indiana University in 2005 an event known as "The Walk" has preceded every home game. Approximately two and a half hours prior to kickoff the football team walks to the stadium surrounded by a gathering of students and Bloomington residents at the west stairs of Assembly Hall. They then follow the walkway to the entrance to the football complex while the Marching Hundred plays the school songs that are performed during pregame. Prior to the teams emergence from Assembly Hall, the Marching Hundred entertains a gathering of people with various songs and selections from their repertoire until the team has passed and the band marches to the field house for a break before pre-game.

PowerPlay! was a concert that the Marching Hundred had prior to pre-game and half-time performances. As of 2005, Powerplay has melded into "The Walk", and both are now one and the same concert/performance. After "The Walk" performance, the band does not perform again until pre-game.

March to the Stadium

The Marching Hundred lines up in the Fieldhouse ("home base" for the Hundred on game days) in parade block and begins their march to the stadium. The march consists of alternating drum cadences, in between which are clicks with which the band accompanies with the cheer "Go, IU! Beat the (game day opponent)!" During cadences the Hundred performs a variety of horn moves by section or full band. Upon reaching the stadium the band splits to their respective pregame positions in preparation for pregame.

The "Floating Indiana" formation

Run-On and Pregame

Run-on is the maneuver used by the Hundred to enter the field for pregame. It is a double-time high step marched to the drumline's entry cadence. The double-time step provides for an impressive visual effect, as well as a demonstration of endurance. The band enters from the football complex doors on the back sideline. Upon running-on to their positions, the Hundred begins pregame which is 10-12 minute performance of school songs ("Indiana, Our Indiana," "Indiana Fight!" and, the alma mater, "Hail to Old IU"), the opposing team's fight song, the national anthem, "The Olympians," and playing as the football team takes the field. Prior to "The Olympians" the band performed "Back Home Again". Noted formations include the monogram IU, the "floating Indiana", and the "Split-I."

Visitor's Fight Song

During pregame the Marching Hundred traditionally performs the visiting school's fight song. It is followed by a salute to the visiting fans and players.

"Sing, Sing, Sing!"

The Marching Hundred performs an arrangement of the classic 1936 Louis Prima hit "Sing, Sing, Sing" as a signature song. Each year a new drum solo is developed for the middle of the song, although the drumline is featured throughout. The Hundred has choreographed horn moves and dancing, and is noted for its spirit during the performance of "Sing, Sing, Sing."

High School Band Day

High School Band Day is held during one home game's halftime show in which high school bands from Indiana are invited to come play alongside the Hundred. This is an exciting chance for high schoolers to come and see what collegiate marching bands are like and for recruitment of potential Indiana University undergraduate students.

Halftime Shows

For every home game of the year the Marching Hundred puts on a different halftime show. All of these shows have a theme, and consist of three to four songs, one of which is used as a Redstepper feature. The Hundred use flipfolders for halftime performances, the only exception to this rule being the piccolo players, who are required to memorize all music. All music is memorized by the full Hundred for the show chosen to take on the road to one away game. The previously mentioned pregame music is required to be memorized following the first game.

Other traditions

The "Split-I" entrance for the team during pregame.
  • Section Competition: During band camp week individual sections are paired up for the annual Section Competition. The last day of camp (Saturday) features these groups performing their own unique way of presenting the Procedure, usually mixed into a member-developed program that is asked to be 3 minutes long. The winners of the Section Competition are the first students to eat at the band banquet (following the staff, naturally).
  • The band and directors wear their shakos and hats backward in the event of a win by the Hoosiers.
  • During the game the band will play specific songs for specific events such as "National Emblem" for a first down.
  • The Marching Hundred performs a post-game concert similar to PowerPlay! after every home game. If there are visiting bands they are invited to play as well.
  • During the march back to the fieldhouse following a game, the March to the Stadium cheer is adjusted accordingly for the next Hoosier football game, home or away.
  • After a Hoosier win against Purdue for the Old Oaken Bucket, the parade block order is reversed.


Away Games

As mentioned, the Marching Hundred attends one away game a year. An entire weekend is spent on the road. The Hundred will make a stop at a high school Friday night to perform and then be housed by the high school band's members. Saturday is spent in transit to and from the football game (as well as at the game itself, of course). The band returns to Bloomington on Sunday.

The band also travels to in-state/conference rival Purdue every other year. This trip is typically not required; however, if few members plan to attend, it can become a required trip. As part of the long-standing rivalry between the two schools, the Hundred serves as a pep band for the Purdue game (as their band does when the IU-PU game is in Bloomington). Neither band is permitted to march on the opposing band's field.

Occasionally, the undergraduate staff will travel to a non-conference away game. In the past, these have been games against teams such as the University of Kentucky and Ball State.

The IU Marching Hundred performing at the RCA Dome.

Bowl Games and other Appearances

The band's appearances have included: the Kentucky Derby (1939), the Presidential Inaugural Parade (1953), the Rose Bowl (1968), the Holiday Bowl (1979), the All-American Bowl (1986), the Peach Bowl (1988 and 1990), the Liberty Bowl (1988), the Copper Bowl (1991), the Independence Bowl (1993), and the Insight Bowl (2007). Returning from the 2006 away trip to The Ohio State University the Marching Hundred stopped in Indianapolis, IN to play at halftime during an Indianapolis Colts game at the RCA Dome. After this original performance, the Marching Hundred was invited back to the RCA dome to perform for the Indianapolis Colts' first playoff game in January 2007. However, due to the Colts not achieving home field advantage throughout the playoffs, the Hundred was not able to perform. The following season, the Hundred performed as the halftime entertainment for the Colts' season opener on Thursday, 6 September 2007. For the 2008 season, the Hundred performed for the Indianapolis Colts at their first regular season game at Lucas Oil Stadium making it the first marching band to perform on the field at the brand new stadium. Additionally in 2008, the Marching Hundred was asked to perform for a Chicago Bears game at Soldier Field.


External links

Preceded by
Sudler Trophy Recipient
Succeeded by
Western Carolina

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