List of characters from Family Guy

List of characters from Family Guy

These are characters from the animated TV series "Family Guy". Characters are only listed once, normally under the first applicable subsection in the list; very minor characters are listed with a more regular character with whom they are associated.

Griffin family

* Peter Griffin - Lois's husband, and father to the children
* Lois Griffin - Peter's wife and mother to Meg, Chris and Stewie.
* Meg Griffin - teenage daughter
* Chris Griffin - teenage son
* Stewie Griffin - infant son
* Brian Griffin - the family's talking dog who Peter adopted when he found him a stray.


Peter's family

* Francis Griffin - "(deceased)" Peter's Irish catholic step-father who has a strong religous lifestyle. He also doesn't like Lois because she is protestant. He appears to like Stewie because he never yelled at him at all before his death. Francis used to have a job at a steele mill, after his short retirement he became a body guard for the Pope. Francis died on Meg's 17th birthday when Peter, dressed up as a clown, got drunk and tried to ride a unicycle down the stairs. He ended up falling on top of Francis and breaking all of his ribs; despite the whole family's efforts to save him, Francis died in the hospital. His last words were "Peter... you're a fat stinking drunk!"

* Thelma GriffinEx-wife to Francis and mother to Peter. She is 83 years old, and has gray hair with noticeable wrinkles below her eyes. She has purple earrings and a purple bead necklace. She also wears glasses like her son and husband and is a heavy smoker. Before Francis's death, she divorced him because "she had needs he didn't fill". Voiced By Phyllis Diller

*Mickey McFinnigan - Peter's biological Irish father, who had an affair with Thelma Griffin on her vacation to Ireland before Peter was born, as recounted in "Peter's Two Dads". He is the local town drunk, viewed by him and many others as a prestigious position. He did not believe Peter was his son until Peter challenged him to a drinking contest and won, winning his love and respect. How Peter is then related to Nate Griffin and the other Griffin ancestors remains unexplained. His name is possibly a reference to a "Mickey Finn", or a drugged alcoholic beverage.

*Nate Griffin - "(long deceased)" Peter's black ancestor. Originally mentioned in "". Owned as a slave by Silas Pewterschmidt, he fell in love and secretly had sex with Lois "Laura Bush Lynne Cheney" Pewterschmidt to create an inter-racial family. He and his family fled to Quahog after being discovered by Silas. According to Peter, he invented the Department of Motor Vehicles as a way of getting back at white people.

* BertramHalf-brother and nemesis and refills them with his own sperm.

Lois' family

* Carter PewterschmidtBillionaire industrialist, and owner of U.S. Steel and CNN, the latter of which he won from Ted Turner in a poker game. It was because of Peter, a poker ace at the time, that Carter knew that his opponent was bluffing. Husband to Barbara, father to Lois, Carol, and Patrick. He harbors a deep hatred for Peter.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=45, "Carter & Barbara Pewterschmidt".]

* Barbara PewterschmidtWife to Carter, mother to Lois, Carol, and Patrick.

* Carol PewterschmidtSister to Lois Griffin and Patrick Pewterschmidt, daughter of Carter and Barbara; she has had nine husbands so far, all of whom left her. So far,she is apparently the only one in Lois's family who has not shown any hostility to Peter in the past or in the present. She had a baby boy in the episode "Emission Impossible".

* Patrick Pewterschmidt - Lois's brother, who was locked away in a mental institution by their parents Carter and Barbara after he walked in on his mother having sex with Jackie Gleason, and later gets murderous impulses toward fat people whenever he is reminded of the celebrity. Voiced by Robert Downey Jr.

* Marguerite Pewterschmidt "(deceased)" – Great-aunt to Lois Griffin and aunt to Carter. She owned the palatial Cherrywood Manor in Newport(now known to be "America's first presidential whorehouse"), which Lois inherited after her death while paying the Griffins a visit, dropping dead at their doorstep. She shared Carter's revilement of Peter. Voiced by Alex Borstein.

* Silas Pewterschmidt "(long deceased)" - Ancestor of the Pewterschmidt family. One of the first to colonize America. Bartered with Native Americans by holding a knife to a baby's throat, presumably sparing its life in exchange for maize. Owned Peter's ancestor Nate Griffin. Bears an obvious resemblance to his descendant Carter.

* Lois Laura Bush Lynne Cheney Pewterschmidt "(long deceased)" - Silas Pewterschmidt's daughter. Fell in love and started an inter-racial family in secret with Nate Griffin, Peter's black slave ancestor. Fled with her family to Quahog after being discovered by her father. Bears an obvious resemblance to Lois Griffin.

Brian's family

* Biscuit "(deceased)" – Brian's mother. He was taken away from her when he was a puppy. When she died, her caretakers had her stuffed and turned into an end table. After Brian discovers this, with Stewie, he steals his mother and buries her in a local park. cite episode |title = Road to Rhode Island |series = Family Guy|credits = Gary Janetti (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2000-05-30 |season = 2 |number = 13 ]

* JasperBrian's gay, flamboyant cousin, known for constantly telling dirty jokes. Self-described "rice queen", married to Ricardo, a "skinny, hairless Filipino boy". cite episode |title = You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives |series = Family Guy|credits = David A. Goodman (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2006-04-30 |season = 4 |number = 25 ] Brian roomed with Jasper when he moved to Hollywood to be a writer. cite episode |title = Brian Does Hollywood |series = Family Guy|credits = Gary Janetti (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2001-07-18 |season = 3 |number = 2 ] He lives in Los Angeles and teaches a dance class at Club Med. cite episode |title = The Thin White Line |series = Family Guy|credits = Steve Can (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2001-07-11 |season = 3 |number = 1 ] He first appears as another dog Peter brings home in one episode. He's the only other living anthropomorphic dog that has been seen on the show besides Brian and Todd (not including a brief appearance of several dogs playing poker with Mayor West, one of which talks, and Old Yeller.)Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=133, "Jasper".]
*Ricardo - Jasper's life-partner; married in "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives". He apparently does not speak English and, in a deleted scene for this episode, doesn't even seem to realize that he's getting married to Jasper, being either that Ricardo is a human and Jasper is a dog, and/or that they are both males. He divorced with Jasper in "Family Gay".

*Dylan Flannigan - Brian's human son, introduced in "The Former Life of Brian". Dylan was born to Brian by an ex-girlfriend. After her relationship with Brian ended and Dylan was born, his mother became poor and overweight and never bothered to raise Dylan who, in turn, became an unruly person. Though he was originally hostile to Brian, after going to live with him and finding common ground with him, (smoking weed), turned his life around and went to live with his mother again so that he may do for her what Brian did for him. Dylan is thirteen in dog years, just under 2 years old, and Brian is 7, making him 49. It appears the only traits Dylan has to a dog is having a fast growth pattern, otherwise he's completely human.


* Todd "(deceased)" - The dog that the Griffin family had before they got Brian. Like Brian, he was anthropomorphic. He lived to the age of fifteen. In the cutaway that he appeared in, it was heavily hinted that Peter had him put to sleep.

* Fluffy - Fluffy is an aggressive cat the Griffins bought to replace Brian after he moved out of the Griffin household in "", though they got rid of him after being unable to cope with his gruff nature.

* Seabreeze - The Pewterschmidt family dog, a prize-winning greyhound. Had an affair with Brian in "Screwed the Pooch", but was already impregnated by Ted Turner.

* O'Brien - A talking sheep who belongs to Mickey McFinnigan. He strongly resembles (and sounds like) Brian in the same way Mickey resembles "and" sounds like Peter. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane. cite episode |title = Peter's Two Dads |series = Family Guy|credits = Danny Smith (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2007-02-11 |season = 5 |number = 10 ]

Other families


* Cleveland Brown One of Peter Griffin's neighbors and friend. Currently, he owns and runs a deli. Voiced by Mike Henry.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=27, "Cleveland Brown".]

* Loretta Brown - Ex-wife of Cleveland and mother of Cleveland, Jr. She has been known to hen-peck Cleveland and treat him harshly. Due to Cleveland's ineffectual nature, Loretta cheated on him with Glenn Quagmire in "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire" and eventually left him. She apparently felt guilty about the event and tried to get back together with him in "Love Blactually", but they had to part ways. Voiced by Alex Borstein.

* Cleveland Brown, Jr. - Hyperactive son of Cleveland and Loretta. He has been seen only once since Cleveland and Loretta's divorce, in the episode "Perfect Castaway"; he is briefly seen mourning the apparent death of his father, who was lost at sea but still alive on a desert island with Peter Griffin, Joe Swanson, and Glenn Quagmire. It is generally assumed Loretta got custody of him even though he did not make an appearance in Love Blactually. He will be in The Cleveland Show, but be much larger than his appearance on Family Guy. Voiced by Mike Henry.


Nudist family that first appeared in "From Method to Madness",. Dave and Dottie appeared briefly in "Road to Europe" and at the end of the DVD version of "".

* Dave CampbellNudist. Dave was saved from drowning by Peter and his fishing crew. He is the husband of Dottie and the father of Jeff and an unnamed male baby. Member of the KISS Army. Voiced by Fred Willard.

* Dottie CampbellNudist. Wife of Dave, and mother of Jeff and his baby brother. Voiced by Jane Lynch

* Jeff Campbell16-year-old son of Dave and Dottie. Jeff is also a nudist, and once dated Meg Griffin; their relationship was never established afterward. Voiced by Chris Cox.


* Mort Goldman - A Jewish pharmacist, and one of Peter's friends. Suffers from many embarrassing health problems. Voiced by John G. Brennan.
* Muriel Goldman - Mort's wife voiced by Nicole Sullivan.
* Neil Goldman - Mort and Muriel's geeky son who formerly had a major crush on Meg. Voiced by Seth Green.


* Glenn Quagmire - The Griffins' next-door neighbor and Peter's friend.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=153, "Quagmire".] He is an airline pilot, but is best known for his sexual deviancies. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane.

* Joan Quagmire "(Deceased)" - Briefly married to Quagmire. She threatened to kill Quagmire and herself if he left her. She died after touching Death to save Quagmire. Voiced by Nicole Sullivan. cite episode |title = I Take Thee Quagmire |series = Family Guy|credits = Tom Maxwell, Don Woodard and Steve Callaghan (writers) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2006-03-12 |season = 4 |number = 21 ]


* Joe Swanson - The Griffins' paraplegic neighbor and Peter's friend. He was injured in his job as a police officer in episode "A Hero Sits Next Door". Has severe anger issues and a sexual dysfunction. Voiced by Patrick Warburton.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=031, "Joe Swanson".]

* Bonnie Swanson - Joe's timid wife, who has been pregnant since her first appearance, which has been mentioned in one episode by Joe Swanson, and pointed out by Peter in "Blind Ambition"; "You've been pregnant for like six years! Either have the baby or don't!". Voiced by Jennifer Tilly.

* Kevin Swanson - Joe and Bonnie's teenage son. At one time, Meg had a crush on and dated him. cite episode |title = A Hero Sits Next Door |series = Family Guy|credits = Matt Weitzman and Mike Barker (writers) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 1999-05-05 |season = 1 |number = 5 ] Joe disciplines Kevin extremely strictly and never compliments him; as a result, Kevin has his father's anger problems. Voiced by Jon Cryer once, then voiced by Seth MacFarlane since.


* Tom Tucker - One of the local newscasters, he works at Channel 5. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane. In the pilot episode his name is Mike.
* Stacy Tucker - Tom's second wife, Jake's stepmother. It has been implied that the two have separated. cite episode |title = Mother Tucker |series = Family Guy|credits = Tom Devanney and Seth MacFarlane (writers) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2006-09-17 |season = 5 |number = 2 ]
* Jake Tucker - Tom Tucker's deformed son and Chris' former classmate. He has an upside-down face. In the episode "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One", Jake's face is turned right-side up due to polluted lake water.

Peter's work colleagues

Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory

*Jonathan Weed "(deceased)" - Peter's boss at the toy factory (based on Hasbro, headquartered in Pawtucket, RI), who spoke with a Hispanic accent and was described as an "effeminate weirdo" by his employees. He was often implied to be gay. He disapproved of nearly all of Peter's actions, mainly because most of them were detrimental to the company, and has fired or come close to firing Peter on multiple occasions. He was invited to the Griffins' house for dinner, where he died choking on a dinner roll shortly after promoting Peter to head of toy development. In his will, he had the factory demolished to pave the way for the development of a hospital for the terminally ill. His great-grandfather's surname was 'Bermudagrass', slang for marijuana like 'weed'. He is later mentioned by Stewie right before he kills Cleveland in "Stewie Kills Lois". He was voiced by Carlos Alazraqui. cite episode |title = Mr. Saturday Knight |series = Family Guy|credits = Steve Callaghan (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2001-09-05 |season = 3 |number = 9 ]


* Pasqual and SantosPortuguese immigrants who work as fishermen with Peter. One was a cardiologist in Portugal. They do not speak a word of English, even when talking to those who do. They also saved Joe Swanson's life in the episode "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire". Curiously, they speak with clearly Brazilian accents and their Portuguese is awkward and non-native like at times. Eventually, Peter couldn't afford them, so he reluctantly decides to shoot them. They escaped, however, and were not seen again until "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter", where they apply for a job as Stewie's babysitters and are quickly discarded by Stewie. cite episode |title = 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter |series = Family Guy|credits = Patrick Meighan (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2005-07-10 |season = 4 |number = 8 ] In "Padre de Familia" they were employed at the Drunken Clam. Ironically, Peter doesn't appear to recognize them. They are in reference to the large Portuguese-American community located in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, which would include Quahog.

Pawtucket Brewery

* Angela - Peter's supervisor, in charge of the shipping department. Repeatedly awards Opie as employee of the month and promotes him. Voiced by Carrie Fisher.
* Opie - Peter's former co-worker, who has won "Employee of the Month" more than once and has since been promoted ahead of Peter. Opie is severely mentally retarded. Opie has a bad haircut, speaks unintelligibly, wears different pairs of shoes at once, enjoys biting people's fingers and has at least once shoved a pencil into his brain by inserting it into his eye and repeatedly pounding his head on his desk.
* Fouad - An employee of the brewery who is apparently supposed to be of Arab ethnicity who speaks in a stereotypically loud and obnoxious manner. Fouad is extremely earnest in his attempts to understand subtleties in American English; such as the nature of a sarcastic or ironic comment. In all of his appearances so far he loudly laughs at a joke before explaining why it is funny with the format, "Ohohoho! Is funny because..." Voiced by Mike Henry.


James Woods Regional High School

* Connie D'AmicoMost popular girl in school. Often appears conceited. Does not like Meg and often plays pranks on Meg with her friends. Four members of the Griffin family have stood up to Connie, with three in Meg's defense: first was by Lois in "And the Wiener Is...", who sent Quagmire to "scar her for life" after Meg was humiliated at a football game (she initially had a much more elaborate plan of revenge, but Meg wouldn't go through with it); second by a drunk Brian in "Barely Legal", who put her off by foreshadowing her unpleasant, inevitable future after she teased Meg at a school dance; third by Peter in "Peter's Daughter", who beat her up and gravely injured her after slamming her face eighteen times into the glass casing of a fire extinguisher after she mocked Meg yet again in the hall; and fourth by Stewie in "McStroke", who framed her for pedophilia and had her arrested as revenge for her teasing of how small his penis is (Stewie posed as a high school student at the time). Voiced by Lisa Wilhoit (and at least once by Fairuza Balk).Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=98, "Connie D'Amico".] .

* Rob BerlerMeg's teacher. He thinks that Meg shouldn't hang out with the 'popular clique', and when he catches her with them, he tells her to play alone somewhere, and tells the popular kids off for getting her hopes up. cite episode |title = Let's Go to the Hop |series = Family Guy|credits = Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman (writers) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2000-06-06 |season = 2 |number = 14 ] He also says that having Meg as a lab partner is irresponsible ("Meg is awful"). cite episode |title = Brian Sings and Swings |series = Family Guy|credits = Michael Rowe (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2006-01-08 |season = 4 |number = 19 ] He has also accidentally taped over an episode of "NOVA" with a sex tape he made with his wife, portraying him as a transvestite, but wanted to show it to the class anyway. cite episode |title = Brian Sings and Swings |series = Family Guy|credits = Michael Rowe (writer) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2006-01-08 |season = 4 |number = 19 ] He also seems to believe in vampires. cite episode |title = And the Wiener Is... |series = Family Guy|credits = Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman (writers) |network = Fox Broadcasting Company|airdate = 2001-08-08 |season = 3 |number = 5 ]

* Principal ShepherdSchool Principal. Has been seen wearing a shirt with the word "Principal" on it. It's revealed in "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" that he is Jewish. Voiced by Gary Cole.

* Craig HoffmanA rebel who Meg tries to go out with at first. He claims to live by his own rules and nobody else's - not even his own. Named after "Family Guy" writer Craig Hoffman.

* Sarah - Lesbian classmate of Meg and member (or president) of Gay/Lesbian Alliance Club. Briefly attracted to Meg.
*Shauna Parks - An African-American 11th-grade history teacher. Dated Brian in "Peter's Got Woods" and prompted him to have the school's name changed to Martin Luther King, Jr.. She left him when she discovered that he was still hanging out with Peter, who foiled their name-changing efforts. Voiced by Gabrielle Union.

* Jimmy - A student of James Woods High, Meg calls him her backup date, but she's never actually gone anywhere with him. Whenever she asks him him out, he actually creates an injury, then an excuse, instead of just an excuse. Jimmy's last name is never said. His first appearance was in 8 Simple Rules For Buying My Teenage Daughter, where Meg asked him out to make Neil jealous, but he shot himself with a nail gun then painfully crawled out of the scene. His next appearance was in Barely Legal, when Meg asks him to go to the dance with her. This time, he shuts the door, and you hear gunshots coming from inside his house. After a few seconds, he walks out crying and telling Meg that he has to go to his brother's funeral that night. Jimmy hasn't been shown since.

Channel 5 (WQHG)

* Tom TuckerNews Anchor.

* Diane Simmons (Lori Alan) is the station's News Anchor and talk show hostess. In the episode "The King is Dead", it is revealed that her birth name was Diane Seidelman. She and fellow anchor Tom Tucker often trade insults live on the air, her largest role to date on the show has been when Peter hired her to play Anna in his version of "The King and I", she quit after he kept changing everything. It is revealed that her husband killed himself.

*Tricia Takanawa (Alex Borstein) is the main correspondent for Quahog Channel 5 News."Family Guy" episode: "Da Boom"] Unlike her fellow news people, Tricia displays a strong, stoic attitude. Whenever Tucker or Simmons would switch the scene to Takanawa, either of the two would always say "Asian Correspondent Tricia Takanawa", or "Asian Reporter Tricia Takanawa". She is known for her flat, nasal voice and dead-pan attitude, even when laughing and during sex. She often starts a story by naming the presenter who has just linked to her, notably in her flat nasal tone such as "Dian-ne..." or "To-om..."."Family Guy" episode: "Brian in Love"] On one occasion, however, she completely loses control while meeting David Bowie."Family Guy": "" opening segment] Diane confirms her as being Japanese, Tricia is often made to do dirty jobs, such has covering a flu segment (prompting her to throw up),"Family Guy" episode: "Stewie Loves Lois"] and to be abused in a hurricane report."Family Guy" episode: "One If by Clam, Two If by Sea"] In an uncanonical episode, she is grilled and eaten by Tom and Diane. Her explosion when she met David Bowie was publicised after she started to hump his left leg like a dog. In "North by North Quahog", she is not allowed into a hotel because of her ethnicity.Retrieved from ""] In one episode of "MADtv", Borstein portrays a correspondent named Sue Napersville with a similar voice.

*Ollie Williams (Phil LaMarr) is the weather and sports correspondent for Quahog Channel 5 News."Family Guy": ' opening segment] An African American, he is a parody of racial tokenism on the show (like Tricia Takanawa). Ollie only speaks in loud, short, booming phrases such as "It's gon' rain!", or "It's rainin' sideways!". Tom would afterwards reply "Thanks Ollie," and move on to the next topic. Ollie is shown to be fairly adept with computers, telling Tom how to access his email from his home computer. His longest appearance has been in the opening segment of '.

Supernatural characters

* JesusPerforms miracles around Quahog. His portrayal in "Family Guy" seems to be intentionally comically sacrilegious. He has appeared in biblical times and in modern Quahog. His powers back in the past were exaggerated; all he really did was dance, sing, and perform phony magic finger tricks, all at the same time, and an educational video on guns portrayed Jesus using a machine gun to fight Romans alongside Moses. In modern times, however, Jesus is able to do more extraordinary things, such as turn water into funk (with a disco ball, 70s-style outfits and disco music suddenly appearing when he snaps his fingers). Also in "The Courtship of Stewie's Father", it is apparent he and Joseph did not get along and he wanted to live with his father, though God would apparently make excuses and procrastinate, though in modern times they are seen briefly together in "Blind Ambition". In "Petergeist" Stewie claims that Jesus is Chinese, that his full name is really "Jesus Hong", and that he has no idea where people are getting "Christ", though this is most likely a one time gag. He was also apparently much shorter in biblical times than what people are led to believe, which is possibly another one time gag since every other time he appears in normal height. He is an excellent golfer, as seen in Holy Crap, although he used his holy powers rather than skill. His first major role in the show was in the episode "I Dream of Jesus", where he is spotted undercover living on Earth, as he does every couple millenia. He is voiced by Seth MacFarlane.

* God - His portrayal seems to be intentionally sacrilegious. He has been seen in Quahog and in Heaven. Often regrets certain actions that have been recorded in "The Bible". He is portrayed as quite the ladies man, though he once killed a lady by accident. He has also been depicted drunk. In a scene of the episode "If I'm Dyin' I'm Lyin'", he is shown to have a receptionist named Karen who mistakingly calls him "Mr. Paterson" to which he replies "uh... She's new here." He also talked to the kids in James Woods High in "Prick Up Your Ears" about not having premarital sex, even though he himself is a bit perverted. This version of God, however, would more likely be a staged voiceover. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane.

* DeathHarvests the souls of the dead. Portrayed as a "loser" who still lives with his mother, has asthma and has never had a successful date. Voiced by Norm Macdonald in "Death is a Bitch", then Adam Carolla in all subsequent episodes. He is seen as a skeleton in a black robe and seldom removes his hood; underneath his hood is a human skull with spiders and snakes serpenting in and out of the eye sockets, mouth and ear cavities, as seen in "Death Lives". He once used his eye socket as a bottle-opener. He apparently hates the fact that he is technically dead and the fact that he has no buttocks ("I am minus an ass"). He doesn't seem to be very good at his job, as he is easily fooled by faked deaths. Peter and the Griffins have a somewhat good relationship with him. When Death sprained his ankle and was unable to do his job, Peter unwittingly revealed that all of humanity is immortal while he heals. After Death discovers this, Peter fills in his role as the Grim Reaper and is charged with killing the kids from "Dawson's Creek". Peter fails in this endeavor, accidentally killing the pilot and co-pilot of the plane. This fact, however, made it clear to the public that Death was back in business while the plane was safely landed by Karen Black. He also appears to have time travel abilities. He is not (and probably never will be) above necrophilia, although his romantic interests focus mainly on the living. He has lost his gag reflex due to films he is not proud of. He is often seen wearing a Providence College sweatshirt, most likely meaning he attended college there. He is not usually seen using his scythe. The living usually tend to die as soon as they make physical contact with him (except in "Death is a Bitch", where the Griffins perform actions such as Peter carrying him in the living room and Stewie rubbing his foot, although this may mean he cannot kill while injured or that only the touch of his hands cause death). Also, in the episode "Death Lives", Peter gets into a fight with Death, touching him many times, although this "may" have been Peter's then-disembodied soul). He has a dog who strongly resembles him and is apparently charged with harvesting souls of dead dogs as his master does with humans. Voiced by Jimmy Kimmel, the dog is very briefly seen when Brian nearly chokes to death on a dinner roll which, in return, chokes Peter's boss Mr Weed and kills him. His mother was briefly voiced by Estelle Harris, and also resembles her son, save for wearing an apron and glasses and having gray hair. He is briefly seen driving a yellow Volkswagen Beetle which he then drunkenly crashes into a police car parked in front of him.

Other characters

* Mayor Adam WestMayor of Quahog, voiced by (and even resembles) the real life Adam West. Extremely incompetent and eccentric, he displays more than a few symptoms of delusion. He is said to be an idiot and no one knows why he became Mayor. After Lois abdicates the office of Mayor, he automatically assumes that the job is his once more. When someone questions him on this, he takes out a gun and shoots them.

*Anna - A girl that works at the local vet and Chris' girlfriend. After taking bad advice from Peter they broke up briefly, but they made up and are presumably still together. Voiced by Amanda Bynes.

* Al Harrington - Fast-talking owner of "Al Harrington's Wacky, Waving, Inflatable, Arm-Flailing, Tube-men Emporium and Warehouse!". In the episode "The Former Life of Brian", apparently due to an recent lawsuit, he needs to sell "Crudely Painted, Not-So-Funny, Plywood, Cut-Out Folk Art!". He also appeared in the episode Blue Harvest selling "Intergalactic, Proton-powered, Electrical-tentacled, Advertising Droids!" under the name of Darth Harrington. Voiced by Danny Smith.

*Barber Shop QuartetAppear in a cutaway gag (in "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire") with Peter to inform a patient of his AIDS diagnosis by singing the infamous "You Have AIDS" song (with a song and dance routine). Their second appearance (in Sibling Rivalry) is also medical-related, explaining to Peter what a vasectomy is. They are unnamed, and occasionally the Bass part is shifted between two similar-looking characters. Not to be confused with Vern and Johnny, two vaudeville performers who also show up in cutaway gags.

* Bruce the Performance Artist - Mustached homosexual who speaks in a calm, southern-like drawn-out voice with a slight lisp, with the catchphrase of "Oh noooo". His first appearance was in the episode "Chitty Chitty Death Bang," where he was a horror novelty shop clerk. His name was finally revealed to be Bruce in the season five episode "No Chris Left Behind". In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire" he teaches a CPR course, and appears on the school board committee of James Woods Regional High School in "Peter's Got Woods" and "No Chris Left Behind"; in "Petergeist" he is shown as being a medium with Native American spirits, and in "Peter's Two Dads", he is a hypnotherapist.In Mr. Saturday Knight it is revealed that his only means of transportation is a morbidly obese donkey. As evidenced in the episode "Stewie Kills Lois" Bruce may have a boyfriend or relative living with him named Jeffrey (as heard in the episode "McStroke") whom he may have met in "No Chris Left Behind"; this character is not seen, but he sounds very similar to him and also says "Oh noooo". During the episode "Blue Harvest", he plays the character of Greedo (in this instance his last word is "Waneeee", Huttese for "Oh noooo"). Several non-human characters, most of which are out of pop culture (Jaws the shark, the title creature from the Alien films, Mayor Bee, etc.) have appeared with the exact same voice and mannerisms as Bruce. Voiced by Mike Henry.

* Dr. Bruce KaplanBrian's psychiatrist. He speaks with a very calm, soothing voice. Dr. Kaplan helped Brian realize his love for Lois in "Brian in Love", which has since become a running gag. Voiced by Sam Waterston and later by Wally Wingert.

* Buzz Killington - A well-dressed British man from the early 20th century. His name is a play on the term "buzzkill". He has so far appeared twice; once in "Whistle While Your Wife Works", and again in "Believe it or Not, Joe's Walking on Air". He is what one would imagine to be "cool" in early-20th-century times, but is a complete and utter buzz-kill by modern standards; hence his name, and from whence the humor surrounding him derives. Peter groans and cups his forehead, like he has a migraine, at the end of every one of Buzz's scenes.

* Carl - The owner of a local Quahog convenience store. He is currently Chris' boss and was previously Meg's boss. He speaks in a calm, somewhat monotone voice and shows almost no emotion regarding anything happening around him. He previously made small, occasional appearances, often discussing an interest in certain actresses, the first of these appearances being in "Deep Throats". He employs Meg and later Chris in "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)". He develops a friendship with Chris over their mutual interests in movies. He later fires Meg for arguing with him over a promotion, followed by briefly re-hiring her before she turned down the chance to work there again. Chris is still assumed to be employed there. He is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin.

* Dr. Elmer HartmanA physician who works at the local hospital. Has been sued by every patient he ever had due to the fact he's not very good at his job (however, during season six he was portrayed as a very good doctor, with none of his usual antics whatsoever). Dr. Hartman is Stewie's pediatrician. He is known for delaying news about Peter's health with various forms of shtick, all of which initially appear to be bad news ("Now, onto the cancer...You are a Cancer, right? You were born in July?"). He is voiced by Seth MacFarlane (MacFarlane points out during a few DVD commentariesFact|date=March 2008 that Dr. Hartman's voice and the voice for Lois' father are nearly identical (in a scene in "Believe it or Not, Joe's Walking on Air", this is directly referenced in a scene with Mr. Pewterschmidt and Dr. Hartman). He is named after Seth MacFarlane's friend Butch Hartman, whose real name is Elmer, creator of shows "The Fairly Odd Parents" and "Danny Phantom".

* Ernie the Giant Chicken - A human-sized chicken who holds a grudge against Peter. The rivalry between him and Peter is first seen when he gives Peter an expired coupon in "Da Boom" following which they had a long, destructive fight. Since then, Ernie has appeared on four occasions, including "Blind Ambition", and "No Chris Left Behind",cite episode
title = No Chris Left Behind
episodelink = No Chris Left Behind
series = Family Guy
serieslink = Family Guy
network = Fox
airdate = 2007-05-06
season = 5
number = 16
minutes =
quote =
resulting in Peter walking home to resume his conversation with Lois, who hasn't moved from her spot since the fight started.] cite web
title =Family Guy:No Chris Left Behind | work =
url =;ep_title;15
accessdate= 2007-12-10 Seen most recently in "Meet the Quagmires" an episode set in the Back to the Future storyline. Death sends Peter back in time to age 18, with Brian in tow, where Peter inadvertently elbows Ernie the Chicken in the face at a social dance event, which sets in motion the numerous fight scenes; but in Da Boom, the fight started when Ernie gave Peter an expired coupon.
At five minutes and ten seconds, this is the longest non-plot-developing scene in the entire series.] where his name was revealed to be Ernie and it was shown that he has a wife named Nicole, also a human-sized chicken. His fights with Peter are very elaborate and destructive. Peter has won every fight to date and at the end of each fight, Peter walks off and leaves him for dead, only for Ernie to show some sign of life, implying that he and Peter will fight yet again.cite episode
title = Blind Ambition
episodelink = Blind Ambition
series = Family Guy
serieslink = Family Guy
network = Fox
airdate = 2007-05-15
season = 4
number = 3
minutes =
quote =
] cite web
title =Family Guy: Blind Ambition
work =
url =;ep_title;2
accessdate= 2007-12-10
] Ernie's appearances are often random, with him tackling Peter out of nowhere or staring at him through a window mid-conversation. After the fights are over, Peter returns to what he was doing, injuries and all, as if nothing happened. He will appear in the episode "Something, Something, Something Dark Side" taking the role of Boba Fett. Voiced by Danny Smith.cite web
url =
title = Family Guy on FOX
accessdate = 2007-12-18
work = TV Guide Online
* The Evil MonkeyA monkey that lives in Chris's closet. Whenever Chris mentions it, he looks in the general direction of his bedroom, upon which the monkey is seen pointing at him shakily, and then returning to Chris's room, much to Chris's horror. Chris tries to tell his family about the existence of the Evil Monkey but, so far, only Stewie believes him. In the show's universe, the monkey was not originally evil, but became so after catching his wife in bed with another monkey, which, according to Seth MacFarlane, leaves him "not so much evil as embittered". When Chris is out of the house, the Evil Monkey is having time off from gesturing and likes to smoke pot and listen to Foghat. As of "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One", he is now a Jehovah's Witness. The only other characters who have seen the monkey are Peter (in "Stewie Loves Lois"), Brian's son Dylan (in "The Former Life of Brian) and Old Man Herbert. Peter mistook the monkey for Meg, so he still doesn't appear to know he exists, and Herbert slept through the whole encounter, but Dylan approaches and viciously assaults the monkey as soon as he emerges to threaten Chris. Although the Evil Monkey was originally intended as a small time gag (similar to the Giant Chicken and The "Performance Artist"), he has gained cult status amongst Family Guy fans and is extremely popular amongst most fans and non-fans alike.
* Greased Up Deaf GuyHas been featured in several cameos since his first appearance in "The Thin White Line". He can speak well, but somewhat out of tone, accentuating his parody of the hearing-impaired. He asks only that people "Don't judge me, I'm just doing my thing!" He is always shown running, even when stopped he will continue to run in place and flail his arms. In "North by North Quahog," he gives Brian drugs to plant in Jake Tucker's locker. He used to be a lawyer until he got addicted to crack. Voiced by Mike Henry.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=129, "Greased Up Deaf Guy".]

* HerbertAn elderly ephebophile and pedophile who resides just down the street from the Griffins and impotently lusts after Chris and other young boys and kids.Harv|Callaghan|2005|p=173, "Herbert".] Voiced by Mike Henry.

* Horace - The owner and bartender of the Drunken Clam, voiced by John G. Brennan.

* James William Bottomtooth III - Brian's co-worker at "The New Yorker" in "Brian Goes Back to College". He has a comicly oversized jaw and his speech is impossible to understand. He refuses to sign a petition against Mayor Adam West's anti-gay marriage bill in "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives" because he's a fundamentalist Christian. He has a son, James William Bottomtooth IV, who attends Morningwood Academy. He has a strong resemblance to his father, namely the large bottom jaw and speech. Like his classmates, he holds a strong antipathy for Chris, as seen in "No Chris Left Behind".

* Jesse - Herbert's extremely old pet dog. Due to being unable to use his hind legs, Jesse drags himself across the ground with his front legs to move. Unlike Brian, Jesse doesn't talk, though he does make sounds similar to Herbert's "Hmmmmm" implying that he can speak, but chooses not to.

* Jillian - Brian's incredibly sexy and dumb blonde former girlfriend, seen in "Whistle While Your Wife Works", "Prick Up Your Ears", "Chick Cancer", "Barely Legal", "Boys Do Cry" and "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)". The only girlfriend Brian has had for more than one episode, he stays with her purely for sex, while Stewie and Lois find her stupidity hilarious. She is bulimic, which has resulted in her no longer being able to get her period. She also wears a dog collar, complete with a license, that is identical to Brian's (possibly a gift from Brian himself; the fact that she doesn't remove it after leaving him hints that they may get back together). Brian often uses a flashlight to distract Jillian when he does not wish to go out. She breaks up with Brian in "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)", having opted to date Mayor Adam West when it is revealed that Brian did not want a mutual relationship with her. She is voiced by Drew Barrymore.

* Jim Kaplan- A local Quahog con man. Though he displays typical qualities of a scheming business man, he is able to convince Peter to buy just about anything for nearly any price, including Volcano Insurance , a TiVo, the tank in "Hell Comes to Quahog" and feety pajamas in "No Meals on Wheels". He is usually seen wearing a green and purple checkered jacket. It is unknown if he is related to the aforementioned Bruce Kaplan, Brian's psychiatrist. In the episode "There's Something About Paulie" the used car salesman introduces himself as 'Doug', not 'Jim'. He is also portrayed as having blond hair in the episode "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar" instead of the usual orange. Voiced by Danny Smith. He was also a banker and a Tattoo artist in the episode "Fish Out Of Water" and in "Ready, Willing, and Disabled".

* Judge- A judge in Quahog who handles practically every case in the series. His rulings are usually extremely biased against the defendant, regardless of the circumstances. He has never been referred to by name in the series. Voiced by Phil LaMarr.

* Paddy Tanninger the Caddy Manager "(deceased)" – Manager of Quahog golf course. Hired Chris as a 'ball shagger', which immediately doubled his business because everyone wanted to "nail the fat kid". Prior to his job as the caddy manager, he managed Brian at the Quahog Hummer Dealership in "The Perfect Castaway". Wants to fight over practically everything. His catch phrase is "Big whoop, wanna fight about it?" He gets run over by a tank driven by Brian in "Hell Comes to Quahog." In the commentary for the episode, director Dan Povenmire stated that he didn't like the character, so he decided to kill him off.

* Phineas & Barnaby - Two sideshow strongmen who appear in random instances, such as in the gym in "Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey".

* RJ - A man who always talks about how he's trying to "bone [his] girlfriend". In the episode "Boys Do Cry", during an interview with Tom Tucker, he claims that he once saw Bigfoot while making love with his girlfriend at the lake. He also talks about things that he says make his girlfriend say that "there was no way". He speaks with a sluggish Yooper dialect, misleading some to believe that he is Canadian. He also made a cameo in "Blue Harvest" as a stormtrooper. Voiced by Mike Henry.

* RupertStewie's favorite teddy bear. Stewie treats Rupert as if he were real, and Stewie thinks he is gay. Once when waiting to board a plane he was left in charge of watching the bags, which got stolen because, according to Stewie, he was "looking at the boys again", including one who looked like Tab Hunter. Apparently, Stewie sees him as an athletic man with a teddy bear's head, as seen in the episodes "Stewie Loves Lois" and "Stewie Kills Lois".

* Seamus - A wise old sailor, with wooden peg arms and legs and talks with a pirate accent. Despite having peg-limbs he can dance, play the organ very well, and can fight an octopus. Seamus is known for often attempting to be both dramatic and comical, but often ruins these moments by awkwardly asking for people's opinions of his performance or summarizing his previous statements.

* Steve - A man with MND who is a parody of Stephen Hawking. He is introduced in "Ready, Willing, and Disabled" as Joe's taunting archrival in the Special People's Games. He has a more expanded role in "Brian Goes Back to College" as Brian's physics professor at Brown University. It is shown in this episode that he has a wife, who apparently also has MND, and that he was suicidal before grading one of Brian's assignments, which was actually completed by Stewie.

* Vern and Johnny "(deceased)" – A vaudeville duo who usually show up in unlikely places in response to random bits of dialogue. In the episode, "Peter Peter Caviar Eater", it is given that the performer/singer's name is Vern, who (when their act fails) calls to the pianist "Play me off, Johnny!". Aside from this recurring cutaway gag, they also appear in the Quahog Talent Show with a dog performing tricks. They are shot multiple times and killed by Stewie in "Saving Private Brian", who was fed up with their constant and unnecessary appearances. Stewie says, "They're dead, all right? We're not gonna be seeing them again". However, Vern re-appears as a ghost in "Back to the Woods" while Johnny appears in Hell because he, according to Vern, "liked little boys." Vern and Johnny are not to be confused with the similarly-dressed Barber Shop Quartet.



last = | first =
title = Family Guy: The Official Episode Guide Seasons 13
series = | date = 2005-11-01
publisher = Harper Collins
location = New York
isbn = 978-0060833053

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