

Gorn Hegemony (Government)
The Gorn which Captain Kirk fought in "Arena"
Affiliation Gorn Hegemony

In Star Trek, the Gorn are humanoid reptiles from the Gorn Hegemony.


Fictional history

The Gorn had contact with the Orion Syndicate as early as 2154. The name of their government was established as the Gorn Hegemony in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Bound" although, in the games "Star Trek: Starfleet Command" and "Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War" The Gorn's government was referred to as the "Gorn Confederation".

The Gorn made first contact with the Federation at Cestus III in 2267 when a misunderstanding nearly led to war (original series episode "Arena", the Gorn (Captain Agave) played by Bobby Clark). Although the Gorn made territorial claims, the Federation had a settlement there in 2371, indicating tension later softened.


The Gorn have become one of the most popular hypothetical bioforms to appear on Star Trek, due to the striking design by artist Wah Chang, and the Gorn's memorable personality. A hissing, slow-moving, but lethal beast, the Gorn captain is also shown to be quite cunning and devious; chuckling wickedly to himself as he sets a trap for Kirk, and later promising that if the captain gives himself up, the Gorn will make his death "merciful and quick". "Arena" is also considered one of the series' classic episodes.

For years, "Arena" marked the only live action appearance of the Gorn, although the race was "name dropped" from time to time. In 2005, an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise featured a Gorn (albeit in the Mirror Universe) in the episode "In a Mirror, Darkly Part II". In that episode, the Gorn (whose name was Slar) was an overseer of a group of slaves belonging to the Mirror Universe's Tholians in an attempt to steal technology from the Constitution-class NCC-1764 Defiant which had been lured into the Mirror Universe from ours. Slar hid in the ship's corridors and killed several crewmembers until it was killed by Jonathan Archer. For this appearance, Slar was designed using computer animation, and looked different from the original appearance. Since "In a Mirror, Darkly" takes place entirely within the Mirror Universe, the contact seen between the Earth Empire and the creature does not contradict the first contact seen in "Arena".

Slar, a Gorn from the Enterprise episode "In a Mirror, Darkly Part II"

Other appearances

  • A Gorn appeared in the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode The Time Trap.
  • Gorn burial practices were discussed in an issue of Marvel Comics' Star Trek Unlimited.
  • A Gorn appeared in the first DC Comics run of Star Trek, in 1982. Bones comments that he doesn't have any tranquilizer strong enough to knock out a Gorn.
  • A mini-campaign with a Gorn enemy and ally appear in the SNES game and PC game Starfleet Academy. There are video cutscenes featuring a Gorn. The ships are also playable in skirmish mode, and multiplayer games.
  • Gorn appear in the 2005 novel STAR TREK - Starfleet Corps of Engineers #44: Where Time Stands Still, a sequel to the animated episode mentioned above.
  • Gorn appear in the PC game Starfleet Command.
  • Gorn ships appear in the PC game Klingon Academy. They are also playable in skirmish mode.
  • Gorn ships appeared in the FASA Starship Combat Simulator. Lead alloy versions of the MA-12 and the BH-2 were available in the late 1980s.
  • Gorn appear in the Nintendo game Star Trek: 25th Anniversary.
  • Gorn appear in Star Trek: The Next Generation book #32, Requiem.
  • The Gorn homeworld and government chamber are shown in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation trade paperback comic book "The Gorn Crisis"
  • A Gorn, with a name that sounds like "Rrrk", manages a bar in Arcturus (a city, planet and star all with the same name) in the novel The Lost Years.
  • Gorn are available as one of the playable races for the Klingon Empire in the PC game Star Trek Online.
  • A life size Gorn statue was on exhibit at the Las Vegas Hilton's Star Trek museum. Its current whereabouts are unknown.

Gorn action figures have been available over the years including the famed Meego line from the 1970s and of course appeared in that lines television commercials. A gorn was slated to appear in Star Trek Nemesis as a friend of Worf.

  • A Gorn is shown reading "Gorn" magazine and sitting in Sheldon's spot on S04e07 of "The Big Bang Theory".
  • In the film Paul, the protagonists are shown playing with a gorn mask.
  • One single Gorn named Lizorr appeared in the "The New Adventures of He-Man" Series The_New_Adventures_of_He-Man, in the Comics and as an Action-figure

The Gorn in the Star Fleet Universe

Note that in the Star Fleet Universe, there is a distinction between Gorn (singular) and Gorns (plural).

The Gorn race appears in the alternate Star Fleet Universe, represented in the range of games from Amarillo Design Bureau Inc. as well as the first two Star Fleet Command games (and the Orion Pirates stand-alone addon for Starfleet Command II) from Taldren. These are not considered canon with the Star Trek movies or series. In this continuum, the Gorn Confederation is a powerful empire located coreward of the Romulan Star Empire, also bordering the United Federation of Planets and the Interstellar Concordium. It comprises three genetically related races, each from a neighboring star system, known as Ghdar I, Ghdar II and Ghdar III. They are portrayed as a more civilized and cultured race than as referenced in the Paramount Star Trek universe.

They ally in Y174 with the Kzinti Hegemony, the Hydran Kingdoms, the Federation and the Tholian Holdfast in the General War. The alliance between the Gorns and the Federation - following a brief conflict over a misunderstanding regarding the Federation colony on Cestus III, a Gorn world - represents one of the few alliances that is based on mutual trust and desire for friendship as opposed to political convenience.

They are mutually antagonistic with the Romulans, with whom they share a border with the Interstellar Concordium, and were among the first races to feel the effects of the ISC War of Pacification.

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