

Hoosier (pronEng|ˈhuːʒɚ) is the official demonym for a resident of the U.S. State of Indiana. Although residents of most U.S. states typically adopt a derivative of the state name, e.g., "Indianan" or "Indianian", natives of Indiana prefer to avoid these demonyms. The State of Indiana adopted the nickname "Hoosier State" more than 150 years ago. [ [http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/ihb/emblems/hoosier.html Indiana State Emblems] Indiana State Library] "Hoosiers" is also the mascot for the Indiana University athletic teams and the title of an award-winning 1986 movie "Hoosiers" starring Gene Hackman, based on the story of the Milan High School basketball team and its road to winning the state championship. The word Hoosier is sometimes used in the names of Indiana-based businesses. In other parts of the country, the word has been adapted for other uses (see Other uses).


According to the "Oxford English Dictionary", the etymology of the word is unknown, but it has been in use since at least 1826. According to Bill Bryson, there are many suggestions for the derivation of the word "Hoosier," but none is universally accepted.

It first came into general usage in the 1830s. John Finley of Richmond, Indiana wrote a poem, The Hoosier's Nest [ [http://www.waynet.org/facts/hoosiersnest.htm "The Hoosier's Nest"] ] , which was used as the "Carrier's Address" of the "Indianapolis Journal", January 1, 1833. As it came into common usage, the debates about the term's origin began. [ [http://www.indianahistory.org/pop_hist/people/whatis.html#Hoosier Indiana Historical Society] ] .

Jacob Piatt Dunn was the most serious historian to look into the origin of the term "Hoosier" as a term used to describe the citizens of Indiana. [ [http://www.indianahistory.org/pop_hist/people/whatis.html Indiana Historical Society ] ]

ome folkloric etymologies

Frontier banter

This idea suggests the term was a greeting. When approaching a man's home in those early frontier days, you shouted from afar, "Hello, the cabin!" to avoid being shot. The inhabitants would then shout back "Who'sh 'ere?" (who's there). As it got slurred together over time, the country folk came to be called Hoosiers.

A variant of this story combines "Who's" and "your", such as in "Who'sh yer 'pa?". Additionally, the poet James Whitcomb Riley facetiously suggested that the fierce brawling that took place in Indiana involved enough ear biting that the expression "Whose ear?" was common enough to be notable.

Pugilistic boatmen

Indiana rivermen were so spectacularly successful in trouncing or "hushing" their adversaries in the brawling that was then common that they became known as "hushers."

Mr. Hoosier's men

A contractor reportedly named Samuel Hoosier preferred to hire workers from Indiana during the construction of the Louisville and Portland Canal (1826-1831) in Louisville. His employees became known as "Hoosier's men" and finally just "Hoosiers."

This story is reported by Dunn (1907:16-17) as being told in 1901 by a man who heard this story from a Hoosier family member while traveling in southern Tennessee. However, Dunns research could find no-one in southern Tennessee who had heard the story, nor could he find any family of that name in any directory in the region. In spite of Dunns skepticism, this version has been accepted by Evan Bayh, who has served as Indiana governor and senator, and by Senator Vance Hartke, who introduced this story into the "Congressional Record" (1975), according to Graf.

A similar story involves the National Road, which began in Cumberland, Maryland, and slowly extended westward, reaching Indiana in 1829-1834. As plans were made to extend the highway to Richmond, Indiana, the call went out for laborers. Knowing that the federal government would pay "top dollar," the employees of a contractor in the Indiana Territory reportedly named Robert Hoosier asked their boss if they could go work for this higher wage in the neighboring state of Ohio. Mr. Hoosier gave his consent, asking them to return to work for him when this section of the road was done.

Just as in the Sam Hoosier story, the crew of Indiana workers proved to be industrious, conscientious, and efficient. The federal foreman referred to the group as "Hoosiers" meaning they were workers that Robert Hoosier had allowed to join the national work crew. It wasn't long before people along the National Road used the term to describe the folks living in the territory to the west.

This story is not mentioned in Dunns or Menckens research, but if there were such a contractor and such events, they would have taken place after the termHoosierwas already well established in Appalachia and was becoming attached to Indiana.


In this story, a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, Col. John Jacob Lehmanowsky, settled in Indiana later in life and gave lectures on theWars of Europein which he extolled the virtues of the hussars, which his audience heard ashoosiers.” Young men wishing to identify with these virtues called themselves Hoosiers, enough of them that eventually all Indianans were called Hoosiers.

Weaknesses of this story include the unlikely mispronunciation of hussar as Hoosier and the fact that Lehmanowsky did not come to Indiana until 1833, by which time the term was already well established.

Other uses

A Hoosier cabinet, often shortened to "hoosier", is a type of free-standing kitchen cabinet popular in the early decades of the twentieth century. Almost all of these cabinets were produced by companies located in Indiana. The name is derived from the largest of them, the Hoosier Manufacturing Co. of New Castle, Indiana.

In St. Louis, Missouri, the word is used in a derogatory fashion in similar context to "white trash". [ J. Graf [http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/extra/hoosier.html The Word Hoosier] Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington ] Thomas E. Murray carefully analyzed the use of "hoosier" in St. Louis, Missouri, where it is the favorite epithet of abuse. "When asked what a Hoosier is," Murray writes, "St. Louisans readily list a number of defining characteristics, among which are 'lazy,' 'slow-moving,' 'derelict,' and 'irresponsible.'" He continues, "Few epithets in St. Louis carry the pejorative connotations or the potential for eliciting negative responses that hoosier does." He conducted tests and interviews across lines of age and race and tabulated the results. He found the term ecumenically applied. He also noted the word was often used with a modifier, almost redundantly, as in "some damn Hoosier."

In a separate section Murray speaks of the history of the word and cites Baker and Carmony (1975) and speculates on why Hoosier (in Indiana a "neutral or, more often, positive" term) should remain "alive and well in St. Louis, occupying as it does the honored position of being the city's number one term of derogation." A radio broadcast took up where Murray left off. During the program, "Fresh Air," Jeffrey Lunberg, a language commentator, answered questions about regional nicknames. He cited Elaine Viets, a Post-Dispatch columnist (also quoted by Paul Dickson), as saying that in St. Louis a "Hoosier is a low-life redneck, somebody you can recognize because they have a car on concrete blocks in their front yard and are likely to have just shot their wife who may also be their sister." [ J. Graf [http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/extra/hoosier.html The Word Hoosier] Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington ]

Other Indiana businesses use Hoosier in the name of their company: 1) Hoosier Racing Tire, manufacturer of racing tires; and 2) Hoosier Bat Company, manufacturer of wood baseball bats.

As the mascot of Indiana University, the Hoosier is the subject of debate, primarily concerning the term's meaning and origin. As there is no physical embodiment of a Hoosier, IU is represented through their letters and colors alone.

The RCA Dome, former home of the Indianapolis Colts, was once known as the Hoosier Dome before 1994, when RCA paid for the naming rights. The RCA Dome was replaced by Lucas Oil Stadium in 2008.

Famous references

*The fellowship felt among Hoosiers was referred to in Kurt Vonnegut's book, Cat's Cradle. Vonnegut was himself a Hoosier and a graduate of Shortridge High School in Indianapolis.
*Serial killer Carl Panzram's last words were reportedly, "Hurry it up, you Hoosier bastard! I could hang 10 men while you're fooling around!"


ee also

*Hoosier Hysteria
*Hoosier Group

External links

*Indiana Historical Bureau article entitled [http://www.in.gov/history/2681.htm What is a Hoosier?]
* [http://www.indiana.edu/~alumni/fun/hoosier.html Article on the name "Hoosier" from the Indiana University Alumni Association]
* [http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/hoosier/docs/history/hoosier_name.htm Hoosier National Forest "What is a 'Hoosier'" Web page]
* [http://www.indwes.edu/Faculty/bcupp/Indiana/Hoosier/Hoosier.Barry.htm Article: "Explanation of "Hoosiers"] by Dave Barry

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