Islam in Malta

Islam in Malta

With Roman Catholics estimated at 95-98% of the population, the Maltese Muslim community is considered to be very small. The muslim population of Malta is estimated to be about 3000, of whom 2250 are foreigners 600 naturalized citizens, and 150 maltese, mostly women who converted soon after marrying muslim men. There is one Muslim mosque and one muslim primary school in Malta. [ [ Malta ] ] .The mosque was founded in 1978 by the World Islamic Call Society which is a Libyan governmental association for promoting Islam. [ [ Dhimmi Watch: Promoting Arab supremacy in Malta? ] ] .


Islam is believed to have introduced to Malta when the Muslims captured Sicily from the Byzantines in 870 [ Malta-Island in the sun-Part 1- Maltese Language Malta Video - Enjoy!!!!!!! History & Photos - FJuRa’s Photo Gallery ] ] . Malta fell to a Christian European power with the Norman Conquest in 1091. Muslims were allowed to practise their religion freely until the 13th century [ Arab Heritage in Malta | The Baheyeldin Dynasty ] ] .


ee also

*Islam by country

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