

Tokenism refers to a policy or practice of limited inclusion of members of a minority group, usually creating a false appearance of inclusive practices, intentional or not. Typical examples in real life and fiction include purposely including a member of a minority race (such as a black character in a mainly white cast, or vice versa) into a group. Classically, token characters have some reduced capacity compared to the other characters and may have bland or inoffensive personalities so as to not be accused of stereotyping negative traits. Instead, their difference may be overemphasized or made "exotic" and glamorous.

Tokenism in fiction

A token character is a character in a story, myth, or legend, who only exists to achieve the minimum compliance with assumed normality for the environment described in the story.

A token character can also be used by writers to pay lip service to rules or standards, when they otherwise have no intention of doing so, such as by obeying anti-racism policies by including a token black character who -- despite being present often -- has no function in the overall plot, does little or nothing, and is often a stereotyped character. South Park ironically mocked this idea by having a character called Token Black who isn't a stereotype.

In fiction, token characters may represent various groups, which vary from the norm (usually white/heterosexual/physically attractive, frequently male), and are otherwise excluded from the story. They can be based on ethnicity (black, as well as Hispanic, Asian or Jewish), or be overweight or otherwise conventionally unattractive, non-heterosexual or a (usually good looking) female character in a male-dominated cast. Token characters will usually be relegated to the background and generally refrain from exhibiting stereotypical behaviour, usually to render them inoffensive to readers or viewers. Such a character may also be disposed of relatively early in the story in order to enhance the drama while "conserving" the normal characters.

In many modern films and television shows, the inclusion of token characters is frequently and implausibly seen in various historical settings where a person's race or ethnicity would usually be immediately noticed. Typically, unlike in reality, other characters, regardless of historical inaccuracy, tend to treat the token minority character as though race was not an issue. The rare notable exceptions to this practice, is if the story is specifically based on actual historical events or the story intends to address the issue of racism.

ee also

*Token Black (South Park)

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