Islam in Slovakia

Islam in Slovakia

The number of Muslims in Slovakia according to the 2001 census is negligible (according to ??[citation needed] there are 5000 Muslims in Slovakia - less than 0.1% of the country's population). In the 17th century a small part of central southern Slovakia was occupied by Ottoman Turks for some time after Turkish settlements were established for example in Novohrad region, other regions of Slovakia were subjects to permanent Turkish raids and pillaging.



In the Middle Ages, at least three times Pechenegs and Cumans within the Hungarian forces helped Hungarian kings to defend the territory of the northern Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia) against Czech invasions (1260 Ottokar Premysl, 1300-05 Venceslaus and 1427-34 the Hussites)[citation needed]. It is not sure however whether the Pechenegs and Cumans were Muslims.

Decades after the Hungarian defeat of Mohacs (1526) Turkish troops occupied Štúrovo (Párkány) and other parts of today's southern central Slovakia and encouraged the Protestant Christian groups while Habsburg Austrian troops occupied and recatholized the northern and western parts. Later on the Turks seized some further territories in southern central Slovakia and pillaged in territories up to Nitra. Finally, however, when the Turks lost the Battle of Vienna and the Ottoman vassal Imre Thököly was defeated in Slovakia, between 1687 and 1699 Turkish Ottoman rule in Hungary was finally broken.

Muslim demographics

Most of the Muslims in Slovakia are refugees from former Yugoslavia (Bosnians and Albanians) or workers from modern Turkey (Turks ), beside them a few Arab students. Most of the Muslims live in the capital Bratislava, smaller communities also exist in Košice and Martin[citation needed]. A few of the immigrants became Slovak citizen and additionally 150 Slovaks converted to Islam since the end of Communism (1990) and the independence (1993).[citation needed]

There are currently no mosques in Slovakia. In 2000, a dispute erupted about the building of an Islamic centre in Bratislava: the capital's mayor refused such attempts of the Slovak Islamic Waqfs Foundation[citation needed].

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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