Members of the 1st Iraqi Council of Representatives

Members of the 1st Iraqi Council of Representatives

The members of the first Iraqi Council of Representatives were elected in December 2005 under the newly-adopted constitution.

Election results by alliance

The main functions of the Council were to:

  • Elect the first permanent government of Iraq since the invasion and occupation of Iraq by United States and allied forces in 2003
  • Discuss amendments to the constitution
  • Implement various element of the constitution including nominating members of the judiciary, resolving the status of Kirkuk and establishing Regions.

Votes chose between coalition lists, and seats were allocated according to a formula that considered first the proportion of votes received in each governorate and then allocated compensatory national seats to those lists where the governorate seats did not reflect their share of the national vote. Individual members were then nominated by the lists.

Where members of the Council of Representative are appointed to the Council of Ministers or the Presidency Council they have to resign their seat and the coalition list must appoint a replacement member. The same is the case if a member dies, resigns, is disqualified or incapacitated or is deemed to have "committed a crime against the constitution" [1]


United Iraqi Alliance - 128 seats

Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council

SIIC was previously known as the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq or SCIRI

  1. Abd al-Aziz Muhsin Mahdi al-Hakim Leader of the United Iraqi Alliance
  2. Ijra' Faysal Udah
  3. Basimah Aziz Nasir
  4. Jinan Jasim al-Ubaydi
  5. AbdulAmeer AbdAzahra
  6. Hamid Rashid Ma`ala
  7. Rida Jawad Taqi
  8. Abdul Jabar Raheef
  9. Salim Jasur Hasun
  10. Layla Thamir Fakhir
  11. Majeed Khayr Allah Rahi
  12. Fathiyah Abd al-Halim Abd al-Karim
  13. Muhammad Taqi Ali al-Mawla (an ethnic Iraqi Turkmen)
  14. Jalal al-Din Ali al-Saghir (Badr Organization)
  15. Iqball Khalil Ghani (Badr Organization)
  16. Iman Khalil Sha`alan (Badr Organization)
  17. Tahsin `Abd Matar (Badr Organization)
  18. Ra'idah Freini Bawi (Badr Organization)
  19. Diya' al-Din Muhammad al-Fayyad (Badr Organization)
  20. Abd al-Karim Abd al-Sahib (Badr Organization)
  21. Muhammad Rajih Alwan (Badr Organization)
  22. Muhammad Husayn Salih (Badr Organization)
  23. Muhammad Naji Muhammad Ali (Badr Organization)
  24. Muhammad Mahdi Ameen (Badr Organization)
  25. Muna Nur Zalzalah (Badr Organization)
  26. Nidal Ta`an Abbas (Badr Organization)
  27. Hadi Farhan al-Amiri (Badr Organization)
  28. Hadi Abd Allah Bash (Badr Organization)
  29. Hammam Baqir Abd al-Hamid Hammudi (Badr Organization)

Sadrist Movement

Note: the Sadrist Movement boycotted the Council of Representatives from 13 June to 17 July 2007 in protest of the 2007 al-Askari Mosque bombing[2]

Note that the Sadrist Movement quit the United Iraq Alliance in September 2007[3]

  1. Ahmad Hasan Ali
  2. Adibah Musa Shahd
  3. Amirah Jasim Khalaf
  4. Intisar Jasim Muhammad Rida
  5. Iman Jalal Muhammad
  6. Balqis Kuli Muhammad
  7. Baha' al-A`raji
  8. Tahsin Hameed Khulayf
  9. Hasan Tu`mah al-Rubay`i
  10. Haneen Mahmoud Al Qudw
  11. Husayn Amir Radi
  12. Haydar Sa`id Isma`il
  13. Zaynab Karim al-Juburi
  14. Salam Udah al-Maliki
  15. Salih Hasan Isa
  16. Adil Salih Majid
  17. Aliyah Hamzah Duwayj
  18. Aqil Abd Husayn Sajit
  19. Allawi Madlul Hamzah
  20. Alwan Habib Husayn
  21. Ghufran Abbud Husayn
  22. Fawzi Akram Samin
  23. Falah Hasan Shanshal
  24. Qusay Abd al-Wahhab Abbud al-Suhayl
  25. Liqa' Ja`far Muntazir
  26. Majidah Husayn Dashar
  27. Maha Adil al-Duri
  28. Nasir Hashim Tha`lab
  29. Nassar Saghir Darbi

Islamic Virtue Party

Note that the Islamic Virtue Party left the United Iraqi Alliance in March 2007. They had previously quit the government of Nouri al-Maliki in March 2006 - see Government of Iraq from 2006 for more information.[4]

  1. Basim Jasim Nur
  2. Basim Sharif Nasid
  3. Bushra Jabbar Badan
  4. Jabir Khalifah Jabir
  5. Hasan Halbus al-Shammari
  6. Karim Muhsin Hasan
  7. Zahra' Abbas al-Hashimi
  8. Siham Kazim Salman
  9. Sabah Julub Falih
  10. Ammar Tu`mah Abd al-Abbas
  11. Kamilah Kazim Muhammad
  12. Muhammad Kazim Khalif
  13. Muhammad Isma`il Hasan
  14. Mukhlis Balasim Sa`dun
  15. Nadim Isa al-Jabiri

Islamic Dawa Party

  1. Ali Muhammad Salih al-Adib
  2. Haidar al-Abbadi
  3. Jinan Abd al-Jabbar Yasin
  4. Hasan Hameed Hasan
  5. Ibrahim Abd al-Karim al-Ja`fari (split in 2007 to the National Reform Trend)
  6. Jabir Abd al-Kazim Salman
  7. Shahid Husayn Matar
  8. Falah Faysal al-Fayyad (split in 2007 to the National Reform Trend) [5]
  9. Kamal Khalawi Abd Allah
  10. Najihah Abd al-Amir Abd al-Karim
  11. Nada Abd Allah al-Sudani

Islamic Dawa Party - Iraq Organisation

  1. Kasim Muhammad Taqi al-Sahlani
  2. Iman Hamid Ali
  3. Khalid Ubayd Jazi`
  4. Sahar jaber Ata
  5. Khawla Abdul Sadeq
  6. Suad Hameed Lafteh
  7. Abd al-Hadi Muhammad al-Hasani
  8. Abd Ali Laftah Ni`mah
  9. Adilah Hammud Husayn
  10. Ali Hussain al-Alaq
  11. Qasim `Atiyah al-Juburi
  12. Muna Husayn Abd Ali
  13. Na`imah Salman Abbas
  14. Abd al-Karim Ali al-Anazi


  1. Ahmad Jasim Muhammad al-Zubaydi
  2. Inaam Ali Al Jawadi
  3. Jabir Habib Jabir
  4. Amer Thamer Ali
  5. Haydar Karim Fahd al-Suwaydi
  6. Haydar Sabkhi al-Jurani
  7. Khalid Abadhir al-Atiyah
  8. Zakiyah Isma`il Haqi
  9. Sami Jasim al-Askari
  10. Samirah Ja`far al-Musawi
  11. Shatha Mousa Sadiq
  12. Taha Der'e Taha
  13. Abidah Ahmad Dakhil al-Ta'i
  14. Amirah Muhammad al-Baldawi
  15. Abbas Hasan al-Bayati (an ethnic Iraqi Turkmen)
  16. Abd al-Wahhab Abd al-Hakim al-Safi
  17. Qassim Daoud
  18. Qays Sa`d al-Amiri
  19. Lamiya' Na`imah Dawud
  20. Muhammad Muhammad Salih al-Haydari
  21. Muhammad Izz al-Din al-Khatib
  22. Mazhar Husayn al-Hakim
  23. Malhan Imran al-Mkoter
  24. Hashim Rida Ali
  25. Hana' Turki Abd al-Ta'i
  26. Hayfa' Majli Ja`far


  1. Jamal Ja`far Muhammad Ali
  2. Daghir Jasim Kazim
  3. Feriad Omar Abdullah
  1. Layla Kadhem Jasim ??

Kurdistani Alliance - 53 seats

Iraqi Accord Front - 44 seats

(Note: The Front boycotted the Council of Representatives from 2007-06-24 in protest at the suspension of the speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani and the arrest warrant against Culture Minister As'ad al-Hashimi.[8][9] They ended their boycott 19 July after Mashhadani was reinstated. [10])

Note: Six members of the IAF have defected since their election[11]

  • 1. Ibrahim Ne'ema Thanoon
  • 2. Ahmad Sulaiman Jameel
  • 3. Ahmad Rakan Abd Al Azeez
  • 4. Azhar Abd Al Majeed Husain
  • 5. Usama Tawfeeq Mekhlef
  • 6. Asma Adnan Mohamed
  • 7. Asma Abd Alla Saleh
  • 8. Ala Abd Alla Hmoud
  • 9. Amal Seham Hamed
  • 10. Amnah Ghadban Mobarak
  • 11. Iyad Saleh Mahdi
  • 12. Taiseer Najeh Awad
  • 13. Jamal Mohsen Mousa
  • 14. Hareth Mohei Al Deen Abed
  • 15. Hasan Deikan Khdeir
  • 16. Husain Shokor Hameed al-Falluji - resigned from the Front in July 2008 [11]
  • 17. Khalaf al-Ulayyan
  • 18. Khalaf Mohamed Abed Al Mawla
  • 19. Khalil Jdou'o Attia
  • 20. Rafe'e Hiad Jiad
  • 21. Raja Hamdoun Abd Alla
  • 22. Salman Ali Hasan
  • 23. Saleem Abd Alla Ahmad
  • 24. Shatha Munther Abd Al Razeq
  • 25. Tariq al-Hashimi
  • 26. Taha Khdeir Ftheil
  • 27. Thafer Nathem Salman
  • 28. Amer Habeeb Khaizaran
  • 29. Abd Motlaq Hmoud
  • 30. Abd Al Naser Kareem Yousef al-Janabi - resigned October 2007 and replaced by Ahmed Radhi [12]
  • 31. Abd Al Kareem Ali Yseen
  • 32. `Adnan al-Dulaymi
  • 33. Adnan Thiab Ghanem
  • 34. Ezz Al Deen Abd Alla Husain al-Dawla [13] He resigned from the Front in July 2008 [11]
  • 35. Alla Maki Abd Al Razeq
  • 36. Omar Abd Al Sattar Mahmoud
  • 37. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani
  • 38. Methher Sa'adoon Awad
  • 39. Naderah Aef Habeeb
  • 40. Naef Jasem Mohamed
  • 41. Nawal Majeed Hameed
  • 42. Nour Al Deen Saeed Mousa
  • 43. Hashem Yahia Ahmad
  • 44. Wethab Shaker Mahmoud

Iraqi National List - 25 seats

Iraqi National Dialogue Front - 11 seats

(Note: The Dialogue Front boycotted the Council of Representatives from 2007-06-24 to 19 July in protest at the suspension of the speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani and the arrest warrant against Culture Minister As'ad al-Hashimi [8][9][10])

  • 1. Asa'ad Ibrahim Husain
  • 2. Saleh al-Mutlaq
  • 3. Ali Abd Alla Hmoud
  • 4. Omar Khalaf Jawad
  • 5. Falah Hasan Zeidan
  • 6. Mohamed Ktouf Mansour
  • 7. Mohammed Hassan Awad (died April 12, 2007 [3])
  • 8. Mohamed Ali Mohamed
  • 9. Mahmoud Thanoun Mahmoud
  • 10. Mustafa Mohamed Ameen Mohamed Ali
  • 11. Nada Mohamed Ibrahim

Kurdistan Islamic Union - 5 seats

  • 1. Asmar Husain Ahmad
  • 2. Zuhair Muhamed Ameed Rasheed
  • 3. Sami Abd Alla Husain
  • 4. Omar Ali Husain
  • 5. Mohamed Ahmad Mahmoud

Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc - 3 seats

  • 1. Abd Alla Iskandar Habeeb
  • 2. Mohamed Al Jbouri Khlaf Hasan
  • 3. Mesha'an Rkath Damen

The Upholders of the Message - 2 seats

  • 1. Hasan Hashem Metsher
  • 2. Naseer Kathem Obaid

Iraqi Turkmen Front - 1 seat


National Rafidain List - 1 seat

Mithal al-Alusi List - 1 seat

Yazidi Movement for Reform and Progress - 1 seat

  • 1. Ameen Farhan Jejo

Notes and references

  1. ^ law on the replacement of members of parliament, Niqash, 2006-08-23
  2. ^ Sadr's political bloc to resume participation in Iraqi politics, International Herald Tribune, 2007-07-17, accessed on 2007-07-17
  3. ^ Sadrist group quits -ruling Shiite parliament bloc, China Daily, 2007-09-16, accessed on 2007-09-21
  4. ^ Small party breaks away from Iraq Shi'ite bloc, Reuters, 2007-03-07, accessed on 2007-09-21
  5. ^ Fayadh declares plan to ally with SLC, National Iraqi News Agency, 2009-03-04
  6. ^ Iraqi MP defends Lucifer: World: Iraqi Dossier: News24
  7. ^ Iraqi Turkoman party leader stresses Kurdish ties, BBC Monitoring via Zibb News, 2007-06-06, accessed on 2007-09-06
  8. ^ a b Two Sunni blocs to be absent from parliamentary sessions in Iraq, Monsters and Critics, 2007-06-24
  9. ^ a b Iraq's largest Sunni bloc boycotts parliament (Roundup), Monsters and Critics, 2007-06-30
  10. ^ a b Iraq parliament at full strength just in time for vacation, CNN, 2007-07-19, accessed on 2007-07-19
  11. ^ a b c MP defects from Sunni Arab front, Voices of Iraq via IraqUpdates, 2008-07-20, accessed on 2008-07-21
  12. ^ Soccer star joins parliament, 2007-10-05, accessed 2008-01-06
  13. ^ a b Izzeldin Abdullah Hussein was elected in Mosul for the Iraqi Accord Front in an alliance with the Iraqi Turkmen Front. See [1]
  14. ^ a b Allawi Rejects al-Maliki's charge of Treason, al-Sharq al-Awsat via Informed Comment, 2007-09-21, accessed on 2007-09-21
  15. ^ Iraqi MP withdraws from ِAllawi's INL, now independent, Voices of Iraq, 2007-05-30, accessed on 2007-07-04

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