Sadettin Ergeç

Sadettin Ergeç

Infobox MP
honorific-prefix = Honorable Dr.
name = Sadettin Ergeç
honorific-suffix =

constituency_MP =
parliament = Iraq
majority =
predecessor =
successor =
term_start = 15 December 2005
term_end =
birth_date =
birth_place =
death_date =
death_place =
nationality = Iraqi
spouse =
party = Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF)
relations =
children =
residence =
alma_mater =
occupation =
profession =
religion =

website =
footnotes =

Sadettin Ergeç is an Iraqi Turkmen politician and the leader of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) political party. In December 2005, he was elected as the sole member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives (CoR) on the ITF list.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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