Quahog 5

Quahog 5

Quahog 5 (WQHG) is a fictional television station featured in the FOX network TV show "Family Guy", located in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. The two anchors, Tom and Diane, have been present since the beginning of the show, and have become two of the most prominent characters. Their combative relationship is frequently noticeable on-air during news reports.

WQHG has a sister radio station at 97.1 FM, featuring the weekday duo "Weenie and the Butt"; other duos featured at this station were "Dingo and the Baby" and "Dark Chocolate and the Rod".

Tom Tucker

Thomas "Tom" Tucker is a character in the animated television series "Family Guy". He is an arrogant, baritone newscaster at Channel 5. His family includes Stacy, his second wife, and a son named Jake who's face is upside down from his first marriage; Tom was briefly Thelma Griffin’s boyfriend who acted like a stepfather to Peter in “Mother Tucker.” In the Pilot of the show, he was named Mike.

Tom tends to insult everybody around him, particularly Diane Simmons, his co-anchor. He dislikes her and frequently trades insults with her on-air. This seems to have been toned down in the show's revival.

Diane Simmons

Diane Simmons (voiced by Lori Alan) is Tom's co-anchor. In "The King Is Dead", a younger Diane's full name is listed as Diane Seidelman, hinting that she is Jewish. Whether this was her maiden name or she assumed a stage name to sound less Jewish is unknown. Diane has her own "Ricki Lake"-esque talk show where she was abused by Lois. In ("The King Is Dead") was given the starring role in Peter's version of "The King and I," though she quit before the production went on due to Peter constantly changing the storyline and theme of the play. She seems involved in fewer lewd or bizarre acts than her co-anchor, Tom Tucker, but has been known to do things like flash her breasts on television and hire male prostitutes. It is briefly suggested that she may be racist against African Americans, going so far as to say, while unwittingly on air "I just plain don't like black people." Also in "The King Is Dead", Diane said to Loretta Brown that "they did an all you-people version of "Hello, Dolly!". It is said that one of her previous husbands committed suicide by "blowing his brains out."

Ollie Williams

Ollie Williams (voiced by Phil LaMarr) is the black meteorologist on Quahog 5 News' weather segment, the BlaccuWeather (a play on AccuWeather) forecast, and is reminiscent of Al Roker. His forecasts are generally very loud, quick, concise, and to the point, generally being less than 5 words long (for example, "IT'S RAINING SIDEWAYS!" "IT'S GONNA RAIN!" "IM IN THE WRONG AIRPORT!" "E'RYBODY LOOK LIKE ANTS!" "YOU WANT THIS DOG?!" "SPACE WEATHER!" and "HE GONNA GET IT!") It's revealed in the episode "Stewie B. Goode" that he is very computer savvy when he helps Tom Tucker access his e-mail ("DID YOU CHECK YOUR TCP/IP SETTINGS?!" "Yes I did, Ollie." "ENABLE COOKIES?!" "Yes, Ollie." "YOU WANT THIS DOG?!" "No thank you, Ollie."). At the very beginning of Lois Kills Stewie, before the opening credits, Tom Tucker asks him to summarize all the events that happened in the previous episode, Stewie Kills Lois, which he does very quickly.

The longest Ollie has been on screen at one time to date is in the fictional Quahog 5 opening roll call in ""; he is shown up close and facing away from the screen until his name is mentioned, after which he looks toward the viewer and appears startled, only to smile and calm down as if it were a joke. Though he says absolutely nothing in this scene, it seems to give some insight to his true personality.

Tricia Takanawa

Tricia Takanawa (Alex Borstein) is the main correspondent for Quahog Channel 5 News."Family Guy" episode: "Da Boom"] Unlike her fellow news people, Tricia displays a strong, stoic attitude. Whenever Tucker or Simmons would switch the scene to Takanawa, either of the two would always say "Asian Correspondent Tricia Takanawa", or "Asian Reporter Tricia Takanawa". She is known for her flat, nasal voice and dead-pan attitude, even when laughing"Family Guy" episode: "Death is a Bitch"] and during sex."Family Guy" episode: "Brian in Love"] On one occasion, however, she completely loses control while meeting David Bowie."Family Guy": "" opening segment] Diane confirms her as being Japanese. Tricia is often made to do dirty jobs, such has covering a flu segment (prompting her to throw up),"Family Guy" episode: "Stewie Loves Lois"] and to be abused in a hurricane report."Family Guy" episode: "One If by Clam, Two If by Sea"] In the episode "Da Boom", she is grilled and eaten by Tom and Diane. Her explosion when she met David Bowie was publicised after she started to hump his left leg like a dog and screaming "I make you fish bowl soup!". In "North by North Quahog", she is not allowed into a hotel because of her ethnicity. Connie Chung of CBS is frequently cited as inspiration for this character.Retrieved from "http://familyguy.wikia.com/wiki/Tricia_Takanawa"]

Maria Jimenez

Maria Jimenez is the fictional one-time "Spanish reporter" that appeared first and lastly in the episode "One if by Clam, Two if by Sea", following the arrest of Peter for "his" arsonistic scandal of burning the Clam's Head Pub to the ground. It is unknown if Maria will be making any future appearances as reporter of Quahog 5.

Weenie and the Butt

Weenie and the Butt are the fictional Quahog television station, Quahog 5 - WQHG's sister talk radio station, 97.1 FM WQHG's Disc Jockeys. In season 5, episode 2 "Mother Tucker", we find them doing a live radio broadcast from the air show. They are a parody of all of the "zoo type" or "morning show" radio broadcasts across the USA. They parody these broadcasts by over-playing their radio show jingles and sound effects.


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